Where is George?

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Didn't he also order a pizza and have a six pack of beer? I would think one depressed enough to be seriously considering suicide would not have much of an appetite. I was also suspicious of Cindy and Brad sending out an SOS and the public drama that ensued. JMO.

ETA: IIRC he also had his BP meds with him in the hotel room. If one was seriously thinking of ending it all, would they have the foresight to bring life-extending meds to a hotel room?[/quote]

:twocents: BBM & underlined: HOWEVER, an overdose :banghead: of that type of medication can/might/will result in death, of course the AMOUNT taken and the DOSAGE per pill would have a profound effect if the adverse effect were death immediately (prior to say a "text to the family" time:crazy:) or time :innocent: for an "intervention" by local LE & EMS called by the family lawyer. I'm just sayin':twocents::twocents::twocents::twocents:
Didn't he also order a pizza and have a six pack of beer? I would think one depressed enough to be seriously considering suicide would not have much of an appetite. I was also suspicious of Cindy and Brad sending out an SOS and the public drama that ensued. JMO.

ETA: IIRC he also had his BP meds with him in the hotel room. If one was seriously thinking of ending it all, would they have the foresight to bring life-extending meds to a hotel room?[/quote]

:twocents: BBM & underlined: HOWEVER, an overdose :banghead: of that type of medication can/might/will result in death, of course the AMOUNT taken and the DOSAGE per pill would have a profound effect if the adverse effect were death immediately (prior to say a "text to the family" time:crazy:) or time :innocent: for an "intervention" by local LE & EMS called by the family lawyer. I'm just sayin':twocents::twocents::twocents::twocents:

I know, strange, huh? If he were really serious he should have grabbed CA's, that would have done it. jmo
I have a vague memory of Cindy saying (maybe in her State depo) that somebody (can't remember who) from George's family showed up shortly after Caylee was reported missing.... and Cindy didn't appreciate them coming without calling or being invited.

Does anyone else remember this or did I dream it?

If it's true, that kinda gives you a good idea of why they have no family/friend supporters (other than Cindy's new bestie from church).

I do remember reading that George's sister came to help..and iirc, did not stay long.
Did not read or hear that Cindy was upset about it, though.
Didn't he also order a pizza and have a six pack of beer? I would think one depressed enough to be seriously considering suicide would not have much of an appetite. I was also suspicious of Cindy and Brad sending out an SOS and the public drama that ensued. JMO.

ETA: IIRC he also had his BP meds with him in the hotel room. If one was seriously thinking of ending it all, would they have the foresight to bring life-extending meds to a hotel room?

I take suicide very seriously and I don't think George ever really wanted to commit suicide. That's just an opinion.
My son asked his Dad to get his glasses fixed for school starting back in a few days.It was New Years Eve and he gave my husband a list of fireworks he wanted for that night. His games and computer were on with an open box of cookies next to the chair he had been using. We had none of the normal clues.He spent his birthday and Christmas money that week on a game system and a dvd set of Family Guy.
I was helping my parents and when my husband got home from errands ,My son was dead. It was an impulse suicide, a reaction to something.

George gave a lot of warning clues ,which you ALWAYS have to take seriously,BUT it appeared to me he either wanted the drama,or he really didn't want to die. Maybe it was a ploy the family arranged.
Unfortunately a lot of people cry wolf and you never know which way they'll go the next time.

I think each person in that family has some psychological issues. I don't think Cindy MAKES George do anything,but she may hold things over his head.If Cindy had any power over George he would be working at a good job and he's keep it.
Bolded and sniped

Anyone think that that particular line of questioning was meant to 'explain' his absence from court hearings? Could George have lost THAT much self control that he can't behave himself even to show support for his daughter? Anger is one thing, but sometimes you have to set aside your own feelings for a greater good. I'm surprised he's not able to do that.


