What steps should be taken to protect kids from being left in a car.

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I think the search to the effect of the "faces of death" pretty much overrules anything he might has researched on prevention. I did not know he also looked at preventive measures but I'm surprised that he stopped at just that one method. There are a lot of good suggestions here that I would have never thought about.

We always played a disk/tape of Toddler songs when my grandchildren were in the car because we did not always have them. It kept them quite or singing along with the music so forgetting them was impossible. "The Wheels on the Bus" was their favorite so it was always..."play it again, Papa."
For daycares it seems to me that a system of the parent calling in to let the daycare know they are not bringing the child in that day would be very beneficial. If the parent does not call, the daycare should immediately call the parent or emergency contact information they have to verify. While a daycare may say this should not be their responsibility, at the prices they charge to watch your child it would be something that should be built into the system and could be worked out. jmo

Shoot, my DD's MIDDLE SCHOOL calls if she is not in class for attendance.
And, in the spirit of reciprocity, if I know she is sick or will be out, I call her school.

I know daycare is different, because attendance is not mandatory, but I do think it might be a good idea to institute this practice.

It is sort of sad that because parents suck so bad, it becomes the responsibility of the caregivers to remind parents that they have not delivered to them the children they are responsible for. In other words, it is sad that even when not with the caregiver, the caregiver is still responsible for reminding those parents that they even HAVE children.

However, if it saves a child's life, it is worth it. But it makes me so angry at these loser parents who cannot remember they HAVE kids so non-parents have to step up and cover all the bases.
RH had high tech stuff. ANY of these items could have been purchased. How many computers were taken by CCPD?(including laptops, tablets etc...)*
They also have 2 iPhones I know his was an iPhone 5 .
How much were they? $600????
How about 1 less computer?
A less expensive phone?

Sadly his son took a back seat to daddy's
cell phone and laptop. I mean that literally.
He even posted on Reddit how insensed he was at someone who left a laptop in their car at a ball game.

I stand by my assertion! This was his wife's fear. It didn't become a fear of his until it served him a purpose. I hope that comes back and bites him real good.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you were speaking with him, what did he talk to you and how did he speak about the charges once you told him he was being arrested first with a cruelty charge?*

STODDARD: When I first spoke to the cruelty charge, he argued it and said it was an accident.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you later inform him he was also being arrested for felony murder?*

STODDARD: I did. After the decision was made and looking at everything we had had gathered to that point, we did decide to charge him with murder. I brought him back into the interview room and sat him down to explain the charge to him.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you told him what he was being charged with, what language did he use when responding to you?*

STODDARD: He looked at me and said, but there's no malicious intent.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No malicious intent. Now, during the interview, just a little -- last few questions on the topic of probable cause. Did he discuss the issue of being afraid of children -- his child dying in a car?*


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What did he tell you about that?*

STODDARD: He said it was a fear of his.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did he explain further things he did about this fear that he had?*

STODDARD: Yes. He had researched watched (ph) websites on this fear. Two in particular. He had watched --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: First, let me ask you, did he watch anything on television involving an advocate?*


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tell the judge about what he said with that.*

STODDARD: He watched a TV show, an advocate who had lost his child, and he -- Ross said, just like me, in a child heat related death and this gentlemen was advocating for a turnaround program. He was very conscience of this because of this advocate and the turnaround program and he said he practiced it often. And, I'm sorry, for turnaround program means actually turn around and make sure there are no children in the car with you.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So he actually -- he learned about how to do that?*

STODDARD: That is correct.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And his claim was he didn't do it on that day, even knowing that?*

STODDARD: Correct.*


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Yep. And he couldn't afford to buy his son a second car seat that FIT.

*thank goodness mommy's boobies started hurting! Otherwise this baby would be dead!

"The report said the woman also told authorities she didn't expect the doctor's appointment to last long. But after waiting about an hour, the woman realized she hadn't breastfed the baby, ran outside and brought the child into the office where a pediatrician and nurses were able to stabilize the girl with cool compresses, it added."


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*thank goodness mommy's boobies started hurting! Otherwise this baby would be dead!

"The report said the woman also told authorities she didn't expect the doctor's appointment to last long. But after waiting about an hour, the woman realized she hadn't breastfed the baby, ran outside and brought the child into the office where a pediatrician and nurses were able to stabilize the girl with cool compresses, it added."


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I pray they take that baby away from her. This time, she survived. The next time (and you KNOW there will be a next time) she will not be so lucky.

