Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

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Appears that all of these set up photo shoots and collusions of who is paying who for what and what network stinks because they provide the news everyone wants to know is all working just by reading here. I for one am like someone posted above, don't give a flying fig where FCA is because IMO she did her time whether I like the verdict or not and I am still sick over it. When I hear on TV, the words "acquitted of murdering her two year old daughter Caylee" I could dry heave at that moment.

But this is just my feelings.
While I understand what everyone is saying about these photos being staged, I just can't get clear on what the purpose for them was.

On one hand we have the defense team waving around a photo of FKC with a bullet target on her forehead as a reason for her not to come back to Florida and serve out her probation, and at the same time they are setting up photos of her strolling around a neighborhood and looking relaxed, relatively carefree and "normal".

It still isn't making sense to me...:waitasec: am I just being a slow learner here? Or does the DT actually want her back in Florida so they can make some bigger money for photos and shows?
While I understand what everyone is saying about these photos being staged, I just can't get clear on what the purpose for them was.

On one hand we have the defense team waving around a photo of FKC with a bullet target on her forehead as a reason for her not to come back to Florida and serve out her probation, and at the same time they are setting up photos of her strolling around a neighborhood and looking relaxed, relatively carefree and "normal".

It still isn't making sense to me...:waitasec: am I just being a slow learner here? Or does the DT actually want her back in Florida so they can make some bigger money for photos and shows?

Money has been the main motivator since the beginning, Caylee being victumized over and over again. Whatever happened to respecting the memory of the victum? Her family should have protected her memory not put it on the market like some tag sale item. jmo
Can someone please tell me if there was a thread made for the memorial of Caylee when Lee kept saying CMA,CMA -I can not find it?Thank you all!!
While I understand what everyone is saying about these photos being staged, I just can't get clear on what the purpose for them was.

On one hand we have the defense team waving around a photo of FKC with a bullet target on her forehead as a reason for her not to come back to Florida and serve out her probation, and at the same time they are setting up photos of her strolling around a neighborhood and looking relaxed, relatively carefree and "normal".

It still isn't making sense to me...:waitasec: am I just being a slow learner here? Or does the DT actually want her back in Florida so they can make some bigger money for photos and shows?

They DT staged them to sell them. Bob Kealing- WESH said they would have made at least 5 figures.
They want it to look like if this paparazzi can sleuth her out and photograph her she is vulnerable and therefore must be allowed to stay out of Florida.
They know there is no market in Fla for what ICA is selling - so she needs to be free to hit NYC or Hollywood if she is going to cash in.
They DT staged them to sell them. Bob Kealing- WESH said they would have made at least 5 figures.
They want it to look like if this paparazzi can sleuth her out and photograph her she is vulnerable and therefore must be allowed to stay out of Florida.
They know there is no market in Fla for what ICA is selling - so she needs to be free to hit NYC or Hollywood if she is going to cash in.

Yeah, plus I think they wanted to test the waters.. putting some pics out there.. since she was losing some of her top-story traction to Amy Winehouse, etc.

For a while, I was thinking KC might have done these pics independently of her handlers... I can't even remember why I had that theory... :rolleyes:
They DT staged them to sell them. Bob Kealing- WESH said they would have made at least 5 figures.
They want it to look like if this paparazzi can sleuth her out and photograph her she is vulnerable and therefore must be allowed to stay out of Florida.
They know there is no market in Fla for what ICA is selling - so she needs to be free to hit NYC or Hollywood if she is going to cash in.

I really don't think KC has anything either NYC, nor Hollywood wants. I see the interest waning on this site. Within a couple of months we will have all lost interest except for the civil trial, she'll just be a blip on the radar. Same with the A's. Every day we do not see or hear from them they get less and less important in the public's eye. Funny how ML announced they'd be doing a promo on the foundation coming up soon and we have heard nothing. Could be the networks are just not interested in getting, again, a lot of negative feedback on their feature.

If KC has a depo in October my guess is she will come home and not leave.

I could see TM putting KC up in his home near San Diego because it has been up for sale in the past. Maybe he thinks that somehow the home will become more valuable on the market because she stayed there. I would think people with $5 mill dollars to spend on a home would have a little more sense. But that is just my opinion, only.
They DT staged them to sell them. Bob Kealing- WESH said they would have made at least 5 figures.
They want it to look like if this paparazzi can sleuth her out and photograph her she is vulnerable and therefore must be allowed to stay out of Florida.
They know there is no market in Fla for what ICA is selling - so she needs to be free to hit NYC or Hollywood if she is going to cash in.

I get that, but if someone is determined to harm her, I don't see that it would be an impulse thing, and since the media seems to want to keep her in the news - it will continue to do so, which means she will be found anywhere at anytime. So how would not being in Florida be safer? I would think she would have a quicker response from the police if she needs help than in any other State, who would probably think she was some kind of a "troubled person" if she called 911 and said I am Casey Anthony and I need help.

But then again, when has anything the DT has done ever made sense to me? Maybe that's my problem here - expecting them to so something logical...:banghead::banghead:
While I understand what everyone is saying about these photos being staged, I just can't get clear on what the purpose for them was.

