Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

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Geraldo's ultimate boss is under enough pressure (Murdoch, that is) facing calls from his board to split the Chairman and CEO jobs. It'd be hard to imagine him green-lighting a KC interview (and yes I think the public outcry would be such that it would rise to the level of a chairman; it's brand management after all). So someone got with Geraldo and told him to back off. So he did.

I don't think we're going to see KC in public anytime soon, for several reasons.

(1) Money trouble and legal trouble. She needs to pay the IRS and the other claims against her. Even if these claims become judgments, she can discharge them with a bankruptcy filing or at the very least, use the threat of bankruptcy and additional plaintiff court costs to reduce the ultimate settlements, perhaps even with the IRS. So it is actually in her interest to NOT appear in the media until those things are settled. Those high dollar lawsuits will settle for a fraction of the demands. Furthermore, obtaining a judgment and enforcing a judgment are two different things. If KC has a judgment against her for, say $50,000 from an entity other than IRS or government, the plaintiff has to go back to court every single time there is "new money" to enforce the judgment. If KC gets a job for say, $30,000 a year, the plaintiff needs to bring an action for a wage garnishment. Then let's say she sells Caylee-things for $5,000. Another legal action. And so on. So it doesn't make sense for the plaintiffs to play the "grind her into dust" game, because if she has no money, they can't collect. And she can declare BK and that's the end of that. So she's got to clear up the suits before she makes any money.

(2) There is no story right now. Imagine this interview:

Host: so, KC, you killed a child and beat the system. How's that feel?
KC: What child?
Host: Your daughter, Caylee.
KC: Oh, um, yeah, Cays. I forgot. But I didn't kill her. Ask the jury.
Host: Oh, right. Sorry. No one believes you. What do you say to the viewers who think you fooled the system?
KC: I didn't kill her. Ask the jury.
Host: What's it like to live, in some ways, as a modern day Hester Prynne?
KC: Who in the what now?
Host: What's the plan for the future?
KC: Cash the check you gave me and have a drink on a deserted island.

There's nothing to talk about right now. The interview would be unwatchable; media types know this and they know boycotts and protests would happen. Independent producers are trying to cash in because, well, if they were any good, they wouldn't be independent. They'd work for a real media outlet. So their interest means nothing.

To make her appearance palatable to the public, KC has to stay out of trouble for a year. She has to get her GED, enroll in online college courses, get a tan, get fit, and get healthy looking, not pasty white prison inmate looking. She can change her appearance not with surgery, but with an expensive hair style and coloring. She's far from a classic beauty, but with professional make up and hair, she'd look just fine on TV if she gets herself together.

Regardless of her character, she is not stupid. (Her jail letters were not poorly written. Shakespeare's place in the pantheon of literary greats is safe from her, but she is not a low IQ person)

With a year gone by, she can appear solemn and reflective and all the things she is most certainly not, and can probably do a passable job of convincing the shortsighted American public that she is not a demon or a sociopath, and people will just leave her alone and let her fade away.

Meanwhile, she still gets $250k for the appearance and whatever other stuff, after all the dust is cleared from the other lawsuits, and she can go away and live whatever life has in store for her.

If I were in PR and was stuck with KC as a client, that's how I'd play it.
I hope there are NO Deals, No interviews, Just ............ Lets get casey some trearment, No Momey for a child killer, no . It is no going to happened, In my feel it is so wrong. I want her to just go away. Go away and see how nice that all was. She will end up running to mommy and daddy.
Maybe they hired Tracey (LPs employee) to babysit her.. after all, they had lots of fun while she was out on bond. Makes sense to me, LOL.
I hope there are NO Deals, No interviews, Just ............ Lets get casey some trearment, No Momey for a child killer, no . It is no going to happened, In my feel it is so wrong. I want her to just go away. Go away and see how nice that all was. She will end up running to mommy and daddy.

