What piece of misinformation gets your goat?

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Jun 28, 2010
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In reading through the threads, I see a lot of misinformation taken and presented as fact. It's frustrating when you know something is untrue or has been qualified, and yet it's being used as evidence of guilt or to support an assumption that would not otherwise be in play if the misinformation was cleared up. IMHO, there has been a lot of contradictory reporting on this case, and there have been statements made that were later clarified. This thread isn't about Terri's guilt or innocence, but about the proliferation of misinformation, and how that's affecting the analysis of this case.

Please, let's not be sarcastic, but let's attempt to clear up the most rampant and frequently promulgated misinformation.

One piece of misinformation that bugs me is the assertion that Kyron cried when leaving Desiree and Tony's house, the implication being that he didn't want to go home to Terri. While it is true that Kyron cried when leaving Desiree and Tony's house, in a later interview it was clarified by Kaine with Desiree appearing with him, that Kyron also cried when leaving Kaine and Terri's house to visit Desiree and Tony, and the biological parents agreed Kyron was having trouble transitioning between the two homes.
A piece of information that gets my goat:

Desiree and Terri were friends prior to Kyron's birth.
A piece of information that gets my goat:

Desiree and Terri were friends prior to Kyron's birth.

along the same lines, that TH raised Kyron from infancy. She lived with Kaine from the December after Kyron was born and was present when Kyron was there. KH says he was the primary caregiver during that time and that Kyron was in daycare, spent some time (two hours a day I think) with him each day (and, presumably, TH) and spent the nights with DY until she got sick. I think this is in the "contradictions" article, but I could be wrong about that.
along the same lines, that TH raised Kyron from infancy. She lived with Kaine from the December after Kyron was born and was present when Kyron was there. KH says he was the primary caregiver during that time and that Kyron was in daycare, spent some time (two hours a day I think) with him each day (and, presumably, TH) and spent the nights with DY until she got sick. I think this is in the "contradictions" article, but I could be wrong about that.

I agree with this, and I have been guilty of saying she raised him from infancy. When the clarification came, I changed the wording of my posts. The early timeline for the innerworkings of the relationships is still a bit confusing, IMHO.
That a student saw Kyron at the school after Terri saw Kyron, even though LE has clearly stated that Terri is the last known person to see Kyron before he disappeared.

That BabyK was definitely at the school the morning Kyron disappeared, even though no one who has been interviewed who was at the school that morning mentions BabyK being there.

That Terri couldn't and can't speak out about Kyron's disappearance at any time after he disappeared. That can't be true on the face of it.

Unsupported characterizations about Desiree and Kaine -- obviously I'm not going to list those.
along the same lines, that TH raised Kyron from infancy. She lived with Kaine from the December after Kyron was born and was present when Kyron was there. KH says he was the primary caregiver during that time and that Kyron was in daycare, spent some time (two hours a day I think) with him each day (and, presumably, TH) and spent the nights with DY until she got sick. I think this is in the "contradictions" article, but I could be wrong about that.

Actually, it said those two hours were in the afternoon at Kaine and Terri's house. I would assume because of the type of work Kaine does, that he was working in the afternoons, whether at the office or at home. That would leave care of Kyron to Terri. Or maybe they had a babysitter watch him.

Considering that Kaine said Kyron slept about 12 hours a night, when you do the math, you see that daycare was Kyron's primary caregiver.

But I don't recall Kaine claiming to be Kyron's primary caregiver during that timeframe. That would be interesting. I don't see how that would be possible.
Actually, it said those two hours were in the afternoon at Kaine and Terri's house. I would assume because of the type of work Kaine does, that he was working in the afternoons, whether at the office or at home. That would leave care of Kyron to Terri. Or maybe they had a babysitter watch him.

Considering that Kaine said Kyron slept about 12 hours a night, when you do the math, you see that daycare was Kyron's primary caregiver.

