Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

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Yep. I can post them if I'm allowed. Doesn't show any addresses or licence plates. Just general area shots. I'm new here so someone tell me best way to upload a couple of shots.

Here's how I learned, thanks to chasing.halos

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6734686&postcount=341"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2011.06.22 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-five)[/ame]
Oh, people would have been around. It is a residential street with a grassy median dividing the west side of the street from the east side. (that is the park looking area you see her in profile in the residential pics). To the north is the ravine and to the south is a busy roadway. It's a short, residential area that connects to nothing else. In the Huff Post video, she is shown more down in the area closer to the busy roadway (houses are not as nice here). In the TMZ photos she is shown very close to ravine, at the very north end of the street (houses are much nicer here). It's just not a well known area and it is not close to the Old Navy. Certainly not within walking distance. You would need a car. I just don't get how they picked this area to stage the photos (I do think it's her and I also think it was staged). My only logical connection is that the dude offering her $5M for first interview also lives here and operates his business out of CBus (Schalmo Productions), which is common public knowledge. I believe we have to follow the money. I think she is here because he's offering the most and he probably struck a deal for her with SplashNews to take the photos and get her some short term cash until she's prepped enough to do an interview. Just my opinion, I could be wrong. As always, happy to answer whatever I can about the area. Feel free to PM questions. Don't want to tick off the mods.

BBM. My two cents on this is that the owner of the photos and video footage is Splashnews, and that Schalmo is an unnecessary middle man. I think Schalmo would love to have his name connected with this, he from what I hear has no real money to put where his mouth is. But he wasn't part of this, IMO. The DT got a contract with Splashnews and that was probably after getting a lot of offers to do this job without them even trying to find someone. Agencies like Splashnews are all about this kind of work and probably solicited the job by contacting Baez. They then sent someone out with a high quality HD Camcorder, pranced the felon around in a random Columbus neighborhood, changed shirts, went to the next block, a little more, bang, done. Then hit up Old Navy and do a little more footage (3 separate outfits is worth a lot more to TMZ than 1 or 2) and call it a wrap, get back on the private jet to Carlsbad and return to the mansion life. Splashnews then sells the footage, gives the A team about 75% of the pile, the DT takes a portion of that and Casey gets the rest. MOO.
Polarizing filter?

While I consider whether a polarizing filter would work, consider this: If these weren't paparazzi, but hacks from the defense team who needed to set up and shoot multiple closeups in a quiet neighborhood, would they have a polarizing filter?
I'm not new but I don't post enough or have any authority to say you're allowed. I'll see if I can see the ravine from Google streets. Not doubting your word, I just want to see distances and cover. Could someone at the end of the street, say in the backseat of a car with tinted windows be able to make the video without being seen?

I have thought about the tinted windows possibility but don't see how the images and footage could not show this tint. Also, another interesting fact is that you can hear the Old Navy door open and close when she opens it, so the window was not rolled up there.
This is an example of what kind of work a photo editor would do for a celebrity news agency like Splashnews. This was in a recent LA craigslist ad:

A dynamic and fast paced picture editor is required to join busy Celebrity News Agency.
The job will entail working from home with weekend and evening shifts required
- this is a full time position on a shift scenario

Duties will include but not limited to:
- Selecting, editing, captioning using Fotostation and Photoshop
- Distributing images to worldwide clients via FTP and email

- Keywording and uploading images to the company website
- Dealing with photographers in the field to ensure timely submission
-Updating top stories of the day to our blog (Wordpress)
-Dealing with photo requests internally and from publications and clients

The ideal candidate will have proven experience of image editing in a celebrity world.
Be 100% MAC literate and able to learn new software quickly and easily
Have excellent literacy, communication skills and the ability to work accurately under pressure
working as part of a team and also on their own initiative. An understanding of story value, working
deadlines and an ability to multi-task is essential as is an interest and knowledge of the Global celebrity market

Must also be visually literate with an excellent eye for detail, and able to spot the shot that sells for publications

Please email current resume outlining experience and include references

An example of photo editing:

I have thought about the tinted windows possibility but don't see how the images and footage could not show this tint. Also, another interesting fact is that you can hear the Old Navy door open and close when she opens it, so the window was not rolled up there.

True enough. But I've shot video of wild game with a partially rolled down window, hiding in the background on the far side of the vehicle. When one is in another dimension like that, one is much less obvious. That's how I would have approached it, but who knows? Maybe someday the photographer will talk.
Huh! :waitasec::waitasec: She learned to be independent and able to self cope by spending the last three years in protective custody in jail? I'd would have thought that made it worse. After all, what was she able to actually do for herself? Shower and dress herself all on her own? Wait a minute, she would have had company while she showered.

