Where Precisely Do You Think Caylee Died?

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What is the location of Caylee's Death.

  • Car

    Votes: 577 54.3%
  • Pool

    Votes: 100 9.4%
  • Caylee's Room

    Votes: 102 9.6%
  • Casey's room

    Votes: 231 21.7%
  • Computer Room

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Other Room

    Votes: 51 4.8%

  • Total voters
Yes plenty to confuse. All the more reason we don't need silly inaccurate tabloid type stories as well.
I have no problem with people who propose theories different from mine based on the info, but some seem to be contrary for the sake of it. If we have it wrong then what did happen? Are we supposed to be looking for clues pointing to some killer other than KC. Was it or was it not her that threw Caylee away as garbage?
I believe the Cadaver Dogs, and I'm a cat person. They did good work.

To look for clues pointing to a killer other than KC is to fly in the face of logic and common sense.
Thanks to NG, I get to see clips of CA and GA over and over and over again...upon some viewings, I try to watch with a different set of eyes. I watch, telling myself to watch "as if" I knew of their complicity. As hard as I try, I can't see it! And I DO try!
In the latest jail tapes NG keeps repeatedly showing, CA asks KC what she would like to tell ZG. KC says "tell her we forgive her". After seeing this one thousand times, it's obvious to me that KC is "confessing" and begging her mother to just accept the facts and tell her that SHE is forgiven.
Since this post just got bumped, I checked out the poll results. I am surprised that the majority of the voters believe that Caylee died in the car. I really believe the house was the location. My reason is that the body was found with items from inside the house, and so close to home.
Now that we have the evidence found with Caylee to rely on to make that judgement, I too think that the Anthony home is where Caylee died. Especialy because she was found without any shoes, and none of her shoes were found in the Pontiac.
In the Anthony house. That is where KC pinged from until just after 4 p.m. on June 16. I think KC got the heck out of dodge as soon as she could after she did the deed.
Didn't KC have trouble sleeping in her room while she was home from jail for a short period of time?
I voted other, because honestly I have no clue........and have rattled my brain going over different scenarios as to what could have happened. :confused:
I think she died in KC's bedroom.It may have been Caylee's if KC did it the afternoon of the 16th,but if she did it during the night it was most likely KC's room.Because of the blanket and heart sticker ,I believe she died at home.
Didn't KC have trouble sleeping in her room while she was home from jail for a short period of time?

I read somewhere ( sorry I dont recall where, probably ,here!)that she slept in her parents room in floor , beside their bed.

I think she died in KC's room as well.
Didn't KC have trouble sleeping in her room while she was home from jail for a short period of time?

As to where she slept - that was determined by Padilla's team. If you recall there were many protestors out front of the Anthony house and there was the constant threat of violence. Casey's room had a front facing window. There is no way that the people protecting her - Padilla's folks - would allow her to sleep in a room where someone could throw a rock or other item through the window or fire a weapon into the room. The master bedroom is at the back of the house, so Casey slept in there. Of interest, her friend, Annie, went to visit her and slept over and they did spend time in Casey's bedroom. Casey told Annie not to get too close to the window. Yet, Cindy said that it was hard for Casey to be in her bedroom because of all the reminders (photos) of Caylee. So again, we have yet another situation with Cindy telling a story that is contradictory to what other witnesses have to say and no real way to know which story is true or false.
Casey's room, most likely.

Caylee's baby doll was found in Casey's car at the tow yard. Caylee brought the doll everywhere with her. Did that doll go to Mt Dora in Cindy's car? How did the doll get back in Casey's car? = Caylee and doll must have been in Casey's car after that Mt Dora visit.

I have tons of questions still. I'm sure there's more evidence that we don't know about yet. It's very hard to imagine this.

Here's how I see it going down:

At night after the fight, stormed out with Caylee took drive...back to house, in Casey's room decides to just do it...kills Caylee in the big bed while she's sleeping....freaks out and can't just leave body there...then body out to the car trunk...next day tried to package body for disposal in between posting Fusion pics and texting...body back in car trunk for Blockbuster and stay at Tony's...let body stay in trunk because Tony took day off from school on June 17th, and she so dreaded having to deal with that other issue in the trunk... but by the 18th backed into parent's garage and got the body ready for final disposal...shovel, but digging way too difficult...got to get this done today....took a short drive just down the street....pulled over on side road...quick walk into woods...dumped body...and done deal.

