Where Precisely Do You Think Caylee Died?

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What is the location of Caylee's Death.

  • Car

    Votes: 577 54.3%
  • Pool

    Votes: 100 9.4%
  • Caylee's Room

    Votes: 102 9.6%
  • Casey's room

    Votes: 231 21.7%
  • Computer Room

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Other Room

    Votes: 51 4.8%

  • Total voters
Ahhh I thought that Cindy said that they shared a room
That would mean that Cindy lied at the bond hearing when she said: "she tucked them both in on the night of 6/15" as well as George lied at the bond hearing when he said: "I saw them at 12:50 PM on 6/16."

And we know Cindy and George never lie....lol
Ahhh I thought that Cindy said that they shared a room

maybe she innocently 'misspoke' .... and as luck would have it that made her daughter seem like someone who just loved having caylee around.
George and Cindy lie? Oh, mercy me, that's a new thought. (she said, tongue firmly in cheek)

I believe that the big fight, "I'm taking custody of Caylee, get out of this house, you lying, stealing...and I'm going to choke you to death, you worthless...," was worth any lie to cover up. After all, such loving caring fingers on a hand would never, never fight, or at least want "outsiders" to know about it.
George and Cindy lie? Oh, mercy me, that's a new thought. (she said, tongue firmly in cheek)

I believe that the big fight, "I'm taking custody of Caylee, get out of this house, you lying, stealing...and I'm going to choke you to death, you worthless...," was worth any lie to cover up. After all, such loving caring fingers on a hand would never, never fight, or at least want "outsiders" to know about it.
I wont argue with you about not trusting what any A says, but for that period of the story there is also evidence that KC was on the phone and home computer that morning, so in and out of her room to the computer room. Not likely to have done that with a body in her room. Also it looks like she came back home soon after GA left and was initially on phone and computer again, and engaged in trivial computer use. Also JG has so far stuck to his story that on 16th he spoke to KC on the phone (while she was at A's) and heard Caylee in the background. So more that JUST GA word for the fact that KC did not rush past him with Caylee already dead.
I wont argue with you about not trusting what any A says, but for that period of the story there is also evidence that KC was on the phone and home computer that morning, so in and out of her room to the computer room. Not likely to have done that with a body in her room. Also it looks like she came back home soon after GA left and was initially on phone and computer again, and engaged in trivial computer use. Also JG has so far stuck to his story that on 16th he spoke to KC on the phone (while she was at A's) and heard Caylee in the background. So more that JUST GA word for the fact that KC did not rush past him with Caylee already dead.

I could be that GA was confused about the date when he made that statement. Maybe it was the 10th when he saw them leave. IMO
I could be that GA was confused about the date when he made that statement. Maybe it was the 10th when he saw them leave. IMO
Yes. Quite possible, but the other pieces of evidence were specifically the 16th.
Yes. Quite possible, but the other pieces of evidence were specifically the 16th.

Yes, I know but it was a normal day when KC left for work with Caylee. (just like any other) They were confused about the last time they saw her in the beginning. I think that the fight was the night of the 9th and KC started keeping Caylee away from her grandparents and everything escalated on the 15th and 16th. After CA had gone to see her parents.
I could be that GA was confused about the date when he made that statement. Maybe it was the 10th when he saw them leave. IMO
I have also thought GA got the 9th and 16th mixed.

On the 9th, kc left and her and Caylee spent the night at Ricardo's.

On the16th, George states, "Kc said she may be working late, so we may spend night at Nanny's". This is most likely the 9th because it matches her and Caylee being with RM.

I can not possitively conclude but lean towards the possibility that GA is wrong about the 16th. He was filled in on what they wore by Cindy and he keeps repeating it.

Jesse states he always used to hear Caylee in the background,so he assumes he heard it then....maybe he did or didn't but I have no doubt that kc would pretend to him that Caylee was there, i.e, by correcting her and making him think she was there.

Do we have the records for the home computer usage on the 16th? I have seen the pings of her cell but not the computer use.
I wont argue with you about not trusting what any A says, but for that period of the story there is also evidence that KC was on the phone and home computer that morning, so in and out of her room to the computer room. Not likely to have done that with a body in her room. Also it looks like she came back home soon after GA left and was initially on phone and computer again, and engaged in trivial computer use. Also JG has so far stuck to his story that on 16th he spoke to KC on the phone (while she was at A's) and heard Caylee in the background. So more that JUST GA word for the fact that KC did not rush past him with Caylee already dead.

(bolded part) Caylee may have been in trunk at this time.

