Where the Avery Conspiracy Theory Falls Apart

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So, do you agree with his conviction?

I do not agree with BD's conviction.

I have mainly focused on SA in this case. I seen enough of those interviews, in the doc and online, and IMO those 'confessions' are sad and ridiculous all in one. I was so disturbed by that, probably because I have 2 sons, 15 and 16.... their IQ's are much higher than 73 (although there are days I would disagree lol).... and I can't say that they wouldn't confess in that situation either. I have informed both of them after seeing this that under no circumstances are they ever to talk to a police officer without me or my husband present.
Not necessarily, it depends on where they were located in the fire pit. If they were only on the edge of the pit, it is possible the edge of the pit never got as hot as the middle. Additionally, the body and bullets could have been thrown in first while the fire was raging, and the clothes in later after the fire cooled a bit but was still going.

and we might know all of this if the site was dealt with properly. IMO
Brendan is clearly guessing when he states that she was shot 10 times. He changes his testimony on this countless times. He states finally that she was shot 10 times after he is reminded by investigators that "they have numerous shell casings in the garage, but they won't tell him how many"

His testimony on how Teresa was shot is completely inconsistent, I honestly cannot see how it could be useful at all, or how anyone could believe anything from it. He first says she's shot in the bedroom, then the side of the garage, then the jeep, then the garage. He changes the amount of times she's shot numerous times, and he also initially testifies Steven shot her after she was already dead- Why? Well, he can't really answer that question.

In the middle of all this, he does tell a story about how he can't shoot a gun anymore, or watch, because his Mom's ex-boyfriend had to shoot one of their cats when it was hurt/sick or something, and he couldn't look and now he doesn't/can't watch shooting anymore, or something along those lines. This is unprompted, and I do believe this to be true. Brendan apparently had a soft spot for cats- his mother bought two cats shortly after he was imprisoned and she talks about how she can't wait for him to meet them, she bought them for him or something (it's in the documentary, I'll try to find what she says exactly). I also remember reading an article about Brendan liking cats, WWE, and PS2, I'll try to find that as well. The cat story really stuck w. me however, even though investigators discounted it immediately. I don't believe Brendan was around when Teresa was shot, nor do I believe he shot her, his testimony on this is just guessing IMO. He never even mentions a gun w.o Wiegert bringing it up.
I get it.

I too, agree. And I too, stand corrected. ( I'm sure I'll be corrected at some point along the way, the law and all )
Then I correct my post beyond a reasonable doubt I can't be sure.
You have SA a man who was about to be rich and who gained his freedom and was sort of a celebrity. He then would risk all of this to commit a real rape and murder. Maybe prison made him a killer, maybe he was always a killer. He could have thought that since he just got off on a wrongful conviction and had a huge wrongful conviction lawsuit pending that no LE would want to ever get close to him to avoid the very thing he is trying to make people believe. People are just playing into--just like he believed would happen--except he thought it would happen before he was convicted of Teresa's murder. He's a sociopath--they seem to have an innate ability to find the weakness in people, and are ready to use these weaknesses to their own ends through deceit, manipulation, or intimidation, and gain pleasure from doing so.

Then if so he must of thought he was untouchable and that he would get away with it, because he did NOT even try to hide anything. Yes, exactly--see above....he just claims they tried to frame him again...people will pity him, especially people who are already Leary of LE. (a lot of people in Manitowoc County at that point)

1. He told several people she was coming.

2. Police claim he had 4 days to clean up the murder scene, claiming this is why there was no blood.

3. He also had 4 days to get rid of the CAR, he didn't, instead he parks it on the outer most accessible area of his property and makes it even more obvious by clumsily throwing stuff on it and he waits for her to be reported missing. But before he does this he puts her bloody body in the trunk of her own car, then takes it out, bleeds in the car, goes back home and throws her key in his room. Leaving the car on his property, instead of driving it out somewhere. Why take the car off the property with a chance that he could be seen in it--just claim someone planted it there. Pity party for him from the public at large, after all he was wrongfully convicted--so why not 2x's? Its a get out of jail free card (no pun intended).

4. Instead of transporting her body off of the property he carries her out of his house or garage and throws her body right out in the open and burns her, he invites several family members to the fire and lets everyone know he is burning garbage, a fire many people can see from the road. I don't know but I am thinking if he puts her in the fire at around 5PM there is still going to be a full body burning until the next morning and maybe even into the next day or evening. Again, why take the chance that someone will see him...all he has to do is claim he has been framed, again pity party from the public at large. Cast a doubt on the situation, manipulation at its finest.

5. He then sprinkles her burned body around his property, instead of scooping it all out and tossing it. He waits for her to be reported missing and leaves it all there, including electronics that usually don't burn. ...Yes, absolutely set the stage that he was framed. He already knows LE will be suspicious. The bus driver saw her there.

HE LEFT ALL THE EVIDENCE THERE. He is either a real idiot (which could be) or half of that evidence was not left there by him. No, he left it there on purpose--to set the stage that he was framed again.

I am thinking her car is a huge piece. Even if Avery didn't have a chance to remove her bones, he would have not left the car like that IMO. It is just too convenient. In my head it is very possible that someone else found that car off property and drove it back to the property to be sure that everything was in place for the conviction. He knows very darn well all he needs to do is to create doubt. That's exactly what he wanted the public to believe.

This is really disturbing, even if he did it.
Yes a very dangerous man.
One human being to another, ALL of this.
You, I like you:wink:

The saddest part about watching the Netflix show was that TH was so overlooked. Seeing her family in court just listening to the back and forth about police conduct, false confessions, his previous case, the actions of LE, it made me so sad. She was lost, the victim was not the focus, the focus was AVERY vs. LE.