JMO, Casey is a coward, even near total rage after the fight with her mother, I doubt she thought of it right then w/ parents there...too easy for someone to walk in on them. No, I think she stormed out with a terrified and upset Caylee; she continued to escalate to total rage and using the duck tape, silenced Caylee, and tossed her in the trunk for later disposal which I think was after the close call w/ George. Again, JMO.
I have no doubt she died at the A fam house. Which room I don't know for certain, but the chances are good it happened in Caylee's room.

The evidence I have seen points to her being murdered in the house. It is also why I believe that the rest of the A fam knows much more about her disappearance and have from day 1 not day 31.
I'd say it was definitely in the A house. But, I have two theories -

1. kc killed her the night of the 15th in kc's bedroom, mostly to spite CA because after the big fight, I'm sure CA threatened once again to take Caylee away

2. It happened the afternoon of the 16th, not sure which room, though. IIRC, kc possibly left the home around the time GA said, but didn't go far, per pings. Computer activity at the A home is active after GA left, so it must've been kc. There was heavy computer and cell usage until 3:00pm. Suddenly, nothing until the flurry of calls started around 4.

So, those are my two top theories. I don't think it was an accident, either. I really think it was more to get back at CA . . . .
I'd say it was definitely in the A house. But, I have two theories -

1. kc killed her the night of the 15th in kc's bedroom, mostly to spite CA because after the big fight, I'm sure CA threatened once again to take Caylee away

2. It happened the afternoon of the 16th, not sure which room, though. IIRC, kc possibly left the home around the time GA said, but didn't go far, per pings. Computer activity at the A home is active after GA left, so it must've been kc. There was heavy computer and cell usage until 3:00pm. Suddenly, nothing until the flurry of calls started around 4.

So, those are my two top theories. I don't think it was an accident, either. I really think it was more to get back at CA . . . .

I agree! Also, if it was 1.

It was done with a full on white hot rage! IMO

If it was 2.

It was done in a deliberate, methodical manner! IMO

Either way-I pray Caylee did not suffer much!:praying:
I think the poll is a little off because of the date the poll was started and the information that has come out since, because at one time I was clearly convinced KC murdered Caylee in the car but with newer doc dumps I believe the house is the true crime scene. JMO.
I'm sticking with "in the car". I still believe KC left the house Sunday evening after a fight with CA, and KC was wanting to hook up with AL but couldn't with Caylee, and Caylee was killed in the car and KC waited around the neighborhood, per the cell pings until GA left the next day. I am sticking with "GA never saw" CA and Caylee leave on Monday while he was sitting on the couch watching xyz Food show. No one in this family could come up with the right date initially much less, describe clothing, hair, specific backpacks, the time and what show was on.
Also, anything that was in the car, i.e. the doll, or found with Caylee's remains - the blanket, could have been scooped up in a fit with Caylee by KC when they left the house on Sunday....And, they, the Anthony's, say the doll was always with Caylee, we don't know that to be a fact. Maybe KC dropped off Caylee to CA for the trip to Grandparents without the doll...
Yes, I just can't imagine George's memory of that one particular day of June 16th being a solid fact. Let's say he never saw Caylee that day. She could have been dead already. However, those flurry of calls Casey made just before 4 pm would be fitting with something happening to Caylee just before that time. Otherwise, why would she make that rush of calls to her parents if she had killed Caylee the night before?

I am still thinking it happened in Casey's room. Very interesting, what Princess Rose reminded us of, that the protesters made it dangerous for Casey to sleep in her own bedroom, perhaps not the remorse of what happened in there.

What happened to that little girl? Did she suffer? This case is a nightmare.
I believe she killed her after she left the house. There is no way she would chance getting caught putting duct tape on Caylee while in the house- JMO-
I really believe at one point she wanted to burn the body with gas but was scared she would get draw attention to the location. So very curious to find out if syringe that was discovered had anything on it. I almost think she drove to the hide out place, killed her and then put her in the trunk and tried to bury her at home...then feared someone would find her...so took her back out to the woods. again, JMO
Did Cindy work on that Monday? Are we sure?

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