Where would you put a dead body?

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I agree to that. Chloroform, Xanex etc makes a difference as well as a lot of other things like intent, accidentally leaving her there till daylight where she would expire very quickly, shaking death etc...we just do not know yet.

I just wanted to clear up that she could have been putting her in the trunk at night time when the temperatures where lower. This whole trunk business sounded off because because I know of one adult that slept overnight in a trunk during her party years because the car had an internal latch to open from the inside. That's why I looked up trunk cases.

WS makes one research interesting things...

Dispose of body...Eh Chipper/Shredder then run a few loads of chips through it afterward and sprinkle in Broad River.

Oh my LORD! (to my bolded!!!) The lengths people will go through when trying to party! Sheesh!! :confused::waitasec::eek:
Neither of these links work for me, 404's etc. But given that the source seems to be San Diego, and I lived 6 years in San Diego-- I'm skeptical that this is a fair comparison, as the weather is so completely and utterly different. Unless this was far inland in what we used to call "H-El(l) Cajon" in the summer time. Anectdotally, many houses in San Diego don't have air conditioning, but in Florida it's a pretty much a must. Wonder why?

Orlando weather might dip to 73F for about an hour at about 4 AM in the morning, but it's still often near or above 80 until about 11 or midnight. The Orlando local news that I watch does these hourly temperature graphs every night-- BTW.

Fans, open windows, ventilation-- all manner of evaporative cooling. In locked car or a sealed trunk, maybe not quite as much. During the daytime, probably not at all. A two year old child with very little mass would be even more vulnerable.

I'm not saying this isn't possible as a once and a while, as a go to the club for three or four hours kind of a thing. I'm just skeptical that it would be workable in the long run, it just seems improbable. And it seems that many of the "oh she's at Disney, or she's at Coco Beach with Zanny" were during daytime hours. I could be wrong, but wasn't this Zanny farce first mentioned in 2006?

Also, it also doesn't seem too feasible to bring her dead little corse inside during daytime hours, just so it won't smell quite so much. I'm just saying this seems a bit of a miracle-- not that it didn't happen.

Try post 335 as those links expired and I put new ones on for the case...I checked during the same timing and the temps and humidity are correct from the weather archive site I visited for 10pm. The San Diego case was a degree warmer than Orlando at that time and a slightly higher humidity. At 4am it was 70F in Orlando that night at the airport. Also more info shows up where the child says he was kept overnight in a trunk for 10 days (on and off depending on parent's party mood.

Yes my friend Kelly loved to go concert hopping and slept in a trunk one night because they stopped at a rest area to sleep and there wasn't room in the car. :crazy: Way back in the 90's during the summer in South Carolina.

as from #335
The links were expired from when I copied them...some of that case can be found here:

I'm just mentioning this because it is possible for a child or adult to exist in a trunk overnight. If one parties too hard or oversleeps say till noon then of course death would occur.
Try post 335 as those links expired and I put new ones on for the case...I checked during the same timing and the temps and humidity are correct from the weather archive site I visited for 10pm. The San Diego case was a degree warmer than Orlando at that time and a slightly higher humidity. At 4am it was 70F in Orlando that night at the airport. Also more info shows up where the child says he was kept overnight in a trunk for 10 days (on and off depending on parent's party mood.

Yes my friend Kelly loved to go concert hopping and slept in a trunk one night because they stopped at a rest area to sleep and there wasn't room in the car. :crazy: Way back in the 90's during the summer in South Carolina.

as from #335
The links were expired from when I copied them...some of that case can be found here:

I'm just mentioning this because it is possible for a child or adult to exist in a trunk overnight. If one parties too hard or oversleeps say till noon then of course death would occur.

Thanks that did put me to a merry web search. The weather similarities aren't that strong, as Ocean Beach in San Diego is obviously coastal and temps ranges at worst are in the 60's at night to 80's during the day. I was a bit off in my temp recollections for Orlando, as it cools off more quickly than I thought-- but still is in the high 70's around midnight. It stays cooler longer after that than I thought. So mid to low 70's is possible 1-5 AM depending.

The party-too-hard scenario sounds plausible then. I don't think an accident defense would fly here, as you couldn't say playing Russian Roulette every night for a week or so would be accidental.

The main "find" on my search was the sad tale of Summer Many White Horses and James Many White Horses in Montana. This didn't get the press it should of, because of Casey's sorry self. If you don't know of this story, just Google it-- there aren't many people named Summer Many White Horses in the world. Even fewer than Zenaida Gonzalez's I guessing.
Yep, that's what I was thinking. That's what Dahmer did to some of the bodies. He had a huge vat of acid and he would put the body in it and within days it would be liquid. He would then poor it down the drain. :eek::eek:

Are you serious? I thought "I" invented that. I never heard about Dahmer doing that...now I'm worried that we think alike! haha
Things are a lot different here.
So relating to her options and her possible way of thnking?

She may have tied her up in a tree someplace?

She is not logical
have the dogs looked up in trees?
Do the trees in Florida drop leaves like ours do here in the EAST?

I saw a story once on COURT TV.
Nobody could find the guy cuz he hung himself and was way high up in a tree.

It was after the leaves had fallen that somebody spotted his body hanging up there in a tree.

I thought this was very interesting. I am not psychic nor do I claim to have any psychic abilities but a few months back I had a dream about this case, and I was walking through the woods and for some reason looked up and there I saw the body of a little girl hanging high up in a tree. I didnt see that it was caylee but in the dream thats who it was. I have never had any type of dreams like this and have not since. I just thought it was ironic or weird that you had mentioned up in a tree and I thought is was so farfetched but now makes me go HMMM
Things are a lot different here.
So relating to her options and her possible way of thnking?

She may have tied her up in a tree someplace?

She is not logical
have the dogs looked up in trees?
Do the trees in Florida drop leaves like ours do here in the EAST?

I saw a story once on COURT TV.
Nobody could find the guy cuz he hung himself and was way high up in a tree.

It was after the leaves had fallen that somebody spotted his body hanging up there in a tree.

Well, leaves do eventually fall in Florida, but there's not a lot of deciduous trees here-- and those that do drop there leaves, do this gradually starting around late November, and not finishing until January or February.

There's mostly pines and other conifers with scraggly palms in the woods here.

I do like your hidden-in-plain-sight angle, however.

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