What the School Staff and students say about the morning Kyron went missing

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I think he went downstairs before the groups. I think that's what TP was saying.

I agree with this. I think the tour was still underway (or about to get underway), due to TP saying that Ky said he was going to look at the cool electrical project. So, it makes sense to me that TP said he then went downstairs, if they were still touring the projects (or about to begin touring the projects).

Is the gym downstairs?
Kyron is gone. The focus in this case has been 'unidirectional' and that direction is on Terri. Weeks have gone by and all we have are interesting perceptions and conflicting data from people who claim to have insights into Terry's behavior, motive, and persona. Pretty sure this will be a murder one charge and must be proven in court beyond 'all' reasonable doubt. That means FACTS will have to be presented from people who are named - not guesses from former LE, armchair detectives, family member perceptions, remote friends, media, and un-named sources. moo

LE are not perfect and often have been wrong in determining who the perp is in cases such as this. Look at 3yo Riley Fox who was raped, murdered, and thrown in a creek. LE told the community that the crime was a 'one time' crime, directed at little Riley, and that the community was not in danger - not to worry. Turns out the dad wasn't the perp - but a RSO who roamed freely about the community until he raped a family member and was finally thrown behind bars.

If people think Terri hustled Kyron out of the school unnoticed, certainly a child predator could - so why not speculate in that regard? Sorry, but I'm sick of insinuations about Terri's character from those who trusted her with their babies and only now are able to say things like she is a serial liar. If she has lied for 8 years and is such a despicable person, why was she allowed to volunteer in Kyron's school and why was she allowed to continue mothering Kyron and baby K.? moo

Maybe Terri murdered Kyron and maybe not? I have to really stretch what little we know so that scenario could be considered. As for Terri being a psychopath - it's real scary she went unnoticed by so many for so long. Think I'll wait until more info comes out before coming to any conclusions. mho and all that stuff.


There is so much you bring up in this post that we can discuss, eyes4crime.

In this post I'll just bring up your second sentence:

"The focus in this case has been 'unidirectional' and that direction is on Terri." (eyes4crime).

We do NOT know what is going on behind the scenes with the investigation. My best guess is that, over the past seven weeks or so, all investigative routes have led straight to Terri.

That it is this way is not because everyone has it in for this woman. It must be that all the circumstantial evidence points directly at this step-mom.

MY opinion.
a thought

TH tells the teacher that the doctor's appointment is Friday, tells Kyron it's friday so as if he talks to a friend they also think it's planned for him not to be there.

No one in authority has commented on the paperwork that TH supposedly gave the teacher...what date was listed on the paper? did it have the 4th or the 11th? did she tell the teacher the 4th even if the appointment date on the paper said 11th knowing/hoping the teacher wouldn't notice?

I would think that the date on this supposed paperwork would be key...

I think that part is further confused by TP because he stated that he went downstairs and never saw Kyron again.

I have put the reference in the time line thread and don't have time right now to reference it here.

Why would he go downstairs when his classroom is upstairs?
So when did this comment by the teacher actually occur?

Seriously, the child is 7 years old and had no idea that his recollection of Kyron would be critical.

When I read this, I'm not clear as to WHO went downstairs. Would that be the person being quoted or is "he" referring to Kyron?
I would grant a certain amount of credibility to K's story. And I would temper that amount of credibility with the fact that it was third degree hearsay.

I would also grant a certain amount of credibility to T's statement of seeing TH leave, and seeing Kyron without TH.

I would grant a certain amount of credibility to the unidentified witness ( be it child or adult ), who saw Kyron by his classroom door around 9 :00 a.m.

I would grant a certain amount of credibility to Kyron's friend,who saw him in the gym without TH.

And lastly, I would grant a certain amount of credibility to the group of kids from Skyline who posted amongst themselves on FB, talking about a "creepy guy " who several of them saw around the school that a.m. Also, they discussed how "open " the school was that morning,how anyone could just walk in....

I'm wondering if the questionnaire LE had people fill out might have corroborated TH's story about the school that morning ? Because,IMO,that would explain why it has been quietly set aside, and why LE never refers to it anymore....