That entire exchange has bugged me. There is a reason that Baez questioned him like that. As most of us suspect - They ARE up to something. I don't think is was meant to explain his absence from the hearings. I think it has more to do with the trial itself. Either - 1) George is not planning to show up for the trial? :waitasec: or 2) It was Baez way of getting him to agree to be the scapegoat. :waitasec:

The problem with #1 is obvious. He'd be held in contempt.

The problem I see with #2 - Is that now we have George admitting that he will do ANYTHING to protect his daughter. So if they were to go that route, it would be sooo easy for the state to show it is a farce.

Now I'm just left with, what the heck was the point of that? :waitasec: I guess I just can't think the way Jose does. (Thank goodness :giggle:)
Heard he is looking for a job.

What was the source? All I have heard is speculation, and I, personally, don't believe for a second George is working or looking for a job. Not with his track record. And certainly not with how he and Cindy have bilked every financial opportunity that came their way.

I hope no one throws tomatoes at me, but George gets zero sympathy from me. And I just don't get why so many are so willing to keep giving him the benefit of the doubt. He has done absolutely nothing to make me believe he wants to do what's right for Caylee or ever will do what's right for his murdered grandbaby. I don't care if Cindy has control of his gonads. If he really wanted to do what was right, he would do it, regardless of what his control-freak wife says.

JMO, but George is just a weak-spined excuse of a man who doesn't want to work and won't even stand up for the real victim in this case.... Caylee.

Nope, no sympathy from me at all....... he needs to grow a new pair and be a real man for a change!

And his "attempted" suicide... well, don't even get me started.

<steps off soapbox>

That entire exchange has bugged me. There is a reason that Baez questioned him like that. As most of us suspect - They ARE up to something. I don't think is was meant to explain his absence from the hearings. I think it has more to do with the trial itself. Either - 1) George is not planning to show up for the trial? :waitasec: or 2) It was Baez way of getting him to agree to be the scapegoat. :waitasec:

The problem with #1 is obvious. He'd be held in contempt.

The problem I see with #2 - Is that now we have George admitting that he will do ANYTHING to protect his daughter. So if they were to go that route, it would be sooo easy for the state to show it is a farce.

Now I'm just left with, what the heck was the point of that? :waitasec: I guess I just can't think the way Jose does. (Thank goodness :giggle:)

IMO Baez will try to create enough reasonable doubt that it MIGHT have been George and George may be going along. What will the SA's do? Have George arrested and take him to trial? No,because he has a built in defense in the State's case against ICA.
All of the evidence around Caylee can be linked back to the A's home. The doting parents have set themselves up ,but I think they've been convinced they are untouchable.
I take suicide very seriously and I don't think George ever really wanted to commit suicide. That's just an opinion.
My son asked his Dad to get his glasses fixed for school starting back in a few days.It was New Years Eve and he gave my husband a list of fireworks he wanted for that night. His games and computer were on with an open box of cookies next to the chair he had been using. We had none of the normal clues.He spent his birthday and Christmas money that week on a game system and a dvd set of Family Guy.
I was helping my parents and when my husband got home from errands ,My son was dead. It was an impulse suicide, a reaction to something.

George gave a lot of warning clues ,which you ALWAYS have to take seriously,BUT it appeared to me he either wanted the drama,or he really didn't want to die. Maybe it was a ploy the family arranged.
Unfortunately a lot of people cry wolf and you never know which way they'll go the next time.

I think each person in that family has some psychological issues. I don't think Cindy MAKES George do anything,but she may hold things over his head.If Cindy had any power over George he would be working at a good job and he's keep it.

I am so sorry about your son, MissJames. Thank you for posting from your tragically firsthand experience. While I don't know truly if George intended suicide or not, I do know suicide threats should never be taken lightly. I also tend toward it not being a sincere attempt based on the the reasons I've stated and more. The Anthony's duplicitous behavior surely causes me to doubt their credibility. Wondering now if George is putting on this charade of backing Casey more for Cindy's sake than Casey's (as someone upthread suggested.) I recall him telling LE early on that if Caylee were dead, it would kill his wife (or something to that effect.) But as another poster wrote, George needs to consider Lee and his future children as well.
Wow, so sorry, Miss James.

