Where did the prosecution go wrong?

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Its true. An alternate juror called in to a couple of shows tonite and said they all believed Baez's theory and that they did not trust GA and felt he lied on the stand. They bought the defense's story lock stock and barrell unfortunately.

I'll have to find it again in a min but I found multiple cases of people being suffocated by duct tape. I wondered if it were possibly the jury did too? I wish the state would have brought forth examples like that

Why didn't they have at least some kind of charge regarding improper disposal of a body?

CNN had a headline today that said the jury believed the defense's explanation. Is that true or just an assumption bc they found her ng? I mean 12 people believed GA pulled a dead Caylee out of the pool, handed her off to Casey and both played it off like this all of these years?

Casey will make a killing from this. If she budgets (ha! But maybe she's changed?) she will never have to work.
Its true. An alternate juror called in to a couple of shows tonite and said they all believed Baez's theory and that they did not trust GA and felt he lied on the stand. They bought the defense's story lock stock and barrell unfortunately.

How in the name of all that may be holy can 12+ people believe that story to the point of "not guilty"? Hung jury is what I thought was quite likely as I can see ample room for true reasonable doubt(s). Personal experience and common sense tell me that one person can barely keep a secret, let alone two or more. I mean really? They distrusted GA so much they think he just handed over his drowned granddaughter to Casey and let her continue from there? Anything is possible, but how probable is that? Of all people, GA would know that an accidental drowning would have likely brought no charges. Really? All of this bc they were afraid of Cindy? The mind boggles!

JB never, ever should have been allowed to claim w/o proof, much less use as his opening that GA forced Casey to perform oral sex on him. He couldn't use it in closing but it didn't matter, the damage was done.

Well, this is this jury's form of justice and I have to accept that, agreed or not.
Here are my ways they went wrong, even though I think they did a fantastic job with what they had:

1. Not addressing more of the defense's case. 1/2 day of rebuttal merely showed they assumed the jurors were on their side and didn't fall for the DT theory. During the days of the trial I was with all of the WS'ers who were talking about "can't wait for the SA to shoot that down" but they didn't shoot much down outside of Spitz and CA's internet searches.

2. Not addressing the fact that they had little forensic evidence BECAUSE ICA lied. I think in closing they should have said to the jury "of course we can't tell you HOW Caylee died b/c the perpetrator hid her body long enough for there to be little to no forensic evidence". They danced around this but never stated it.

3. Not finding the flexibility to turn the DT's theory to their advantage. JB threw a wrench in their ability to use the A's to show that they had circled the wagons to protect ICA and had hidden evidence and would say ANYTHING to protect her. GA is a combative persona on the stand. During these 3 years we have all sat and made judgements about how ridiculous CA and GA's statements have been and how combatitive they were with the SA...it made us angry and made us refuse to believe anything they said. The DT turned this on it's head by using CA and GA's combativeness appear to be "covering" and because the DT put them on the other side the jury felt the anger many WS'ers have expressed about them and believed they couldn't be trusted. I really don't know how the SA could've responded to this since the A's refused to cooperate with them. Only thing I can come up with is to treat them in the "hostile witness" manner they had for 3 years. They should have never presented them as SA witnesses. They didn't need them in MOO. But the DT OS put them on their heels from the get go...they HAD to put GA on from the first moment and they needed him to be believable....3 months ago if you'd polled most of us WS'ers on his ability to be believed on the stand we would have said NO! and then we would've have emotionally discussed why he wasn't believable. All of that came out, except it played right into the DT's hands IMO.

4. JA in closing saying RK may be prone to tall tales. I LOVE JA. He's my hero...but I was shocked beyond belief that he didn't demand that the jury reject that entire theory about RK. He said yes, RK knew exactly where Caylee's remains were all that time...and I gasped! Why give them that opening for doubt of what happened to Caylee's remains? I thought that part of his closing made the entire SA's case look like we "hope" it's this way like JB said in his closing.

