What small foreign faction?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Hey aren't you the one who keeps posting over and over the falsehood misinformation that the touch DNA is degraded? And then you want me to prove to you things that are openly available in the news or at the Bode website? Why dont you prove it to yourself?

I did give you links and quotes as did SD. You have made statements many times that have not been backed up. I have proven myself, now answer some of the questions I have asked you please.

You just made this personal.. I have in fact seen a brutal child murder and worse, I've had to fix those that survived. I've looked into the face of women and men, mothers and fathers that can do the most heinous of things. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! I live my life cleaning up after Ozzie and Harriet. Do me a favor, donate your time at childrens hospital or a child advocacy center and then talk to me about what parents are capable of. When a child looks into your eyes and wants to know how his/her Ozzie and Harriet could do this too me, then you talk to me about child issues.

Abuse, molestation and child murder are like any other plague they do not discriminate against race, religion, economic background, or creed...... Don't go here with me HOTYH.

Nothing personal, but your experiences aren't necessarily relevant to what happened to JBR. The prima facie evidence says domestic violence and parental abuse are not relevant to this crime.

Might I suggest another thread whose topic isn't "what small foreign faction"?
Tell me how so HOTYH? You have experience with child abuse? You can look at a crowd of people and know who does or doesnt beat or molest their children. Cause if you can, I know some agencies that can use your super powers HOTYH.
If this post is about SFF, then its pointless as there wasn't one. JR gave the Israeli shirt to LE. Show me where, I said Israeli and Autopsy in the same post?
Agatha, Hat will never believe in the molestation and let's face it, anyone who could compare John and Patsy Ramsey to Ozzie and Harriet Nelson wouldn't be able to anyway. The only way the IDI theory can be presented is with this sff notion. I wonder if Patsy knew just how clever that little ditty was? Patsy, if you can still hear us, good job girl! There are still people who believe it long after you stated that you believed there were 2 people who knew, the killer and the one he confessed to. That is not a faction, foreign or otherwise. It's a killer who had to tell their husband or wife in order to get help with the staging. That's it. That's all. No need for fancy theories. The KISS principal works just as well in this case as it does anywhere else.
Agatha, Hat will never believe in the molestation and let's face it, anyone who could compare John and Patsy Ramsey to Ozzie and Harriet Nelson wouldn't be able to anyway. The only way the IDI theory can be presented is with this sff notion. I wonder if Patsy knew just how clever that little ditty was? Patsy, if you can still hear us, good job girl! There are still people who believe it long after you stated that you believed there were 2 people who knew, the killer and the one he confessed to. That is not a faction, foreign or otherwise. It's a killer who had to tell their husband or wife in order to get help with the staging. That's it. That's all. No need for fancy theories. The KISS principal works just as well in this case as it does anywhere else.

HOTYH it's time to man up. Links with your accusations please. I keep asking you for them, but they seldom appear and when they do, they are often unrelated to the questions you have been asked.

JKB, this is a mystery to me. There were experts who state there was chronic molestation. He refuses to believe that yet, can't give up links from experts that refute all of the experts who have been listed.
HOTYH it's time to man up. Links with your accusations please. I keep asking you for them, but they seldom appear and when they do, they are often unrelated to the questions you have been asked.

JKB, this is a mystery to me. There were experts who state there was chronic molestation. He refuses to believe that yet, can't give up links from experts that refute all of the experts who have been listed.

Yet we are the fools for believing the experts. Am I missing something here?
Agatha, Hat will never believe in the molestation and let's face it, anyone who could compare John and Patsy Ramsey to Ozzie and Harriet Nelson wouldn't be able to anyway. The only way the IDI theory can be presented is with this sff notion. I wonder if Patsy knew just how clever that little ditty was? Patsy, if you can still hear us, good job girl! There are still people who believe it long after you stated that you believed there were 2 people who knew, the killer and the one he confessed to. That is not a faction, foreign or otherwise. It's a killer who had to tell their husband or wife in order to get help with the staging. That's it. That's all. No need for fancy theories. The KISS principal works just as well in this case as it does anywhere else.

