Where is Terri Horman?

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Back on topic here please. Where is Terri Horman.
The last anyone knew, Terri Horman was living at her parents home where she has a treadmill but no cell phone or computer.
The last anyone knew, Terri Horman was living at her parents home where she has a treadmill but no cell phone or computer.

But her parents might have them though...
Wherever she is tonight she has to live with herself. Even if she had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance she certainly did some suspicious things, made some bad decisions and had every opportunity to declare to the world she was totally innocent. She never did that.

LE has the Roseburg PD on their new Task Force. I don't really care if she has a TV or a computer or not. She could have spoken out and cleared the air about what happened to this innocent little guy and she didn't have the moxy to do that.


I hope that doesn't sound too snarky but I have almost no compassion for her.
Wherever she is tonight she has to live with herself. Even if she had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance she certainly did some suspicious things, made some bad decisions and had every opportunity to declare to the world she was totally innocent. She never did that.

LE has the Roseburg PD on their new Task Force. I don't really care if she has a TV or a computer or not. She could have spoken out and cleared the air about what happened to this innocent little guy and she didn't have the moxy to do that.


I hope that doesn't sound too snarky but I have almost no compassion for her.

I really think we would like to think all innocent people would just rush forward but until we walk in the same steps TH has had to do from day one, I don't think we know with complete certainty what we would do in these same set of circumstances.

First, suspicion were cast against Terri from very early on. The internet buzz and allegations were increasing daily. The crucial time for her to speak out would have been at the beginning yet Kaine didn't want anyone speaking out and when Tony and Kaine finally spoke out it was only him and Tony doing the talking. By then it was too late Scandi. The damage had been done. Nothing she could have done or said would make a difference to those who are already convinced she is guilty.

If some can criticize her about such foolish trivial things as her weight, her dress or the way her eyes moved even though she never spoke a word, then with Terri speaking out would have just made the fodder and criticism even worse imo. I think Terri's lawyer perfectly understands that speaking out now will have no gain for her and would only contribute to more interpretations of how they viewed what she said.

The only thing that Terri can do at this time is to stay out of the media and take her attorney's advise to remain quiet.

She is so quiet and reclusive that none of us are even sure where she is residing. The main thing though I think her son knows where she is.

If she is a narcissist and loves the limelight then she is the most reclusive narcissist I have ever heard about.

We have never even heard this woman speak one word. How is that seeking the limelight? The only time I have seen her is at the PCs where she and Desiree said nothing and when she went to court about the divorce issue.

Likes the limelight? Respectfully, I don't think so at all. Just the opposite imo.

My reply is with respect, but I do not respect Terri Horman, so my words may sound harsh. I'll try to keep it down to civil, but IMO she hurt a child and I'm not going to mince words about her, and my opinion about her involvement.

I agree she's in hiding from the public eye, and I don't blame her as she's being hounded. Interesting she shows up to the one public hearing that she wasn't required to attend. However, her presence on the internet has been very active, proven at least on oregonlive.com I believe. I found that very selfish, in that Terri is thinking about herself and not Kyron. Her actions, words, and behaviors, and the fact that LE has not cleared her. Probably I shouldn't armchair psych Terri. Maybe it's just evil plain and simple.
My reply is with respect, but I do not respect Terri Horman, so my words may sound harsh. I'll try to keep it down to civil, but IMO she hurt a child and I'm not going to mince words about her, and my opinion about her involvement.

I agree she's in hiding from the public eye, and I don't blame her as she's being hounded. Interesting she shows up to the one public hearing that she wasn't required to attend. However, her presence on the internet has been very active, proven at least on oregonlive.com I believe. I found that very selfish, in that Terri is thinking about herself and not Kyron. Her actions, words, and behaviors, and the fact that LE has not cleared her. Probably I shouldn't armchair psych Terri. Maybe it's just evil plain and simple.

Hi mayagrl. Do you mean that Terri has recently been active on the internet?

I would like to read what she's written, if so.

Terri has been the focus of a million dollar investigation led by 22 LE agencies, including the FBI, and not only has she not been arrested, but the grand jury, infamous for indicting the ubiquitous ham sandwich, hasn't handed down an indictment against her.

IMHO, LE are looking in the wrong place but the momentum of the investigation makes it difficult to steer it in another, perhaps more appropriate direction.

Or this may be the reason...