In the end, I believe the SA fell victim to the dysfunction and willingness to cover up that is typical in this family...I've seen many many post on here in the pretrial days that GA had something to do with Caylee's death, and people felt that way based on the A's answers and reactions and we all discussed how off they were. The DT just went with a theory that twisted what we've all observed and turned it to their advantage...it's very difficult to get a conviction if you don't have the victim's family on your side during a circumstantial case. It's more difficutl if they act the way the A's do and you still put them on the stand as your witnesses! I still believe it was possible for a jury to have looked past all of the above and gone with the common sense LDB begged them to rely on and come to a different conclusion..but I guess it is what it is...LDB and JA are fantastic. They basically were outplayed by a DT who waited until the last moment to twist every fact in a way that is hard to rebut...and then again I am not sure there is ANYTHING the SA could have done because I believe they jurors were dazzled by JB's opening and I believe they filtered every piece of evidence through that very unfair filter. Sad day however you cut it....
They focussed too much on Casey's lying and partying, and not enough on child endangerment.
All that time spent for nothing, absolutely nothing. Imagine how they must feel right now. I feel physically and emotionally ill and all I have done is watch internet streams and read on the internet.
All that time spent for nothing, absolutely nothing. Imagine how they must feel right now. I feel physically and emotionally ill and all I have done is watch internet streams and read on the internet.

Ditto. I can't even sleep.
I think they did the best job, admire them all and feel bad for them as I believe they are heartbroken like most of us :( Where in the he$$ they found "those 12 people" is what is astounding to me!
The Prosecution Team should have NEVER EVER "played ball" with the Anthony's ...

The SA should have come out against the Anthony's on Day 1 of the Trial ...

The SA should have told the jury that the Anthony's cleaned out ICA's car BEFORE LE was even called ...

The SA should have told the jury about the "fight" beteween Cindy and Casey on Father's Day ... the last day Caylee was seen alive !

The SA should have told the jury about how Cindy and Casey treated Mr. Tim Miller and TES when they showed up in Florida to help find Caylee and Cindy threw him out of the house ...

Basically ... the SA should have thrown EVERYTHING at the Jury about the A's -- the cover-ups ... the lies ... all of it !!!

NEVER trust a liar ... and NEVER EVER trust an "Anthony" ...

Otherwise, I do believe the SA did a GREAT JOB ... I "feel" for all the members of the SA and LE who poured their hearts and souls into this case for Justice for Caylee !!!

Seems like when cases go on for a long time that this happens. It's like the jury looses their focus with all the testimony. I also think JP let JB get by with way too much.

I have been banging my head on the floor all day over this verdict. It just makes me sick.
The state goofed by trusting the Anthony's would be truthful and stick to their previous testimony. JB & Co. had their script in place and played the SA's in subtle and not so subtle ways. I don't fault the SA though. How could they have guarded against or exposed such foul play and deception, or even anticipated it in advance? And yes Mikeysmom. I do believe the jury picked up on JP's bias toward JB, and anger toward JA. How could they not? I'm certain it colored their perception of the case.
The State did a spectacular job. They had more evidence has most murder cases.
I'm sure the Scott Peterson jury would have convicted her with less evidence and this ********** jury? They would have let her go scott free even there was a videotape of Casey murdering Caylee.
Here's a thought provoking statement:

"The prosecutors wove a tale of horror, but it was without the level of evidence that should be required to convict, at least in America. And, so the jury did the right thing, and acquitted Casey Anthony. Think about this event in broader terms. Do we really want a country in which prosecutors can put on a show for a lynch mob and send whomever they wish to the gallows? Without real evidence, just theatre? I don't KNOW if Casey Anthony is guilty, AND NEITHER DOES THE IDIOT MOB CRYING FOR HER HEAD ON THE COURTHOUSE STEPS! In conclusion, if she is guilty only of lying to the police, then justice has been done, with her having served 3 years in jail; not only jail time, but the highest stress jail time imaginable, with the threat of the death penalty as her constant companion. If she is guilty, and just got off because the prosecutio*n couldn't come up with solid evidence, then let her make her peace with Almighty God, for then she must live not only with the loss of her baby, but also with the unfathomab*le guilt of an horrific act. The prosecutor*s should be hung out to dry for wasting the taxpayers' money on this trial when they knew they didn't have a case, and were relying on cheap theatre to influence jurors, of whom they obviously didn't think highly."
Hi jakpot can we have a link to go with your quote? Thanks :)
Can the prosecution appeal the verdict ? The defense could have....

Why to does the posecution not go after the Anthony's and charge them with perjury and obstruction? They helped set murderer free....


I also think it was wrong not to put on Tim Miller and the X on the map and the Anthony's strange behavior and also Tracey from Leonard P and company....
Whatever was going on between Ashton and Baez.

Losing Judge Stan Strickland.

Jeff Ashton laughing while Jose Baez did his closing argument.

