What Punishment Should a Pedophile Receive for Sexually Abusing a Child?

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What Punishment Should a Pedophile Receive for Sexually Abusing a Child

  • Lethal injection

    Votes: 80 6.8%
  • Medical castration and life without parole

    Votes: 186 15.7%
  • Medical castration with intense therapy and a light prison term

    Votes: 25 2.1%
  • Life in prison without parole

    Votes: 194 16.4%
  • Life in prison with a chance of parole but only with medical castration

    Votes: 95 8.0%
  • Life in prison with a chance of parole.

    Votes: 10 0.8%
  • Long prison term with intense counseling then review for possible parole

    Votes: 68 5.8%
  • Electric chair death

    Votes: 17 1.4%
  • Death, any method that works.

    Votes: 172 14.6%
  • Death - unless falsely accused

    Votes: 31 2.6%
  • Blind them so they can never see a child again

    Votes: 8 0.7%
  • The same punishment as the child did, then death

    Votes: 41 3.5%
  • Torture....LOTS of brutal torture....then death.

    Votes: 40 3.4%
  • all of the above

    Votes: 47 4.0%
  • LWOP in general population

    Votes: 60 5.1%
  • SURGICAL castration and LWOP!

    Votes: 59 5.0%
  • Permanent psych ward stay

    Votes: 13 1.1%
  • Verbatim Quote from BH 'Take him to a cabin in the woods, nail his balls to the floor and set the ca

    Votes: 12 1.0%
  • Surgical castration, light prison sentence with psychotherapy

    Votes: 15 1.3%
  • Surgical castration and a frontal lobotomy followed by LWOP

    Votes: 9 0.8%

  • Total voters
I just changed my vote from lethal injection to: Death, any means that works.
The more agonizing the better.
With true physical evidence and no room for doubt, I vote for death, any means that works.
If convicted without physical evidence, LWOP.
The teenagers that happen to just opposite sides of the legal line, give them some counseling, throw some community service at the offender so he has something to do. cut him loose when the other party hits legal age.

On the other side of that, children who make false reports are just kids, and they should get counseling. Adults that make false reports on behalf on their kids, should get some punishment just on principle. At least repayment of court costs, and loss of custody. It's hard enough to get a case prosecuted and sentenced well, the custody fight idiocy doesn't help.
I voted for Medical Castration and LWOP. I don't believe sexual predators are able to be rehabilitated so therapy or medication is not an option. Child molesters also have one of the highest rates of recidivism.

The victim will live with what's happened to them for the rest of their lives. I would like the offender to live with it too, and clear-minded (with no drugs to dull their recollection of why they are sitting within four walls of concrete).
I just changed my vote to "Death, any method that works". At first I thought life in prison with no parole ( in the general population at prison) would be worse than death, but now I've read one too many stories about babies being abused.
Execution by any means is too easy a way out for these monsters, but I don't want them breathing the air, taking up room, and I don't want to support them for the rest of their lives!
I guess I'm the oddball of the group. I want them to suffer the same way as their victim did first, and then death, by any means. An eye for an eye.

This crime is about control over our most helpless victim, a child. It would be a pleasure to see these perps chained to a wall with big ole Bubba left in the cell with them for a few hours, with the guards turning their backs, and whatever Bubba didn't take care of, a bullet between the eyes would do just fine by me...
Pedophiles are Level 3 sex offenders and cannot be rehabilitated. To paraphrase Mark Klaas: "Never in the history of the world has a pedophile been rehabilitated." I voted for death after they suffer the same thing as their victim. I would, of course, want incontrovertible proof such as DNA.
<snip>In fact, I believe that pedophiles are so screwed up in the head that eliminating penalties for it altogether would have very little effect on the rate of occurrence. Normal people don't look at children as objects of sexual desires, anyone who does is so messed up to begin with I don't see how any potential future punishment would have any effect on today's behavior.

Exactly the bottom line. There are a "gazillion" fathers on earth that can assure you pedophilia is not normal.

On the other hand, there are many ex-fathers who have experienced the popular child custody lie of one side falsely accuses the other of child sexual abuse, a charge that is hard to become completely free of, regardless of the truth of the accusation.

Everyone does know Sexual abuse does not always have something to do with the mans penis right? ( am I allowed to say that here?) . You can cut the itty bitty thing off and they still can sexually abuse someone. and yes I call it itty bitty because no real man would ever sexually abuse anyone.

My point is castration will not solve the worlds sexual abuse problem.

Penis, penis penis - LOL. Actually the definition of castration includes the female ovaries (can I say that?). But if you ask, 9 out of 10 would think penis - similar to this thread.
Laws must be changed. All of us need to do something to make this change happen.More than ever we are sitting at are computers feeling helpless.We need to make a change in the laws.Children are the future.No greater love.We must help them.
Laws must be changed. All of us need to do something to make this change happen.More than ever we are sitting at are computers feeling helpless.We need to make a change in the laws.Children are the future.No greater love.We must help them.

You molest a child, you've harmed them, you get life.

You molest a child and kill them, you die. No 8 to 10 years on death row either, get rid of these creatures.