But I don't recall Kaine claiming to be Kyron's primary caregiver during that timeframe. That would be interesting. I don't see how that would be possible.

my bad...DY had primary custody until she got sick and it was during THAT time Kyron spent 2 hours a day with KH. KH was Kyron's primary caretaker even after DY got sick and went to Canada. So KH and DY were the primary caretakers of Kyron for more time than I had recalled.

snip~ (from contradictions article)

Court records show that Desiree had primary custody of Kyron after her divorce with Kaine in early 2003. Both Kaine and Desiree said they worked out a joint arrangement: Kyron stayed with Desiree at night, was in day care and then spent two hours every afternoon at the Aloha house where Terri, Kaine and James were living.

In 2004, when Desiree moved to Canada to seek medical treatment, Kaine gained custody of his son. He said he was primary caretaker, dropping Kyron off at day care and picking him up.
In reading through the threads, I see a lot of misinformation taken and presented as fact. It's frustrating when you know something is untrue or has been qualified, and yet it's being used as evidence of guilt or to support an assumption that would not otherwise be in play if the misinformation was cleared up. IMHO, there has been a lot of contradictory reporting on this case, and there have been statements made that were later clarified. This thread isn't about Terri's guilt or innocence, but about the proliferation of misinformation, and how that's affecting the analysis of this case.


The bit of misinformation that gets to me is the idea that the existence of a restraining order means that a judge in some way investigated the petition and found it to have validity. So, for example, the fact that a restraining order was granted on the basis of MFH allegations means that TMH has been in some way judged guilty of those allegations.

It just doesn't mean that at all. In granting a restraining order, the judge is essentially just checking to make sure the petition is filled out correctly. If it is filled out correctly, the judge grants a temporary or emergency restraining order (wording depends on the state).

If the respondent does not choose to challenge the temporary or emergency restraining order, it then automatically becomes permanent for a longer period of time (anywhere from six months to five years).

Only if the respondent chooses to challenge the temporary or emergency restraining order does a judge end up evaluating the evidence supporting the petition.

So, no, the fact that a judge granted a restraining order on the basis of MFH allegations does not mean that the judge found TMH to be guilty in any way. It just means that: a) KH was able to fill out the petition correctly and b) TMH chose not to challenge the restraining order.

TMH's choice not to challenge the restraining order is certainly open for speculation, of course.
Already mentioned, but this one really irritates me: That Desiree and Terri were "good friends." :banghead:

That Kaine and Michael Cook were "good friends" or "best friends."

That Desiree did not want custody of Kyron. No. Proof. Whatsoever.
That Kyron was last seen at 9:00 after Terri left at 8:45 (which speculation is that this came possibly from TP and for whatever reasons LE chose to amend their statement, IMO possibly because it was proven that the time given by a 7yr old was found to be discrepant).. This is repeated over and over though LE ammended this statement very early on stating that Terri was the last person to see Kyron(and to my knowledge the time was not given when this has been stated that Terri was the last to see Kyron)
Already mentioned, but this one really irritates me: That Desiree and Terri were "good friends." :banghead:

That Kaine and Michael Cook were "good friends" or "best friends."

That Desiree did not want custody of Kyron. No. Proof. Whatsoever.

About your last point, the fact that the "contradictions" article has KH saying he was Kyron's primary caregiver after DY got sick and went to Canada indicates to me that this information was obtained from court records in the custody proceeding between DY and KY. It is clear to me that KH took the position that he should have primary custody of Kyron b/c his role of primary caretaker was established in her absence. The language indicates to me that it was stated in the context of custody proceedings in which KH was seeking, and won, primary custody of Kyron because he had re-established the status quo of being Kyron's primary caregiver, even though Kyron was in daycare most of the time. jmoo
I just wanted to add that while it is frustrating when people repeat misinformation, I think it's imperative to realize the importance of solid reporting and research the first go around.
Rather than this become a tit for tat, please back up your fact-based comments with links. This thread will last a lot longer that way.
Rather than this become a tit for tat, please back up your fact-based comments with links. This thread will last a lot longer that way.