The fact remains that had these specific officers, had the local LE complied with the request to remain out of this, had they not twisted their way in by force and followed procedure. Perhaps the victim would have been heard and we would know what happened. Every single person played a role in this becoming a crap show.

Kratz with his perverted tale of sex torture that only lived IMO in his dirty mind, down to his description of sweaty uncle AVERY (he enjoyed telling that story). I don't even think the confession was the issue from the nephew the issue for me came when they forced him to sign that statement and the defense was working the prosecution to make sure he did - that was absolutely not okay.

Even if you think Avery is guilty and the murder took place under a different script than what was told, which could be, you must as a human being see and understand that what happened no matter what SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED. The evidence thrown in a box on a desk like scrap for anyone to touch, should have bothered you. The tampering of said evidence. The players who found the evidence who had to be watched and told not to enter or be alone, and yet did and were, that should bother you. Brendan Dassey being tricked into confessing and told not to worry and him thinking he was going home after, should have scared you (if you have children).

I could go on and on. That bullet that somehow fell out of her skull in the garage and rolled (even though it was flat and damaged) under a pile of garbage that only a specific officer was able to see, the WRONG officer. How the heck would that get there! Maybe in the car, fire pit? Where there bullets in the pit??

No that bullet appeared in the SECOND murder scene, not the first one tossed around (bedroom) but the murder area that came after they couldn't explain why no blood in the bedroom.

I just cant. She Avery go free just like that because of this Netflix show? NO, should he get another trial? YES. The local LE should have been at least taken to the table about the conflict of interests being ignored at least that is to blame for this mess. IMO
Have you posted your theory on what you think happened, BigCityAccountant? Curious how you think he left it all there and which murder scene/confession you're going with? ( No disrespect, there have been a few, as we all know )
Yes a very dangerous man.
Have you posted your theory on what you think happened, BigCityAccountant? Curious how you think he left it all there and which murder scene/confession you're going with? ( No disrespect, there have been a few, as we all know )

No, I haven't...thanks for asking...I don't have a a theory yet...having been married (prior) to a sociopath and or dating one for 20+ years and then finding another...you learn a thing or 2 about them. They are very frightening and dangerous people. They win at all costs--that's exactly what Avery is doing here putting the doubt in people's minds, that's the game and its somewhat scary to watch.
I have been a true crime junkie for YEARS!!

While researching cases;
Missing persons, and even serial killers ( comparing notes/evidence ) I often think to myself " please do not let anything happen to my husband or one of us here in the house! If LE searches my computer or any other device in my house ( phone included ) one of us are in so much trouble!!

Even a simple google search tells me, probably not. I've even read that if it's not the right angle/distance, it might just bounce off and not even penetrate the skull (which my husband told me the other night and I thought he was crazy lol) I would love to hear from an expert about this... or maybe it's in the transcripts because they did have an expert at the trial (not sure if it was prosecution or defence witness)

and ugggh.... I just want to go on record saying I was googling that for research purposes LOL I would hate for something to happen to me and someone looks at my history:jail:
LOL...thought has crossed my mind too....but this website is very addicting....:toast:
I have been a true crime junkie for YEARS!!

While researching cases;
Missing persons, and even serial killers ( comparing notes/evidence ) I often think to myself " please do not let anything happen to my husband or one of us here in the house! If LE searches my computer or any other device in my house ( phone included ) one of us are in so much trouble!!

Me toooo dexter, I never came to websleuths as an active poster until the other site shut down ( what was it called? the one that was for court tv, my old age is kicking in LOL)
I was telling a friend about the show a few days ago.... she said "let me guess.... you are online and are being OCD about this case now?" LOL I always make sure I tell people... cuz geesh, heaven forbid something happened to hubby and they looked at my computer. I told him tonight I was googling about guns, etc. ... he said screw it, if something ever happens to me, just destroy your computer LOL
Me toooo dexter, I never came to websleuths as an active poster until the other site shut down ( what was it called? the one that was for court tv, my old age is kicking in LOL)
I was telling a friend about the show a few days ago.... she said "let me guess.... you are online and are being OCD about this case now?" LOL I always make sure I tell people... cuz geesh, heaven forbid something happened to hubby and they looked at my computer. I told him tonight I was googling about guns, etc. ... he said screw it, if something ever happens to me, just destroy your computer LOL

For all of those on the fence, let me ask you one question. The innocence project was involved in freeing Avery the first time....where were they during the 2nd? Why were they not there? After all, some are claiming he was framed, he's innocent, etc. etc. Isn't that what they fight for, righting the wrong? Why didn't they feel the need to get involved the supposedly 2nd time, he was an innocent man going to jail.
Not necessarily, it depends on where they were located in the fire pit. If they were only on the edge of the pit, it is possible the edge of the pit never got as hot as the middle. Additionally, the body and bullets could have been thrown in first while the fire was raging, and the clothes in later after the fire cooled a bit but was still going.

Bodies are cremated at 1400-1800 degrees Fahrenheit and those are the optimal temperatures a crematorium uses. Any open fire like Avery's would be lucky if they hit those temperatures. What's more... Even the investigators noted in Dassey's confession that the entire burn area was only a few feet by a few feet. The odds are good (if you believe Dassey) he placed the clothing in the middle of the burn. Even if he didn't, 2000 degrees Fahrenheit would be impossible to reach in a backyard fire pit.
For all of those on the fence, let me ask you one question. The innocence project was involved in freeing Avery the first time....where were they during the 2nd? Why were they not there? After all, some are claiming he was framed, he's innocent, etc. etc. Isn't that what they fight for, righting the wrong? Why didn't they feel the need to get involved the supposedly 2nd time, he was an innocent man going to jail.

Fact check. They have information on his current case listed on their website.

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