Great assessment, Liz. Thanks for posting it.
I do not understand this school and the lack of policies--or unenforced policies. IMO, they truly did create a scenario for something to go wrong. The first and foremost action that morning, at 8:35 (or whenever the morning bell rang) should have been to take roll. Then the students/parents could disperse to meet back at 8:45, where the teacher would count heads (i.e. double-check attendance) before dividing everyone up into groups. If it was protocol to take "official" roll count at 10:00 to turn into the office, then the teacher would check one more time. I was a teacher for several years--you are counting heads all day...
a thought

TH tells the teacher that the doctor's appointment is Friday, tells Kyron it's friday so as if he talks to a friend they also think it's planned for him not to be there.

No one in authority has commented on the paperwork that TH supposedly gave the teacher...what date was listed on the paper? did it have the 4th or the 11th? did she tell the teacher the 4th even if the appointment date on the paper said 11th knowing/hoping the teacher wouldn't notice?

I would think that the date on this supposed paperwork would be key...


Not sure about Kyron's paperwork but I pulled a old copy of the form that we used with our child. It looks to be some type of standardized form. The only date space on it is for the person filling out the paperwork. No where did ours have a place for the date of the appt or even the doctors name for that matter.
I would grant a certain amount of credibility to K's story. And I would temper that amount of credibility with the fact that it was third degree hearsay.

I would also grant a certain amount of credibility to T's statement of seeing TH leave, and seeing Kyron without TH.

I would grant a certain amount of credibility to the unidentified witness ( be it child or adult ), who saw Kyron by his classroom door around 9 :00 a.m.

I would grant a certain amount of credibility to Kyron's friend,who saw him in the gym without TH.

And lastly, I would grant a certain amount of credibility to the group of kids from Skyline who posted amongst themselves on FB, talking about a "creepy guy " who several of them saw around the school that a.m. Also, they discussed how "open " the school was that morning,how anyone could just walk in....

I'm wondering if the questionnaire LE had people fill out might have corroborated TH's story about the school that morning ? Because,IMO,that would explain why it has been quietly set aside, and why LE never refers to it anymore....


I would love to hear more about this--that is very interesting!
therein lies the problem. If he can confuse a simple concept of upstairs and downstairs, what else has he confused?

We know nothing of what anyone has said that is critical to the investigation.

Who are we? NOBODY. Nobody who has any right to any info. None.

Kyron's parents are given info. And yes, LE does give info to the parents of missing children. They did for my friend's child.

" Who are we ? NOBODY " Well,... okay.. we're just people posting on a crime message board, right ? What I meant,though, was at the very beginning,when a few people, like teachers,and the head of the PTSA, did mention what they observed, that no one,not one solitary person ever said : Oh yes,I saw TH getting into the truck with Kyron. So,in the context of this thread,which is about the statements of teachers,students etc., that morning, IMO,the flow of statements does not lead in the direction of TH leaving with Kyron.

How do you explain TP's comment that he went DOWNSTAIRS after the comment about Kyron getting a drink of water?

The classroom is upstairs and the groups were over.

Why would he go DOWNSTAIRS to an UPSTAIRS classroom?

Sorry that I can't remember the map of the school, but let's remember that
no one mentioned seeing baby K in the school! (that we know of).
Could the reason TH was at the opposite end of the hallway from Kyron be
because she was running out to the truck to check on the baby? Of course,
Kyron would know his baby sister was outside in the truck, Terri could have
told him she would check on baby K and then meet him downstairs to see the
"cool electric project". Just an idea.

I do think we should add into our theories the idea that baby K must have
been left in the truck that morning since no one mentioned seeing her.
Wouldn't witnesses have said "Oh yes, I saw Kyron with his Mom and baby
sister." She's so adorable. Wouldn't it be natural to mention seeing her?

Another question- What time did TP get to school? Was he driven there early or
did he come by bus at 8:45? I think we all believe he saw Kyron so that could
help in the timeline. I am not taking TH's word for it that she was at the school
until 8:45, but if TP saw them and came by bus then I guess we can believe it.
I do not understand this school and the lack of policies--or unenforced policies. IMO, they truly did create a scenario for something to go wrong. The first and foremost action that morning, at 8:35 (or whenever the morning bell rang) should have been to take roll. Then the students/parents could disperse to meet back at 8:45, where the teacher would count heads (i.e. double-check attendance) before dividing everyone up into groups. If it was protocol to take "official" roll count at 10:00 to turn into the office, then the teacher would check one more time. I was a teacher for several years--you are counting heads all day...

