Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

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Sooo, is it possible that some folks here, think Casey has actually repented, in private and that she will toe the line, from here on out???
I haven't had the chance to read every post... so I'm just winging it asking here.

Me? Once I saw that HUGE full face grin of her, getting into the gray SUV... that folks, said it all to me!

She could easily withstand an angry mob..screaming and shouting, but, ONLY once she was in the haven of her morally bankrupt ppl

That big ole smile popped out for ALL to see. Baez, is going to make a complete azz out of himself, this week. I've got my voodoo dolls pinned, right NOW!!! LOL

J/K, but not really... ;)

nopers! She may admit. She won't say I'm sorry.
She holds no personal responsibility.
Is the felon missing?

Someone needs to check the swamp @ Suburban...she might be there...:maddening:

News interviews are drying up, no one should pay a wooden nickel to hear more outrageous lies from the most prolific, well documented, pathological liar on the face of this earth. Wherever she is, I do hope she is constantly looking over her shoulders, scared to death of who might be charging behind her. Her life can't be the Bella Vita she envisioned and that makes me happy.

Forever and always, she will have the stigma of baby killer who got away with murder...she will never escape her karma and I await for Karma to catch this beast...JMHO

No justice came for Caylee Marie....:rose:
Wonder if ICA will be allowed to renew her license since she had 'seizures' in jail?:innocent:
Usually you have to be seizure free for 6months or more, to drive....
If I were CA & GA I would have changed the locks. Knowing they are out of town would be a great time for FCA to get someone or herself to go to the Hopesprings house and get her stuff. If there is a changed lock, she could always break it with a shovel. Remember how she kept going back home when she lived with Tone when she knew CA and GA weren't home:waitasec:?

Change the locks definitely - but they probably already have done that. If I were them, I would also disinherit her ASAP!!! I think she planned to kill her parents to get their house, but she never got around to it. Now she is roaming free.... Casey is DANGEROUS, especially to her family!

P.S. Do yall think that she has tried to contact Tony Lazarro? I believe she killed her daughter because of him, and she is delusional and shallow enough to think that they can just continue their relationship as if nothing ever happened.
I wonder how Tony feels about her being free now.
IMO..I don't think Casey is with mom or dad. I think she's about an hour or so outside Orlando. Not a motel...a private residence. A lawyer probably rented her an apartment or condo. haha...she may even have a new boyfriend. Maybe somebody on her team that she got close with over the last few years.

I don't believe she has a whole bunch of handlers. Maybe one. It's not that hard to hide. The handler could rent the place and go grocery shopping and most bills can be paid online.

I also believe Casey won't do any TV interviews soon. But if she did...I believe it will be in a PRIVATE location and be for way more than 5 million dollars. I don't believe any network will tell you about the interview UNTIL after the interview. I also believe just about everybody will watch it. You may not like to or want to, but you will.

Until the interview....IMO...I think there will be one or two photo's released of Casey from Baez. They will take them at some "staged" place, then Casey will change her appearance after the photos. Won't take much to hide her appearance. Cut the hair off shoulder length, darken it some, and throw on some sunglasses. Just her getting a suntan would help a bunch.

I think everything being released by all these people is just smoke. Or people trying to jump on the wagon.

The more time that passed the more I believe Casey may not ever do a tv interview. She may just decide to write a book. yes, people will buy it. Even if it's just reporters and such buying it to write their reviews about it...to post. LOL
I also believe Casey won't do any TV interviews soon. But if she did...I believe it will be in a PRIVATE location and be for way more than 5 million dollars. I don't believe any network will tell you about the interview UNTIL after the interview. I also believe just about everybody will watch it. You may not like to or want to, but you will.

ETA- snipped for space.

No, I will not. NEVER. EVER. No way, no how. I never want to see her face again. Unless its on its way back into jail or dead.
I also believe Casey won't do any TV interviews soon. But if she did...I believe it will be in a PRIVATE location and be for way more than 5 million dollars. I don't believe any network will tell you about the interview UNTIL after the interview. I also believe just about everybody will watch it. You may not like to or want to, but you will./QUOTE]

ETA- snipped for space.

No, I will not. NEVER. EVER. No way, no how. I never want to see her face again. Unless its on its way back into jail or dead.

