Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #3

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I think you both are right - and what I wonder by the look of Jose's new much quieter self, and you have to admit on the Geraldo clip, he was a bit weird - I'm wondering if he has made some kind of a deal already that is his usual - umm - not quite open and above board - and because he is being so closely watched right now he's terrified he is going to be discovered and really fall into it.

Maybe he thought he could hide FCA away taking online courses so she wouldn't be reporting an income - but what if she actually gets a job and has to report income - then he'll be in double doodoo for not reporting the secondary one and she'll be back in the clink - while he's worried about being disbarred.

...and if she goes back to jail, she won't go quietly, and I'm willing to bet she has a lot she could say, that Mr. Baez would prefer that she not! JMO.

It's all speculation, of course, but I like it anyway.
Love the questionaire! I can't wait to see "income"!!!!!! That's going to have some SERIOUS IMPLICATIONS for any entertainment business seeking to hire here, i.e some IMMEDIATE PUBLIC BACKLASH, maybe even to the point of "pulling out"! I wonder if Dr. Phil paid her anything?

hmmmph they'll just redact it for "safety reasons" :snooty:

I am not expecting anything, that way I cant be disappointed.

I get the whole "state of FL is sick of this <worldsnip>" but come on, come on.

BRBM: I agree ... I believe one of the reasons they are fighting this so hard is about the $$$$$. Really ... has anyone EVER seen a group of attorneys fight so hard AGAINST Probation for their client ? They do NOT want it known about their "deals" because then the DOC/State would KNOW that she probably earned some "income" and would have to report it to them since she is on probation ... but if she was NOT on probation -- CFCA and JB would do anything they could to NOT report it because of the lawsuits, etc.

Also ... I am wondering this : say they have some sort of deal which requires CFCA to leave Florida, and being that she is on probation, she has to get "permission" to leave the state of Florida. And JB and CFCA do NOT want it known where CFCA actually IS -- CFCA would have to list the City, County and State to the DOC under the "terms of probation" ... and they do NOT want this info out ...

Ah ... wouldn't it be GREAT if her Probation Officer said NO -- you do NOT have permission to leave the State ! "Serve that probation and quit your yacking" ... :innocent: would never happen but it's a thought ...


MOO ...

Yes, but even if Florida said "YES" you can bet the State she requested would return it with a big fat :denied: with an addendum that said in big red letters - GET REAL FLORIDA! -
I think you both are right - and what I wonder by the look of Jose's new much quieter self, and you have to admit on the Geraldo clip, he was a bit weird - I'm wondering if he has made some kind of a deal already that is his usual - umm - not quite open and above board - and because he is being so closely watched right now he's terrified he is going to be discovered and really fall into it.

Maybe he thought he could hide FCA away taking online courses so she wouldn't be reporting an income - but what if she actually gets a job and has to report income - then he'll be in double doodoo for not reporting the secondary one and she'll be back in the clink - while he's worried about being disbarred.

By George..I think shes got it!..Could be JB and FICA already have a deal with payment forthcoming before her year is up. That income would have to be reported and I think by then she will have a line forming to the right. If she signed her name to a contract..she's up a crick without a paddle...:crazy:
My hinky meter is beeping like crazy.....I wonder..... wouldn't it be smart of JB to have all the money written to HIM in order to hide it for KC? I mean, wouldn't that be to his benefit, and then of course he'd never pay it back to her? I'm going nuts over here, I smell a rat....... Also, to add insult to injury, let's say a deal isn't in the works..... Let's say he was hoping for one and now has to wait, and now has to foot the bill and be responsible for her over the next year while her marketablity plummets.... Anyway you slice it, somebody's ship is likely to sink....
...and if she goes back to jail, she won't go quietly, and I'm willing to bet she has a lot she could say, that Mr. Baez would prefer that she not! JMO.

It's all speculation, of course, but I like it anyway.

you hit the nail on the head. I bet the muddier this mess gets, the more JB squirms, I bet she knows enough to get him disbarred pronto. Could be sex, subporning perjury, evidence or witness tampering, wouldnt' it be grand if she did blab about somthing that could wind her back on trial for murder, as is the case with severe witness tampering, etc...... I think I'd have to buy myself a bottle of Dom...:floorlaugh:
I think if she's got a deal and it's sounding like she has by the fight they are putting up, they don't want her serving probation because then how is she supporting herself.

