Where is Steve Thomas today?

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fr brown,
Given this is what took place, why did JR cover for PR?Why did he need to go to Atlanta immediately upon finding JB for a very important meeting? Weren’t the plans that morning to fly to Michigan? Further still, what was the importance of both JR and PR being in Atlanta supporting Lucinda/older children during interviews?

I honestly wasn’t aware of the laundry chute before icedtea4me pointed it out. That being said, why not also pick up a pair of size 6 panties from JB’s drawer?

Rain on my Parade,

John Ramsey BDA interview - June 23, 1998

25 LOU SMIT: How were you dressed when you
1 were opening presents?
2 JOHN RAMSEY: The kids, JonBenet had on a
3 little pink, like a long underwear bottoms and
4 top. Burke, I don't remember, probably shirt
5 pajamas. They didn't have time to get dressed.
6 Probably Patsy and I had on pajamas and robe which
7 we wore --
8 LOU SMIT: So real casually dressed?
10 LOU SMIT: Not like now or?
11 JOHN RAMSEY: No. I'm sure we had on our
12 pajamas and robes.
13 LOU SMIT: Do you remember kind of what
14 the kids got? What she got?
15 JOHN RAMSEY: Well JonBenet got a bike.
16 I think Burke got a bike too. It seems like we had
17 three bikes there. JonBenet, I think she got a
18 little doll that was one of these look-a-like
19 dolls that was supposed to look like her. I
20 remember her looking at it and saying, this
21 doesn't look like me.

Atlanta 2000 BPD Interview
Q. Okay. Thank you. We received

23 from your lawyers in January of '97 two

24 black shirts which we received really

25 without --


4 Q. (By Mr. Levin) January of 1998.

5 It was in response to Boulder Police

6 Department's request for the shirt that you

7 are wearing in the photographs from Christmas

8 at the White's house. And they were given

9 to us without explanation of how they got

10 into their possession. I thought you could

11 explain that for us.

12 A. Well, I assume they were the

13 shirts that, when we were asked to provide

14 the clothing we had on that night before, we

15 couldn't remember. We asked for a picture

16 that was taken that night so we could

17 remember. As far as I know, those are the

18 only shirts that we sent.

19 Q. And that was in response to our

20 request --

21 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).

22 Q. -- for the clothing that you were

23 wearing?

24 A. I suspect it was, yes.

25 Q. What I would like you, if you


1 recall, did you personally retrieve it, send

2 it off to your lawyers, and, if so, where

3 did you retrieve it from?

4 A. Gosh, I don't know. It would be

5 in December of '98, we were living in

6 Atlanta.

7 MR. TRUJILLO: Actually December

8 of '97.

9 MR. WOOD: I think the request

10 for the clothing was made in December of

11 '97, a year after the murder.

12 THE WITNESS: Oh, yes, December

13 of '97, yeah, yeah.

14 MR. WOOD: And you turned it over

15 in January of '98.

16 MR. LEVIN: I believe that is

17 correct, sir.

18 THE WITNESS: We still lived in

19 Atlanta. So it was either in a box or in

20 my closet, I suppose.

21 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Do you recall,

22 when, on September the 28th, when your

23 sister-in-law Pam went over to retrieve some

24 items for the family, was that among the

25 items that she took out of the house?


1 A. December?

2 Q. 28th, 1996. That Saturday

3 before -- that Saturday after the murder.

4 A. I don't know.

5 Q. So just so I am clear, your best

6 recollection is that that was an item that

7 was in the house that was packed up by the

8 movers that was sent off?

9 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).

10 Q. You provided us with two shirts.

11 One of them had a collar, it's a wool shirt

12 made in Israel. The other one did not have

13 a collar. Do you have a belief as to which

14 one was the actual shirt that you were

15 wearing on Christmas '96?

16 A. I don't remember, I guess. And

17 if I -- well, I think the issue, if I

18 recall was I couldn't remember which one, so

19 I think we sent you both. But I mean, I'd

20 have to look at pictures, I guess, to

21 compare. I don't remember that far back.