I have to agree there should have been procedures to follow. I am sure now that schools across the nation will tighten up their policies in the wake of this case....at least I hope so!

All the parents with school age kids and grandkids on this board please check with your school when it restarts in the fall to ensure they have procedures to track students and follow them in these type of school events.
When I read this, I'm not clear as to WHO went downstairs. Would that be the person being quoted or is "he" referring to Kyron?

Here's what TP said. These are my own transcriptions, because I've seen a lot of inaccuracies in the transcriptions in news articles and on the net. I only trust myself for video transcriptions. Your mileage may vary. :)

Video 1:

- I went downstairs, and that was the last time I saw him and I never did see him after that.

- And she was like 'oh no where's Kyron there's only five' and Miss Porter's like it's alright calm down, calm down she's probably in the bathroom or getting a drink of water and she's like alright I'm gonna leave and she left.

Video 2 (reporter says TP saw Kyron around 8:45):

- And he walked by the hallway and I'm like, Hi, Kyron, and he's like, Hi. I'm gonna go see this cool one. Electric one. And I'm like, Alright, bye. And that's the last time I saw him. He never did make it back to class.

Video 1: http://video.aol.ca/video-detail/in...-of-kyron-horman/2091168039/?icid=VIDURVNWS08

Video 2: http://www.kptv.com/video/23842579/index.html
" Who are we ? NOBODY " Well,... okay.. we're just people posting on a crime message board, right ? What I meant,though, was at the very beginning,when a few people, like teachers,and the head of the PTSA, did mention what they observed, that no one,not one solitary person ever said : Oh yes,I saw TH getting into the truck with Kyron. So,in the context of this thread,which is about the statements of teachers,students etc., that morning, IMO,the flow of statements does not lead in the direction of TH leaving with Kyron.


"The last time this child was seen was inside the school and was never seen leaving the school," Staton told CNN.

June 11, LE, Staton

If this is true, and she was this smart and this cunning about her plan, could she have not come up with a better alibi than driving around baby K to soothe her earache?

If I hypothesize that Terri is responsible in full for Kyron's abduction, then it becomes clear to me that she went to the school to establish an alibi. Otherwise, she would've said he was playing in the yard, she went inside to tend to baby K, and when she came back, he was gone. That would've been easier and in a way less risky to carry out than snatching him from a school full of people. There is plenty of precedent for children being taken from their yards and even their homes, but much less precedent for a child being abducted from a school. So, in my mind, if she did this, she chose the school because she wanted an alibi, she wanted to put the attention somewhere else. The plan is risky. It's a busy day and so there will be a lot of people, that's true, but it's a busy day and there will be more people in more areas of the school, more cars in the parking lot, more chances to be seen. It's risky as hell, but if you hypothesize that she's guilty, she decides this is the only way she can pull it off and not look guilty. Why, then, would she draw attention to herself by creating confusion about the doctor's appointment? So the school wouldn't call? They didn't normally call if a child was absent. She could have just as easily banked on the no-call policy. Or she could have given LE the story about the earache or said she was running errands, and could've conveniently "missed" a call from the school about Kyron missing. As it stands, there's not that much time unaccounted for. If she's guilty, she did whatever she did rather quickly. Her intentionally creating confusion about the doctor's appointment puts attention directly on her, something I believe she was avoiding, if she's guilty, and she used taking him to school as her alibi.

It just doesn't make sense to me that she'd put an already risky plan into effect, a plan that hinges on no one seeing her leave with Kyron, and then directly implicate herself by being sloppy about the doctor's appointment.

In all honesty, it behooves the school, the administration, and the teachers to say Terri misled them. They certainly don't want to bear any responsibility for this mess.

If Terri gave the teacher paperwork related to the doctor's appointment, why didn't she pick it up? How can she be both so solid and sloppy in her planning? The two extremes are nearly unfathomable in this case. And what of Kyron's friend "T" who witnessed the exchange between the teacher and helper. If everyone knew Kyron was at his doctor's appointment, why wasn't that the teacher's initial response when asked where Kyron was that morning?

