Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

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Hi. I'm new here so excuse me as I find my way around. I found Websleuths after the pics of CA in Columbus OH were released. It took me a few days to pinpoint the street she is walking down in the pics but I finally figured out that it is in my neighborhood! That's when I found Websleuths and all the fantastic work many here had done to try to establish if it was in fact CA and exactly where she was photographed/videotaped. Thought I would jump on to offer any help I can since I can walk to that street from my home in less than 15 minutes and drive to it in under 3 minutes. Happy to help however I can.
I guess a little intro on me might be in order here. I live in Columbus in the neighborhood of Clintonville. I work as a Police Evidence Technician (crime scene) for CPD with 16 years on the job. There can be no mystery in my life - everything must be investigated and solved - which makes me great at my job but terrible at dating. Lol. I guess that is good enough for now. Looking forward to getting to know some of you.

I just posted this in "who will make the most $$" thread, not sure where to put this link (in our discussion threads) but since this post is active today, do we know about FCA throwing a fit when she heard JB's wife was pregnant? see snip I posted below ...just read this article in the WS daily news thread, about the possible "inappropriate" relationship between FCA and JB. Also other items discussed in the article re: JB. is there a thread that contains discussion about that FCA/JB relationship already on here somewhere, if someone knows off-hand? Thanks. otherwise, this article is very interesting, I posted an interesting paragraph below. I would LOVE to hear more about this type of thing between these two. IMO, MOO, etc. (underlining in article snip below is mine).

Crossing the line with Casey Anthony? -
National Crime & Justice | Examiner.com

<snip> ....In recently released documents, jail guards assigned to Casey Anthony's unit in the Orange County jail reported to investigators an incident in which Anthony became upset and began crying and cursing when she discovered that Baez's wife was pregnant with his child. In addition, the report goes on to say that Baez and Anthony would spend much of their time together, which was supposed to be used to prepare for trial, staring intently at each other without speaking with their faces less than one inch apart. .....<snip>

Have those guards' reports been made public? Anyone have a link? I would love to read them.
Hi. I'm new here so excuse me as I find my way around. I found Websleuths after the pics of CA in Columbus OH were released. It took me a few days to pinpoint the street she is walking down in the pics but I finally figured out that it is in my neighborhood! That's when I found Websleuths and all the fantastic work many here had done to try to establish if it was in fact CA and exactly where she was photographed/videotaped. Thought I would jump on to offer any help I can since I can walk to that street from my home in less than 15 minutes and drive to it in under 3 minutes. Happy to help however I can.
I guess a little intro on me might be in order here. I live in Columbus in the neighborhood of Clintonville. I work as a Police Evidence Technician (crime scene) for CPD with 16 years on the job. There can be no mystery in my life - everything must be investigated and solved - which makes me great at my job but terrible at dating. Lol. I guess that is good enough for now. Looking forward to getting to know some of you.

Have those guards' reports been made public? Anyone have a link? I would love to read them.

That's what I want to know..it says "Recently released documents" but this is the first I've heard of it. Well I've heard rumors that she was upset his wife was pregnant but I'd love to see these reports if they exist.
Hi. I'm new here so excuse me as I find my way around. I found Websleuths after the pics of CA in Columbus OH were released. It took me a few days to pinpoint the street she is walking down in the pics but I finally figured out that it is in my neighborhood! That's when I found Websleuths and all the fantastic work many here had done to try to establish if it was in fact CA and exactly where she was photographed/videotaped. Thought I would jump on to offer any help I can since I can walk to that street from my home in less than 15 minutes and drive to it in under 3 minutes. Happy to help however I can.
I guess a little intro on me might be in order here. I live in Columbus in the neighborhood of Clintonville. I work as a Police Evidence Technician (crime scene) for CPD with 16 years on the job. There can be no mystery in my life - everything must be investigated and solved - which makes me great at my job but terrible at dating. Lol. I guess that is good enough for now. Looking forward to getting to know some of you.