I doubt the Anthony family's credibility, but I just can't doubt that George was a depressed, miserable mess. How could he not be? Even if he's desperately clinging to the surviving members of his family at Caylee's expense, I have no doubt in a million worlds that he loved Caylee with all his heart. The pictures of them together still break my heart. He had just learned that she was murdered and not coming back. I'm relatively sure he knew Casey did it. His marriage was in shambles. He had no real job to get away from the drama. His home was a tourist trap. The media was insatiable.

Even if he didn't kill himself or never believed he would, I have no doubt he desperately wanted to get away. Suicide was probably pretty appealing to him in the moment. Maybe the drive over to the coast chilled him about a bit.
I'm guessing GA found a J O B....that is the best therapy when a tragedy like this destroys your family...

I believe when GA admitted in court, he would defy a subpeona if it would save ICA's life but will draw the line at being fingered as the culprit in Caylee's demise...He might feel very betrayed, why ICA would stoop so low but it probably will soon pass (just as the molestation accusation has passed), when this trial happens in May..future behavior based on past behavior, his steam will blow over...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

The accusations against George by Casey may have passed with the public but I wonder if it has been that easy for George. I can't recall him being in court once since she said that. Before when he was in court it was obvious that things were not great between him and Cindy. His body language spoke volumns. If I were George, my lies to protect Casey would come to an end. I hope he has left Cindy. I think he would be much better off. George has acted like a real jerk at times...especially in court...but I think he is the better of the two. If he gets away by himself maybe he will really think things through..focus on Caylee and come to terms with what has happened and who did it. I have an idea things have never been smooth between George and Casey. I think he may have tried to make her mind but Cindy would step in and take Casey's side. According to Lee a lot of things that went on were kept from George. Cindy had to be the boss. Hope he got tired of being bossed and decided to get out of there.
What was the source? All I have heard is speculation, and I, personally, don't believe for a second George is working or looking for a job. Not with his track record. And certainly not with how he and Cindy have bilked every financial opportunity that came their way.

I hope no one throws tomatoes at me, but George gets zero sympathy from me. And I just don't get why so many are so willing to keep giving him the benefit of the doubt. He has done absolutely nothing to make me believe he wants to do what's right for Caylee or ever will do what's right for his murdered grandbaby. I don't care if Cindy has control of his gonads. If he really wanted to do what was right, he would do it, regardless of what his control-freak wife says.

JMO, but George is just a weak-spined excuse of a man who doesn't want to work and won't even stand up for the real victim in this case.... Caylee.

Nope, no sympathy from me at all....... he needs to grow a new pair and be a real man for a change!

And his "attempted" suicide... well, don't even get me started.

<steps off soapbox>
CA told a reporter in the courtroom last week that he was looking for "a better job".

What bothers me is why someone that has a BA (per GA) not able to find better work than what he has done since arriving in Orlando.

And I agree completely with everything you said. :)
The accusations against George by Casey may have passed with the public but I wonder if it has been that easy for George. I can't recall him being in court once since she said that. Before when he was in court it was obvious that things were not great between him and Cindy. His body language spoke volumns. If I were George, my lies to protect Casey would come to an end. I hope he has left Cindy. I think he would be much better off. George has acted like a real jerk at times...especially in court...but I think he is the better of the two. If he gets away by himself maybe he will really think things through..focus on Caylee and come to terms with what has happened and who did it. I have an idea things have never been smooth between George and Casey. I think he may have tried to make her mind but Cindy would step in and take Casey's side. According to Lee a lot of things that went on were kept from George. Cindy had to be the boss. Hope he got tired of being bossed and decided to get out of there.

