What's eating you alive re this case?

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I can now say that nothing about this case eats me alive anymore. It is a very simple case of sibling rivalry where the killer is the older, mentally unstable brother who hates the younger, defenseless little sister and the parents, knowing the killer child could not be prosecuted, tried to protect their family image. Everything else is fluff.

The CBS series nailed it all into place like the proverbial nails in a coffin. I have no unanswered questions. PR and JR were/are despicable people who ruined many lives in the aftermath of their lies in order to save their creepy, damaged, son from the 'murderer' moniker and in the end, failed miserably. The irony is that when he finally broke his silence, he implicated himself as the killer. It is karma. This is all the justice that we will see.
#1 thing that's eating me: someone got away with it.

#2. If BR did it and JR covered it up why did they agree to speak to Dr Phil? Wouldn't they want to hide away in the shadows and not stir this up again?

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I can now say that nothing about this case eats me alive anymore. It is a very simple case of sibling rivalry where the killer is the older, mentally unstable brother who hates the younger, defenseless little sister and the parents, knowing the killer child could not be prosecuted, tried to protect their family image. Everything else is fluff.

The CBS series nailed it all into place like the proverbial nails in a coffin. I have no unanswered questions. PR and JR were/are despicable people who ruined many lives in the aftermath of their lies in order to save their creepy, damaged, son from the 'murderer' moniker and in the end, failed miserably. The irony is that when he finally broke his silence, he implicated himself as the killer. It is karma. This is all the justice that we will see.

Sure looks something like that. Years ago few people thought the case could ever be BDI. What about those linked with the R's will DS want to do distancing interviews will Susan Stine pop up on Dr Phil.

What about BR on Oprah, I'm a victim and I've written a book to tell you all about my sad life?

That the policewoman at the house suggested JR look around the house to see if he could detect anything missing. That one really eats at me.
I can tell you what is eating me alive today about this case!

J.R. said he wasn't going to do any more interviews? What?

Come on J.R. ! Shout it from the rooftops that you want something done about the perpetrator of your child's brutal murder!

Don't say "this will be my last interview". Instead say "I will work with the police and the D.A.'s office to do everything humanly possible - every single thing in my power to get this case back on track - on the right track - for justice for my little girl". Say "I will never give up or stop doing interviews until this case is solved. My baby deserves at least this!".

Please J.R. - do the right thing! Your daughter is counting on this!

I feel like this tells us a LOT!
I mean imagine this intruder does exist... there would always be the possibility they could still be caught, or confess - it would be one of the biggest news stories of the century - and what, John wouldn't do a single interview to say how glad they are justice has been served or even 'see, we were innocent' ?!
He's basically admitting he knows no intruder will ever be found. And how can he know that? Only one reason I can think of. If they were still at large no way would he be able to say with such certainty that he won't do another interview.
They knew the CBS docuseries was going to point the finger at Burke. ( it was rumored they would for awhile now. ) so they were trying to do damage control. It failed miserably. The show hit a homerun, Burke came across as creepy to most people. JR came across as more worried about his himself, than his dead Daughter.
#1 thing that's eating me: someone got away with it.

#2. If BR did it and JR covered it up why did they agree to speak to Dr Phil? Wouldn't they want to hide away in the shadows and not stir this up again?

It already WAS stirred up again, theboysmom. This is them trying to get out in front of it.
For the first time in 19 and half years, nothing is eating me about this case!

I feel relieved the bogus "exoneration" has been exposed. I'm thrilled John and Burke Ramsey will go to their graves, just like Patsy did, with the court of public opinion having convicted them. It's as close to justice JonBenet will ever get.

A big shout out & thank you to Burke & John & Dr. Phil and ESPECIALLY Lin Wood! Without their attempt to get out in front of the CBS show, many wouldn't have so throughly embraced Kolar's & other experts theory!

The Ramsey's escaped conviction using money & influence but they really didn't "win"
I wonder if John Ramsey has any regrets, would he do things differently if he could go back ~ I sincerely doubt it.

I'm only annoyed the CBS documentary was cut short by two hours - I want to see ALL of it!

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What is sealed up in the children's medical records. Is there abuse recorded on JBR or did BR have mental health issues.
I can tell you what is eating me alive today about this case!

J.R. said he wasn't going to do any more interviews? What?

Come on J.R. ! Shout it from the rooftops that you want something done about the perpetrator of your child's brutal murder!

Don't say "this will be my last interview". Instead say "I will work with the police and the D.A.'s office to do everything humanly possible - every single thing in my power to get this case back on track - on the right track - for justice for my little girl". Say "I will never give up or stop doing interviews until this case is solved. My baby deserves at least this!".