What was she able to do for herself? She did a lot actually.. she chose her own lawyer/s (even when her parents showed disapproval and doubt in her lawyers abilities), she chose to have no contact with her family (even when they showed up un-invited.. she didn't have that big a set when her mom showed up at Tone's and demanded she leave with her.. she could have said no- she was an adult after-all.. but she went with her mother), she chose not to write back to "fans" who sent her mail (Even if her lawyer told her not to write she could have written anyway.. many criminals do.. they love the attention... can't seem to help themselves) and she was an active part of her own defense.. wheather she was of any help at all is beside the point- it's clear she thought she was helping. She made her own decisions and stuck to them and then they proved to work out in the end, she was found not guilty. She learned she isn't helpless, that she can make her own decisions and that her descisions might actually be decent ones. This is the girl everyone says doesn't plan but a minute into the future. IMO that's a good start.

Your location and who is standing beside you when you are showering are irrelevant.
True enough. But I've shot video of wild game with a partially rolled down window, hiding in the background on the far side of the vehicle. When one is in another dimension like that, one is much less obvious. That's how I would have approached it, but who knows? Maybe someday the photographer will talk.

The other thing to note is that the videographer was at two different locations when he filmed her on that street, you can tell from the angles of the shots. One is straight down that sidewalk, the other is more towards the middle grassy island. There is no real spot to shoot from there except visibly on the street, as there is no where to park (without obstructing oncoming traffic) and then there is the ravine mentioned by the other poster.
From Italy's article:


You've got to be kidding. I have a close relative who lives right there. It's not a cheap area by any means so who would be funding or providing this for the likes of Miss Anthony?
I'm not new but I don't post enough or have any authority to say you're allowed. I'll see if I can see the ravine from Google streets. Not doubting your word, I just want to see distances and cover. Could someone at the end of the street, say in the backseat of a car with tinted windows be able to make the video without being seen?

Figured it out, I think. Let's see if this works. I hit attachment on two photos I wanted to upload. We'll see if they load and if so, I'll explain perspective in next post.


  • CA Area Shot 2.jpg
    CA Area Shot 2.jpg
    43.4 KB · Views: 114
  • CA Area Shot 3.jpg
    CA Area Shot 3.jpg
    163.2 KB · Views: 113
Casey with Baez and Todd Macaluso, owner of Ca house pictured below


UPDATE: Casey Anthony's Californ-vacation

On Saturday we published an exclusive article about 'Tot Mom' Casey Anthony and possible sightings in southern California.

SoCal local news reporter Dan Weisman of Ah-Ha Rancho Santa Fe News followed up with some additional information, including photos of the house where Casey is supposedly hiding out. The home is owned by her attorney Todd Macaluso, a member of Casey's defense team, and is described as a "5-bedroom, 5 1/2-bath, Spanish-style home, built in 2005, according to real estate records and is within the ultra-exclusive Rancho Santa Fe Covenant."

Public records show the luxury estate is listed at $5.2 million and is currently on the market. Weisman reported:

After surveying the yard with luxury black sedan and unidentified black hybrid SUV in the garage area, an attempt hatched to call the residence on the intercom outside the gate. A weirdly shaped voice answered, something between that of a young child and/or drunk woman. The gate opened. Attempting to enter the yard, however, another voice came on the intercom, uttered an admonition, and the gate quickly closed.

. . .
While no pictures of Casey Anthony at the home have yet to surface, it's very plausible that this could be one of the locations Anthony is using to hide out, while waiting to score a major lucrative interview. Plus, our source stated several local residents have reported seeing her in and around the area in the last few days. Why would there be two SUVs at an unoccupied house on the market? Who answered the intercom -- and why the reluctance to come out? It all seems suspicious.
. . . Stay tuned...
Figured it out, I think. Let's see if this works. I hit attachment on two photos I wanted to upload. We'll see if they load and if so, I'll explain perspective in next post.

Okay, so picture that shows brick wall with concrete top is the wall we see CA walking along with black shirt on. She would be walking in the direction I took this photo, so northbound on the east side of the street. She is walking toward that low stone wall with all the foilage behind it (the ravine). I looked today, and there is not enough foilage there at the edge of the ravine for anyone to effectively hide. I supposed photographer could have been behind the tree, but still, she'd have to have been blind not to see him.