Welcome...what a very interesting first post! kudos...
That's what I want to know..it says "Recently released documents" but this is the first I've heard of it. Well I've heard rumors that she was upset his wife was pregnant but I'd love to see these reports if they exist.

One of the detectives scribbled down on a notepad about KC getting mad about JB's wife's prenancy. That's public record, and it's in WFTV's online case archives.
Have those guards' reports been made public? Anyone have a link? I would love to read them.

Yes, I would love to read them also, Wasn't sure which thread to post that article for discussion tho......I only saw the article linked in our news thread. does anyone else have info on this? I knew about JB being admonished about the "inappropriate behavior" but I never heard about FCA going ballistic re: JB's wife being pregnant. I just may not have heard about that prior, but to me today that info was new. IMO, MOO,etc.
Hi. I'm new here so excuse me as I find my way around. I found Websleuths after the pics of CA in Columbus OH were released. It took me a few days to pinpoint the street she is walking down in the pics but I finally figured out that it is in my neighborhood! That's when I found Websleuths and all the fantastic work many here had done to try to establish if it was in fact CA and exactly where she was photographed/videotaped. Thought I would jump on to offer any help I can since I can walk to that street from my home in less than 15 minutes and drive to it in under 3 minutes. Happy to help however I can.
I guess a little intro on me might be in order here. I live in Columbus in the neighborhood of Clintonville. I work as a Police Evidence Technician (crime scene) for CPD with 16 years on the job. There can be no mystery in my life - everything must be investigated and solved - which makes me great at my job but terrible at dating. Lol. I guess that is good enough for now. Looking forward to getting to know some of you.


One of the detectives scribbled down on a notepad about KC getting mad about JB's wife's prenancy. That's public record, and it's in WFTV's online case archives.

Do you think you can find it?
What's to say she won't have motivation to kill someone else though? KC is vastly different than most rational thinking people. She lied about things she didn't even need to lie about. We don't know what makes her tick.

I have to agree. I don't think she will kill soon, but she got away with it, so why not again after much plotting and planning. If I were Mrs. Baez I would be worried, unless KC has shifted her attention to some other male.

And, for the record, I don't care where she is as long as she is not near me.

Welcome to the Board CPD1053, hope you are ready to be asked a lot of questions about various cases!
Some of these photos were taken with the photographer directly in front of FCA on the sidewalk. It was photo-shopped (edited) so that he/she was not in the reflection of her sunglasses. The point being, FCA had to pretend he wasn't there so that the shot could be "dead on."

I disagree with this. I personally own an HD video camera (and a DSLR/400mm telephoto lens) with enough zoom that I could have taken these pics of FCA from 100 yards away or more. High quality stills can easily be captured from my video camera in the resolutions posted on TMZ. I think it highly possible and even likely this was done from a vehicle or from some vegetation where FCA never knew he/she was there. IF she saw the photographer and reversed course, that's even more evidence that it wasn't staged, IMO. I just don't buy the idea it was staged from the evidence we've seen, so far.
<snip> ....In recently released documents, jail guards assigned to Casey Anthony's unit in the Orange County jail reported to investigators an incident in which Anthony became upset and began crying and cursing when she discovered that Baez's wife was pregnant with his child. In addition, the report goes on to say that Baez and Anthony would spend much of their time together, which was supposed to be used to prepare for trial, staring intently at each other without speaking with their faces less than one inch apart. .....<snip>

..im pretty sure the article is referring to the complaints made about the "inappropriate touching" during jail visits ages ago.

---October 31/2008.
---Video report @ link--
Jose Baez Repeatedly Told To Stop Touching Casey During Jail Visits


A jail report states: "The inmate's attorney was observed hugging inmate and was advised that physical contact was prohibited."

A week later, another report stated: "Baez again observed hugging his client."

The room Baez and Anthony meet in is very small and typically there is a desk and two chairs.