George was keeping a lot of things from Cindy,too,at the beginning of the case.That's the kind of family they are .
I just can't say with any degree of certainty what he's really like. For all we know ,he may be working with LE to set Cindy up for obstruction or accessory after the fact. Or maybe he's just a jerk or an "ugly coping" grandpa.
I can't figure ANY of them out any more.
I take suicide very seriously and I don't think George ever really wanted to commit suicide. That's just an opinion.
My son asked his Dad to get his glasses fixed for school starting back in a few days.It was New Years Eve and he gave my husband a list of fireworks he wanted for that night. His games and computer were on with an open box of cookies next to the chair he had been using. We had none of the normal clues.He spent his birthday and Christmas money that week on a game system and a dvd set of Family Guy.
I was helping my parents and when my husband got home from errands ,My son was dead. It was an impulse suicide, a reaction to something.

:grouphug: My deepest sympathy. I also take suicide very seriously. Hugs for you. :grouphug::grouphug:
CA told a reporter in the courtroom last week that he was looking for "a better job".

What bothers me is why someone that has a BA (per GA) not able to find better work than what he has done since arriving in Orlando.

And I agree completely with everything you said. :)

Respectfully BBM

Thank you for responding.... and therein lies our first problem. The information came from CINDY. I haven't believed a word that has come out of her mouth since, "It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car!"
I do remember reading that George's sister came to help..and iirc, did not stay long.
Did not read or hear that Cindy was upset about it, though.

..2 of george's sisters, and his Mom, arrived to help.

..cindy says that she really didn't want anyone but lee there..

--george--OCSO interview July 24/2008----

page 45--

( he talks about his sister "Sonie" )

GA: My sister I got one sister here right now that I can&#8217;t get motivated to assist us &#8216;cause she&#8217;s constantly in this, &#8220;Oh my God what am I gonna do?&#8221; Type thing. I called her this morning she&#8217;s suppose to be at this call center eight o&#8217;clock.. no six thirty. I know this is getty pretty personal. I said, &#8220;listen,you got to get going. Matter of fact you got to get your *advertiser censored* moving!&#8221; &#8220;Oh George am I late?&#8221; I said,forget it. &#8220;You don&#8217;t want to motivate yourself to help me and help Caylee out, go home.&#8221;

&#8220;Go back to Bonita Springs where you and John live and just leave me alone.&#8221; I said (Inaudible)&#8230; I called you I needyou and you come up and your self.. &#8220;Oh my god&#8221; kind of stuff. I think it&#8217;s stuff.. this is gonna sound totally out of it. But my sister is has had a lot of issues over the years. I&#8217;m just wondering of something skipped somewhere to Casey. I.. I don&#8217;t want to think that.

page 46---
( and now talks about his sister Ruthie ).

GA: My.. my sister her name is Ruthie (Inaudible)&#8230; As a matter of fact she just, should be arriving at Orlando International Airport anytime-- (july 24, day of interview)-- I live in the Carol&#8230; She also lives in the Carolinas. She&#8217;s flying down here to help us.


---------cindy------state depo-----july 2009-----

page 304---

Q Now, in that period of time where you're

working on the MySpace, is it going through your mind at all that this whole version of events that Casey had told you from, you know -- that we spent a lot of time going over, was just a lie?

A You know, Linda, I can't tell you at what

point or whenever. I was still focusing on finding Zanny and Caylee, you know, and trying to figure out how to tell George's parents -- well, his mom was there---- but his dad and my parents. And I knew I couldn't let mom and dad find out on the phone -- or on the TV.

So my focus that evening was dealing with the sheriff's office coming back, picking up the car and all of that, and then dealing with George's mom and sister who came to the house that day when they heard that Caylee was missing.
They drove from Fort Myers up, which we didn't ask them to. They just showed up.
I really didn't want anybody else there except Lee.
I take suicide very seriously and I don't think George ever really wanted to commit suicide. That's just an opinion.
My son asked his Dad to get his glasses fixed for school starting back in a few days.It was New Years Eve and he gave my husband a list of fireworks he wanted for that night. His games and computer were on with an open box of cookies next to the chair he had been using. We had none of the normal clues.He spent his birthday and Christmas money that week on a game system and a dvd set of Family Guy.
I was helping my parents and when my husband got home from errands ,My son was dead. It was an impulse suicide, a reaction to something.

