Where was she putting Caylee!!!!???

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Wouldn't they be able to track Casey's daily locations through internet useage? Just look at the internet bandwidth from the Anthony home during the day?
I think this scenario is the simplest and (Occam's Razor) probably the most likely one. I hadn't thought of it before, but now that you describe it, I think you are on to something..

Yes, my mind was drifting in that direction as well when I was reading the the cell phone records: she said to her policeman boyfriend that with childcare she "had an agreement" with her mom.
Maybe KC spent time at home during the day when GA and CA were at work. She could have acted like she was working if she left before them, but then returned home. She also told one bf that she was working from home on her laptop. This could account for a lot of time.

Wow, this reminded me of something...
I had two best friends in high school. We spent all of our free time together for years. I knew these girls better than anyone and would have sworn that I knew everything they did or everything about them.

One of the girls had a very controlling mom (and a dad that wasn't very interactive with the kids). I guess that is a common parent situation for girls with bulimia or anorexia (controlling mom, uninvolved dad) because I found out after 3 years that this girl was a bulimic and had been throwing up around us for who knows how long. She always DENIED that she was doing it. If you've been around someone who would leave the room and hide something or lie, for years, you realize that person can lie with a straight face. (I don't know if that parent situation impacts other areas, I'd guess it does.)

This friend's mom also wanted her to get a summer job. She did not want to get one (i'm not sure if she didn't want to work that hard, or felt she would rather hang out and not have to work?). So she told her mom that she got a job at a store. But really, she'd come hang out at my house or my other friend's house if her mom was to be home. Otherwise she'd be at her own house alone every day, or out with friends or whatever. A few times mom or dad came home, and she had to run out the back door, come in the front, and say that she had gotten dropped off by someone. One time she called me from her closet (hiding until 5pm). It was funny to all of us friends at the time, her ruse. She did this for 2 or 3 summers.

It was, however, less funny when we later found out she'd been stealing from us ($10 here, $5 there)for years, which is why she didnt need to work. (She's always said her dad gave her the money.)

Anyway, I know firsthand that it is totally plausible for someone to pretend to work and hang out at home and the parents not realize. And also plausible that they would need to steal to filll in the lack of income..
Ummm...xanax is a chill pill...it wouldnt make cindy fidget, if anything it would stop her fidgeting. that said, i do think cindy is taking something, to keep her calm atm.

Heck, I'M going to need xanax if I keep reading about this case!
On the other hand, if she did put Caylee in the trunk after putting her to sleep with chloroform, I have read that with the lack of air and the small space, a person, especially a child, could die from it.

I believe you are correct. I have to wonder about all of those people who think a child would survive in a car in FLORIDA during the month of JUNE. Windows down, wouldn't make much difference. The inside of the car would be at least 100 degrees. I live in Tampa, Florida and actually Orlando is hotter than Tampa and they don't get much of a breeze being that far inland. I think CA was lying about not calling Casey to bring Caylee home that night. Just MHO!

I know! I live in an area that gets over 100 in June. One of the cars we have has broken air conditioning. Without air conditioning you can't go long.
Ummm...xanax is a chill pill...it wouldnt make cindy fidget, if anything it would stop her fidgeting. that said, i do think cindy is taking something, to keep her calm atm.

Heck, I'M going to need xanax if I keep reading about this case!

Im not really quoting your post more like just using it to post, however it does pretain to xanax. I took xanax for a long period of time (6-12 months) and xanax is not a long effective acting drug u take it it peeks in about 15-30 mins and then wears off. I no this because they had to change me from xanax to klonopin which does the same thing xanax does but it peeks stablizes before the drugs effect wears off. klonopin is also worth more on the street then xanax, however ppl will by either one but if had a choice they would choose klonopin over xanax. I will tell u that the reason i had to take these drugs is for severe anxiety attacks. And im am proud to say that I only have to take klonopine PRN now after being on it for 3 years..YEAH FOR ME!!!
This is a good speculation. If Casey had made it a habit to leave Caylee in the vacant apartment, a pedophile may have taken notice and either abducted Caylee or harmed her there. This would explain a few things, such as Casey returning to Sawgrass with LE and pointinng out the vacant apartment; Casey panicking, knowing it was her fault that something happened to Caylee while alone in the apartment;, Casey being unwilling to tell her mom, or anyone else, why she had left her child unattended, and trying on her own to find out who either took or killed her child.

But, I guess the decomposition odor in the car doesn't tie in with this theory.

this would tie in, because she would not want to tell anyone that Caylee was unattended and the fact that she would have drove around with her in the car not knowing what to do with her or where to put her and then the car started smelling so she got rid of the car and the body. That makes sense to me now that you brought that up.:waitasec:
Im not really quoting your post more like just using it to post, however it does pretain to xanax. I took xanax for a long period of time (6-12 months) and xanax is not a long effective acting drug u take it it peeks in about 15-30 mins and then wears off. I no this because they had to change me from xanax to klonopin which does the same thing xanax does but it peeks stablizes before the drugs effect wears off. klonopin is also worth more on the street then xanax, however ppl will by either one but if had a choice they would choose klonopin over xanax. I will tell u that the reason i had to take these drugs is for severe anxiety attacks. And im am proud to say that I only have to take klonopine PRN now after being on it for 3 years..YEAH FOR ME!!!