22 Q. Mr. Ramsey, I take it, and

23 correct me if I am wrong, please, that the

24 fact that you sent two shirts as opposed to

25 one indicated you were not certain which of


1 the two you were wearing?

2 A. Well, I think that's what we did,
Ramnesia kicks in.

JR Questioned on the Hi-Tec Boots
Atlanta 2000 BPD Interview
17 Q. We have been provided, and again,

18 one of the sources of this information is

19 confidential grand jury material I can tell

20 you in the question, but we have been

21 provided information from two sources that

22 your son Burke, prior to the murder of your

23 daughter, owned and wore Hi-Tec boots that

24 had a compass on them, which makes them

25 distinctive.


1 Do you recall -- if you don't

2 recall that they actually were Hi-Tec, do you

3 remember Burke having boots that had a

4 compass on the laces?

5 A. Vaguely. I don't know if they

6 were boots or tennis shoes. My memory is

7 they were tennis shoes, but that is very

8 vague. He had boots that had lights on them

9 and all sorts of different things.

10 Q. But you do have some recollection

11 that he had some type of footwear that had

12 compasses attached to them?

13 A. I don't, I don't specifically
Again Ramnesia kicks in.

Atlanta 2000 BPD Interview
13 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Wool shirts, would

14 those normally go out to the cleaners or

15 would it depend? Even now, what is your

16 family practice?

17 A. Well, if it is a dry-cleaning

18 item, we'd normally send it directly to the

19 dry cleaners. Once in a while they get

20 thrown in by mistake, but particularly if it

21 is a shirt.

22 Q. Your dry-cleaning items, would you

23 just throw them down the chute and let Linda

24 sort them out, this is dry-cleaning, this

25 gets washed or would you separate them up


1 front and keep them in a separate place, if

2 you recall?

3 A. I don't -- I am trying to

4 remember where the laundry chute went to. I

5 mean, it probably -- I wasn't that organized

6 to separate things out like that as a normal

7 course of business.

8 MR. BECKNER: Did you ask what he

9 did on that particular night with the shirt?

10 I missed that.

11 THE WITNESS: Frankly, I don't

12 remember.

13 MR. LEVIN: I thought I had asked

14 you. I wasn't sure if that was clear.

15 THE WITNESS: I mean, typically

16 if it is a wool shirt, something that does

17 require dry-cleaning, I try to get several

18 cycles out of it, but I don't remember.

19 MR. BECKNER: What was your

20 normal routine?

21 THE WITNESS: Well, normally, I

22 would --

23 MR. WOOD: About dry-cleaning?


25 THE WITNESS: -- I would hang


1 onto it. If it was something I wanted to

2 wear again, I'd hang it, I'd try to, I'd

3 usually hang it up. Sometimes I would put

4 it on a chair. But I wasn't religious about

5 that. I would normally try to hang it up.

6 Q. (By Chief Beckner) Let me be

7 more specific. Would you throw your clothes

8 on the floor typically in a pile?

9 A. Well, no, not, not if I was, if

10 I was going to wear it again. If it was

11 headed for the laundry, you know, it could

12 end up on the floor before it ended up in

13 the laundry chute, but if I intend to wear

14 it again, if it was a suit or sweater, or

15 something like that, I normally wouldn't

16 throw it on the floor.
More ramnesia.

Atlanta 2000 BPD Interview
17 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Mr. Ramsey, when

18 you came home on the 25th, do you recall if

19 you threw your clothes down the chute to the

20 second floor where someone who might have

21 been in the house would have access to them?

22 Can you tell us who might have done that?

23 A. Who knows. I don't know.

24 Q. I understand it is tough.

25 A. I really don't. Yeah, I don't know.
Ramnesia kicks in again.

So it's likely that JR's shirt would have been sent for dry-cleaning, no need for the chute as LHP would pick it up when she returned from vacation?

No need to buy JR's tale regarding multiple wearings, he is a millionare, dry-cleaning costs do not register. JonBenet's clothing and dancing lessons exceeded his dry-cleaning budget, easy.

