Where is Amy's totalled car? Time Line and Ping

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It is indeed interesting that a repairman at a Tom's garage is on the witness list -- but it's possible his testimony is "No, I know nothing about this." Time will tell; soon I hope.

Why would the DA use a witness that adds nothing to their case?
OK, half the posts on this thread tottaly confused me more.....

This Crime Tip was mentioned as the image shows by the police officer EE that was interviewing WW. He was asking him for information because the person who reported the crime tip is a friend of this WW's other friend, Dusty I bleieve is that friends name.

Supposedly he thought Casey was dating this WW and WW and Dusty were probably discussing the situation at some point in time, he was even confused at first because he did not know this Ryan guy, Dusty I believe if I am recalling correctly is a cop also? So this Ryan guy hears them talking about it, he later gets arrested and tries to use his hearsay as evidence to get his but out of trouble.

WW speaks about this extensively while trying to recall who this person is and all he could come up with is that he probably heard a conversation they were having during a party and "used" it.

I don't think we need to confirm anything as it was a Cop that said this crime tip cam from this Ryan who was arrested. Unless you think the Cop was lying to WW while he was interviewing him?

I wonder if this Ryan is the fella who said he heard Casey in jail say her boyfriend had her kid. The guy interviewed outside of jail right after he got out. I've always wondered about that fella.

I've wondered about him not because he I think he talked to Casey, I wondered because it seemed he had some prior knowledge of case/suspects when this was pretty new. Anyhow, just random passing thought.
I could be wrong about this, but I believe Will W. is Dusty's friend, and when detectives did his interview they asked about Ryan. He said it might be his friend Dusty's friend Ryan, but he didn't know last names. Forgive me, if this has already been clarified, but in a rush and no time to read all the posts. Anyway, it's worth a look at WW's interview, if you're still searching.
~Amy was in a car accident, people tease her about her nose or eye or something hurt from it. She then went June 13 to get a new car in Jacksonville. That still leaves the car in the accident. If repairing the car would be more than the bluebook value, she may have just decided to get a new car. Meaning it may not have been totaled, wrecked beyond working.

Yes! That is the incident I am talking about. AH went to Jacksonville to get a new car 6/13. KC bailed at the last minute, so Amy rented a car one way. All of AH's friends were gone, so who drove her to the rental car place?
I can not believe she had needed to keep the car somewhere, and it was discussed leaving it at AL. Maybe if it was there, she kept Caylee in it for awhile. We should find the text conversation, and find out what happened to the car.

June 7th must have been the date Amy had her accident according to to texts received by Amy:

"June 7, 2008

(5:19AM) from Casey Anthony: You know im here..always!
(5:19AM) from Casey Anthony: Hunny im glad youre ok! Jesus. That message scared the crap out of me
(5:19AM) from Casey Anthony: Hunny im glad youre ok! Jesus. That message scared the crap out of me
(5:20AM) from Casey Anthony: I love you too! Im glad youre ok!
(11:35AM) from 407595xxxx: Oh ****. Glad u got home ok. That car has been through a lot.
(1:37PM) from 407421xxxx: Yea ill be home around 3:45 or so
(2:21PM) from 407595xxxx: That sucks...it must have messed up the car good
(2:24PM) from 407595xxxx: Ya its prob more than the cars worth eh. U can now splurge for a benz.. ha ha

June 8, 2008

(12:05AM) from 229291xxxx: What up hooker? Where u at?
(12:27PM) from Casey Anthony: What time do you work today?
(12:29PM) from Casey Anthony: Howre you feeling today?
(12:31PM) from Casey Anthony: The saddness will surpass. Glad youre not sore"

And this is where KC discusses where Amy can leave her wrecked car (at least that's what I think they're discussing):

"June 14, 2008

(9:48PM) from Meagan: Sorry bout the late notice, but anyone want to work this morning?
(6:09PM) from Casey Anthony: Sutton place. On university between goldenrod and forsyth.
(6:10PM) from Casey Anthony: Awesome.
(8:20PM) from Casey Anthony: Awesome
(8:21PM) from Casey Anthony: He said it doesnt matter where you park it.
(8:23PM) from Casey Anthony: Anytime love! Ill get it towed to the house one day this week
(8:25PM) from Casey Anthony: Actually we probably could. I dont see why not. Ill check with the people at his clubhouse tomorrow morning.
(8:27PM) from Casey Anthony: Agreed. Thatll work
(8:55PM) from Casey Anthony: Depends on which way youre coming from. If youre coming from goldenrod its on the left. From 436 or forsyth its on the right."

Hope this helps?
wait a minute -- are you thinking it may be Amy's car that had the odor and was (allegedly) taken in for repairs?

If so, it wasn't -- it was totaled. It would take a big stretch to make that the car that Ryan was mentioning, and is quite unlikely. Especially since we KNOW that Casey's own car had an odor. It is highly unlikely that TWO cars had a bad odor, especially since Amy's was totalled.

Yes, that is what I am thinking. Lets find something to define "totaled" in this situation is what I am saying. Maybe it was just messed up, and there was some situation with the uncle that she could purchase a car for cheaper than repairing hers. Another posters remembers there might have been a discussion with AH and KC about keeping the totaled car at LA's.
Why would the DA use a witness that adds nothing to their case?