George gave a lot of warning clues ,which you ALWAYS have to take seriously,BUT it appeared to me he either wanted the drama,or he really didn't want to die. Maybe it was a ploy the family arranged.
Unfortunately a lot of people cry wolf and you never know which way they'll go the next time.

I think each person in that family has some psychological issues. I don't think Cindy MAKES George do anything,but she may hold things over his head.If Cindy had any power over George he would be working at a good job and he's keep it.

I am so very sorry about your son. :(
Sorry if it has been brought up already, but George said on the stand that he would do anything for ICA, even if it meant not coming to court. It makes me think they will use all those psychiatists to say ICA was in some abnormal (thanks to George, for one) mental state and left Caylee with someone who killed her. They may have gotten away with this if it weren't for Hoover spilling the beans about DC and CA looking for the poor baby's body. One more reason for the inmate to hate them all! IMO.

Yes!!! I was glad to hear what Hoover said! :)
..2 of george's sisters, and his Mom, arrived to help.

..cindy says that she really didn't want anyone but lee there..

--george--OCSO interview July 24/2008----

page 45--

( he talks about his sister "Sonie" )

GA: My sister I got one sister here right now that I can&#8217;t get motivated to assist us &#8216;cause she&#8217;s constantly in this, &#8220;Oh my God what am I gonna do?&#8221; Type thing. I called her this morning she&#8217;s suppose to be at this call center eight o&#8217;clock.. no six thirty. I know this is getty pretty personal. I said, &#8220;listen,you got to get going. Matter of fact you got to get your *advertiser censored* moving!&#8221; &#8220;Oh George am I late?&#8221; I said,forget it. &#8220;You don&#8217;t want to motivate yourself to help me and help Caylee out, go home.&#8221;

&#8220;Go back to Bonita Springs where you and John live and just leave me alone.&#8221; I said (Inaudible)&#8230; I called you I needyou and you come up and your self.. &#8220;Oh my god&#8221; kind of stuff. I think it&#8217;s stuff.. this is gonna sound totally out of it. But my sister is has had a lot of issues over the years. I&#8217;m just wondering of something skipped somewhere to Casey. I.. I don&#8217;t want to think that.

page 46---
( and now talks about his sister Ruthie ).

GA: My.. my sister her name is Ruthie (Inaudible)&#8230; As a matter of fact she just, should be arriving at Orlando International Airport anytime-- (july 24, day of interview)-- I live in the Carol&#8230; She also lives in the Carolinas. She&#8217;s flying down here to help us.


---------cindy------state depo-----july 2009-----

page 304---

Q Now, in that period of time where you're

working on the MySpace, is it going through your mind at all that this whole version of events that Casey had told you from, you know -- that we spent a lot of time going over, was just a lie?

A You know, Linda, I can't tell you at what

point or whenever. I was still focusing on finding Zanny and Caylee, you know, and trying to figure out how to tell George's parents -- well, his mom was there---- but his dad and my parents. And I knew I couldn't let mom and dad find out on the phone -- or on the TV.

So my focus that evening was dealing with the sheriff's office coming back, picking up the car and all of that, and then dealing with George's mom and sister who came to the house that day when they heard that Caylee was missing.
They drove from Fort Myers up, which we didn't ask them to. They just showed up.
I really didn't want anybody else there except Lee.

I'm going to use your post to thank all of you who ,not only manage to remember these snippets,but can go back and FIND THEM ! My brain is like a sieve these days and I really appreciate the reminders :tyou:
Respectfully BBM

Thank you for responding.... and therein lies our first problem. The information came from CINDY. I haven't believed a word that has come out of her mouth since, "It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car!"

You asked for the source of the information; I provided the answer. I made no claims to the validity or accuracy of the information. Believe what you will...

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