What Punishment Should a Pedophile Receive for Sexually Abusing a Child?

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What Punishment Should a Pedophile Receive for Sexually Abusing a Child

  • Lethal injection

    Votes: 80 6.8%
  • Medical castration and life without parole

    Votes: 186 15.7%
  • Medical castration with intense therapy and a light prison term

    Votes: 25 2.1%
  • Life in prison without parole

    Votes: 194 16.4%
  • Life in prison with a chance of parole but only with medical castration

    Votes: 95 8.0%
  • Life in prison with a chance of parole.

    Votes: 10 0.8%
  • Long prison term with intense counseling then review for possible parole

    Votes: 67 5.7%
  • Electric chair death

    Votes: 17 1.4%
  • Death, any method that works.

    Votes: 172 14.6%
  • Death - unless falsely accused

    Votes: 31 2.6%
  • Blind them so they can never see a child again

    Votes: 8 0.7%
  • The same punishment as the child did, then death

    Votes: 41 3.5%
  • Torture....LOTS of brutal torture....then death.

    Votes: 40 3.4%
  • all of the above

    Votes: 47 4.0%
  • LWOP in general population

    Votes: 60 5.1%
  • SURGICAL castration and LWOP!

    Votes: 59 5.0%
  • Permanent psych ward stay

    Votes: 13 1.1%
  • Verbatim Quote from BH 'Take him to a cabin in the woods, nail his balls to the floor and set the ca

    Votes: 12 1.0%
  • Surgical castration, light prison sentence with psychotherapy

    Votes: 15 1.3%
  • Surgical castration and a frontal lobotomy followed by LWOP

    Votes: 9 0.8%

  • Total voters
The point is to PUNISH the offender.

A decent prison sentence would suffice.

" ...Less serious offenses ...". Are you kidding me?! You don't consider 'fondling' a child to be a serious crime?

No I don't.

Sexually violating a child will destroy that child's life as easily as a physical murder will.

They can still live and be productive members of society, when your murdered, your life is over, plain and simple. Besides, look at how Elizabeth Smart and Jaycee Dugard are doing.
I have worked intensive therapy successfully with Juvenile Sex Offenders in this country. Some of the most rewarding work I have EVER done in my life. It will always stand out in my life review as the most meaningful thing I ever did.
Adult offenders can live in halfway houses, be on medication that suppresses libido and receive intensive succesfull reshaping internally. It's costly though. But personally I believe this: Sex offenders are, 85% of the time, a product of OUR environment. OUR own societal group. It behooves us to take responsibility AS a society, and research HOW they are bred and HOW their development can be averted. History repeats itself in most of these men (and women).
Death is not the answer.
I voted the same punishment as the child did, I would add using a watermellon and then a slooooow death
I have worked intensive therapy successfully with Juvenile Sex Offenders in this country. Some of the most rewarding work I have EVER done in my life. It will always stand out in my life review as the most meaningful thing I ever did.
Adult offenders can live in halfway houses, be on medication that suppresses libido and receive intensive succesfull reshaping internally. It's costly though. But personally I believe this: Sex offenders are, 85% of the time, a product of OUR environment. OUR own societal group. It behooves us to take responsibility AS a society, and research HOW they are bred and HOW their development can be averted. History repeats itself in most of these men (and women).
Death is not the answer.

I do not believe there is a cure....I vote castration and then a slow painful torturous death. I am a survivor and my monster went out the way he came in...a twisted pervert. He died in his fifties still spouting perversion towards his daughters from his death bed.
I have worked intensive therapy successfully with Juvenile Sex Offenders in this country. Some of the most rewarding work I have EVER done in my life. It will always stand out in my life review as the most meaningful thing I ever did.
Adult offenders can live in halfway houses, be on medication that suppresses libido and receive intensive succesfull reshaping internally. It's costly though. But personally I believe this: Sex offenders are, 85% of the time, a product of OUR environment. OUR own societal group. It behooves us to take responsibility AS a society, and research HOW they are bred and HOW their development can be averted. History repeats itself in most of these men (and women).
Death is not the answer.MOO

Costly to the innocent victims.
85% ????? And the rest ??????? What excuse is used for them?
Death is the only answer, after doing to them what they have done to the true victims. Sex offenders are not the victims!!!
Adult offenders can live in halfway houses, be on medication that suppresses libido. You left out how they can register, all this means nothing, even if they choose to do any of this.
receive intensive succesfull reshaping internally, What does this mean?????
Costly to the innocent victims.
85% ????? And the rest ??????? What excuse is used for them?
Death is the only answer, after doing to them what they have done to the true victims. Sex offenders are not the victims!!!
Adult offenders can live in halfway houses, be on medication that suppresses libido. You left out how they can register, all this means nothing, even if they choose to do any of this.
receive intensive succesfull reshaping internally, What does this mean?????

