Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

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Yep. I can post them if I'm allowed. Doesn't show any addresses or licence plates. Just general area shots. I'm new here so someone tell me best way to upload a couple of shots.

I can't see why general area shots wouldn't be allowed.

When I upload a photo it's always from the media, so I just left click on the photo, click on "copy image location", then, on this board I click on the "yellow icon with the mountain", and paste. Simple

I would imagine that you would want to use a separate non-personal Flicker type account on this public forum.

I'm sure that other more experienced WS'ers will advise you.
No, not within walking distance of the Old Navy @ Lennox Town Center. I shop at this strip mall regularly and I must drive to it (as I said, I live within walking distance of where residential photos of CA were shot). Also not within walking distance of Starbucks. There is a SB across the street from Old Navy @ Lennox but it would be a very unsafe road to cross on foot. Wide road, heavily trafficked at high speeds. A car would absolutely have had to be used if all these shots were done on same afternoon.

As for hotels, there is a Holiday Inn Express east of I-71 within walking distance of residential shots. But it wouldn't be a pleasant walk. Area residential photos were shot was west of 71. Gets very dicey as you go east past 71. Very dicey. Plus, IMHO, CA would think it beneath herself to stay at a Holiday Inn.

Have you asked any of the store clerks if they recognized her? She appears to have changed clothes for the pics...so she had to be there at least x2 on one day or in the store a few days. She bought nothing from what they gave us.

If photos are real, I say baez passed them to MG when he met up with him
Mark G. is real familiar with TMZ..he and his clients are on it often enough.

The clothes changes are familiar. stars at here sometimes wear the same clothes out to all stop...so days get confused. This one did it opposite. she changed clothes to simulate what? different days in the area?
So...if these photos were in fact her...she had to have been dropped off to be photographed...or someone was following her?

Well, she absolutely did not get from Old Navy to residential area on foot. Woulda been a good 6-8 mile trek. At least. And if they were taken weekend of July 29/30/31, it was EXTREMELY HOT & HUMID here that weekend. It was weekend of my church festival and we were all sweating tremendously just standing still at 10pm at night! If she walked that far those days, I don't think she'd have looked so fresh or polished in the afternoon sun.
I suppose anything is "possible". I'm just giving you my perspective from living in the area and knowing the street. Make of it what u will. I seriously doubt that they were shot from someone's home though because all these houses sit up high off the road. The street is kind of a little ravine itself. There are moderately steep climbs up to each house. No to very few driveways. Garages, for the most part (for those lucky enough to have one) are behind the houses off a narrow alley. The area is actually quite congested. Houses are very close together, very small front yards on a steep hill leading up to the homes, no real fences (at least in front yards where CA was walking by), many big, mature trees and most residents are forced to park on the street.

Thank you so much for your personal insight of the area.

Do you really think J Schalmo had anything to do with the published photos?
Have you asked any of the store clerks if they recognized her? She appears to have changed clothes for the pics...so she had to be there at least x2 on one day or in the store a few days. She bought nothing from what they gave us.

If photos are real, I say baez passed them to MG when he met up with him
Mark G. is real familiar with TMZ..he and his clients are on it often enough.

The clothes changes are familiar. stars at here sometimes wear the same clothes out to all stop...so days get confused. This one did it opposite. she changed clothes to simulate what? different days in the area?

I haven't been to that Old Navy since this all happened. I'm more of a Barnes & Noble girl anyway (store to the north of Old Navy in video). Old Navy ticked me off when they stopped carrying the ski pants I got there every winter. And they've gotten too trendy for me now.

I think she did a shirt swap in the back of a photographers van or something. Although one of my coworkers (another crime scene gal) thinks that CA also changed jeans. Who knows? I do think they were all shot on the same day with shirt changes in an effort to make it appear they got her over several different days. Don't know why unless that makes it more profitable for sales.

I'm on the fence as to whether I believe she is living here or not. I don't really want her living near me, so I kinda hope not. But CBus would be a good place to hide. We're a big enough city to blend into (15th largest in nation with a little over 1M population), but small enough for people not to put it on their radar. So I'm on the fence. I guess time will tell....
Thank you so much for your personal insight of the area.

Do you really think J Schalmo had anything to do with the published photos?

Just my thoughts that he did. Have absolutely no proof of it. To be honest, I'd never even heard of him before this CA mess and I've lived here all my life except for the 5 years I spent in Athens at Ohio University.
I don't like that house at all. I have seen homes in that price range and they are so much prettier and decorated better. The kitchen is horrid. $5,000,000? I am not surprised it is not sellling

Yeah, the pool is nice but the interior decoration is horrible. Especially the living room. The exterior leaves me cold as well but then again, I've never been a fan of SoCa Spanish style architecture. I much prefer the seaside cottage look in many of the Pacific facing homes of Laguna Beach & Dana Point where my family lives. And if retirement ever gets here, me too with any luck!
Just my thoughts that he did. Have absolutely no proof of it. To be honest, I'd never even heard of him before this CA mess and I've lived here all my life except for the 5 years I spent in Athens at Ohio University.