I'll bet Baez has it stashed here and there under various trust sneaky stuff of which he is the executor, but now what? She is under the public eye - and if she has money coming - will NOT be content to be hidden away plunking away at some (silly) course when she could be out in California living the high life thumbing her nose at everyone.

I have no idea how money is stashed in a hinky way so does anyone know - not from experience of course...:great:

How annoying for Baez if he does have some - he could get his house out of hock, buy a new car, etc., but no - all eyes including the Bar are on him and "his girl".
hmmmph they'll just redact it for "safety reasons" :snooty:

I am not expecting anything, that way I cant be disappointed.

I get the whole "state of FL is sick of this <worldsnip>" but come on, come on.

I feel your pain, I feel the same way too, but somehow, someway I think in the end we are going to wind up with a very happy ending for "us":great:
Yep, where ever she is, she is throwing tantrums, I bet. And maybe she has something on Baez or all of the DT? They are scrambling to get her out of probation. They have to know the money train is over. And yet still, there they are, continuing to hide her, spoil her (security systems aren't cheap and she was blinged out in Ohio), and fight the probation. Wow. Talk about Casey having the DT by the b's!
My hinky meter is beeping like crazy.....I wonder..... wouldn't it be smart of JB to have all the money written to HIM in order to hide it for KC? I mean, wouldn't that be to his benefit, and then of course he'd never pay it back to her? I'm going nuts over here, I smell a rat....... Also, to add insult to injury, let's say a deal isn't in the works..... Let's say he was hoping for one and now has to wait, and now has to foot the bill and be responsible for her over the next year while her marketablity plummets.... Anyway you slice it, somebody's ship is likely to sink....

You do good when your Hinky Meter is running!
No wonder they couldn't figure out the days she had off for good behavior. They don't know math very well.

On her rules that she signed, it said she would pay $20 plus 4% surcharge each month. Then, they actually multiply it out $20.00 x 12 = $120 plus surcharge of $4.80 for a grand total of $124.80. Anyone that knows any math knows that the total should be $240.00 plus $9.60 for $249.60 (if I did it right). No wonder she was so eager to sign that agreement sheet.

She's getting it at half price or this considered another scrivener's error?
I think if she's got a deal and it's sounding like she has by the fight they are putting up, they don't want her serving probation because then how is she supporting herself.

I'll bet Baez has it stashed here and there under various trust sneaky stuff of which he is the executor, but now what? She is under the public eye - and if she has money coming - will NOT be content to be hidden away plunking away at some (silly) course when she could be out in California living the high life thumbing her nose at everyone.

I have no idea how money is stashed in a hinky way so does anyone know - not from experience of course...:great:

How annoying for Baez if he does have some - he could get his house out of hock, buy a new car, etc., but no - all eyes including the Bar are on him and "his girl".

correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe a trust can be sued? There are lotts of way to hide money, endless. We'd be here all day...... This would be a good lawyer question!!! You should post it!
hmmmph they'll just redact it for "safety reasons" :snooty:

I am not expecting anything, that way I cant be disappointed.

I get the whole "state of FL is sick of this <worldsnip>" but come on, come on.

Bolding mine. Maybe so. But the IRS and the State of FL will still want to know what figures lurk behind those redactions. And I'd think they'd have a right to know, even if the public doesn't. And Morgan and Morgan can probably subpoena such information, too. JMO.
If she is in Tallahassee she will not make it without violating. We all know she cannot resist going to the many clubs available. Tally is a college town with all the amenities that brings, but it also is the seat of state government. The police there do not go easy on young folks. If she is out drinking and does anything, she will be arrested.

I can just see her doing her belated Tennessee Waltz and being caught. (This is a tradition at FSU for a 21st birthday, walking down Tennessee St. And hitting all the bars.)
The money trail starts at the first indigence hearing. Much hiding going on to begin with, from many, some in, um high political and media places.

No one wants any recorded money showing for KC, at least until the payback the State hearing and the ZFG hearing are completed.

That puts a cramp in everything.