It means ALMOST all of them were once THEMSELVES victims of sexual abuse. It means some CAN actually make internal changes and find other outlet for their frustrations and learn to have relations with adults. It means they CAN still be reached if someone cares enough to make the effort. Some cannot but some can. Should we always just throw human beings out with the bathwater. Do we neglect that most of these offenders were once victims themselves that, for their OWN victimization, from my professional experience, most likely NEVER received any support?
I'll continue to lobby that rehabilitation is possible for at least some. And that it means we have to take responsibility and TRY!
Victims get, THESE days, all the support they dare to seek out. Fifty years ago, when THESE men were victimized, there was no such thing. None.
That matters people.
It matters.

We break the cycle by supporting and rehabilitating NOW!
Better late than never.

It means ALMOST all of them were once THEMSELVES victims of sexual abuse. It means some CAN actually make internal changes and find other outlet for their frustrations and learn to have relations with adults. It means they CAN still be reached if someone cares enough to make the effort. Some cannot but some can. Should we always just throw human beings out with the bathwater. Do we neglect that most of these offenders were once victims themselves that, for their OWN victimization, from my professional experience, most likely NEVER received any support?
I'll continue to lobby that rehabilitation is possible for at least some. And that it means we have to take responsibility and TRY!
Victims get, THESE days, all the support they dare to seek out. Fifty years ago, when THESE men were victimized, there was no such thing. None.
That matters people.
It matters.

We break the cycle by supporting and rehabilitating NOW!
Better late than never.


I believe with the HIGH number of REPEAT offenders there are more who can not. The victims are CHILDREN, some are BABIES, These offenders are ADULTS. What matters is protecting the innocent who do not know what is being done to them, what matters is NOT the criminals who know what they are doing is wrong. Sex offenders are the criminals NOT the victims!!!!!!
I am not a strong supporter of the Death Penalty but for Pedophiles..I say Death
I don't believe they can be rehabilitated,
I do not believe there is a cure....I vote castration and then a slow painful torturous death. I am a survivor and my monster went out the way he came in...a twisted pervert. He died in his fifties still spouting perversion towards his daughters from his death bed.

i would like this dished on the offenders. old testiment eye for eye...

for poll purpose, i had to base my vote on real world so opted for LWOP in general population, to take away opportunity for other victims and make the rest of their lives miserable.
"Death, any method that works."

I don't believe they can be rehabilitated and it's a waste of money to keep them alive, IMO.
"Death, any method that works."

I don't believe they can be rehabilitated and it's a waste of money to keep them alive, IMO.

i either heard or read somewhere that it costs more for those on death row than those in for life. because of legal appeals and such.
I say cut it off and feed them viagra 4 times a day.
I think they should change the law so there is no statute of limitations on pedophiles. Many times their victims do not "tell" what happened to them until they are well into adulthood! By then the statute of limitations has taken effect.
Death by any means - no rehabbing these evil monsters
i either heard or read somewhere that it costs more for those on death row than those in for life. because of legal appeals and such.

Just blow there brains out after they are found guilty, no sitting on death row wasting our money:woot:
has there ever been a successful case of a pedophile doing a 180? i'm just wondering statistically if they can be cured as if it's a disease, speaking ignorantly bc i honestly don't know. does castration cure sick thoughts? are most pedophiles created from previous abuse or are some just born attracted to children? just wondering if anyone had some knowledge they could share.
has there ever been a successful case of a pedophile doing a 180? i'm just wondering statistically if they can be cured as if it's a disease, speaking ignorantly bc i honestly don't know. does castration cure sick thoughts? are most pedophiles created from previous abuse or are some just born attracted to children? just wondering if anyone had some knowledge they could share.

We should probably define what we want to label a pedophile before we can answer that question. For instance, I have read that cases in which older siblings engage with younger there is a low recidivism rate; in other words, most do not grow up to continue the pattern. But in such cases, they think it is more a matter of opportunity than an actual paraphelia involving attraction to children.
LOL...since over half the answers involve death, I wonder where that leaves simple serial murderers.

The problem I have with this poll is that sex offenses run the gamut from the 21 yo's with 17 yo's to the serial rapist/torturer/murderer like John Couey all the way to kids who play doctor at age 12 (yes, they are on the registry, though not on the Internet). Next, if we are only going to execute less than 1% of all murderers, it is prohibitively expensive to kill all sex offenders from a standpoint of ROI alone.