The pic with the grassy median and lampposts is the park looking area we see her in profile in wearing the black shirt. You can clearly see the small tree and lamppost she walks between in the pics. This is the grassy median that divides the street she is walking up and down. You can only drive northbound on the east side of the median and southbound on the west side of the median. The road dead ends into the ravine on the northside and ends at the major roadway where cars go zipping past behind her in Huff Post video to the southside. I'd estimate there are only about 25 houses on each side of the street and all are placed very close together. Hope that helps!
Figured it out, I think. Let's see if this works. I hit attachment on two photos I wanted to upload. We'll see if they load and if so, I'll explain perspective in next post.

Thanks. I've got to get some sleep. I'll check back, tomorrow...
Figured it out, I think. Let's see if this works. I hit attachment on two photos I wanted to upload. We'll see if they load and if so, I'll explain perspective in next post.

Thanks for the pics. Are they in the same area and would there be any motel close enough for her to walk from ?
Are they by the Old Navy store ?
I've been to the street the residential photos were taken. Just today in fact. I live close by. The ones where CA is walking along in a black shirt with a brick wall to her right with a concrete top, and a blue motorcycle to the left of her, there is no way the photographer was more than 20-30 feet away. She is approaching the end of the street. The street dead ends into a second street which runs perpendicular to the street she is on. On the other side of the street her street dead ends in to is a very steep and wooded ravine. The photographer had to be standing at the ravine. And there is not enough cover there for him to hide himself. Unless CA recently lost her vision, she could not have NOT seen the photographer. He had no where to go but down a steep cliff!!

Couldn't the photog. have hopped someone's fence and stood in their backyard shooting over the fence? Or what about slipping a homeowner a few bills to let him shoot pictures out their front window? What about parking his car in someone's driveway when they weren't home and sitting in the car taking pictures?

I think there's lots and lots of ways to "not be seen" and these photogs. are professionals at it. They won't draw the line at trespassing to get a shot either.
Thanks for the pics. Are they in the same area and would there be any motel close enough for her to walk from ?
Are they by the Old Navy store ?

No, not within walking distance of the Old Navy @ Lennox Town Center. I shop at this strip mall regularly and I must drive to it (as I said, I live within walking distance of where residential photos of CA were shot). Also not within walking distance of Starbucks. There is a SB across the street from Old Navy @ Lennox but it would be a very unsafe road to cross on foot. Wide road, heavily trafficked at high speeds. A car would absolutely have had to be used if all these shots were done on same afternoon.

As for hotels, there is a Holiday Inn Express east of I-71 within walking distance of residential shots. But it wouldn't be a pleasant walk. Area residential photos were shot was west of 71. Gets very dicey as you go east past 71. Very dicey. Plus, IMHO, CA would think it beneath herself to stay at a Holiday Inn.
No, not within walking distance of the Old Navy @ Lennox Town Center. I shop at this strip mall regularly and I must drive to it (as I said, I live within walking distance of where residential photos of CA were shot). Also not within walking distance of Starbucks. There is a SB across the street from Old Navy @ Lennox but it would be a very unsafe road to cross on foot. Wide road, heavily trafficked at high speeds. A car would absolutely have had to be used if all these shots were done on same afternoon.

As for hotels, there is a Holiday Inn Express east of I-71 within walking distance of residential shots. But it wouldn't be a pleasant walk. Area residential photos were shot was west of 71. Gets very dicey as you go east past 71. Very dicey. Plus, IMHO, CA would think it beneath herself to stay at a Holiday Inn.
So...if these photos were in fact her...she had to have been dropped off to be photographed...or someone was following her?
If the Crispy Creme vs. Dunkin Donuts is being debated...I am for Dunkin. I like my donuts heavier and less sweet. Crispy C. is very light and very sweet.
Couldn't the photog. have hopped someone's fence and stood in their backyard shooting over the fence? Or what about slipping a homeowner a few bills to let him shoot pictures out their front window? What about parking his car in someone's driveway when they weren't home and sitting in the car taking pictures?

I think there's lots and lots of ways to "not be seen" and these photogs. are professionals at it. They won't draw the line at trespassing to get a shot either.

I suppose anything is "possible". I'm just giving you my perspective from living in the area and knowing the street. Make of it what u will. I seriously doubt that they were shot from someone's home though because all these houses sit up high off the road. The street is kind of a little ravine itself. There are moderately steep climbs up to each house. No to very few driveways. Garages, for the most part (for those lucky enough to have one) are behind the houses off a narrow alley. The area is actually quite congested. Houses are very close together, very small front yards on a steep hill leading up to the homes, no real fences (at least in front yards where CA was walking by), many big, mature trees and most residents are forced to park on the street.
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