On the brighter side, I don't think that the public gives two hoots about her anymore and would be happy if the media just shut up, ride the tide until she offends again.

you hit the nail on the head. I bet the muddier this mess gets, the more JB squirms, I bet she knows enough to get him disbarred pronto. Could be sex, subporning perjury, evidence or witness tampering, wouldnt' it be grand if she did blab about somthing that could wind her back on trial for murder, as is the case with severe witness tampering, etc...... I think I'd have to buy myself a bottle of Dom...:floorlaugh:

Ooooooh, Murphismo, you made me think of something, and it's a totally Anthony thing to do. What if they agreed to do what they did at trial then threw it back at Baez afterwards? Like, you take care of Casey or we'll squeal and get you disbarred? I'm sure all of the A's know stuff to get Baez in some real trouble. There might even be stuff before the trial too. And I have the feeling Baez didn't think to get anything on the A's either. Of course, that would bring attention back on them, but I can totally see them having ammo against the DT, plenty of it, and playing the poor me, didn't know any better card and sneaky, slimy Baez tricked us.

Or like you said, it could just be Casey, and oh woe is me, perv Baez took advantage of me. I can totally see that too.
I think if she's got a deal and it's sounding like she has by the fight they are putting up, they don't want her serving probation because then how is she supporting herself.

I'll bet Baez has it stashed here and there under various trust sneaky stuff of which he is the executor, but now what? She is under the public eye - and if she has money coming - will NOT be content to be hidden away plunking away at some (silly) course when she could be out in California living the high life thumbing her nose at everyone.

I have no idea how money is stashed in a hinky way so does anyone know - not from experience of course...:great:

How annoying for Baez if he does have some - he could get his house out of hock, buy a new car, etc., but no - all eyes including the Bar are on him and "his girl".

Some information on trusts for you!

A revocable living trust offers minimal protection from creditors. While the trust itself would not be a party to the action, a creditor can generally attach the assets to secure liabilities of the beneficiaries or of the grantor/trustees during their lifetime.

That generality, however, is subject to a lot of variables. Trusts drafted with different specific provisions will afford differing levels of protection.

The "best" way to protect your assets is very complicated question and is dependent upon several additional variables, such as: what do you want to protect your assets from? what do you want to preserve the assets for? (i.e. for future use to provide for your own needs, to pass on to heirs, etc.) Is it an estate tax planning issue, a potential future crfeditor issue, future health care needs issue, and so on.

A couple of examples may help to illustrate the reason for the "it depends" answer.

An Offshore Asset Protection Trust, established in the appropriate jurisdiction may be the answer for some - it would provide a very high level of protection for the trust assets in the event of a lawsuit for which you are liable for amounts in excess of your net worth. It may be more expensive to set up than other trusts, may require a high minimum fundingf, and will likley also involve fees for the trust administration and may require a trustee in the jurisdication of the trust. Additionally, your trust assets are not readily available for your use in the event that you need them for living expenses.

An irrevocable trust, properly structured, can offer a high level of protection from creditors and health care needs issues, as well. Here again, though, the trust assets are no longer available for the use of the grantor. Once the assets are placed into the irrevocable trust, the grantor relinquishes all control, use, and benefit of the assets to the Trustee and, ultimately the named beneficiaries. As the name implies, once in place, the gtantor can not simply revoke the trust.

The more common type of trust we see in estate planning is the revocable living trust (aka living trust). The biggest benefit is that it provides for a more efficient means of passing the assets along to the intended beneficiaries at the time of the grantor's death.

Under a will, the estate must be settled through the probate court,following procedures and formalities prescribed by statute. This process exposes the estate distribution to public scrutiny, as the entire process is public record, and it involves significant delay and expense. In my jurisdiction it is roughly estimated to take 16 months and 5-8% of the estate assets in fees to complete estate settlement through probate.

With a properly drafted trust, the public record, delays and additional expense are avoided.

Bear in,mind that tax implications can insert another level of complexity to what is the best planning technique for a given situation.

I have a pretty strong opinion that this is not an area where one-size-fits-all. It would be best to contact a competent attorney practising estate planning law in your area.
Bolding mine. Maybe so. But the IRS and the State of FL will still want to know what figures lurk behind those redactions. And I'd think they'd have a right to know, even if the public doesn't. And Morgan and Morgan can probably subpoena such information, too. JMO.

ITA for suing OCA purposes, it doesnt matter. for boycott purposes it does, but we always find out eventually :D
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