BBM. Yeah....FCA does need some treatment. Several ideas for what the treatment should consist of occur to me but I don't want to get a TO.
Yes, KC might be more marketable a year from now if she can get her act together and actually have something to say in an interview. Because any questions about her crimes and the trial are probably just going to be answered with lies--even a year from now--there would have to be something else to interview her about.

If a year from now KC is walking the straight and narrow, has a job or is in school, has a direction in life, etc., MAYBE people would appreciate hearing from her. I won't be one of them, but other people might be interested enough to tune in.

The only problem I see is that KC will not walk the straight and narrow for a year. She would have to be holed up and supervised virtually the entire time for even a chance at success, and I am not sure the DT or anyone else will want to pay what it costs to keep KC under their wing indefinitely. She may be able to get some kind of employment sometime down the road but right now it's out of the question, IMO. And to be honest, I do not think KC really wants to work.

If the DT gives up running their babysitting service, KC will end up back with Cindy, probably. If she does, I see arguments, maybe physical battles, etc.

I think what is likely to sell will be photos of the acquitted KC partying and being bad, and for those she will probably not even be the payee.
how long does plastic surgery on face take to heel up?

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I don't know ...

She needs "plastic surgery" on her "attitude" ... but that would probably be "impossible" ...

My guess is she is with her family in the Bahamas trying to make nice so that she can get the pictures to sell. Since her interview is not selling, she needs pictures of Caylee to make a deal. And those are all with Cindy.

I would expect a fight over pictures and possibly a lawsuit to get what she wants from Hopespring Drive.

She doesn't have a passport apparently. Puerto Rico is possible though.

I doubt she's ever met Al Taylor. The media should ignore him. He's a con man like Casey.
KC lost her drivers license a long time ago. It was posted here somewhere. I will try and find it.

I doubt she would be in the Bahamas because he wouldn't be able to get a passport.

I was just in Nassasu, Bahamas over the fourth of July weekend. I did not need a passport. Just a Goverment ID and Birth Certificate.
I was just in Nassasu, Bahamas over the fourth of July weekend. I did not need a passport. Just a Goverment ID and Birth Certificate.

Has it changed since last year? A passport was required a year ago to re-enter the US.
Sooo, is it possible that some folks here, think Casey has actually repented, in private and that she will toe the line, from here on out???

I haven't had the chance to read every post... so I'm just winging it asking here.

Me? Once I saw that HUGE full face grin of her, getting into the gray SUV... that folks, said it all to me!

She could easily withstand an angry mob..screaming and shouting, but, ONLY once she was in the haven of her morally bankrupt ppl

That big ole smile popped out for ALL to see. Baez, is going to make a complete azz out of himself, this week. I've got my voodoo dolls pinned, right NOW!!! LOL

J/K, but not really... ;)
I was just in Nassasu, Bahamas over the fourth of July weekend. I did not need a passport. Just a Goverment ID and Birth Certificate.

Were you on a cruise? I think I heard it's different with cruise ships. A friend told me you can do a Bahamas cruise without a passport, but it is highly recommended because if something happens and you need to fly back into the US (medical situation for example) you have a big problem.
YUP. The DT has a real problem on their hands now. They cannot cash in on her just yet because of a few reasons mentioned in posts above. There's the obvious Backlash, so she needs to lay low and rehab her reputation, and she needs some time to go by so she has a story to even tell. She cannot tell the public anything about what the want to hear- about what truly happened on June 15th/16th.

But the DT has a big problem because someone has to foot the bill for her while she 'rehabs.' I get the idea that Baez has been scrambling trying to get 'Promises' in Malibu or The Betty Ford Center to let her crash there for free. But even places like that recoil.
Could you imagine paying 8 grand a week for Promises, and finding out you are sharing the sauna with Casey Anthony?

So Baez is probably bummed out right now. He thought he would sell pix and interviews and split the cash with his client, and then send her off to a 'treatment center' while a ghostwriter finished the book.

But instead, he is paying a babysitter to watch his '2 yr old' client, having to foot her living expenses, battle the public backlash, AND deal with her upcoming legal battles which are looming as well. She is going to have some big legal bills and potentially some big legal judgments against her. So rather than being his cash cow, she is looking more like a cash drain.