" Reliable sources told KGW that investigators said there was probable cause to arrest Terri in connection with Kyron's disappearance, and for soliciting someone to kill her husband, but the choice has been for the investigation to continue.

So why not bring her in? Law enforcement experts said it's probably too soon. "Probable cause" is the minimum proof needed to make an arrest, explained former Multnomah County Sheriff's Capt. Bruce McCain. He said that's not enough to guarantee a conviction in the Horman case.

McCain said that before investigators make an arrest, they'd want "proof beyond a reasonable doubt." McCain -who is also an attorney- said with only a minimum standard of proof met, it would make sense for prosecutors to wait for the highest level of proof before making an arrest.

"The prosecution in this case is going to make sure that they have the strongest case possible before they drop that hammer," McCain said. "One thing they don't want to do is to go in with a weak case that just meets the probable cause standard. That may not be able to lead to a conviction or a plea."

IMO Terri is out of sight because Terri knows the noose is tightening more every day. She may be fully aware of what comprises the "probable cause." When we see her, she will be groomed and wearing a wedding ring and following her attorneys advice...trying to do a little silent PR...before the bombshell indictment hits.

IMO it will hit. Till then, every day Terri wakes up, a 40 year old woman living with her parents, without her children, and wonders if today is the day LE comes to make the arrest.
I think that Terri is still staying with her parents, and I doubt she's a burden on them. From everything I've read about her, she is a very active person--I wouldn't be surprised if she is keeping busy at her parents house, helping in whatever capacity to get her mind off of missing her children...

I think she may be closer to Portland, the news caught up with her at the fair in Vancouver several weeks ago.
Respectfully :

At this point in time she could be in Timbuktu... She has not been named as a POI, not arrested, not indicted in any crime....Indeed,LE has stated that they have not even been incontact with her since she retained counsel. I have not read that LE has asked Houze for her passport. She is at liberty to move around....

Link to mainstream media article about this, please? TIA. - i.b.

Don't have it - was talking to someone in Oregon watching the news. It was very close to the time she was "interviewed" before entering the elevator.
That may be true but then she may not be a narcissist at all.

I just cant believe if she was a full blown narcissist that she wouldn't have sought the limelight by now.

We have this thread going because some are wondering where in the heck she is. LOL!

The only other time I have seen her is when she is trying to avoid the media with the camera stuck in her face.

Thanks for the high-five Kimster!


Assuming she harmed Kyron, I would venture to guess TH has some kind of disorder. Could be narcissism, in part. I don't think we know enough to say for sure. Just theories I guess. But I will say that I had a roommate who was a classic narcissist yet she was also somewhat of a hermit and still is. Avoiding people and not having deep friendships can be a hallmark of narcissism because the narcissist may avoid situations or people who can undermine her inflated vision of herself or inflated representation of herself. The roommate exhibited her narcissism not in how often she was seen, or out there socializing, looked at, etc., but rather, in the things she said. She took credit for things that she obviously had nothing to do with. She miraculously masters everything she gets into, within moments, really, of delving in. She convinces others of her genius mastery as well, even teaching a few not so savvy people, a discipline she picked up only a few months before. Of course, her mastery cannot really be proved because it's in things that have no objective tests of mastery. Or, no one knows the results and she just states she has received top grades (with no studying, BTW) but you never know if it's true or not.
She is very nice and charming and would attempt to ingratiate people in ways that I felt were lacking in real sincerity. She wanted something. Tries to build people up so they will feel flattered and follow her. It's a trick that works on certain types- compliment people, they will then think you are smart and respect you.
She could stay in her room for days at a time, was not very social. She has few real friends and does not hang out with many of her old ones. She tends to hang with a certain person for awhile and then switch to a new friend after a short time (no more than a year or so).
Anyhow, here's a snip from a link to a wiki article about the traits:

People who are overly narcissistic commonly feel rejected, humiliated and threatened when criticised. To protect themselves from these dangers, they often react with disdain, [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_rage"]rage[/ame], and/or defiance to any slight criticism, real or imagined.[11] To avoid such situations, some narcissistic people withdraw socially and may feign modesty or humility.