Send them all to boot camp, ship their butts overseas and put them on the front lines! There should be enough of them to cover the war and send our guys that are decent home!
LWOP! for sure...if they reform they can be a blessing in jail but keep them there.

What is hard is when it is a family member that is trusted that is the incarnation of evil! No words.

And I don't believe castration would work...in most cases it is a power trip...lording position over the weak one...it makes me sick...it isn't supposed to work this way.

Families are supposed to be a place of love and protection.
I know I've already posted my opinion in this thread, but I was looking at the poll categories, and the "medical castration" sticks out to me...I would tend more towards a meat cleaver and a couple of Tylenol for the pain...that's more than their victims get. :furious: Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now

Except for the Tylenol it looks like a plan to me.
Whack off the offending part (be it hand or whatever) in the public square. That seems to make some people think twice before commiting an offense.

For child rapists/murderers, whack it all off & let them bleed to death. We don't need them in society & we don't need to be paying for their care and feeding. Predators, esp. child predators, are the lowest kind of scum and they don't change.

I don't want anyone wrongly convicted, but I do believe we have really gone a long way toward giving criminals more rights than what victims are given. :furious:

Being a survivor of a sexual assault, i vote death by any means. My life was never the same, nor will it ever be, after what i went through....
Being a survivor of a sexual assault, i vote death by any means. My life was never the same, nor will it ever be, after what i went through....

Yes Courtney, I feel the same as you. I am a survivor also. On 2 different occasions something happened to me - age 14 then age 22. When I hear of victims so young, It affects me really bad.

You are VERY right, your life is never the same. You never look at people the same, it's hard to trust people......I could go on and on.

This has made me very cautious with my own children, which is hard on them sometimes.
:idea: Okay, lots of peeps might think I'm going overboard, being sarcastic, or joking about this... but I think I've got a pretty good idea, here.
I want convicted sex offenders (CSO) to endure as much torture as their body, mind, and spirit can take without them dying....then let them heal enough to stand on their own (maybe move around a little bit)... and then they should be used for target practice. :bullseye:
I've even managed to come up with a few points to argue in favor of my idea. Anti-DP peeps won't like my plan, of course... but it's a good plan nonetheless.

My very close friend (he used to date my mother and is like a father figure to me) encouraged me to get my concealed weapons permit, taught me all about handgun safety, takes me to the firing range on a regular basis, and GAVE me a weapon and self defense ammunition. When we go to the range, he insists that I ONLY use a target that has a human silhouette drawn on it because he wants me to be AS PREPARED AS POSSIBLE if I am ever forced to defend myself with deadly force. :put em up:
He also told me that when young men in the military went to the firing range and they used plain, round targets they would have difficulty firing at a live, moving, human, enemy combatants. They started using silhouettes to get the men used to aiming their weapon and shooting at the human form. I'm sure it's hard to do no matter what type of practice you've had, no matter how long you've prepared, and no matter what kind of training you receive. However, realistic looking silhouettes prove to be very useful at the firing range. :soldier:
Now, here is the point I'm trying to make...
I think that using convicted pedophiles and convicted child molesters as HUMAN targets at the firing range would be the BEST way to take care of them. I have carefully thought about this and have come up with several valid arguments to support this idea.
First off, our prisons are overcrowded, tax dollars are spread thin, and the economy is in trouble. I'm not sure how much money per year goes to housing, feeding, clothing, or providing medical/mental health care for ONE convicted sex offender in one year, but I imagine that the cost multiplied by the number of years they'll spend in prison (should be their entire life, IMO) greatly exceeds the cost of a couple of bullets. I know ammunition has gotten expensive lately, but I still think that a couple rounds of ammo is cheaper that taking care of a sex offender for up to 80 years. Besides, the BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN who defend our country :yellow: are going to have to do target practice anyway... so it makes sense to put their target rounds to use. :highfive:
Money saved could be used for education, used to provide therapy and medical care for victims of sexual abuse, used to fund centers/shelters for battered women, used to aid in the search for missing children, used to help find/maintain permanent, safe, loving, homes for abused children, etc. :grouphug: Just think of HOW much money could be contributed to helping VICTIMS if we didn't spend it on taking care of the CSO.
In addition to saving money, practice with sex offenders as targets for military training would better prepare OUR BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN for combat. :usa: With more training, our Troops are better prepared to defend their lives in combat, so there will be fewer casualties. Protecting our troops should be much more important (and is much more beneficial to our country) than taking care of a CSO. Using a more realistic target would also prepare civilians to defend themselves against any potential attackers.
Finally, my plan removes ANY AND ALL chance that the CSO will re-offend.:thumb:

Helpful additions and constructive criticism welcome! :cheerful:
Harsh criticism and anti-DP arguments NOT very welcome, but probably unavoidable. :rolleyes:
OK... I'm going to hush now. :shutup:
Have a nice day, all! :blowkiss:
Being a survivor of a ped, I agree with everyone else who opts for permanent lockup/torture/death.

The town I live in has had level 2 & 3 pervs from the whole county housed in a trailer about 1/2 mile from our town. The thought of bombing the thing flits through my brain occasionally. Luckily I'm nonviolent... Once a pedo, ALWAYS a pedo. Creeps NEVER get reformed.

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