Same here - won't watch. 3 days after the verdict I stopped watching anything Casey-related and will continue to do so, contrary to someone saying otherwise...
I was hoping KC would have to be holed up with Geraldo for lack of anyone else to stash her with. It would serve her right.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: And it would serve "him" right ...

Oh ... could you just see Gerry Rivers "stuck" with CFCA ?

legally she can't do any interviews or even talk about anything for a while. Think about it. There is such a thing as "statute of limitations". Nuff said. And it's just as well for everyone to calm down during that time too. JB did say she wouldn't be doing any interviews for 6-9 months. Count em down. ;)
True. And he played an excerpt of himself saying something that conflicts with what he just said. He showed a clip of HIMSELF saying that he recently asked Baez 'when' he was going to get a chance to meet Casey, saying ' I think it is about time.'

Then a minute later he says assertively, " I never met her, NEVER WANT TO MEET HER, we don't pay for interviews here.."

He blatantly contradicts himself on his own show iwithin a 2 minute period.
Heh, heh...... yeah, I'm just waiting for him to draw a map........ (to where she is of course)
CM says "we're not going to tell anyone where she is ever."

<snippet>Sunday night Cheney Mason said Casey's location is a closely guarded secret. &#8220;The world is so crazy out there that were not going to tell anyone where she is ever and I don&#8217;t know what&#8217;s the big pursuit, I spoke at the Tiger Bay Club the other day and told that audience its kind of like a dog chasing a car what&#8217;s he going to do if he catches it? Yeah so what difference does it make where Casey is, she isn&#8217;t going to talk to anyone. Everyone needs to leave her alone.&#8221;

Read more: http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news/anthony_case/072511-cheney-mason-on-casey-anthony#ixzz1T8PGpVPc

Mason also said Casey Anthony is a nice person once you get to know her.... :sick:
That was a really interesting story and thank you for posting it. But I disagree with the author. FCA has nothing in common with Salman. The death threats against him were world wide, supported by terrorists and real. SO, far, according to LE, there have been no legitimnate threats against FCA. Having a hit out out on you is not the same as having the public ashamed of you. And Salman did not kill anybody. JMO

Oh I don't think the author meant that at all, and only in the comparison that both felt the need to hide for their own safety. Remember, while Salman's world was world wide - FCA's world is Orlando and slightly outside of it - and I don't think she is ready to face what she suspects might a mob (in her mind) on her own as a private citizen with no big lawyers to shield and protect her.

Her game is power and she knows she won't have any when she steps outside with "the people".
There is no statute of limitations thats effects her. There is nothing legal that prevents her from doing an interview. She can not be arrested for anything having to do with the death of Caylee Anthony. Double jeopardy applies.

legally she can't do any interviews or even talk about anything for a while. Think about it. There is such a thing as "statute of limitations". Nuff said. And it's just as well for everyone to calm down during that time too. JB did say she wouldn't be doing any interviews for 6-9 months. Count em down. ;)
I think it's possible that she is holed up in a condo on the beach close to Orlando and her "handlers" at the moment are the junior members of JB's law office. If that really was her returning to Orlando on TM's plane, then I believe Michelle Medina was also there. She is most likely the one who has been tasked with babysitting FCA. I think it was the larger man on the defence team's vehicle that was used to pick her and Michelle up. I find it hard to believe that TM would fly across country three times in that little plane, in under a week just to be a decoy. He was likely volunteering to get a piece of the one million dollar deal.

Wonder if ICA will be allowed to renew her license since she had 'seizures' in jail?:innocent:
Usually you have to be seizure free for 6months or more, to drive....

You make a great point! I had a grand mal seizure 22 years ago, and I did not drive for a year (per Georgia law). I obeyed the letter of the law because I did not want myself or someone else to be injured or killed just because of my selfishness. Family and friends ferried me to and fro, and it wasn't the end of the world. I never had another seizure, but I did have to have brain surgery for an aneurysm.

To follow Florida law, she would need to cease driving for SIX months after the seizure.
There is no statute of limitations thats effects her. There is nothing legal that prevents her from doing an interview. She can not be arrested for anything having to do with the death of Caylee Anthony. Double jeopardy applies.

Well, except for those pesky lawsuits that is.
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