Another quote from the article I thought was interesting but not on point as to why TH may be hiding and still a narcissist:

Though individuals with NPD are often ambitious and capable, the inability to tolerate setbacks, disagreements or criticism, along with lack of empathy, make it difficult for such individuals to work cooperatively with others or to maintain long-term professional achievements.[12] With narcissistic personality disorder, the person's perceived fantastic grandiosity, often coupled with a [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypomania"]hypomanic[/ame] mood, is typically not commensurate with his or her real accomplishments.
The exploitativeness, sense of entitlement, lack of empathy, disregard for others, and constant need for attention inherent in NPD adversely affect interpersonal relationships.


In my former roommates's case, she was emotionally abused as a result of her parents' vicious custody battles over her beginning when she was very small. She was the focus of their anger towards each other. She was the pawn. It went on for years and was extremely destructive but essentially left her with the self-protective thought that she had to be very, very important and special for her parents to fight so hard over her.

I think though, that narcissism hides a fragile self-image. The articles I have read on-line mostly show they have high self esteem but I think that's how they report, not what they really feel deep down about themselves. Here's an example:

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe that they're superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism.


I think a funny example of a narcissist is the character on SNL played by Kristen Wiig who is always trying to one-up the slightest thing other people say. She twirls her hair constantly (a sign of insecurity) while making outrageous claims about herself. People like that feel threatened by those who are actually better, more attractive and who get more attention than they do. If pathological enough, or having other disorders coupled with criminality, I can see how a narcissist could want to get rid of someone they view as a threat or somehow disable someone they view as a threat by taking away what that person loves. I could see that being the case with TH.

In any event, I think TH is not an idiot. She knows she needs to lie low. She also probably can't stand the scrutiny much so she hides out until she can't stand it anymore and then must make an appearance to let all those jerks who are unfairly trying to hurt her, know they have not won. Just a theory.
Thank you for posting this! Not only is she a reclusive narcissist, but she's also a very obedient client. She's at her parents house with no cell phone or computer, she's kept her mouth shut, her expression neutral, and her eyes focused straight ahead the few times she's been seen in public. She's been baited, but she hasn't taken it.

A true narcissist and/or sociopath wouldn't be able to help themselves, right?

Even though I'm unconvinced of Terri's guilt, and I don't think she's a narcissist or a sociopath (in fact, despite all her emoting, I think she's a submissive), I've been shocked that she's remained silent for this long. IMHO, it has to do with baby K. I think visitation and/or custody of baby K is the end goal, and that's what sustains her motivation to stay silent.

If that's her goal, then she shot herself in the foot legally by not contesting the RO, requesting an abatement (which means decisions about custody will be indefinitely delayed), and thereby having zero contact with her child for the foreseeable future and creating the status quo as such - zero contact and Kaine as primary parent. That's my professional opinion.
Assuming that she is cleared after many months or so, or year or more, it would take years for her to obtain primary custody of her child, if ever. She would start with visitation and build from there. She would have to show that something has dramatically changed such that it is now in the best interest of her child for primary custody to switch back to her and IMO, being cleared or needing mama would not be sufficient. She would likely have to show that it is no longer in Baby K's best interest to remain in Kaine's primary custody, because there is something new that shows his home is not the best environment for the child. Kimster gave a good synopsis of OR child custody laws that tends to bolster my opinion.

Also, it's true she has been an obedient client but people with personality disorders (if TH has one, don't know that she does) are often quite bright. Knowing that opening her mouth could lead to a loss of freedom, perhaps permanently, would be enough to keep a narcissist in the house, I think.

I really think we would like to think all innocent people would just rush forward but until we walk in the same steps TH has had to do from day one, I don't think we know with complete certainty what we would do in these same set of circumstances.

First, suspicion were cast against Terri from very early on. The internet buzz and allegations were increasing daily. The crucial time for her to speak out would have been at the beginning yet Kaine didn't want anyone speaking out and when Tony and Kaine finally spoke out it was only him and Tony doing the talking. By then it was too late Scandi. The damage had been done. Nothing she could have done or said would make a difference to those who are already convinced she is guilty.

If some can criticize her about such foolish trivial things as her weight, her dress or the way her eyes moved even though she never spoke a word, then with Terri speaking out would have just made the fodder and criticism even worse imo. I think Terri's lawyer perfectly understands that speaking out now will have no gain for her and would only contribute to more interpretations of how they viewed what she said.

The only thing that Terri can do at this time is to stay out of the media and take her attorney's advise to remain quiet.

She is so quiet and reclusive that none of us are even sure where she is residing. The main thing though I think her son knows where she is.