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So it's likely that JR's shirt would have been sent for dry-cleaning, no need for the chute as LHP would pick it up when she returned from vacation?

Yes, and to pick up her $2,000.00 check from PR. I wonder why his robe was found lying on the floor? He seemed fastidious about picking up after himself unlike PR.

No need to buy JR's tale regarding multiple wearings, he is a millionare, dry-cleaning costs do not register. JonBenet's clothing and dancing lessons exceeded his dry-cleaning budget, easy.

Agreed, besides this came out of PR household fund. The only money he saw come and go (as far as the house goes) is what he deposited in PR account.
Yes, and to pick up her $2,000.00 check from PR. I wonder why his robe was found lying on the floor? He seemed fastidious about picking up after himself unlike PR.

Agreed, besides this came out of PR household fund. The only money he saw come and go (as far as the house goes) is what he deposited in PR account.
Rain on my Parade,
wrt JR's robe lying on the floor, this suggests he must have disrobed here?

Then again the semen stains offer another more relevant interpretation?

Poor LHP, all the other POI were cashing in on their Ramsey links, yet LHP was denied her book publishing!

The Ramsey's were really cruel to LHP's family, just shows how brutal JR's mindset is?

I think Detective Thomas was wrong. If Patsy killed Jonbenet, it would have come out by now. You can’t defame a dead person so there would have been no reason to hold back evidence. It would have leaked out. This has a tight lid on it that either Burke or John was involved in the murder. There is no other reason that nothing else leaked out.
I think Detective Thomas was wrong. If Patsy killed Jonbenet, it would have come out by now. You can’t defame a dead person so there would have been no reason to hold back evidence. It would have leaked out. This has a tight lid on it that either Burke or John was involved in the murder. There is no other reason that nothing else leaked out.

not sure i agree. although i have wondered about that.

i think if JR (and some degree BR) hadn't so badly denigrated/mocked people who suggested they know what happened....... now, JR would be the subject of ridicule or worse.

maybe be different if the R's had clammed up completely and said "give us our privacy". and not interfered so much and/or hired so many high priced lawyers/experts

maybe on JR's death bed.... and it could be structured such that it is plausible that BR didn't know anything
not sure i agree. although i have wondered about that.

i think if JR (and some degree BR) hadn't so badly denigrated/mocked people who suggested they know what happened....... now, JR would be the subject of ridicule or worse.

maybe be different if the R's had clammed up completely and said "give us our privacy". and not interfered so much and/or hired so many high priced lawyers/experts

maybe on JR's death bed.... and it could be structured such that it is plausible that BR didn't know anything


and it could be structured such that it is plausible that BR didn't know anything
Perfect Murder, Perfect Town
Released on February 18, 1999
Written by Lawrence Schiller

Burke told Schuler he was awake when his mother made the phone call. His parents might have thought he was asleep but he wasn't he said. When he was asked if he spoke to his parents that morning before being awaken at seven to be taken to the Whites' house, he said no. He said he had stayed in his room the whole time. The 911 tape seem to say otherwise.
The parents later admitted Burke was awake all the time. So Burke's reply does not match with the forensic evidence or his subsequent version of events, i.e. he is colluding with his parents in the postmortem staging!

So Burke knows much more than he is letting on. He patently assisted his parents with a matching version of events, with a few holes, e.g. JonBenet walked into the house
I think Detective Thomas was wrong. If Patsy killed Jonbenet, it would have come out by now. You can’t defame a dead person so there would have been no reason to hold back evidence. It would have leaked out. This has a tight lid on it that either Burke or John was involved in the murder. There is no other reason that nothing else leaked out.

David Rogers,
Somewhat agree. Yet all the successful libel cases might unwind if the Ramsey's hold their hands up and say Hey It Was Patsy.

More will definitely be revealed once JR leaves the planet. BR will be flooded with interview requests, he will need a LW type to defend him as the media will go to town on BDI.

Think on all the GJ jurors and the now retired LEA investigators that want a slice of the JonBenet cake?


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