HOTYH it's time to man up. Links with your accusations please. I keep asking you for them, but they seldom appear and when they do, they are often unrelated to the questions you have been asked.

Also HOTYH, what is your reasoning behind arguing multiple expert witnesses who state JBR was not chronically molested? Remember, links please!
Beck, Thats exactly what I find so ridiculous about the Korean idea. PR herself admitted the murderer and one other. Is that the SFF? Two Korean guy's? Really?

Now if the R's can feel that all their Boulder friends we capable (all Ozzie and Harriet's) of the crime, why is it beyond the scope of comprehension that the R's could have done it? How does HOTYH, (saying the IDI are right...Not!) know that the killer him/herself, isn't a church going Ozzie/Harriet?

Now, I am not only going on the ME findings of "Possible" prior molestation", but far more abuse then I ever really see mentioned here. There, as we all know, are many types and forms of abuse. I feel there was an intense emotional/psychological abuse taking place and thats just a start.

PR, shows classic signs of sexual abuse. He need for control, because she wasn't in control of her own body as a child. The biggest house in her neighborhood, she wasn't the smallest anymore. She married an older man. PR, had the ability to distance herself from, pain, grief and remorse, learned while laying there pretending to be somewhere else, someon else, and she was doing something else. I could go on but you get the idea, I see this abuse in PR and I haven't even touched on the abuse doled out by Nedra, and that was psychological. Combine the two and its really quite disturbing, PR was fractured in two, basically two people. Like her house what you see up front is one thing. Whats underneath is another.

JR, is an abuser. In case you didn't know this HOTYH, most of your serial killers and truly disturbed individuals are quiet thinkers. Loners "hence" the flying, how much more alone can it get? They are usually highly intelligent and quite often successful. Most of your truly sick characters, live right next door and go undetected for years if they are ever caught, for exactly the reason that they are so normal. JR, was mind boinking his wife. I'll refer to Betty Broderick (read about her case, google it with mental abuse added too her name) Her husband like JR played his wife. She was the loaded gun, he was the trigger and when he pulled, it backfired (Oh, my word, BR did not kill JBR... Oh, my Gosh.... Damn).
I know that, Ames. But if I could find out why, I might be a step closer to opening his mind.

I'm glad you're here, Ames. I'm afraid I need you.

I certainly will try to help SD, but I am afriad that Hold is going to stick to one or more of his ridiculous theories. I can't keep up with all of them anymore. I have my doubts that is mind can be open. It's so full of different theories, that it has to remain shut, or they will all fall out.
my bold

Then maybe this thread is not for you? Because this is where we discuss "What small foreign faction". Thats the topic.

It's actually called..."What small Foreign Faction ?". As in....it doesn't exist, not meant for us to try and figure out which one it is. :banghead:
It's actually called..."What small Foreign Faction ?". As in....it doesn't exist, not meant for us to try and figure out which one it is. :banghead:

Oh yes it is:

I am mainly concerned with the ransom note, and I try to analyse it item by item. At present I am trying to answer one simple question: what “small foreign faction” are we supposed to have brought to mind by this note? To what “foreign faction” is the note alluding? Is it a particular foreign faction or is it meant to be vague and generic?

I'm giving up reconciling RDI claims with facts because its like impossible.
HOTYH, What SFF, did the R's dream team investigate? Tell me of one SFF, you have heard about anyone, LE,DA,DT...ect...ect...ect... Investing? Name one? If you can do that, then help a chick out and tell me who that faction is? Which Foreign Faction is under suspicion? Or is it that your the only still looking for that red herring?
Oh yes it is:

I'm giving up reconciling RDI claims with facts because its like impossible.

Hold...you seem to have left this part out of Plenum's post...

"(I’m not suggesting here that any foreign faction was actually involved, by the way. I don’t think for a minute that Bin Laden and co might have killed JBR! I think the note is all misinformation, but what is it that we are supposed to think?)"
Plenum wants to know which SFF we were supposed to THINK it was, since the RN was a fake. You are trying to come up with ones that you believe actually were involved. Have you ever in your entire life....besides in the Ramsey RN, heard the words...Small Foreign Faction? Just curious...
Hold...you seem to have left this part out of Plenum's post...