True. But one thing I take issue with. It has not been confirmed that she stayed quiet because Kaine said she should. That may be what she said (although I'm not sure she said that at all, can't remember) but it is not necessarily the truth. Instead, I think LE told all of them to keep quiet. I saw a local post here who said she herself was told specifically by LE not to talk about certain things so as not to compromise the investigation. (Lukne is the poster).
I think she may be closer to Portland, the news caught up with her at the fair in Vancouver several weeks ago.

Hi Charlie, I remember that photo shoot where the reporter tried to get a response out of her. It was on a day she had come to Portland to talk to her attny and she was said to have spent most of the day in his office. The photo shoot was taken in the parking area of his bldg and the gal with her works for her attny. xox IMO
It is hard to psychoanalyze a person who has never said a word publicly. Even a professional would have to guess with so many unknowns in place.

"People who are overly narcissistic commonly feel rejected, humiliated and threatened when criticized. To protect themselves from these dangers, they often react with disdain,
Narcissistic_rage , and/or defiance to any slight criticism, real or imagined.[11] To avoid such situations, some narcissistic people withdraw socially and may feign modesty or humility."

I have no evidence that before this happened that Terri Horman was ever reclusive or that she reacted abnormally due to the slightest criticism. By all accounts before this happened she seemed very outgoing and a woman who loved children and loved helping them in school. A selfless job imo.

I think it is logical to believe it was Kaine telling everyone... including Terri not to speakout.. for he himself didnt speakout for a long time... even though LE repeatedly said they had not advised the family not to speak out. He also told Intel not to be speaking with the press about Kyron and to this day I wonder......WHY? What could they have said that he wouldnt have approved of?

It is hard to psychoanalyze a person who has never said a word publicly. Even a professional would have to guess with so many unknowns in place.

"People who are overly narcissistic commonly feel rejected, humiliated and threatened when criticized. To protect themselves from these dangers, they often react with disdain,
Narcissistic_rage , and/or defiance to any slight criticism, real or imagined.[11] To avoid such situations, some narcissistic people withdraw socially and may feign modesty or humility."

I have no evidence that before this happened that Terri Horman was ever reclusive or that she reacted abnormally due to the slightest criticism. By all accounts before this happened she seemed very outgoing and a woman who loved children and loved helping them in school. A selfless job imo.

I think it is logical to believe it was Kaine telling everyone... including Terri not to speakout.. for he himself didnt speakout for a long time... even though LE repeatedly said they had not advised the family not to speak out. He also told Intel not to be speaking with the press about Kyron and to this day I wonder......WHY? What could they have said that he wouldnt have approved of?


second bold added by me :)

I have pondered this as well. I initially came up with he was trying to keep the focus on Kyron and not any side show stories that the press may run with to get the headline....In fact i was most partial to this this theory and thought it was actually a smart move that was until it was KH himself who delivered the biggest bombshells/side shows to the press (starting with banning certain publications from the PC's) then it all to quickly became all about TH, Their marriage/ pending divorce and all the circus events that went along with it..

So now i'm clueless as to what was actually trying to be achieved.:waitasec:
At first when I read this I thought "VERY TRUE!" Then I compared with KC Anthony and KC has remained very quiet. However, she is still trying to draw attention to herself in her own little world as was shown by her jail house letters.

If TH is a narcissist as speculated, she's drawing attention to herself someway, somehow. Time will tell!

Thanks for the thought-provoking post! :highfive:

ITA. And I think she's doing something else KC is doing. I've noticed KC seems to vent a lot to her lawyers during hearings. I'm wondering if Terri is venting to her lawyer on a daily basis. We wouldn't see that and know that she's doing it, but I feel like she's probably venting to someone, and that someone is probably her lawyer. Or it could be her parents, who knows.

I think she's quiet in the public eye, but who knows how vocal she is behind closed doors with family and/or her lawyer. Just because she isn't telling us anything doesn't mean she's not saying a word to them either.

KC also writes a lot of notes during hearings, and well, we've seen the multitude of jailhouse letters. I've wondered if Terri is keeping a written diary or writing some kind of notes. Maybe not if her lawyer doesn't think it's a good idea, but if she really doesn't have a cellphone or computer, I'd be there's some notebooks or diaries getting filled up in that house.

So basically, it's possible she's being narcisstic, just not with the public because her lawyer won't let her. I bet her has her on a very short leash.

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