What questions are still unanswered?

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I want to know:
1) How and why did Casey kill Caylee?
2) Was Casey sexually abused by her father?
3) Who sent Kronk and Domenic and that other guy to the wooded area to search for Caylee's remains? NO WAY was that due to a psychic or chance.
4) I truly believe George and Cindy did not know how Caylee died. But I want to know what they did know and when.
5) I am fascinated by what is wrong with Casey, i.e., psych diagnosis and reason for it and what goes on inside that mind of hers. How does someone become so totally twisted?
1. As a former homicide investigator,George acknowledged he knew the smell of human decomp. Why did he not call 911 after he opened the trunk?

2.Why was George so forthcoming with investigators during those initial interviews. Especially his statements that he knew the smell was that of human decomp. He implicates his daughter during the interviews, then turns around and participates in the "my daughter is innocent" campaign.

No, I don't buy the DT story. Yet, these questions about George have been lingering in my mind for quite some time.

3. What is the real reason Casey held on to the body for so long? It certainly was not because of a lack of places to dispose of the body in Orlando,FL. She was just lazy. Nope, I don't buy that.
I just posted this on the HLN thread for today - but it fits better under unanswered questions.

I have a question for the TH's that keep saying there's no direct evidence that Casey was involved in the death of Caylee.

Regardless of whether Caylee's death was an accident or intentional, regardless of who was there when she died or came upon her dead body.....are we honestly supposed to believe it was determined by whoever was involved in her death or came upon her dead body.....we're supposed to believe they thought that CASEY would be the best person to dispose of her body? Who on this planet would give the body to Casey so she could drive around with the decomposing body and the smell of a decomposing body emanating from the trunk of her car until she could figure out where to dispose of her?
1. What is the motive?

2. Howcome no one smelled the decomposition coming from the woods? No one ever walked by there? I've smelled a dead dog rotting from 50 ft away(only estimating) it was in the woods and I investigated what it was hoping it wasn't a dead body.

3. How did she get her body into the trunk without no one seeing? Or did she die in the trunk? Did it happen during the day or night?

4. Why not confess if it was a supposed accident?

5. Why didn't the tow company call the cops because of the smell?
Everyone has covered the most important questions we need/want answers to.

There is an ICA "phrase" from one jailhouse video that I would have LOVED to hear LDB cross her on...

ICA..."I know we are going to get our little girl back...and she will be just as she was."

Who says that when their child is "missing" and they want them found??? And if that were my daughter on the other end of the jailhouse phone line...I would have stopped her right there and asked what the H&!! she meant by "...as she WAS"!
Why didn't Yuri SMELL the stink coming from the car that first night? IIRC, another officer said the same thing..Yet! We know it reeked & even Lee admitted it did.

Why did Baez fight so hard to disprove Caylee was ever in the trunk? She had to get to Suburban somehow..Was it cos if it really was GA that disposed of her he would have done it ASAP vs leaving her in the car for days to decompose=smell..Besides the fact GA wouldn't have left her so close to home & in that manner.

How did CA recall a month later exactly what day she saw the pool ladder up & the gate open? Not that I believe her anyway.

Why didn't TM testify to the 'water' issue? I don't think they did enough to prove the area was under so much 'water' & for so long.

Why didn't Kio Marie testify re: their hangout & pet cemetery? And what pets exactly? Must've been hamsters or something like that? And that ICA wanted to give the baby up for adoption & CA wouldn't allow it.

I have a ton more but don't have time now..Maybe later :)
1. What is the motive?

2. Howcome no one smelled the decomposition coming from the woods? No one ever walked by there? I've smelled a dead dog rotting from 50 ft away(only estimating) it was in the woods and I investigated what it was hoping it wasn't a dead body.

3. How did she get her body into the trunk without no one seeing? Or did she die in the trunk? Did it happen during the day or night?