I noticed on reviewing pings that GA often left the home in the AM. and returned late mornings. Perhaps he did family shopping, errands, etc. but it doesn't look like he was one to just sit around the house.
Yes, I know but it was a normal day when KC left for work with Caylee. (just like any other) They were confused about the last time they saw her in the beginning. I think that the fight was the night of the 9th and KC started keeping Caylee away from her grandparents and everything escalated on the 15th and 16th. After CA had gone to see her parents.
If that is true then a lot of WS theories are damaged somewhat. Most see the "fight" as the trigger for KC to kill Cayley. Certainly most think she died the night of 15th or 16th. There are bits of evidence of seeing Caylee the week of the 9th and of course the famous video on Fathers Day 15th. The bits of evidence I referenced to suggest she was alive when JG was on the phone around 3:00pm on the 16th. Then ...... nothing! No verifiable evidence of Caylee again. KC on phone to AL and out hiring videos and Caylee never seen or heard from as of 16th June 2008.
it seems that caylee often slept in casey's room, but she had a room of her own.

i'm so torn between 3 different areas that i can't vote.

Voted for Casey's room as the murder scene. CA mentioned on the Greta bedrooms tour video that KC was sleeping on the floor or something in C & G's room for awhile during the time KC was home after the disappearance.

KC's room was filled with tons of photos of Caylee and I always thought it was strange she "couldn't sleep there". If it was the crime scene, think she would be having some nightmares sleeping in that bed.

I may have this all backwards, as I watched that video some time ago, please correct me if I don't have the facts straight!
I have also thought GA got the 9th and 16th mixed.

On the 9th, kc left and her and Caylee spent the night at Ricardo's.

On the16th, George states, "Kc said she may be working late, so we may spend night at Nanny's". This is most likely the 9th because it matches her and Caylee being with RM.

I can not possitively conclude but lean towards the possibility that GA is wrong about the 16th. He was filled in on what they wore by Cindy and he keeps repeating it.

Jesse states he always used to hear Caylee in the background,so he assumes he heard it then....maybe he did or didn't but I have no doubt that kc would pretend to him that Caylee was there, i.e, by correcting her and making him think she was there.

Do we have the records for the home computer usage on the 16th? I have seen the pings of her cell but not the computer use.
JG did recant his testimony about hearing Caylee on 24th. But at the same time he reaffirmed that he heard Caylee on the 16th. I agree that it is likely that the devious witch went out of her way to fool JG on 24th. by pretending to tell Caylee to get off the table... etc. That was the time she had just dumped the body, was dealing with the smelly car etc and likely to be doing her best to set up some sort of a cover story.
If that is true then a lot of WS theories are damaged somewhat. Most see the "fight" as the trigger for KC to kill Cayley. Certainly most think she died the night of 15th or 16th. There are bits of evidence of seeing Caylee the week of the 9th and of course the famous video on Fathers Day 15th. The bits of evidence I referenced to suggest she was alive when JG was on the phone around 3:00pm on the 16th. Then ...... nothing! No verifiable evidence of Caylee again. KC on phone to AL and out hiring videos and Caylee never seen or heard from as of 16th June 2008.

No, I am not saying that Caylee died on the 9th at all. I think it went fatal on the 16th. I think this whole thing started on the 9th and that is why the 9th was in everyone's mind in the beginning. Like I said everything escalated on the 15th and 16th. I don't believe that Caylee ever spent a night away from home until all this started. I could be way off and it is only my opinion.
I admit my deficiencies when it comes to ping and computer analysis but there are a few WSers who seem to have a thorough grasp of that stuff. Posts by JWG come to mind. He reports computer use on the 16th from mostly the home computer, but also some lap top. Both before and after GA left the house. The sites accessed strongly suggest KC uploading photos etc. Up untill 3:00 pm
Interesting bit of discuaaion but getting a bit OT?
I feel The Spanish Inquisition breathing down my neck.
I admit my deficiencies when it comes to ping and computer analysis but there are a few WSers who seem to have a thorough grasp of that stuff. Posts by JWG come to mind. He reports computer use on the 16th from mostly the home computer, but also some lap top. Both before and after GA left the house. The sites accessed strongly suggest KC uploading photos etc. Up untill 3:00 pm

Yes, I enjoy his thoughtful posts and Jamesbond's. I agree that all of this happened on the 16th too. I just think that there is more to it than just the big fight on the evening of the 15th. IMO
I think it happened in Casey's room the night of the fight. Which may be the reason Casey slept on the floor in CA & GA's room while she was out on bond.

I think she drowned in the pool and Casey took her to her room when she
found her and laid her on the bed to try to figure out what to do!
I don't think the duct tape was put on the skull... I think it came off
the bag and attached to the skull.
If the big blowout fight did happen on the l5th, I think Casey grabbed the child that she still had legal custody of (owned) and fled in the car that Cindy was also probably threatening to take from her. Where did she go? Driving aimlessly? Lee's? The hotel parking lot? We will probably never know. But I think she killed her sometime that night because Cayle was not being loyal, she was crying, for Cindy. I also think Casey would have no trouble returning to Hopespring after Cindy left for work with Caylee in the trunk. After the terrible fight I can just see George tippy-toeing around, careful not to stir up anymore tantrums with his "gorgeous." To lie and say he actually saw Caylee the morning of the 16th was necessary to project the happy family image. He knew Casey was home because he heard her. He possibly thought that Caylee needed to sleep late since she had had a tumultuous night. I just don't think he actually saw her.

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