Sources told Eyewitness News that on one occasion, Anthony was sitting and Baez was very close to her face. A corrections officer had to go into the room to separate them.

---November 1/2008.
Florida Bar To Investigate Baez For Hugging Casey In Jail


The jail would only say Baez had violated rules for hugging Casey on two occasions. In an internal email, a corrections officer wrote, “I spoke with Mr. Baez concerning his continued physical contact (hugging) of his client."

A jail spokesman said, "We do not allow contact for security reasons.”

The first time Baez was warned, officials said he told officers he did not know the rules, and was sorry and would make an effort to remember.
I just posted this in "who will make the most $$" thread, not sure where to put this link (in our discussion threads) but since this post is active today, do we know about FCA throwing a fit when she heard JB's wife was pregnant? see snip I posted below ...just read this article in the WS daily news thread, about the possible "inappropriate" relationship between FCA and JB. Also other items discussed in the article re: JB. is there a thread that contains discussion about that FCA/JB relationship already on here somewhere, if someone knows off-hand? Thanks. otherwise, this article is very interesting, I posted an interesting paragraph below. I would LOVE to hear more about this type of thing between these two. IMO, MOO, etc. (underlining in article snip below is mine).

Crossing the line with Casey Anthony? -
National Crime & Justice | Examiner.com

<snip> ....In recently released documents, jail guards assigned to Casey Anthony's unit in the Orange County jail reported to investigators an incident in which Anthony became upset and began crying and cursing when she discovered that Baez's wife was pregnant with his child. In addition, the report goes on to say that Baez and Anthony would spend much of their time together, which was supposed to be used to prepare for trial, staring intently at each other without speaking with their faces less than one inch apart. .....<snip>

Maybe I'm being narrow minded here, but I can only think of one reason a woman would throw a hissy fit on hearing the news that a married man's wife is pregnant. :smilie with red "A" on forehead:

P.S. And why would a "professional" (OK&#8230;don't laugh) be discussing his personal life with a client? Not very professional, or ethical IMO, but then again we are talking about JB here.
If that report is true, than I'd say that if JB is involved in arranging for protection, it's not KC that needs it. I don't happen to believe he's protecting anyone myself, based on what the Columbus videos showed, or even arranging for where KC lives. I think his current occupation with KC is more 'agent' than attorney, except for areas related to probation, etc. and those things are no longer his concern. But his wife and family is a whole other matter...
Not me. She had motivation to kill Caylee, she won't kill again. Hopefully no one would be stupid enough to give her access to their checking account or money. I'm more concerned about what the lunatic fringe might do if they find Casey - not to her so much as to innocent bystanders.

Except there is no lunatic fringe with regards to this case. No credible threats have been made on FCA or her defense team. She walks down the street, goes shopping (surely grieving the whole time), etc. People are curious, people are angry, but there is no evidence people are trying to harm or kill her. Portraying her as some kind of victim is silly imo.
It was jotted down during Robyn's interview (KC's penpal). Hope that helps.

I think I know what notes you're talking about but that was YMs notes iirc. :waitasec:
It was jotted down during Robyn's interview (KC's penpal). Hope that helps.

Thanks, I was trying to remember the circumstances behind the detective's notes. I recalled that it was information that he got second hand, but couldn't recall from whom.
Do you think you can find it?

..detective edwards notes :

---page 3 bottom---

"Baez close to Casey!"

"Casey upset when found out wife is pregnant".

***----------as i recall, when this was discussed originally, it was determined that it would have been the other lawyer from the baez firm -----jose garcia, whose wife was pregnant. ----( kc referred to him as jose #2, and that she had a crush on him or something in the jail letters.)
Except there is no lunatic fringe with regards to this case. No credible threats have been made on FCA or her defense team. She walks down the street, goes shopping (surely grieving the whole time), etc. People are curious, people are angry, but there is no evidence people are trying to harm or kill her. Portraying her as some kind of victim is silly imo.

There is always lunatic fringe. Casey may never encounter them, but they're out there.
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