You're right! major congrats!! Panic attacks are harder to deal with than depression imho, I had them for awhile and they can come out of no where with no apparent reason.
I believe that one is extremely unlikely! I don't think a pimp is going to "babysit" and Casey wasn't working anywhere.

She had NO money!! No gas. Nothing. What she did have was a slew of lovers and one night stands that provided her a place for the night or the day...whichever she needed at the moment. She wasn't selling it...as she was giving it away right and left!

ROTFL you're so right! Too bad, would have been the perfect job for her!!:idea:
snipped:This probably worked pretty well until Caylee started talking
This statement just made me wonder... has anyone heard the police ask the family if CAYLEE ever talked about the Nanny? don't remember hearing that question to anyone.
snipped:This probably worked pretty well until Caylee started talking
This statement just made me wonder... has anyone heard the police ask the family if CAYLEE ever talked about the Nanny? don't remember hearing that question to anyone.

I don't remember if LE did, but I know media has. I think it was Greta that asked the grandparents if she ever talked about "Zanny", and their response was no they never really talked with her about it. She talked about dogs, and books or stuff like that.

This has always bothered me. When my daughter goes somewhere with someone else...I always ask her what they did, how was it, what was her favorite thing she did, etc. If this supposed nanny was taking Caylee to all these fun places like Disney, Universal, the beach, etc...are they saying they never asked Caylee how it was? They never asked her if she saw Cinderella or Mickey Mouse? I know she was only 2 - but apparently she could talk. My daughter could talk a blue streak at that age! I find it sad that nobody asked her how her day was. Especially with Casey's propensity for lies...you would think they would be much more inquisitive than they were.
I don't remember if LE did, but I know media has. I think it was Greta that asked the grandparents if she ever talked about "Zanny", and their response was no they never really talked with her about it. She talked about dogs, and books or stuff like that.

This has always bothered me. When my daughter goes somewhere with someone else...I always ask her what they did, how was it, what was her favorite thing she did, etc. If this supposed nanny was taking Caylee to all these fun places like Disney, Universal, the beach, etc...are they saying they never asked Caylee how it was? They never asked her if she saw Cinderella or Mickey Mouse? I know she was only 2 - but apparently she could talk. My daughter could talk a blue streak at that age! I find it sad that nobody asked her how her day was. Especially with Casey's propensity for lies...you would think they would be much more inquisitive than they were.

Exactly. If she was with a babysitter and she can talk,she would been going on and on about disney and fun places and especially the other children- all kids talk about their "friends". This is nuts, CA was acting like she believed the Zani thing and those elaborate stories KC was telling her. Come on, she was remembering all those details, no way. She had to be making that all up to see if the detectives would go for it and cover for her daughter.. this whole crazy Zani stuff is just out of control.
I think that most days she went home and stayed around there when her parents were at work. I think she just hung out wherever she could. Mooched off of whatever family or friend was gone at the time. She probably also sat in various McDonalds and shopping malls etc part of the time. After a while she probably sorted out some sort of routine where she could spend her days.

Quite possible. I noticed in caseys texts to Amy she was always asking her what time she was working that day.maybe its just because Amy worked different shifts, but maybe she was checking for who was home.If someone can figure out the days where caylee was supposedly with the sitter, then we can compare that to the texts, thenmaybe we can solve this little piece of the puzzle.

I know! I live in an area that gets over 100 in June. One of the cars we have has broken air conditioning. Without air conditioning you can't go long.

Thanks. It's one thing to be in a moving vehicle with no A/C, but can you imagine trying to sleep in one? It's just too darn hot down here. People have had their dogs die from leaving them in their cars with all the windows down.
Im not really quoting your post more like just using it to post, however it does pretain to xanax. I took xanax for a long period of time (6-12 months) and xanax is not a long effective acting drug u take it it peeks in about 15-30 mins and then wears off. I no this because they had to change me from xanax to klonopin which does the same thing xanax does but it peeks stablizes before the drugs effect wears off. klonopin is also worth more on the street then xanax, however ppl will by either one but if had a choice they would choose klonopin over xanax. I will tell u that the reason i had to take these drugs is for severe anxiety attacks. And im am proud to say that I only have to take klonopine PRN now after being on it for 3 years..YEAH FOR ME!!!

Yay for you!!!...I take xanax too for ptsd pmdd and GAD. It works well , but i have noticed that when it wears off, it wears off quick!! like one minute you feel ok, and the next, WHAM !!!major anxiety and tension again.

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