Thanks, I only asked because I had been following his tweets. I don't know what to make of him. Possibly the Army offered him a better deal than the Marines.
Yeah, the pool is nice but the interior decoration is horrible. Especially the living room. The exterior leaves me cold as well but then again, I've never been a fan of SoCa Spanish style architecture. I much prefer the seaside cottage look in many of the Pacific facing homes of Laguna Beach & Dana Point where my family lives. And if retirement ever gets here, me too with any luck!

The fact that there are 129 listings in that area is just scary.
I can't help but hope our troubled economy crashes in on those as unworthy as the Ants and their supporters.
If she's living in a McMansion courtesy of DHTM...I guess she should enjoy it while it lasts. I mean all of this is costing people time and money. I do not believe for a second they genuinely care about her. Will she be living in this kind of undeserved luxury in 2 years? 10 years? No way.

This will fade and I think her life will be much darker as the years progress and she is wrung for every penny her "defense" team can get from her...which apparently isn't much. I suspect a desperate scheme of some sort to get some cash rolling in because this center cannot hold imo!
I've been to the street the residential photos were taken. Just today in fact. I live close by. The ones where CA is walking along in a black shirt with a brick wall to her right with a concrete top, and a blue motorcycle to the left of her, there is no way the photographer was more than 20-30 feet away. She is approaching the end of the street. The street dead ends into a second street which runs perpendicular to the street she is on. On the other side of the street her street dead ends in to is a very steep and wooded ravine. The photographer had to be standing at the ravine. And there is not enough cover there for him to hide himself. Unless CA recently lost her vision, she could not have NOT seen the photographer. He had no where to go but down a steep cliff!!

I sure am not surprised by what you have reported here. THANKS! Now there is no doubt Casey got very good money for those pictures. Through a JB set-up 3rd party of course. Still Casey claims she is indigent. Oh I wish the court would bring a head TMZ boss in to explain who he paid and how to the court. That money belongs to the people of Florida by a court order. But I very sadly doubt the State of Judge Perry will even mention this. What a rip-off again here.:banghead::banghead::banghead:
I sure am not surprised by what you have reported here. THANKS! Now there is no doubt Casey got very good money for those pictures. Through a JB set-up 3rd party of course. Still Casey claims she is indigent. Oh I wish the court would bring a head TMZ boss in to explain who he paid and how to the court. That money belongs to the people of Florida by a court order. But I very sadly doubt the State of Judge Perry will even mention this. What a rip-off again here.:banghead::banghead::banghead:

..i don't think they made all THAT much off of these pics.

..when they came out last week, steveH of 'people magazine' spoke about them--said "splashnews" was shopping them around on monday.

..followed by a 'tweet' a couple of days later , where steveH said TMZ probably got them for 50-60 thousand.

..of course TMZ gets $$'s again every time they re-sell them to someone else --------and (kc---whoever)--- gets a cut.

..but it's not the BIG BIG $$$$'s that some have thought these pics went for.

..and there sits kc ---"free", hiding out somewhere, holding out for an interview to pay the bills.

..poking her eyes out b/c no-one wants her.
If the Crispy Creme vs. Dunkin Donuts is being debated...I am for Dunkin. I like my donuts heavier and less sweet. Crispy C. is very light and very sweet.

Wow, I agree completely Whisperer! It must be a cold day in he!! ! :clap:
I think it's been around two years now that, after reading someone's post who is a lot smarter than me, I have just called everyone by their real names. That poster made the point that by calling them by any customized name seemed to elevate their status in some way. Obviously, I agreed.

Not one of these players deserve elevation of any sort. Not even into infamy. To me, it's just plain ol' bad Casey, Cindy, George, et al. IMO, they deserve no special titles.

ETA: It makes it much easier for me ~ and I know I won't get TO, too. :0)

Except Caylee; sweet, sweet angel Caylee. The innocent babe.

Bolding mine. I understand this. I too, call all of the 'characters' by their names, except that I do title them (e.g., Ms. Anthony, Mr. Baez, etc.) as, treating them with a measure of formality helps me to maintain a sense of emotional 'distance' from them and the whole upsetting saga. For me, it's not about 'elevation' or respect. It's about my own sanity.

Like you, Caylee is the only exception for me.
This will fade and I think her life will be much darker as the years progress ......
+respectfully snipped+
It begs the question. We hear stories of her coming and going .. she's here, she's there, doing this, doing that. But, as far as WE know, there's no real direction to it all. What WILL become of Casey Anthony?
My mind goes back to Clint H's tone when asked on Fox (no link sorry - GvS or Judge J) at trial's end whether AL would want to see Casey again when she got out, and he spurted "absolutely NOT!".
If we take it that this is the general feeling among the group(s) she hung with, she really has no option but to go back to her family does she? Because, quite honestly, she could not survive on her own ... she has the mind of a fourteen year-old and needs others around her just to get by.
Maybe G & C are destined to be caregivers to their child for the rest of their lives?
I have been flip flopping between the initials and the names also. I guess the initials come out when I am feeling angry. It does not make me feel better that I do that nor take away any frustration, in fact it makes me feel a bit childish. Kind of like Na na na na na. So, I am going to try my hardest not to use initials any more. I think I am better than that or at least I could be.
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