Linda Drane Burdick's comment about her fear being common sense might be lost on the jurors.

Jeff Ashton saying he hoped Caylee Anthony was chloroformed before being duct taped.

They underestimated Jose's ability to twist things, act (poorly) and play to this jury. "She's a no good *advertiser censored*-liar.", "I already told your she was a liar!", "...not this laughing guy over here!", "blah blah blah".

They focused on discrediting Jose's ridiculous defense rather than blowing it off and showing more evidence. They fell for the old; "look over there!" routine.

Caylee was not in that trial room enough. We didn't see enough pictures or video of her, it became about Casey instead of Caylee.

The jury spoke about the case before deliberation and I believe they were bought by the defense, moo.

Casey Anthony is a better liar than they gave her credit for and this jury was exactly the type of people she preys on.

They should have said something when the jurors asked to see the heart sticker in the middle of trial.

As much as I like Judge Perry, he did not seem to pay attention a lot of the time.

They lost this case in jury selection, imo. Who was the man in the hallway talking to potential jurors?

They did not play the FBI video of Casey's interview with Nick Savage.

Not calling Casey's other family members Shirley or Rick Pleasea who have her number, to testify.

Not showing the alternate light source images of Caylee's stain in Casey's trunk.

Not including Casey's cell phone pings or instant/text messages.

Jesse Grund not being called to testify as a states witness that Casey called off the engagement because he "loved Caylee more than Casey". Casey can't dump her parents can she? So what does she finally do because she can't handle that they love Caylee more than her?

Not pushing the cans harder and coming up with a more convincing argument for HJBP to let them in. He told them before trial began...

Not going over each and every of Casey's Photobucket account icons in open court.

Not concentrating more on Ricardo's comment that the only time he witnessed Casey get frustrated and discipline Caylee was when she wouldn't go to bed at his house.

I could go on and on...
They fell into the petty JB game playing trap, that to me is the biggest issue. He played them well. No one wants to watch 2 months of emotional bologna and make any decision on it, it was painful to watch. People have their own personal issues, and stress from watching others shove carp in their face is a huge turn off.

They did not spend enough time on the evidence and decided to point out the lies instead.

The trial lasted too long for jurors to be sequestered that long.

Too much rambling around to keep track.
They didn't present their case via puppet show and sentences made up of simple words...
This was a death-qualified jury...and I actually thought they favored the prosecution. And I thought that JB got slapped around in court a lot more than JA did and overruled almost every time he spoke. So that must make me a "liberal" by your definition.

Does everything have to be about politics???

I respectfully disagree. This was NOT a death qualified jury. Unfortunately, Judge Perry was on a time schedule and did not allow sufficient time to have a jury who was qualified. Heck he even thought of going to homeless shelters because they were running out of jurors.

I lost all respect for Judge Perry when he allowed Juror #4 on this jury even though she admitted she could not judge. Judge Perry told this jury that the trial would be over by July 4th. Guess what? He was right. It was over.
I respectfully disagree. This was NOT a death qualified jury. Unfortunately, Judge Perry was on a time schedule and did not allow sufficient time to have a jury who was qualified. Heck he even thought of going to homeless shelters because they were running out of jurors.

I lost all respect for Judge Perry when he allowed Juror #4 on this jury even though she admitted she could not judge.

Good grief.

I agree 100%! Not death qualified at all. No one wanted to deal with the responsibility of imposing death, they were just asked if they would consider it. I would not have been on the jury b/c I would never impose it, I am against it, and would stay adamant about it. Some of these jurors did not say what they really felt. During jury selection most were against it, but asked if they would consider it. I do not fault Judge Perry for that, it is a part of the process.
They focussed too much on Casey's lying and partying, and not enough on child endangerment.

I totally agree. In hindsight I think that was a big miscalculation because pretty much every person they put on the stand to testify to her partying also said Casey appeared to be a good mother. Nobody said there was any hint of child abuse or neglect and it helped the defense. I know there was one woman, a girlfriend of one of the guys in the circle of friends, who did an interview where she talked about Caylee running around an apartment with no supervision and even venturing out on the outdoor second story balcony by herself, but she wasn't asked to testify. Also, they could have done a better job emphasizing times when Caylee seemed to have vanished and questioned what Casey did with her.

There is also the issue of the fight with Cindy. Motive would have been crucial. Maybe a problem with a lot of this stuff is that they thought Cindy would lie for her so that's why they shied away from it.
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