What was found with the remains? THEORIES HERE

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Maybe a doll.

Maybe, but how would that tie to the home? I could see if they wanted to obtain a photo from the home that had a particular blanket in it or a doll, but that wouldn't warrant them rushing to the home to secure it ASAP, would it?
i'm thinking it might be something like jewelry.. and of course duct tape.

i didn't think too much of the pesticide containers at first because almost everyone i know, including myself have those.( i use mine for plant food..) and i figured they were just taking them just because...

but then when someone here said they think casey might have sprayed the body down with bug spray to prevent it from becoming overridden with bugs while she had it stashed either in the trunk or playhouse... then that got me thinking..
Oh - just had a thought... that area was possibly under water when the bag was left there... and TM said it had depressions under it from the weight. WHAT IF she used something to weighh the bag down? Were there any bricks or pavers in the A back yard? Maybe there was a missing one?
If they could tell by looking at the remains, perhaps they could tell it was a violent death and that there would be bloodspatter and the like at the crime scene. We all know how hard it is to completely remove blood. The A's house was the last KNOWN location of Caylee so they would have a reason to suspect that was the crime scene.
Wasn't it said KC made a call to JCPenney's either during the "flurry" of calls or very near that time in order to replace something in the house?

IMO she may have used the plastic shower curtain (to prevent messing up the house) and had to get another before CA seen it missing.
Oh - just had a thought... that area was possibly under water when the bag was left there... and TM said it had depressions under it from the weight. WHAT IF she used something to weighh the bag down? Were there any bricks or pavers in the A back yard? Maybe there was a missing one?

AHHHHHHH that's a great theory! I didn't even think of that. Yes TM said the body did NOT move and was in the same place and there was no denying that fact (not a direct quote, my paraphrasing).

Anyone remember that lovely brickpaver design they had in the backyard? I think Caylee had the pic of her in the orange swimsuit standing on them? Do I remember correctly that the A's had the brick pavers put in right before Caylee went missing?

If so, there could have been extra bricks left that KC used to put in the bag.... But could we imagine KC carrying the bag with the bricks over the fence, etc.? It would be a little heavy, right?
Oh - just had a thought... that area was possibly under water when the bag was left there... and TM said it had depressions under it from the weight. WHAT IF she used something to weighh the bag down? Were there any bricks or pavers in the A back yard? Maybe there was a missing one?

I do recall seeing a picture on the internet last night of those "stepping stones" leading to the shed.
I've been thinking the same thing- that or pillowcase, some type of bedding,towel- something that maybe the A's wouldn't have 'missed', yet there is a duplicate of in the home. Perhaps KC put her daughter in a pillowcase, or wrapped her in something before putting her in the garbage bag.

I think it was something from her bedding.
There is a picture of the evidence bag and you can clearly see
a part of the fabric in it and it matches her bedding.
I also think that they left it so it could be seen.
If you look at the bag it was large enough that they could have
pushed it down so that it would not have been seen....
remnants of grass, dirt, sand in the bag that would be consistent with her being killed in the A backyard, possible hidden, then bagged up and buried by the whack job.
A blackberry? I think, it more than likely, plastic bags that they took out of the house 6 months ago in their original search.

I totally agree as they thought from the beginning this child was killed.
I'm thinking maybe there was a note with the remains. The note could have said anything - possibly even that the body was Caylee. KC couldn't have known how much media attention this case would get. She couldn't have known how "big" this whole thing would become, or even if she would get arrested. So it's possible that she included a note with the remains so that if/when they were found, the person would know they were Caylee's. Or, the note could have had something to do with the staged kidnapping. Maybe the note mentioned "Zanny"? Whatever the case, I strongly feel there was some sort of note. This would explain why LE removed a large bin of paper as well as the computers again (maybe the note was typed).

As for other evidence, I agree that there could have been a blanket or pillow or towel included with the remains. Anytime I've ever had a pet die, I have buried it with either a blanket or towel of some sort - because touching the actual body was unpleasant. When I think about that, it makes sense to me that KC may not have wanted to touch the body after death. A weapon being with the remains also makes sense. As for the blackberry, I don't think it would be with the remains becuase then KC's whole "Zanny did it and all the numbers are in the blackberry" lie would be discovered. JMO!
I think it was a small throw pillow or pillow case from Caylee's bed - that matches a set. And if the rest of the set was still in Caylee's room - that means the A's were not involved with what happened to her or those articles wouldn't still be in the house. And I still think that maybe the top or bottom of what Caylee was wearing in the Father's Day Video was in or near the bag -
Just to add to my brick or pavers theory... moot point if they didn't have any... but here goes.