Parents should not be given second chances at the expense of their children. When will lawmakers and CPS wake up and realize that children are PEOPLE and they have a RIGHT to live without danger or abuse?

Why are crappy parents more important than the children they abuse and neglect? WHY?
Oops! Watch out! If you report a child in a hot car to police you might get killed!


she doesn't care about anyone's safety!

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good lawd
Crazy woman should be charged with attempted murder and malicious wounding. stupid, moronic, violent b^*ch.

For daycares it seems to me that a system of the parent calling in to let the daycare know they are not bringing the child in that day would be very beneficial. If the parent does not call, the daycare should immediately call the parent or emergency contact information they have to verify. While a daycare may say this should not be their responsibility, at the prices they charge to watch your child it would be something that should be built into the system and could be worked out. jmo

Our daycare does this. We have to sign the kids in and if we don't, they call. Just like school.

Unfortunately, this came from an incident where a baby was killed after being left in a hot car. This was accidental. It was one of those times where the morning schedule was off and the mom was supposed to bring the baby in and went to work instead. She went to pick up the child from daycare and they told her the baby was never dropped off. Now how she didn't see the baby in the back, I don't know, but rear-facing car seats do make it difficult.
RH had high tech stuff. ANY of these items could have been purchased. How many computers were taken by CCPD?(including laptops, tablets etc...)*
They also have 2 iPhones I know his was an iPhone 5 .
How much were they? $600????
How about 1 less computer?
A less expensive phone?

Sadly his son took a back seat to daddy's
cell phone and laptop. I mean that literally.
He even posted on Reddit how insensed he was at someone who left a laptop in their car at a ball game.

I stand by my assertion! This was his wife's fear. It didn't become a fear of his until it served him a purpose. I hope that comes back and bites him real good.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you were speaking with him, what did he talk to you and how did he speak about the charges once you told him he was being arrested first with a cruelty charge?*

STODDARD: When I first spoke to the cruelty charge, he argued it and said it was an accident.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you later inform him he was also being arrested for felony murder?*

STODDARD: I did. After the decision was made and looking at everything we had had gathered to that point, we did decide to charge him with murder. I brought him back into the interview room and sat him down to explain the charge to him.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you told him what he was being charged with, what language did he use when responding to you?*

STODDARD: He looked at me and said, but there's no malicious intent.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No malicious intent. Now, during the interview, just a little -- last few questions on the topic of probable cause. Did he discuss the issue of being afraid of children -- his child dying in a car?*


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What did he tell you about that?*

STODDARD: He said it was a fear of his.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did he explain further things he did about this fear that he had?*

STODDARD: Yes. He had researched watched (ph) websites on this fear. Two in particular. He had watched --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: First, let me ask you, did he watch anything on television involving an advocate?*


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tell the judge about what he said with that.*

STODDARD: He watched a TV show, an advocate who had lost his child, and he -- Ross said, just like me, in a child heat related death and this gentlemen was advocating for a turnaround program. He was very conscience of this because of this advocate and the turnaround program and he said he practiced it often. And, I'm sorry, for turnaround program means actually turn around and make sure there are no children in the car with you.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So he actually -- he learned about how to do that?*

STODDARD: That is correct.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And his claim was he didn't do it on that day, even knowing that?*

STODDARD: Correct.*


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Thanks gngr-snap for this transcript.

bbm Look how unidentified male starts off with "no malicious intent"

and on the second bbm he gets off the videos and straight to the TV show for advocacy on the subject. idk just happened to notice that.
Australia is the sunburnt country, we have hot days and then, even hotter days :hot: , leaving small children or a dog in a car is a death sentence.

Back in the day when all car doors had to be locked, I don't think there were children left in cars. But unfortunately it seems these days, some people are absent minded, careless or even downright killers. How do we distinguish between them?

When I lived in Queensland which is a sub-tropical state, extremely hot during summer, one young mother visiting her parents on a property with her husband, knowingly left their small baby asleep in the car while she, husband and family chatted inside the cool house. Left the baby for hours, it was stinking hot and sure enough, the baby died!! It was stupidity and laziness, she didn't want to wake the baby.

This was 25 yrs ago and I've never forgotten it, there's been 1000's of cases since then, just makes me so sad and angry. :mad:


Leaving your child alone in a car is not only extremely dangerous, but also illegal in every state and territory in Australia. You can be charged and convicted.