4. Why not confess if it was a supposed accident?

5. Why didn't the tow company call the cops because of the smell?

5. I have wondered about this. Did anyone actually ask him that question while on the stand?
I would like to know the plea deal offer the SAO made to ICA way back in the day and wish they would have brought it up to prove that ICA wouldn't have sat behind bars for 3 years, facing at the least manslaughter for admitting to an accident/coverup when she could have just accepted a plea. I have never seen the terms of it and have often wondered what it was.
Also, another question I have been wondering is why on earth JB really did give that opening statement making all of those claims, KNOWING what he had prepared for the defense. Even if the case JB had presented had went along perfectly and without a hitch, still none of it explained anything he said in his opening statement. I was really expecting him to give details about when Caylee was placed in the woods, by whom, or how RK supposedly gotten the body, what GA and ICA allegedly did after finding Caylee drowned, etc. I just cannot understand how or why he would say those things without one iota of anything to back it up.
Why didn't Yuri SMELL the stink coming from the car that first night? IIRC, another officer said the same thing..Yet! We know it reeked & even Lee admitted it did.

Why did Baez fight so hard to disprove Caylee was ever in the trunk? She had to get to Suburban somehow..Was it cos if it really was GA that disposed of her he would have done it ASAP vs leaving her in the car for days to decompose=smell..Besides the fact GA wouldn't have left her so close to home & in that manner.

How did CA recall a month later exactly what day she saw the pool ladder up & the gate open? Not that I believe her anyway.

Why didn't TM testify to the 'water' issue? I don't think they did enough to prove the area was under so much 'water' & for so long.

Why didn't Kio Marie testify re: their hangout & pet cemetery? And what pets exactly? Must've been hamsters or something like that? And that ICA wanted to give the baby up for adoption & CA wouldn't allow it.

I have a ton more but don't have time now..Maybe later :)

I thought that was odd that of all the people YM didn't have a smell story to tell. Possibly CA managed to cover it up at least temporarily. I have tried to de stink a fa cate things and have been reminded of my failure the next day. I have to believe she tried anything and everything to clean the smell out of the car. Maybe febreeze overpowered it for that short time period.
I just started reading Diane Fanning's book about this case last night, having ordered a used copy from Amazon which arrived yesterday.

From reading about Casey's early life, there is absolutely nothing that stands out until her senior year in high school, when friends say she stopped going to classes, and ultimately did not graduate. During this same period she and her father were having major problems. Yet there is not so much as a clue as to what these problems are about or what started them. In school, up until her senior year, Casey seems to have been a very average girl, ran track, hung out with girlfriends, talked about boys, etc...and a year or so later, she is pregnant and no one acknowledges it.

So it appears that whatever happened to Casey to make her the way she is now either happened when she was 18, or came to a boil at that time. It was apparent, from the book, that Cindy ruled the roost and everyone deferred to her. She herself had been a pampered only girl child in a house full of boys.

It's just really hard to see the progression of a "typical" sociopath here...usually there are countless incidents during the years of between maybe 10-16 years of age that point to a deranged personality. Perhaps Casey did have some such incidents, but if so, there is no sign of them, no rumors, no stories that came out later. Very surprising to me and leaves a lot of questions.


I believe ICA always had problems with her father..He saw her for what she was vs CA..He was on to her lying & ICA didn't like that..I think she saw him as a :loser: too but that's pretty funny coming from one!

Aren't there some mental conditions that begin around the 20's? I recall reading that..We've heard she began lying fairly early on but that doesn't always=something seriously wrong with her..Some ppl are just liars & they don't always learn it from others either..It could be just coincidence that later on other far more serious symptoms began to emerge.
I have several unanswered questions......

Why did Caylee have to die? How did she die? Why did ICA go 31 days without reporting her daughter missing? Why did the Anthony's cover for ICA from the get go? Why have all the Anthony's forgotten this trial is ALL about Caylee and not Casey?

I guess we will never get the answers. :(
I've asked myself that question a thousand times and I'm still scratching my head over that. If it was an accident why not just confess it was an accident?

Instead she put her life in the hands of a jury and faces a DP. That's not very smart. Now the question is why did she decide to blame her dad and have him involved? Did he make her mad after she said he was a great father and grandfather. That is confusing. She is confusing.


ICA is NOT "very smart"... and her belief that others aren't smart either, is the very reason she got caught. MOO
Why were the clothes Caylee was found with the ones from the day of the video and not the ones that George say he saw her wearing. She was found with what Cindy had purchased on Father's day.