WHAT IF they took the pesticides because the paver that was in the bag would HAVE pesticide on it (or weed killer???). My mom in law sprays her bricks all the time so that weeds don't grow up in them. If they found a brick or paver - then defense could argue, "LOTS of people have pavers." HOWEVER if they matched the A pesticide/weed killer TO the paver/brick found in the bag - it would be harder or impossible to deny. Didn't they pour cement or something in the last few months? Can't remember. (looked it up - http://www.wftv.com/news/16975536/detail.html ).

Okay sooOOOoo... maybe?? NEW concrete or pavers imply there was something wrong with the old. Maybe some were missing? The dogs did hit back there... maybe it was from KC's hands pulling up a paver?

Okay - there are my 2 pennies. Don't spend em all in once place, lol.
I was LOOKING for a post like this... didn't want to make one because mine always get moved.

At any rate - I've been thinking about WHAT was in that bag that made them leave the crime scene??? I'm SO curious. They pulled apart the walls, got pesticides, went back to the sandbox/playhouse (where the dogs hit). Maybe they saw something in the bag that they had seen in the playhouse. Somethng maybe was MISSING from the playhouse?? Maybe a weapon was disposed of with her daughter? Something that would cause blunt force trauma and would have made blood splatter? I have TOO many theories to narrow it down.

I was thinking that they found white sand in the bag. the same that is in the sandbox at the house. Also, as far as paper goes, do you think there may have been some type of note in there? Maybe a prayer typed or something? As for the pesticides, I think before she removed the body, Casey sprayed the bag and inside the bag to kill them because they grossed her out. Also, was the tape placed around Caylees skull to stop any type of bleeding? I don't know.
I am interested in the pesticides they removed from the home after the search warrant. What would that have to do with what was found? There would have had to of been some sort of empty pesticide container in there. Maybe KC used it on the body to try and accelerate decomp... I think I may have seen something on CSI a while ago about that.

If the body or the bag were laid in the yard at any time, there would be pesticide residue on either or both. LE knows that GA took very good care of his lawn. I would imagine dog hair has a lot to do with what was found. It goes EVERYWHERE!
IMO, like all the talking heads had said - LE got a virtual treasure trove with this discovery.

Something was quite visible to send them immediately to the A house and rope it off.

Things I can think of:

bedding - pillow, sheet, etc.
a pull up or diaper
the infamous Blackjack

I really truly believe it was A PAVER!!! used to weigh the bag down.

Reporters all said Thursday night how LE was really going through that backyard and taking LOTS of pics - paver, paver, paver.
Oh - just had a thought... that area was possibly under water when the bag was left there... and TM said it had depressions under it from the weight. WHAT IF she used something to weighh the bag down? Were there any bricks or pavers in the A back yard? Maybe there was a missing one?

I had brought this up in another thread with no response, but I remember one of the very early reports, after the remains were found the reporter said the bag was kinda sitting on something that was duct taped around the bag(something like that) It was never mentioned again, and I couldn't find the video. I had the same thought as you that there possibly could have been something to weigh her down in water. A couple neighbours in that area said this area is a swamp that holds water until late fall.
I'm thinking Caylee was wrapped in a blanket, and it matches to the quilt on her bed. That's really the only thing I can think of right now. I can't wait until we find out.

I was also thinking maybe it was a crib sheet. I know whenever I buy presents at a shower or something and buy a matching set like that, I always buy extra fitted sheets for the crib mattress. Maybe they were taking that to show that the crib sheet matched the rest of the set?
AHHHHHHH that's a great theory! I didn't even think of that. Yes TM said the body did NOT move and was in the same place and there was no denying that fact (not a direct quote, my paraphrasing).

Anyone remember that lovely brickpaver design they had in the backyard? I think Caylee had the pic of her in the orange swimsuit standing on them? Do I remember correctly that the A's had the brick pavers put in right before Caylee went missing?

If so, there could have been extra bricks left that KC used to put in the bag.... But could we imagine KC carrying the bag with the bricks over the fence, etc.? It would be a little heavy, right?

She didn't have to move the paver and the body at the same time. She could have both in the trunk. Remove Caylee and set her body down, then put the paver in to weigh her down if she knew the area was soon to flood.

Or she could have put the paver in right before she threw the body in the swamp. She could probably tolerate its weight for one heave-ho into the lake.
If they took paper it makes me wonder if they also took the Ant's printer? Maybe KC tried to stage a kidnapping by covering Caylee's mouth with the duct tape and left a typed revenge note from "zannie" in the bag? They might be trying to match the paper found to paper in the Ant's house, also if the print/ink survived on the note then it could also be matched up to a certain printer. Hmmm....
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