What piece of misinformation gets your goat?

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This misinformation that came out weeks ago saying an arrest was going to happen soon and Kyron's body had been found.

The misinformation that DDS refused to answer questions at the GJ and that the reason she refused is because she won't do so unless she has immunity.
Getting my goat is way too strong a description, but the stories about Terri attempting to "abduct" baby K from the gym (e.g., KGW Story) always bothered me. Before there was a restraining order, she had just as much right to custody of the baby as Kaine did. When he takes the baby and runs away to an undisclosed location (pre-restraining order") it's ok, yet when Terri tries to find the baby and get her back (pre-restraining order) it's an "attempted abduction."
The one that drives me crazy is the Sauvie Island pings....that has never been elaborated on or proven to be credilble or rumor....for four days everyone was sure that "fact" would be what broke the case and led us to Kyron....
With all due respect, pretty much anything C. W. Jensen and Bruce McCain have offered.

The bit of misinformation that gets to me is the idea that the existence of a restraining order means that a judge in some way investigated the petition and found it to have validity. So, for example, the fact that a restraining order was granted on the basis of MFH allegations means that TMH has been in some way judged guilty of those allegations.

It just doesn't mean that at all. In granting a restraining order, the judge is essentially just checking to make sure the petition is filled out correctly. If it is filled out correctly, the judge grants a temporary or emergency restraining order (wording depends on the state).

If the respondent does not choose to challenge the temporary or emergency restraining order, it then automatically becomes permanent for a longer period of time (anywhere from six months to five years).

Only if the respondent chooses to challenge the temporary or emergency restraining order does a judge end up evaluating the evidence supporting the petition.

So, no, the fact that a judge granted a restraining order on the basis of MFH allegations does not mean that the judge found TMH to be guilty in any way. It just means that: a) KH was able to fill out the petition correctly and b) TMH chose not to challenge the restraining order.

TMH's choice not to challenge the restraining order is certainly open for speculation, of course.

Thanks for this post... I've never thought of it this way...:angel:
That Terri went to the Starbux in the first FM. Not substantiated. She herself said she went there to look for medications for the baby and had a receipt for something.
That Kyron is Blind and can't see whats in front of him without his glasses.
As far as I can tell, nearly everything is misinformation, rumor, and innuendo.
With all due respect, pretty much anything C. W. Jensen and Bruce McCain have offered.


What they say sometimes makes me wonder if they are part of the extended Source family.

Is "McCain" an old Scottish name that means "Source?" Or "Jensen" an old Danish name that means "Source?"
hmm... let's see..

when people say that terri planned to have her husband killed - it was never proven and just sounds ridiculous.

terri was the last person to see kyron - TP said he watched her walk down the hall and saw kyron after she left

terri lied about where she was that day - there's been no confirmation from LE that she lied or even failed her ploy... or THAT was the question she lied about. this came from kaine and desiree.. if they don't believe anything else terri says.. why would they believe it when she told them she failed?

there's more.. i just have to think
That lack of an arrest means that there absolutely is no probable cause for an arrest. Sorry guys, I don't have a link to back that up. It's based on my legal knowledge. There can be probable cause but if there is likely not enough for a conviction an arrest may be delayed until, at least in this case, a grand jury approves an indictment or other evidence surfaces that makes a conviction more achievable.
I think the moral of this thread is that many of us are posting speculation and theories or media reports from sources as factual when almost nothing is factual so far. For that reason, I try to preface much of what I say with "if", for example, "if Th is guilty of something", or I state, "IMO she is guilty", or "assuming the MFH allegations to be true", etc.
Problems arise because may of us are so polarized in our opinions as to whether TH is involved or not. So we list as "fact", or seem to list as fact, things that have not been proven, like the MFH plot, or the existence of LE conspiracy against TH, etc.. That makes the other side of the fence or fence sitters upset. Also, people may come on to a thread or new members may come on and think things are fact simply due to the way we are saying it. Maybe if we all just used a bit more qualifying language?
My two cents, for whatever it's worth!
As far as I can tell, nearly everything is misinformation, rumor, and innuendo.
I disgree with broad brushing everything this way. i think there is all kinds of information that can be confirmed as being reported inaccurately and I have quoted some examples from this thread below:

A piece of information that gets my goat:

Desiree and Terri were friends prior to Kyron's birth.

This misinformation that came out weeks ago saying an arrest was going to happen soon and Kyron's body had been found.


The misinformation that DDS refused to answer questions at the GJ and that the reason she refused is because she won't do so unless she has immunity.

That Kyron is Blind and can't see whats in front of him without his glasses.
But do we know for sure that Dede is not awaiting immunity? Or that Kyron can see without his glasses? Have these two statements, if made, be disproven?
I disgree with broad brushing everything this way. i think there is all kinds of information that can be confirmed as being reported inaccurately and I have quoted some examples from this thread below:

Well, yeah, that's what I meant. I can't narrow it down to just one because there are so many misreported items and very few accurate and true ones.
That lack of an arrest means that there absolutely is no probable cause for an arrest. Sorry guys, I don't have a link to back that up. It's based on my legal knowledge. There can be probable cause but if there is likely not enough for a conviction an arrest may be delayed until, at least in this case, a grand jury approves an indictment or other evidence surfaces that makes a conviction more achievable.

Yes, they can arrest her at any time, with probable cause. But they can only hold her for 72 hours unless they charge her with said crime. For a capital case, it would have to go through a grand jury to get an indictment OR a preliminary hearing where a judge makes the decision whether to go to trial.

I agree, sometimes they just have to wait until there is sufficient evidence to support a conviction. DA's do NOT like to go to trial unless they're pretty sure they can win.
I do not think we are using the term "misinformation" correctly. The dictionary defines it as incorrect information.

We are using the word "speculation" interchangeably with "misinformation" "Misinformation" has a pejorative ring to it. Speculation is what we do here--the reason for this website.

A lot of the examples in the posts above are speculation, not misinformation. Terri 's mother telling people Terri and Desiree were friends was misinformation. Kyron not being able to see well without his glasses is speculation (although I thought Desiree said that in a press conference).

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