Where the Avery Conspiracy Theory Falls Apart

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DNA Solves
Doing some e-learning about forensic psychology and thought the point made here about most problematic factors contributing to wrongful convictions was rather interesting... just thought I'd share


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From what I have heard and read,there iis no logical conclusion
Other than the obvious one,which has been reached.
For a conspiracy theory to fall apart, it has to have a solid foundation to begin with. It does not.
Steven Avery was convicted almost 9 years ago. Am I, or anyone else, expected to believe that the film makers have had 'powerful' proof of a 'set up', and have just sat on it all these years?

All that footage they took was useless because no one was interested in a guilty person. Edit it, twist it and sell it as an innocent man wrongly convicted again, throw in that the cops set him up and bingo...they have a winner.

At the end of the day, the women of Wisconsin, can sleep better at night knowing he is, and will remain, locked up.
You think those interviews were upsetting?

Wait until you read the Kachinsky emails:furious: ( if you haven't already )
I had never heard of SA. I heard buzz about the doc. What kills me , as a therapist, is Brendon. I was just out of my mind as I watched them with him. For me Breneden is my heart pull

I tried to tell myself , over and over and over, that folks LE, court jury etc) dont have the training or experiance in this particular domain as I do just by choice of vocation.

But the more I saw the harder that became. One does not need a grad degree to grasp that this poor child has processing issues. I worked with LD children.

The best to way to do it --is ask your self what one would be thinking and feeling if they saw all these "adults" interacting with a 4 foot 3 5 year old.

Ask your self that right now - what feelings would you experience??

Not pleasant huh?

Brendon on most parameters is processing the world around him at a 5 year old level. Cognitive, socially emotionally, - thats why the word disability is in the clarification.

Growing up is "learning". They stop doing that, again why the entity is titled as it is. His affect throughout is so "off", that is how many of them are. When he asked if he would be done by two something I started crying.

That in and of itself ought to give anyone a very serious reality check that this individual is truly not grasping what is going on around him. They dont get it ---becasue they cant get it.

How adults who interacted with this poor child , did not grasp or were so focused on their own agenda , and did not care is a very disgusting reality as far a humanity goes.


In a sohpisticated urban envifonment this interagation would have been tossed faster than a lightening bolt. Talk about leading --as it kept going I was losing it. To do that to a 5 year old is IMO child abuse.

How on earth they got away with HOURS of time without an attorney is more than spinning. They hauled through Miranda so fast !~

Isnt that supposedly the core deal here - Miranda?

Again I ask you to picture a little 5 year old being in the room and ask yourself what your feeling and thinking would be as you watch the intergation. I am confident , a whole different emotionial experience for anyone.

where was a parent? Its mind numbing.

I thought the documentary was well done, SA attorneys nothing short of brillant - how come now today Miranda is not an issue??

Where did that go - we all learned it as kids in cops and robbers tv shows in the day. You have a right..................................

PS: As the doc moved along I came to adore the little gang (mom and dad!) - they live in thier own little world -- (issues for sure dont get me wrong), but they are just in their little planet, putting along!!

Brenden should be free IMO.............

One more PS! I think if I were trying to hide a vechicle, and I placed a bunch of junk around it to hide it (laughing now) I would have put something over the damn tire cover that screams RAV4 on it-- give me a break!

Fond memories of The Andy Griffin show ...................................
Yet no blood on the key that would have been in his bleeding hand. Makes me think the blood and the key were planted at the same time by two different officers, two locations. The officer who had the key didn't have the blood.


And no blood on the steering wheel or shift knob ... bullcarp.
If the key and the blood next to the steering wheel were both planted I have to say I think two different people did it. I was trying to remove a windshield wiper blade once and ended up with a big gash on one of my fingers. It kept opening back up for days every time I would use my hand. It left a blood mark in the little indent next to my steering wheel that looked exactly like the one on the Rav4. The blood was halfway coagulated and stuck to the plastic. I've gone back and forth on my opinion of the key they found in SA's bedroom. Slanted more towards planted overall. So many wonky things about how it was found...After reading Brendan's transcripts I almost wonder if he didn't put the key there though.. At one point they questioned him about the key....where it was before...when did he see it...was it washed off...etc. Reading it I kept thinking to myself...There's something I'm missing here?? I'm trying to avoid listening to his interrogations. I started one a few days back and had to turn it off....It was just too much when you could see his body language ...hear the inflection of his voice. You get so much more actually watching it though.

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