On top of that, imo, she has lots of stuff bubbling under the surface that he does NOT want her to say. He cannot just cut her loose because she has been behind the scenes for 3 years. And in the early stages, he may have played things fast and loose. And she, as they say, 'knows where the bodies are buried.'

So, I have to say, this may have worked out in the best possible way after all. lol
Dang! Wish I had a few of those dolls and a case of straight pins. Just kidding. I am just not a gutsy in-your-face kind of person. I can't imagine how fearful I would be to face an angry mob of people. I read an article (either National Geographic or the Smithsonian) about the Coliseum and those people who erected it were skillful builders with huge imaginations. Picture being inside an arena, like being in a huge bowl, but you were not a seated spectator, you were part of the entertainment. From out of somewhere, raised from somewhere carefully concealed, appear two lions. You fight for your life. Winner take all. Rather nasty. Wonder how FCA would fare. She obviously doesn't fear people or angry crowds, so maybe she is excited by them.
Oh, for the use of a time machine...
I'm willing to bet that Casey is at one of the lawyers rentals or something.... some gated community somewhere, surfing all the sights on the web...
I'm also willing to bet that she's not liking what she's reading....lol...
and that makes me happy... because now she really knows what the world thinks of her..
and I find peace with that... I like the fact that everytime she opens her mouth a lawsuit flies in... LOL.. I'm comfortable about the fact that when her lawyers drop her like a rock.. she will feel alot of anxiety,, not sure where to turn... watching over her shoulder constantly....
Yup... In ways I kinda like this verdict.... Someday she will have to face her accusers, the public... and that works for me...!!! She will not be forgotten as a child murderer and Caylee will not be forgotten either..... Karma.... gotta love it..!!
Who knows where Casey is? So many rumors flying around. If I could hazard a guess, there may have been truth to her being in Palm Springs and I've a feeling that that "hoax" the other day may just have been Casey coming back. I don't think she's very far and St. George's Island may just be the place. I've seen a few news broadcasts and articles about her being in St. George Island and the interesting thing I have noted is that the security guards in that plantation will neither confirm or deny Casey being there. If she wasn't, wouldn't they just say no?

I've noticed that it was stated by either JB or CM that KC is "no longer in Orlando." They didn't say, "she's no longer in Florida", and this makes me think she's somewhere in Florida and likely in a private residence with someone to babysit her. St. George Island seems like a very likely location as it's somewhat remote yet by airplane about an hour away from Orlando and her attorney's offices.
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Eta: Thread 1

Your original question was where is KC. If the little murdering wench isn't already in he!!, that is where she is headed VERY SOON.
Thanks Again for Asking.
I suspect your right Gram. She did say in a jail letter, when I get out, I'm going to go get my girl and move on. Now I took it the ashes and yes there will be a battle over the pics. I have a sneaking suspicion she is going to get them come heck or high water. As far as I'm concerned Al Taylor is right, her value has already dipped, IMO. I think she's worth a whopping $5,000. Not a penny more. :maddening:

That's entirely too much in my opinion.
I don't think KC is in the Bahamas with George and Cindy. I don't think JB would allow KC to have contact with her parents at this point. JB needs KC right now as his ticket to getting that big interview. If he allowed KC to stay with her parents in the Bahamas, GA and CA might convince her to stay with them and they would try to negotiate a deal for an interview that would include KC, GA, and CA, effectively cutting JB out of the deal. All (or most) of the money would stay in the family.

The Bahamas are not part of the U.S. and KC would need a passport to go there.
Her stock is dropping by the second. And there is no rehabbing her. She is an albatross around JB's neck but he doesnt realise it yet. He is a stubborn sob so it could take a while :)

As as the penny drops, so does his back account (see what I did there? lol) But when he figures it out... the virus will be dropped faster than you can yell "FATWA".

I, for one, cant wait! She will have no choice other than to push a shopping trolley around wearing a burka while collecting cans or go back to mummy and daddy.

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