Please J.R. - do the right thing! Your daughter is counting on this!
IMO John and Burke walking away now is the smartest thing they could do in the present situation. An absurdly simplistic BDI theory which must ignore key evidence to wrap it up all nice and neat has now been placed on front street. Walk away now and stay silent and there's no chance of the case ever being solved.

Even people with a very casual interest in the case after watching that can do their own reading and quickly see for themselves everything left out(Dec 23rd, abuse, basement sequence, etc.) and it just takes them back to square one.

If I was John or Burke......I'd keep my mouth shut now too. The media has created a perfect exit stage left moment for the Ramseys and anyone else associated with this crime.

I was crazy and thought with all the attention on the case this year that maybe the "chance arrow of history" was on its way. Instead we've went a few steps back and the case will forever be in flux.

The CBS series nailed it all into place like the proverbial nails in a coffin. I have no unanswered questions.
There are many unanswered questions but I guess since its all being wrapped up nice and neat for the 20th we must pretend those questions no longer exist.
IMO John and Burke walking away now is the smartest thing they could do in the present situation. An absurdly simplistic BDI theory which must ignore key evidence to wrap it up all nice and neat has now been placed on front street. Walk away now and stay silent and there's no chance of the case ever being solved.

Even people with a very casual interest in the case after watching that can do their own reading and quickly see for themselves everything left out(Dec 23rd, abuse, basement sequence, etc.) and it just takes them back to square one.

If I was John or Burke......I'd keep my mouth shut now too. The media has created a perfect exit stage left moment for the Ramseys and anyone else associated with this crime.

I was crazy and thought with all the attention on the case this year that maybe the "chance arrow of history" was on its way. Instead we've went a few steps back and the case will forever be in flux.

There are many unanswered questions but I guess since its all being wrapped up nice and neat for the 20th we must pretend those questions no longer exist.

What "December 23 abuse basement sequence"? I've never heard this before

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Ok... I do have one last gnawing question-

what were the other charges the grand jury found but were not released publicly?

There were others and I'm going to assume they were released because Burke was a minor

Do the Ramsey's or their attorneys know or have access to those not released 14 pages of the grand jury report

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What "December 23 abuse basement sequence"? I've never heard this before.

Dec 23 - 911 call made from a Christmas party at the Ramseys' home; friend answered the police officer at the door and said the call was made in error

Abuse - evidence of prior vaginal trauma possibly indicating sexual abuse / molestation

Basement sequence - detailed in Kolar's FF book; trips to the basement on 12/26 between 911 call and JBR's body being found (chair in front of the train room door, suitcase placement, WC door latch...contradictions in JR's statements that would mean an intruder was still in the home during this time unless he actively was tinkering with the scene)
I'd like to learn more about the Ramsey's dog. I understand why it wasn't home that night but why didn't it usually live at home? How odd it that!
I'd like to learn more about the Ramsey's dog. I understand why it wasn't home that night but why didn't it usually live at home? How odd it that!

In John's June 1998 interview, he says the Barnhills kept the dog often because they had become more attached to it than the children:

3 LOU SMIT: But didn't you board your dog over
4 at the Barnhill's?
5 JOHN RAMSEY: We did. They became attached

6 to him. We had them keep him once or twice and
7 they really loved him. They lost their dog and he
8 died and so they really became attached to
9 Jacques, and it was kind of a good setup because
10 they took care of him and the kids could play with
11 him. So it was, for us, it was, as parents, it was
12 kind of neat.
13 LOU SMIT: So did the kids go over there
14 quite often?
15 JOHN RAMSEY: Yeah. It was not uncommon for
16 them to go over there or Jacques would come over.
17 He'd stay with us sometimes and he became
18 increasingly their dog because they were just so
19 attached to it. And we thought it was kind of nice
20 because they were older. It was nice companionship
21 for them. It was kind of neat for us because the
22 kids could still have a dog and we didn't have to
23 deal with a dog 24 hours a day.
24 So, more and more as time went on, he stayed more
25 at the Barnhills than he did at our house.

Patsy, however, said in her interviews that Jacques was only with the Barnhills when they went away. She was around more and would know better, but at the same time with their travelling, having three different homes, and JBR's pageant schedule, they were gone quite a bit. She confirms JR's statement that the Barnhills had at least one little dog that passed away, and that contributed to them allowing their dog to stay with them.

From Patsy's April 1997 interview:

TT: How often do you talk to the Barnhills or have you talked to the Barnhills in the past?
PR: Uh, I kind of keep, you know their [sic] elderly . . .
TT: Um hum.
PR: . . .and I would kind of, you know every two or three days probably . . .
TT: Kind of keep in touch with them:
PR: Uh huh. They, they kept our dog a lot . . .
TT: Um hum.
[FONT=&amp]PR: . . .when we went out of town or whatever.