Excellent questions. These are things that troubled me from the start - the riskiness of the situation makes no sense to me.
However, Th likely could not have planned it to say Kyron was out playing and when she came back, he was gone, because that gives her no time to dispose of Kyron. When would he have been out playing? When would he have disappeared? In such a scenario, it would have to be a time when Kaine was not around, or anyone else and she was alone with the kids for several hours. I get the sense that Kaine was home pretty early each day and on weekends was there. Maybe she would have preferred such a scenario but the opportunity never presented itself and she got tired of waiting?
All I know is that to take Kyron from school on that day has created a lot of confusion about where to look for the culprit. Many of us were immediately upset at the school and its policies and assumed someone took him as he walked to class. If she planned this, it was smart and stupid at the same time which is pretty normal for many criminals. They always think they are smarter than others.
What about the step-moms friend? Where was she that morning? Kyron would not have had any idea that anything was wrong if her friend showed up later on after step-mom drove off with him in the truck. Cell pings says her phone was on the little island, maybe it was the friend who had the phone? Killed the child, dumped him into trunk of friends car, then got the body later and drove to near by her home to bury him. Hench...criminals return to the scene of the crime. She went to her home after her husband had her kicked out. just sayin.
I don't know why the school just didn't call the doctor's office to verify the appt. Maybe that wasn't necessary. When my boys were in school many many yrs ago verification from the doctor's office/appt was required. IF that's what the parent/guardian claimed the reason for absence was.

I'm sure law enforcement checked. To try to answer your question hypothetically, it sounds like it could be a cover story setup because she wanted him not to be missed all day long. Maybe that's an obvious hypothesis but it's the only one I can come up with.

If it's true about her trying to hire a hit man to murder her husband, no telling what she may have plotted against this poor little child. Those are no small allegations against this woman. I can't imagine the media, school, teachers, classmates, gym manager, neighbors, landlords of friends, parents, FBI, sheriff, police all getting up one day and deciding to plot against the stepmom.


If this has already been answered, sorry. But I can tell you from working in a Dr.'s office during both pre- and post HIPPA years, that the office staff aren't allowed to confirm or deny over the phone TO ANYONE whether or not a patient was seen on a certain day. If requested by the patient, we could issue a "doctor's note," which stated that on such and such date at this time so-and-so had an appointment. A couple of school personnel did call a few times before they were made aware of the policy, but we could never release any info, or even confirm or deny if they were a patient or not.
I would grant a certain amount of credibility to K's story. And I would temper that amount of credibility with the fact that it was third degree hearsay.

I would also grant a certain amount of credibility to T's statement of seeing TH leave, and seeing Kyron without TH.

I would grant a certain amount of credibility to the unidentified witness ( be it child or adult ), who saw Kyron by his classroom door around 9 :00 a.m.

I would grant a certain amount of credibility to Kyron's friend,who saw him in the gym without TH.

And lastly, I would grant a certain amount of credibility to the group of kids from Skyline who posted amongst themselves on FB, talking about a "creepy guy " who several of them saw around the school that a.m. Also, they discussed how "open " the school was that morning,how anyone could just walk in....

I'm wondering if the questionnaire LE had people fill out might have corroborated TH's story about the school that morning ? Because,IMO,that would explain why it has been quietly set aside, and why LE never refers to it anymore....



Wow, this is the first I've heard of this. Has it been discussed on WS somewhere?

Wow, this is the first I've heard of this. Has it been discussed on WS somewhere?

Yes,it was discussed at the beginning of Kyron's disappearance. I think a lot of posters believe that TH has at least some involvement in Kyron's disappearance, and that is why not much importance was given to what the kids posted to each other on FB.

Gosh, with everything that I have read, would love to see a link to the FB discussion amongst the kids who were chatting about the scary stranger. You'd think the local papers would have been all over that. Dang....

Would you happen to have a link to that? TIA
Gosh, with everything that I have read, would love to see a link to the FB discussion amongst the kids who were chatting about the scary stranger. You'd think the local papers would have been all over that. Dang....

Would you happen to have a link to that? TIA

Sorry CajunGirl, I don't have a link. You could probably try the search function on this thread ; it was discussed way upthread. As to the local papers, I don't know about any stories on the postings on FB. But,if you really are interested,WW might have mentioned it....could always do a google,I suppose... ? As I've said before,though, IMO the kids have a huge advantage that we do not have. Namely that they were actually there at Skyline Elementary that morning.

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