When was the moment you realised Covid was serious?

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Busy keeping myself and others safe from Covid, I had a cerebral infarction two week ago.....I'm so grateful and happy things turned out to be great. Everything is still working...thanks to my sweetheart who acted on this very accurate, calling for an ambulance. He is my hero. ...if he hadn't stopped me from going to sleep, as I wanted to, it could have turned out so bad. Angels on my shoulder all the way. Bottom line is....be safe, stay healthy, use your common sense.
Oh my goodness! I'm so happy to hear your sweetheart was there to see the signs and call for help!
Busy keeping myself and others safe from Covid, I had a cerebral infarction two week ago.....I'm so grateful and happy things turned out to be great. Everything is still working...thanks to my sweetheart who acted on this very accurate, calling for an ambulance. He is my hero. ...if he hadn't stopped me from going to sleep, as I wanted to, it could have turned out so bad. Angels on my shoulder all the way. Bottom line is....be safe, stay healthy, use your common sense.

Wow- glad you are okay- that must have been very frightening
Yes, very. Bringing it back to Covid....don't underestimate it.

I cannot tell you how terrified I was every day since March 2020- that is why I overcame my intense fear of the vaccine----and had the jab--- I do not underestimate this evil virus--- to me it is the Devil's work--- I think the experts have also been caught a little short with respect to Delta--- they now realize how dangerous this variant is and how, if we do not get more people vaccinated, another variant could come along that could evade the vaccines we have.
I remember battling with directors at work who werent aswell informed as I was, thanks to WS. After lockdowns started in Italy and France, we were having strategy meetings and I was saying over and over "we are three weeks behind France". Then I heard from a WS friend that London was going into lockdown on 23 March. One of the directors put his phonein my face and said it's fake news, look... Ha! On 23 March the UK went into total lockdown. I honestly think WS has got me through the whole thing.
I cannot tell you how terrified I was every day since March 2020- that is why I overcame my intense fear of the vaccine----and had the jab--- I do not underestimate this evil virus--- to me it is the Devil's work--- I think the experts have also been caught a little short with respect to Delta--- they now realize how dangerous this variant is and how, if we do not get more people vaccinated, another variant could come along that could evade the vaccines we have.

I'm not sure we should bring up the vaccination. It's a very sensitive topic for people, turning into a political issue when governments take certain decisions related to it. To be honest I was vaccinated twice in good faith and still 100% behind it, but I asked the doctors if my cerebral infarction could have any relation with that. Off course they don't know....can't answer. My son and sweetheart have chosen not to, at least for the first round. I find that difficult but I have to respect that.
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For me it was the night that the NBA shut down.
This was the moment for me, too. I turned to my husband and told him the dominoes would start to fall until everything was shut down, but he didn’t believe it then.
My family was heading out to watch my son’s sports game. It was “Senior Night” and there were hundreds of people watching. The next day my kids’ sports seasons were cancelled and the following day school shut down for a year. My son never went to his high school campus again.
The loss of life is terrible and there are so many other things we’ve lost, too.
I bought a separate freezer on February 16, 2020. I had been following the “virus in China” for a few weeks by then and just had a feeling it was going to be serious. I remember going through Costco and Sam’s that weekend, stocking up on everything we use regularly.

The first weekend of March, I replaced my cell phone and walked through my entire house and property considering every appliance that might need replacing over the next 1-2 years or repair that might require parts. Then I went to Sam’s and got a stand alone refrigerator and stocked that with 2+ weeks of perishables.

I remember telling a nurse at work (who thought I was nuts) that I didn’t want the National Guard picking out my peanut butter. I wanted to be prepared.

By the time the NBA shut down and Trump gave his super serious speech from the Oval Office on March 11th, I had stocked up on hair color, board games, puzzles, an inflatable pool for the back yard, etc. I tried to think one or two steps ahead of whatever people were panic buying at the moment.
Yes, we lost a lot...also there is a lot to gain....not taking everything for granted,
cultivating resilience. This song became very precious to me. No drama, but what if I had to say goodbye to the left site of my body, or all the people who have had long Covid and survived....being handicapped for life....lost quality of life...working...sporting..etc. It's all so relatively.........

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Here on websleuths in late January. I saw that this would be a problem. However, never did I imagine how disrupting into our own lives it would become. God bless all who made the vaccines. I cannot imagine how more awful this would be without these vaccines!
I also remember a conversation in late January with another nurse at work who insisted we would be fine “because this virus is really just hard on old men who smoke”. I said, sure, that’s who it’s impacting in China…. What happens when it hits fat, hypertensive, diabetic Americans? We have no clue what it’s going to do to that population because the Chinese by and large aren’t overweight with diabetes and hypertension.
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I was in Valencia in the hotel lobby when I first saw reference to the virus in China. It caught my attention, but I didn’t look much more into it for a day or two. The next leg of my trip was to be in London for a week. I read more about the virus spreading during the flight to London. When I got to the hotel, I changed flights to return to the states the next day. The situation felt concerning and I wanted to get home quickly. The day I returned home, I stocked up on supplies from Amazon. Two weeks later schools began closing.
I have not left the country since. Though I am fully vaccinated, I am not yet comfortable enough to take that step.
I will never forget the exhausted nurses and doctors, crying in the corridors of the hospitals. And still there were people thinking this was a Hoax or a conspiracy.

Sadly and unbelievably, there are still people who believe it is a hoax and a conspiracy by the government to control the citizens--- All I can say is: OY VAY
For us it was March 16, 2020. My husband has diabetes/heart disease and he had gotten a sore on his foot that went beyond what we could do. He was authorized a home health nurse to tend his wound and the first thing she said (all geared up) was, you don’t want to get Covid, you won’t make it. It was a game changer for us living in rural Oklahoma. Family didn’t believe us until June/July when it hit hard here.
Thanks for posting this question. Our state has gone backwards and it is sad to see the backwards spiral.

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