From Patsy's June 1998 interview:

1 THOMAS HANEY: You say you got a
2 dog. You had a dog up here, right?
3 PATSY RAMSEY: We have a dog in
4 Boulder that we bought.
5 THOMAS HANEY: And what -- what
6 happened, I guess the dog was somewhere else?
7 PATSY RAMSEY: He -- he [sic] had to have
8 a Bichons Frise.
9 THOMAS HANEY: I am sorry?
10 PATSY RAMSEY: A little Bichons
11 thing, white-haired, puffy, fluffy dog. Not a
12 hound dog. It's a little -- I mean, JonBenet --
13 we went to the puppy shop one day and she said,
14 "Oh, that one." And, you know, they put this
15 little white fluffy thing in her arms and, you
16 know, I said wrap it up. Yes, we will take one
17 of everything that goes with it. I mean, it's
18 just putty. It was a darling little dog.
19 He had had [sic] him running across the
20 street to the Barnhills, that was the couple
21 that lived across the street. And they had had
22 a couple of small dogs that they had to put to
23 sleep, so they became very found of Jacques. So
24 when we would go out of town for any length of
25 time, they would dog-sit for us.

In this context, IMO this seems pretty reasonable and not unheard of, although certainly not the norm. Perhaps, too, JBR's infatuation with her doggie waned over time and it wasn't a big deal to her. Then it was a win-win-win (the Barnhills got another little dog they could dote over and didn't have to pay for, JBR got to visit her doggie as she pleased, and the Ramseys didn't have to take constant care of it).

Patsy was questioned somewhat extensively about home security and how a barking dog could have alerted them to an intruder. To this she expressed regret that their dog wasn't there that night. To me, how often the dog was or wasn't home is only really relevant if the intruder wasn't someone known to them who had been sneaking into their house or stalking them on prior occasions. If that's the angle the Ramseys were getting at, then it would make sense to say the dog was rarely at their place when they were home (John implies this, Patsy does not), giving plenty of opportunity for stalking and sneaking without a noisy dog interrupting. I don't know if the Barnhills were interviewed about this and, if they were, whether their story is contradictory.

Otherwise, the reason for having the dog at the neighbors that night is completely legitimate (I've done the same), and doesn't raise suspicions. No reason to lie there.
What eats me alive about this case?

Strangers care more about justice for this little girl than her family ever has!
That her Father, instead of keeping his mouth shut has the gall to go on TV and utter this..."The real story here is not that a child was murdered. The real story is what was done to us by an unjust system."

Fine, I can accept John being a total *******.
And if that isn't the mark of a narcissistic sociopath, I don't know what is.

But then Burke gets on and is a total smart *advertiser censored** in reply to very serious questions about his sisters murder!

That's what eats me alive.
It's like that little girl is a discarded accessory, someone they used to know.
No one has suffered more than John Ramsey.
Certainly not an innocent child who had her skull bashed in and had the last gasps of life choked out of her.
In John's June 1998 interview, he says the Barnhills kept the dog often because they had become more attached to it than the children:

3 LOU SMIT: But didn't you board your dog over
4 at the Barnhill's?
5 JOHN RAMSEY: We did. They became attached

6 to him. We had them keep him once or twice and
7 they really loved him. They lost their dog and he
8 died and so they really became attached to
9 Jacques, and it was kind of a good setup because
10 they took care of him and the kids could play with
11 him. So it was, for us, it was, as parents, it was
12 kind of neat.
13 LOU SMIT: So did the kids go over there
14 quite often?
15 JOHN RAMSEY: Yeah. It was not uncommon for
16 them to go over there or Jacques would come over.
17 He'd stay with us sometimes and he became
18 increasingly their dog because they were just so
19 attached to it. And we thought it was kind of nice
20 because they were older. It was nice companionship
21 for them. It was kind of neat for us because the
22 kids could still have a dog and we didn't have to
23 deal with a dog 24 hours a day.
24 So, more and more as time went on, he stayed more
25 at the Barnhills than he did at our house.

Patsy, however, said in her interviews that Jacques was only with the Barnhills when they went away. She was around more and would know better, but at the same time with their travelling, having three different homes, and JBR's pageant schedule, they were gone quite a bit. She confirms JR's statement that the Barnhills had at least one little dog that passed away, and that contributed to them allowing their dog to stay with them.

From Patsy's April 1997 interview:

TT: How often do you talk to the Barnhills or have you talked to the Barnhills in the past?
PR: Uh, I kind of keep, you know their [sic] elderly . . .
TT: Um hum.
PR: . . .and I would kind of, you know every two or three days probably . . .
TT: Kind of keep in touch with them:
PR: Uh huh. They, they kept our dog a lot . . .
TT: Um hum.
[FONT=&amp]PR: . . .when we went out of town or whatever.