"(I’m not suggesting here that any foreign faction was actually involved, by the way. I don’t think for a minute that Bin Laden and co might have killed JBR! I think the note is all misinformation, but what is it that we are supposed to think?)"
Plenum wants to know which SFF we were supposed to THINK it was, since the RN was a fake. You are trying to come up with ones that you believe actually were involved. Have you ever in your entire life....besides in the Ramsey RN, heard the words...Small Foreign Faction? Just curious...

I have never in my entire life heard anyone make a threat to behead a 6 year old child. Have you?


That should be a clue to fanatical RDI that there's something amiss. There is something grossly disturbed about this person. RDI has tried and failed to associate PR or JR with anything like THAT.

Its truly bizarre, yet RDI just wants to quote filicide statistics which can't possibly apply here because the circumstances are too unusual.
I have never in my entire life heard anyone make a threat to behead a 6 year old child. Have you?


That should be a clue to fanatical RDI that there's something amiss. There is something grossly disturbed about this person. RDI has tried and failed to associate PR or JR with anything like THAT.

Its truly bizarre, yet RDI just wants to quote filicide statistics which can't possibly apply here because the circumstances are too unusual.

I must admit that I have never heard anyone make a threat to behead a 6 year old child, but I'm sure that there are many threats made that I have never heard of.

I do know of one 6 year old child that was beheaded, maybe you remember him, Adam Walsh.
I have never in my entire life heard anyone make a threat to behead a 6 year old child. Have you?


That should be a clue to fanatical RDI that there's something amiss. There is something grossly disturbed about this person. RDI has tried and failed to associate PR or JR with anything like THAT.

Its truly bizarre, yet RDI just wants to quote filicide statistics which can't possibly apply here because the circumstances are too unusual.

The small foreign faction is actually heard in gamers language. It is in an old Sega or Nintendo game and I can't remember which one. Something like Rambo or Airborne Rangers. It is in the intro like.... You and a small foreign faction have to go on some mission or quest. You start the game with some computer generated extra characters who "help" you out but die quickly.

The SBTC at the end of the note is also a Warcraft game reference.

Guess who helped develop Blizzard Entertainment who makes these on-line games and a lot of others?

Jesse McReynolds.
Its one thing if there's irrefutable evidence that the handle was used for such a purpose. Used to abrade JBR in a sexual assault? Nah. Dr. Meyer described no such injury.

Its just someone's imagination running away with them.

Yeah, and I know whose! I didn't say the BROKEN end had been jammed in. Rather the end before it was broken off. And Dr. McCann described such an injury, saying it was caused by something much harder than a fingernail because of its well-demarcated edges.
On the anterior aspect of the perineum, along the edges of closure of the labia majora, is a small amount of dried blood. A similar small amount of dried and semifluid blood is present on the skin of the fourchette and in the vestibule. Inside the vestibule of the vagina and along the distal vaginal wall is reddish hyperemia. This hyperemia is circumferential and perhaps more noticeable on the right side and posteriorly. The hyperemia also appears to extend just inside the vaginal orifice. A 1 cm red-purple area of abrasion is located on the right posterolateral area of the 1 x 1 cm hymeneal orifice. The hymen itself is represented by a rim of mucosal tissue extending clockwise between the 2 and 10:00 positions. The area of abrasion is present at approximately the 7:00 position and appears to involve the hymen and distal right lateral vaginal wall and possibly the area anterior to the hymen. On the right labia majora is a very faint area of violent discoloration measuring approximately one inch by three-eighths of an inch. Incision into the underlying subcutaneous tissue discloses no hemorrhage. A minimal amount of semiliquid thin watery red fluid is present in the vaginal vault. No recent or remote anal or other perineal trauma is identified.

Is this the hyperemia found or the 1cm red purple area of abrasion?
Tell me how so HOTYH? You have experience with child abuse? You can look at a crowd of people and know who does or doesnt beat or molest their children. Cause if you can, I know some agencies that can use your super powers HOTYH.

Yeah, get HOTYH on the job. Then maybe there wouldn't be so damned much of it!

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