What might Kyron look like now?

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Stupid Newbie
Jun 21, 2010
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I don't know what thread this could possibly fall under, so I'm starting my own.

But I'm wondering....what might Kyron look like now? It's been almost 3 months. Surely his hair has grown longer. Perhaps it's been colored, even. He may/may not have glasses at this point....perhaps new ones to disguise him better. Perhaps he's thinner or fatter?

I wonder if LE has considered putting out some computer generated ideas of what Kyron might look like with 3 months passed? I doubt he looks like the Kyron we've all come to know and love in the pictures we have seen of him from before he went missing. He could be hiding in plain sight, and no one would even know it was him.:(

I just wish that Kyron will be found. I am so sad for hid loved ones,

I have such a problem with this digitally enhanced picture where Kyron's glasses have simply been erased from his face. His strong prescription glasses magnify & exaggerate the size of his eyes tremendously. This child does not look like this without his glasses. His natural eyes would appear quite a bit smaller than that. It would be important to me that in mass-distributed pictures of my child the EYES are accurate...

If these photos are sourced by LE, and distributed as actual guides to what Kyron looks like, I am quite surprised at this level of carelessness from LE. :snooty:

I mean, even as a 6 year old we all knew when a myopic friend removed their glasses, their eyes became LOTS smaller.

It would be important to me and I'm sure it would be important to Kaine & Desiree that in public, mass-distributed pictures of thier child the EYES are accurate...that the "Kyron identifying photos" be authentic and actually look like the child.

...Unless Kaine and Desiree know the mass-distributed pictures are not critical?

Just one of the many things in this case that cause me to wonder "why the oversights".

What do they all (parents & LE) know that has them overlooking the major fault in their Kyron identifyer photos? Are accurate photos deemed unnecessary? Are they all so busy that in 3 months they can't be bothered to put a more accurate photo of no-glasses Kyron out to the public? :snooty:

Maybe this bothers me & me only.

If so, I'll just Harumph. and :cow: here at the end of my grumpy post here.
I agree. There's much more that could be done digitally to give the public an idea of how his appearance may have been changed. Different glasses - he'd need them, no? Longer hair. Different colored hair. IF he's being held somewhere where he might be publicly seen - otherwise why change his appearance at all? - then his buzz cut, wire rimmed glasses, and anything else that could be altered easily would likely be altered dramatically - in my opinion.
That smile would be hard to disguise.
Just a note. My son has worn glasses since he was 7. He is legally blind in one eye. His glasses do NOT maginify his eyes. He does not look that much different without them than he does with them. Those "bottle-lensed" glasses are pretty much a thing of the past. They have ways of making lenses now that do not magnify the eyes so much.
Just sayin'.
That smile would be hard to disguise.
Just a note. My son has worn glasses since he was 7. He is legally blind in one eye. His glasses do NOT maginify his eyes. He does not look that much different without them than he does with them. Those "bottle-lensed" glasses are pretty much a thing of the past. They have ways of making lenses now that do not magnify the eyes so much.
Just sayin'.


Now this is really interesting info - and obviously not my own experience - by my experience is a decade old...LOL! My daughter (21) was myopic as a child, grew out of as a teen. So I haven't had experience with such glasses for about 11 years now. If they've solved this issue in modern glasses for little ones, that's pretty awesome. Never thought of that. However, Kyron's actual photos swimming without his glasses do show his eye are not that enormous...

Also - your reference to "Just sayin"?
Not sure what that means in your message. Unfortunately, my experience with this expression involves children & teens who use the term intending to be rude, snarky and sarcastic. Modern day equivalent of the expression "doh".

Good post; however the end tone. :croc:

I'll now be researching improvements in lenses out of curiousity. Google is my friend!

Finding no evidence of these new-fangled lenses - maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.

I found this: (which has pretty much been my experience)


Over the years, a great deal of progress has been made in reducing the thickness and magnifying appearance of lenses. Nonetheless, if placed in the wrong frames, strong prescription lenses may produce some unnecessary effects.

If you are farsighted, convex lenses may make your eyes look magnified. Larger frames can be helpful because they tend to bring your eyes back into proportion with the rest of your face. If you are nearsighted, the opposite is true. Your lenses may make your eyes look smaller than they are. Large frames will increase this effect, whereas compact frames will reduce it.With any type of lens, frames with thicker profiles can mask the thickness of the lens.
The thick bottle glasses aren't in the past. Princess PeePee's best bud across the street has to wear them. There are two kids in her new class who wear them.

I wore them.....oh heck, who am I kidding? I still wear thick bottle glasses.
If these photos are sourced by LE, and distributed as actual guides to what Kyron looks like, I am quite surprised at this level of carelessness from LE. :snooty:


It would be important to me and I'm sure it would be important to Kaine & Desiree that in public, mass-distributed pictures of thier child the EYES are accurate...that the "Kyron identifying photos" be authentic and actually look like the child.

...Unless Kaine and Desiree know the mass-distributed pictures are not critical?

Just one of the many things in this case that cause me to wonder "why the oversights".

What do they all (parents & LE) know that has them overlooking the major fault in their Kyron identifyer photos? Are accurate photos deemed unnecessary?

Dear Emma,
don't be "bothered"... I think you're on to something there. Why would accuracy not matter?
One way to read it could be: We know he's not out on the loose.

There's no massive ground search; I feel like this is very surgical.. statements and info released has often seemed targeted toward a very narrow audience. I have a feeling LE knows 'who' they're talking to and rather than the photos being an oversight, that there might be a very good reason it's not important.
Thank you Daisy7....thios breaks my heart that it has to be done and can't be the school pic he so deserved to have and share with family. :(
Interesting, local news is saying this just came out! Appears it's been out for awhile (pic w/out glasses)

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I don't think the teeth are right.. Kyrons teeth looked vey crooked.. These teeth look very straight..
Terri Horman will be on Dr. Phil tomorrow and Wednesday

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