From Patsy's June 1998 interview:

1 THOMAS HANEY: You say you got a
2 dog. You had a dog up here, right?
3 PATSY RAMSEY: We have a dog in
4 Boulder that we bought.
5 THOMAS HANEY: And what -- what
6 happened, I guess the dog was somewhere else?
7 PATSY RAMSEY: He -- he [sic] had to have
8 a Bichons Frise.
9 THOMAS HANEY: I am sorry?
10 PATSY RAMSEY: A little Bichons
11 thing, white-haired, puffy, fluffy dog. Not a
12 hound dog. It's a little -- I mean, JonBenet --
13 we went to the puppy shop one day and she said,
14 "Oh, that one." And, you know, they put this
15 little white fluffy thing in her arms and, you
16 know, I said wrap it up. Yes, we will take one
17 of everything that goes with it. I mean, it's
18 just putty. It was a darling little dog.
19 He had had [sic] him running across the
20 street to the Barnhills, that was the couple
21 that lived across the street. And they had had
22 a couple of small dogs that they had to put to
23 sleep, so they became very found of Jacques. So
24 when we would go out of town for any length of
25 time, they would dog-sit for us.

In this context, IMO this seems pretty reasonable and not unheard of, although certainly not the norm. Perhaps, too, JBR's infatuation with her doggie waned over time and it wasn't a big deal to her. Then it was a win-win-win (the Barnhills got another little dog they could dote over and didn't have to pay for, JBR got to visit her doggie as she pleased, and the Ramseys didn't have to take constant care of it).

Patsy was questioned somewhat extensively about home security and how a barking dog could have alerted them to an intruder. To this she expressed regret that their dog wasn't there that night. To me, how often the dog was or wasn't home is only really relevant if the intruder wasn't someone known to them who had been sneaking into their house or stalking them on prior occasions. If that's the angle the Ramseys were getting at, then it would make sense to say the dog was rarely at their place when they were home (John implies this, Patsy does not), giving plenty of opportunity for stalking and sneaking without a noisy dog interrupting. I don't know if the Barnhills were interviewed about this and, if they were, whether their story is contradictory.

Otherwise, the reason for having the dog at the neighbors that night is completely legitimate (I've done the same), and doesn't raise suspicions. No reason to lie there.

Thanks for that detailed reply!

It makes sense why the dog wasn't there that night. I don't know what to think about having to visit your neighbor to pet your dog. If John's story is true then it's more like they gave their dog away.

Are there any stories about what Burke's relationship with the dog was? Patsy makes it sound like it was more JonBenet's dog.
For the first time in 19 and half years, nothing is eating me about this case!

I feel relieved the bogus "exoneration" has been exposed. I'm thrilled John and Burke Ramsey will go to their graves, just like Patsy did, with the court of public opinion having convicted them. It's as close to justice JonBenet will ever get.

A big shout out & thank you to Burke & John & Dr. Phil and ESPECIALLY Lin Wood! Without their attempt to get out in front of the CBS show, many wouldn't have so throughly embraced Kolar's & other experts theory!

The Ramsey's escaped conviction using money & influence but they really didn't "win"
I wonder if John Ramsey has any regrets, would he do things differently if he could go back ~ I sincerely doubt it.

I'm only annoyed the CBS documentary was cut short by two hours - I want to see ALL of it!

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Love your post!!

I would have liked to have seen those other 2 hrs too !!
Thanks for that detailed reply!

It makes sense why the dog wasn't there that night. I don't know what to think about having to visit your neighbor to pet your dog. If John's story is true then it's more like they gave their dog away.

Are there any stories about what Burke's relationship with the dog was? Patsy makes it sound like it was more JonBenet's dog.

Are you wondering about possible animal abuse by Burke? It would fit with the kind of child who might do some of the things that were done to JonBenet both before and on that night...And getting rid of the dog would be the way Patsy and/or John would deal with the problem. "We can't have a dog right now" instead of "Good Lord, this child needs help."
What eats me alive about this case?

Strangers care more about justice for this little girl than her family ever has!
That her Father, instead of keeping his mouth shut has the gall to go on TV and utter this..."The real story here is not that a child was murdered. The real story is what was done to us by an unjust system."

Fine, I can accept John being a total *******.
And if that isn't the mark of a narcissistic sociopath, I don't know what is.

But then Burke gets on and is a total smart *advertiser censored** in reply to very serious questions about his sisters murder!

That's what eats me alive.
It's like that little girl is a discarded accessory, someone they used to know.
No one has suffered more than John Ramsey.
Certainly not an innocent child who had her skull bashed in and had the last gasps of life choked out of her.

Amen to that!!! That's why, for me, it's not enough to just *know* that RDI in some form of another. In whatever way possible, they should suffer for what they've done. If that can't be done through our criminal justice system, then persistent public scrutiny is in order.

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