Better is the following:

1. All murderers should be executed, no matter or not if rape was involved.
2. All forcible rapes involving <18 should end up in LWOP. Period. No plea bargains. Important note: I purposeful said "forceful" rather than "consensual", because consent is a LEGAL definition, not an ACTUAL definition. Two parties can willingly have sex with each other, but it is not concensual if one of the parties is underage (or if both parties are underage, whatever laws constitute a crime at that point with regard to age difference).
3. Any rape of a minor, or non-consensual sex act of an adult, that occurs after a kidnapping act should end ip in LWOP. Period. No plea bargains.

An important note: If I catch the perp attacking my own child myself, he will not go through normal "justice" methods. I will kill him after torturing him and making him feel pain. This is not a threat, and frankly, I don't care about being caught. I don't say anything different than we all FEEL here; the difference is that I have the means to execute the process.

Having said that:

We come to the oodles of gray area as to punishments. For instance, I cannot for the life of me understand why the age of consent in ANY state be less than 18 years old for sex. It is ironic, for instance, that a 50 year old man can screw a 16 year old freshman or sophomore in high school in many states and be perfectly legal, while that 16 year old girl can have sex with a 15 year old boy and be labeled a Tier 3 predator. While both incidents are crimes, obviously we have no concept here. What I would propose is this:

1. Immediately force all states, through witholding of Byrne grants or similar funding mechanisms, to institute an 18-year-old age of consent minimum age. In addition, I would also institute a gradated method of punishment, so that would preclude 19 year olds with 17 year old girlfriends. I would probably use the 3 year and 4 year older rule: that is, 18 year olds can go with 15 year olds, 19 with 16, 20 with 16, and 21 with 17. In addition, make it a felony for teachers to have sex with any students under them, even if over 18, if they are in school. This includes any grooming that may have been performed.

This will eliminate about 30% of the registry. In addition, I"m not saying that kids should be allowed to have sex before 18 or before they are out of HS by any means; punishments can still be accorded, but not at the level of sex offender. They have started with Texting on this regard.

2. Federalize ALL sex offenses as they do for banking crimes. This way they can standardize the crimes through all 50 states and US territories.

3. Federalize the sex offender registry, and do not allow any private source to access the registry for their own purposes. The problem with private registries is that they are not accountable for mistakes, and in many cases they do not change as needed. For instance, an offender may move from a residence, then an innocent family move into that residence. When someone looks at a private registry and targets the house, they may hurt or kill an innocent person rather than the perv, and that would cause legal problems. Therefore, keeping the registry under strict accountability is key.

4. All sex offenses should result in the following:

a) Immediate separation of their children and any influence in their children's lives while registered.
b) If the crime is done to someone not in the family, an immediate seizure of all financial assets, including car, home, property, and bank accounts. Such financial assets should be distributed to court costs, sentencing costs, and incarceration costs; also to the victims, or if no victims such as internet stings or child *advertiser censored* involving unknown or fake children, distributed to victims' assistance groups. Only allow enough assets for legal defense of the crime charged for the initial trial; no money need be set aside for appeals. While technically the money cannot be seized until a guilty verdict is rendered, the control of such money can be prevented upon arrest.
c) Ease of divorce by spouse: Suspend any divorce roadblocks meant to keep families together. If spouse is not implicated in the crime, spouse gets complete supervision of children.

Upon conviction:

Sentencing should be done at the federal level, where there is no parole. They should create a special prison for sex offenders, as remote as possible, as harsh as conditions as humanely allowable for prisoners including hard labor (REAL "hard labor" involving intense physical work; not this legal crap such as Louisiana uses). The MINIMUM sentence for a first time offense is 5 years; but most offenses should be for 10 years or more.

For any sentence that involves release, a board shall convene to assess the actual release requirements for all offenders. As a minimum, each offender shall go through an intensive sex offender evaluation process (paid for by the seized assets). If offenders cannot pass it, then they need to go to a federal civil commitment center. Note that most of the people that currently go to them NOW would not get out of prison in the first place as their sentences will be decades, if not life (no parole in federal prison).

NOW, once they are released... we are not done!!

Instead of being released to the community, they are assessed a Tier Level for their sex offense, preferably along the lines of the current system of 15 years, 25 years, and lifetime. Once assessed, they go to a zone created specifically for RSO's, preferably in the center of Alaska or, if need be, within CONUS in the middle of the desert. TEchnically, these would not be jails or prisons, but highly, constitutionally monitored zones. Offenders would have to live in the zone. They would have to have approved jobs within the zone, and not be able to have access to Internet, alcohol, and other items detrimental to their being. They would live in barracks-like existence, and have to pay for their upkeep.

Prison? Nope. This would be EASY to set up, and yes, it can be done constitutionally. But the bottom line is that instead of coming up with sentences of death, and as I said earlier, I have no qualms of killing anyone who have hurt or abused my children.

What say?

NOTE: This post may be moved to its own thread by moderators. I only posted here because I cannot make my own thread, and this is the most appropriate location for this discussion for me to post at.

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