In 2008 and 2009, 1857 children in New South Wales and 1543 children in Victoria were rescued from locked cars.

I pray they take that baby away from her. This time, she survived. The next time (and you KNOW there will be a next time) she will not be so lucky.

Parents should not be given second chances at the expense of their children. When will lawmakers and CPS wake up and realize that children are PEOPLE and they have a RIGHT to live without danger or abuse?

Why are crappy parents more important than the children they abuse and neglect? WHY?


Foster care is very very very expensive.

Some people believe that the best place for a child is with the reformed and educated parents.

Has that ever worked? Doesn't seem possible, but maybe people know of cases where it has?

Foster care is very very very expensive.

Some people believe that the best place for a child is with the reformed and educated parents.

Has that ever worked? Doesn't seem possible, but maybe people know of cases where it has?

Not to mention, not all foster families are better than the child's original family. How many news stories do you see each year about children who are abused or neglected by their foster parents? :(

I like the idea of education in the hospital before the parents leave with the baby. Our hospital already makes patients watch videos on shaken baby syndrome and the importance of car seat safety (although some of the info is outdated or incorrect :-/).
Not to mention, not all foster families are better than the child's original family. How many news stories do you see each year about children who are abused or neglected by their foster parents? :(

Plus this one...ten-month old baby dies after being left in hot car by foster parent who was attempting to adopt:


Seems a common factor is day care--could it be that people are just overwhelmed with the lifestyle we live?
Seems a common factor is day care--could it be that people are just overwhelmed with the lifestyle we live?
Snipped by me, BBM

This has been my thought for awhile, so many of the "forgotten baby syndrome" cases are two working parents with alternating daycare drop off schedules, and/or hectic morning routines that resulted in the death of their child. As a stay at home mom, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around this.
Snipped by me, BBM

This has been my thought for awhile, so many of the "forgotten baby syndrome" cases are two working parents with alternating daycare drop off schedules, and/or hectic morning routines that resulted in the death of their child. As a stay at home mom, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around this.
I am too. "Forgotten Baby Syndrome" is poppy *advertiser censored*.
10-15 min is FBS imo
3,4 -7 hours is a DIS-CONNECT!

* really I am not referring to parents with several kids that forget one for 15min... I am talking about forgetting one long enough for them to die!

I worked! 12 days on 2 days off 8:30 am- 5:00 pm M-F
9:00 am -1:00pm Sat
I took call 10:00 am -11:00 pm Sun
and took call for the doctors until 11:00pm most other nights.
I had two kids 15months apart, and I did this when they were 6wks &17mos - 3 1/2 yrs & 5yrs.
I had almost zero help from their dad. None during the week. He did watch them Sat mornings so I could work.
Some how I managed to remember both of them. They didn't always go to the same day care. There were MANY nights I did not sleep, sometimes 2 in a row. Lots of schedule changes every time someone got sick, or the sitter was ill.
I did pull in an air conditioned / heated drive under garage.
Even then I never forgot one in the car, and there were times my beeper was going nuts!

I guess I was really lucky. Then again there were BARELY any quiet rides home. If they weren't crying, I was cussing some dork trying to make a 90° turn from the far Left lane in the middle of I-75!!!
They learned some doozie wurdy durds in my back seat!
Gotta love Atlanta traffic!

ETA: FBS... I.would be willing to apply that title to a grandparent or infrequent sitter aunt, uncle, family member... especially when loading them down aith 3+ children.moo
Not a parent.

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Plus this one...ten-month old baby dies after being left in hot car by foster parent who was attempting to adopt:


Seems a common factor is day care--could it be that people are just overwhelmed with the lifestyle we live?

The common factor wasn't daycare. In that case, I place a lot of blame on the foster care system. He was a foster parent who was given far too many small children to care for in his home. My own daughter had three children in twelve months. No way could she and her husband care for them without help and they didn't. Family stepped in. It was wrong to place that many children in his care to begin with.


Foster care is very very very expensive.

Some people believe that the best place for a child is with the reformed and educated parents.

Has that ever worked? Doesn't seem possible, but maybe people know of cases where it has?

Infants separated from their mothers can be emotionally traumatized by separation from their mothers even if the mother is the worst parent in the world. If the infant has bonded, a separation can be brutal. For that reason, foster care is also the last resort. The amount of money should be the least of anyone's concern if they truly are concerned about the child.

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