Well, clearly he adds something -- even a negative can be something helpful, depending on where LE takes this. I don't know how it all fits in, or what his testimony will be. I don't know that Ryan or WW is trustworthy. I cannot find a time that Casey's car could have been taken in after the smell would have developed.

I'm going through the 9/23 WW interview discussion thread http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71754 now. Maybe it will come up there.
I am going to try this again. Please mods, I don't start threads so please let me have this one.

Crime Tip Reference:

Does anyone know how to find out if there was in fact a Ryan H. arrested? Did they confirm is was the Ryan who is friends with Dusty? Amy bought a new car after hers was totaled, what ever happened to the other one? Was it picked up/dropped off for insurance, or is that process still ongoing? Is this tip mentioned any where else? Could it be related to the arrest of Ryan H., Suffolk county, 6/26? Suffolk county, isn't that where Tony is from? Maybe what the detective said was twisted a bit from the truth to see if Will new anything, but with that said there is some truth to it.

In reading through the WW interview thread I see I missed something. It says WALTERS not Waters
Yes, that is what I am thinking. Lets find something to define "totaled" in this situation is what I am saying. Maybe it was just messed up, and there was some situation with the uncle that she could purchase a car for cheaper than repairing hers. Another posters remembers there might have been a discussion with AH and KC about keeping the totaled car at LA's.

No, sorry, I can't see that. It doesn't make sense for it to be Amy's car, for several reasons. IMO.

If you still aren't sure about that, though, and want to pursue that thought, perhaps someone w/knowledge of how insurance works could clarify if a person maintains ownership of their car after it is declared a total loss and they purchase another automobile, as Amy did shortly after the accident.

OT -- Good for Amy for taking care of business in finding another car, arranging w/relative to help, & getting up to Jax after Casey lied & let her down. Two different people there.

ETA: If an insurance company pays for a car that has been declared a total loss, it is theirs and they take possession, getting as much as they can for it at auction or elsewhere. I'm not sure how this worked in Amy's case. I've seen discussion here that she was perhaps going to have it repaired, that maybe it wasn't really "totalled" and could be reasonably repaired. I don't know; don't have links to original info.

I wish more folks would include links when they cite info -- just cut & paste the page you're citing. It helps a lot to keep information moving.
In reading through the WW interview thread I see I missed something. It says WALTERS not Waters

I'm thinking it's a transcription error -- either misunderstood as "WALTERS" or mistyped. Unfortunately, it happens even in such documents.
I was told that Amy's father came to get the totaled car to fix it up and sell it. So that theory seems to be out that it was her wrecked car.
still reading but had to post...from another thread

~~~~Originally Posted by Can't Sleep
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I believe I read (Maybe in Amy's IM log) that either her uncle in Jacksonville or Ricardo was going to repair the car and sell it. Apparently it wasn't a total loss after all - but probably not a car you or I would want to buy. Originally, she was going to sell it for parts and maybe that's what she did.(?)

She was planning to tow it to the Hopespring address when she and Casey were still planning to room together, but Casey crabwalked on that one, asking her to tow it to Tony's apartments. Then, Casey told her that she couldn't leave it at the apartments either, after it had been towed there. I remember Amy telling Casey that it seemed pointless to just keep towing it from place to place.

I don't know which key Lee "took care of" but I seriously doubt it was the wrecked car.
Who was the minor?
Good question, but they won't release the name of the minor involved. :X

I have to assume the key that LA "destroyed" was to Amy's current car which is why I had a difficult time understanding why she would not want to just pick it up. If it was to the totaled car...I doubt she would have ever mentioned it to LA in the first place.
there is actually another thread, what happened to amys totaled car.
it sounds like it was totaled, and she was gonna get it fixed when her dad came to town. so i think she had it towed to ALs. Maybe she ditched the other one, and was going to fix amys quick and take off with it.
This is a great thread.....there are days that are in question....in the ws calander timeline.....Sat 21 June and Sun 22 June....I will have to check but I think thats whe KC told CA made up story about ZG being in an accident....On the 23 June...neighbor see KC at house with male with green truck-also GA states car chase with KC in CA V.
If her car was in the shop at that time....could that be what was going on those dates??? :)
I just posted in ? for websleuthers about this - green truck with a guy with tattoos backed up in driveway - I did not have the date- also a friend's job at an auto place "fell thru" and they moved away??? There were pictures of offroading friends (male) in the mud on a myspace -perhaps now private- and WHAT was Amy's car that got totaled??? been wondering about that also...
This is really far fetched, but if the car was towed to AL's, maybe KC put Caylee to sleep in that car since noone would be using it so she could stay at AL's by herself.
This is really far fetched, but if the car was towed to AL's, maybe KC put Caylee to sleep in that car since noone would be using it so she could stay at AL's by herself.

Depending on dates -she could have stored body there...and panicked and moved to her pontiac when she heard AH father was going to take care of it and had to form a new plan...great thread "wantstohelp"!
There is also mention in the original psychic impressions thread early on about a "message" from Caylee to forgive the man at the auto store.....
there is actually another thread, what happened to amys totaled car.
it sounds like it was totaled, and she was gonna get it fixed when her dad came to town. so i think she had it towed to ALs. Maybe she ditched the other one, and was going to fix amys quick and take off with it.
thread? are there dates regarding this issue? accident- tow date to AL-tow date away from AL-where it went from there? Thank you

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