I recall Cindy testifying she didn't recall seeing the teeshirt the remains were found with.
I thought that was odd that of all the people YM didn't have a smell story to tell. Possibly CA managed to cover it up at least temporarily. I have tried to de stink a fa cate things and have been reminded of my failure the next day. I have to believe she tried anything and everything to clean the smell out of the car. Maybe febreeze overpowered it for that short time period.

The problem with that is Lee said the smell was very "potent" when he arrived there earlier that same night..I don't think CA had time to do anything with the car between then & before LE arrived..The cleaning she did of the trunk including the febreeze I believe she did that afternoon before going back to work & when she got home..She had a few hrs, I think, before she met up with AH to go get ICA.
To anyone looking at this site:
Did you (like me) wonder if you were going to have to explain to a jury why you now have that page in your browser history? :couch:

I feel safe knowing that seconds before and after I was in this thread at Websleuths.
Everyone has covered the most important questions we need/want answers to.

There is an ICA "phrase" from one jailhouse video that I would have LOVED to hear LDB cross her on...

ICA..."I know we are going to get our little girl back...and she will be just as she was."

Who says that when their child is "missing" and they want them found??? And if that were my daughter on the other end of the jailhouse phone line...I would have stopped her right there and asked what the H&!! she meant by "...as she WAS"!

They all have at one time or another referred to one another notably Caylee in impersonal ways like that little girl and our little girl there are others that aren't coming to me but... It always kind of struck me as objectification but I would just dismiss it as a family quirk or regional thing... Maybe its just me but if my dog was missing I would still use her name when talking to at least my own family. It is ODD.
You know, I used to wonder if Caylee was killed by mistake. Perhaps drugged and od'd by mistake. But just tonite I was thinking about this and that no longer makes sense to me. I now believe whole heartedly that Caylee was killed on purpose.

Think about it. GA saw KC leave around 1 something pm with Caylee. I believe GA. By evening Caylee was no longer seen with KC and she went off with her boyfriend. That means she had to be killed the afternoon of the 16th after GA went to work. KC would have no need to drug Caylee that time of day. The boyfriend wasn't around at that time. The parents were gone to work. There was no reason to accidently od Caylee on anything at that time of day.

So it had to be on purpose. She had to have been thinking about this and did it on purpose while she had the chance and the parents were away. Either she was PO'd at the mom from this so called fight that I haven't heard proof of or she wanted to be free of Caylee so she could be with the boyfriend that night. But there is no way it was an accident that time of day since there was no partying or carousing going on at that time of day. 1st degree murder.

kathyn2 excellent post!

Imo right on target too. In the beginning, very early on I thought she may have killed her accidentally. But now after watching the entire trial and hearing all of the evidence I am certain now more than ever that ICA killed Caylee intentionally. I just hope and pray that jurors can come to a logical conclusion also, and when it is over find some peace. :twocents:
5. I have wondered about this. Did anyone actually ask him that question while on the stand?
I don't remember but I'm looking it up to see if he was asked.

Update - I found the testimony of Simon Burch's testimony from the tow yard.


JB: you noticed a piece of evidence...

I did not contact the police because it was not a case that pertained to me. they said hey that car we towed is being taken to forensics, I said okay.

JB: you couldn't avoid this story?


JB: it was on the news that this car was towed to forensic?

I did not see that.

JB: you didn't witness that the car was being processed on tv?

from that day and then on I saw what everyone else saw on tv when it was first broadcast.

JB: however police didn't take a statement until july 24th. If I show it to you? May I judge.

HHJP: you may
Also, another question I have been wondering is why on earth JB really did give that opening statement making all of those claims, KNOWING what he had prepared for the defense. Even if the case JB had presented had went along perfectly and without a hitch, still none of it explained anything he said in his opening statement. I was really expecting him to give details about when Caylee was placed in the woods, by whom, or how RK supposedly gotten the body, what GA and ICA allegedly did after finding Caylee drowned, etc. I just cannot understand how or why he would say those things without one iota of anything to back it up.

He had to tell the 'story' given to him by ICA..All the legal THs say he can not make up anything on his own..What I don't get about that is everyone's been blaming HIM for everything even some of the THs..So, which is it?

He really had NOTHING else to go with=no defense..It seems to me he either expected the A's to back it all up OR planned to put ICA on the stand..Both very RISKY propositions which did end up backfiring on him & ICA.
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