On one hand we have the defense team waving around a photo of FKC with a bullet target on her forehead as a reason for her not to come back to Florida and serve out her probation, and at the same time they are setting up photos of her strolling around a neighborhood and looking relaxed, relatively carefree and "normal".

It still isn't making sense to me...:waitasec: am I just being a slow learner here? Or does the DT actually want her back in Florida so they can make some bigger money for photos and shows?

I actually agree, while the DT is arguing that she is in danger, I do not understand why they would back her setting up photos like this. These pictures make her look like she's not in fear or worried about any danger. She went shopping by herself in an Old Navy! If someone wanted her dead and was crazy enough, they could've just followed her in the store and did it then.

So, I do have issues with thinking the DT approved of her taking these photos.
Twitter was all abuzz last night about FCA and her DT selling the photos to TMZ for $500,000. I don't know if it is true since I cannot find a news story. If it is, however, I would like to think that she would no longer be considered indigent.
Twitter was all abuzz last night about FCA and her DT selling the photos to TMZ for $500,000. I don't know if it is true since I cannot find a news story. If it is, however, I would like to think that she would no longer be considered indigent.

Wouldn't the JAC be interested in finding out if this information is true or not?
I really don't think KC has anything either NYC, nor Hollywood wants. I see the interest waning on this site. Within a couple of months we will have all lost interest except for the civil trial, she'll just be a blip on the radar. Same with the A's. Every day we do not see or hear from them they get less and less important in the public's eye. Funny how ML announced they'd be doing a promo on the foundation coming up soon and we have heard nothing. Could be the networks are just not interested in getting, again, a lot of negative feedback on their feature.

If KC has a depo in October my guess is she will come home and not leave.

I could see TM putting KC up in his home near San Diego because it has been up for sale in the past. Maybe he thinks that somehow the home will become more valuable on the market because she stayed there. I would think people with $5 mill dollars to spend on a home would have a little more sense. But that is just my opinion, only.

KC In Rancho Santa Fe?????

Rancho Santa Fe, Calif. - Casey Anthony may be staying at the posh Southern California estate of her former attorney, Todd Macaluso, according to some who believe they have spotted her at the residence.

I don't believe reports from unamed sources that place KC anywhere really. If someone really saw her out and about we'd be getting pictures and interviews IMO. Just another possibly planted story for the "where's Waldo" game I think.

Besides, we know she was in OH at some point, how is she getting around without TM's plane? I don't think she's flying on regular airlines around the country without anyone noticing.

Ironically, the plane that left Orlando Executive to Columbus that night she was released flew in and out of Chicago on the 6th FWIW.

If this is true it proves that although she & the DT want everyone to think she is indigent, wondering aimlessly and possibly living in low rent motels...in fear of her life...she is actually living in luxury...she, her dirty team and her rotten family will continue...at least for a little while longer... to profit off of the death of nearly three year old Caylee.

Just as Caylee, at the time of her death, was not really three years old...her egg donor guardian did not really spend three years in jail. In fact, the lying thief and con artist spent just about the exact amount of time in jail as Caylee lived her earthly life. This is a rotten ending to a rotten story. Time will tell if fate deals these rotten people a "fair" judgment.
I don't believe for a minute she is in a small town in Ohio wandering freely on the streets to Starbucks and Old Navy looking just like herself. Nah. Nope.
No way she could do that safely, nor would her 'team' arrange for that. I believe she is hidden away and very protected by a member of her 'team' until they can launch their money making tour with their starlet. I think they are going to try to generate enough money for her (and profit themselves) to set her up somewhere where she can lay low in privacy and safety for a long time. Ohio? Nada. JMO.
I don't believe for a minute she is in a small town in Ohio wandering freely on the streets to Starbucks and Old Navy looking just like herself. Nah. Nope.
No way she could do that safely, nor would her 'team' arrange for that. I believe she is hidden away and very protected by a member of her 'team' until they can launch their money making tour with their starlet. I think they are going to try to generate enough money for her (and profit themselves) to set her up somewhere where she can lay low in privacy and safety for a long time. Ohio? Nada. JMO.

I kind of agree with this, but Casey is above all, greedy. I think greed for money outweighed her fear of people seeing her. I think she was promised she would be safe, and to just let the paps do their job so she could get some money. She has no one to sponge off or steal from, so it has to be things like pictures of her to get her money. I think she's been told that there's the potential for her to make millions, and she's swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. She's not going to pass up the opportunity to do that. It's just not in her nature, and if it's as easy as walking around and letting paps take pictures of her, she'll do it. I do believe it was her in those pictures even though I still waver just a bit because I know that Casey cases for herself above anyone else, but I don't think she cares for herself more than she cares about money. Or at least, she knows she needs money to take care of and protect herself, and the Bank of Mom is closed, so she has to get that money from elsewhere.
Jeff Ashton had it right: Ignore her.

If people are so out of touch with the news, like some of the jurors, and they get scammed by this crew, well that will be their own problem. If they find her they can sue her, too.

Beyond the court hearings and trials, when or if they ever end, she and her low-down crew can fade into oblivion. The only worthwhile news re: these nasty people will be when they are finally caught in their deceptive games and judged accordingly. Until then, any publicity will just fan their arrogant fire.
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