Kimster, there are times when these misstatements of facts happen here, repeatedly, with no redress. They've just been taken from "out there" and brought in here as innocuous thoughts or suppositions......

Not everything has a link, but many many things are connected by that spiderweb. Yanno?
Kimster, there are times when these misstatements of facts happen here, repeatedly, with no redress. They've just been taken from "out there" and brought in here as innocuous thoughts or suppositions......

Not everything has a link, but many many things are connected by that spiderweb. Yanno?

The issue is that I'm getting alerts. If it appears people's speculations are being dismissed as annoying, then this thread isn't going to continue. My goal is to keep that from happening. :)
Poster opinion cannot be the source for misinformation on this thread;much like poster opinion cannot be the source for factual information.

This thread can be helpful if , like Kimster said, we stick to objective misinformation ;otherwise it is subject to opinion.

I am going to remove a few posts that are opinion that something is not fact, but in reality we have no idea.
In the spirit of trying to keep this thread open, please play nice and stick to those verifiable points that can be shown to be misinformation.

If your post goes poof, it was either an opinion that something was misinformation and open to debate OR you quoted someone's post that was opinion of misinformation and not verifiabl.

Posting something as not true without support is equally as damaging as posting something as true when it cannot be supported.

Not trying to censor but rather keep this from turning into a battleground.
The only misinformation that rises to the level of getting my goat is the misinformation that something that is well sourced, credible, reliable information is actually misinformation.

That and when people say Kimster isn't really an alien. Cuz she is. :Jumpie:
I read the title to this, and my immediate thought was, what clear and factual information do we really have in this case? LE is the only one who knows the exact facts of this case. We only keep getting leaks from unnamed, reliable, very distant and backwoods alien cousins of actual sources here. I think we can speculate all we want, and a lot of what we speculate is up to interpretation because we don't really know what is what in this case. The only thing we know for sure is that Kyron vanished from school and is still missing.

So it seems to me the information we have here is similar to confetti being thrown in the air, gathered after it falls, and then interpreted. Depending on the interpretation, it can be considered misinformation to one person but perfect reasonable to the other. So it's not that we have misinformation, it's that we have puzzle pieces we can't quite put together and agree on just yet. It's very frustrating indeed.
I read the title to this, and my immediate thought was, what clear and factual information do we really have in this case? LE is the only one who knows the exact facts of this case. We only keep getting leaks from unnamed, reliable, very distant and backwoods alien cousins of actual sources here. I think we can speculate all we want, and a lot of what we speculate is up to interpretation because we don't really know what is what in this case. The only thing we know for sure is that Kyron vanished from school and is still missing.

So it seems to me the information we have here is similar to confetti being thrown in the air, gathered after it falls, and then interpreted. Depending on the interpretation, it can be considered misinformation to one person but perfect reasonable to the other. So it's not that we have misinformation, it's that we have puzzle pieces we can't quite put together and agree on just yet. It's very frustrating indeed.

How right you are.

The one thing that really got my goat was the telling that Terri & DY had been friends for years. Now that we know the facts on THAT, I am not so pizzed about it.

But what DOES get my goat is, Terri supposed to have had PPD. Yet Kaine has no idea what kind of meds she was taking. He can't be called a "control freak" if he isn't even aware of the name of the drug she was taking. He seems vague in his descriptions of her and PPD. It makes me doubt she was really diagnosed. But, LE knows, they can find these things out.

Thats it, I have no more goats.:moose: But I do have a Moose.
How right you are.

The one thing that really got my goat was the telling that Terri & DY had been friends for years. Now that we know the facts on THAT, I am not so pizzed about it.

But what DOES get my goat is, Terri supposed to have had PPD. Yet Kaine has no idea what kind of meds she was taking. He can't be called a "control freak" if he isn't even aware of the name of the drug she was taking. He seems vague in his descriptions of her and PPD. It makes me doubt she was really diagnosed. But, LE knows, they can find these things out.

Thats it, I have no more goats.:moose: But I do have a Moose.

But Kaine is the only source for the information that Terri had PPD. Know what I mean?

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