Where would you put a dead body?

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I think I'd have to go the frozen-body-into-the-woodchipper route.

Yikes. Us flight attendants don't like this one!

To me kc does not seem to be too concerned that Caylee's body will be found. I was born and raised in FL. And the 'off the beatn' path' description is so true. I'm going with random dumpster. OR a familar park. She did say that zfg might have taken the 'kids' to the park, right?
I'm thinking "acid" in the bath tub....scoop the scum off the top and just keep flushing
Although I didn't ,until now, know about GA spreading lime all over his yard, I've always been suspicious of the timing of all that garden renovation!

I do believe Caylee is buried in the A's backyard and that GA helped KC dispose of the body.

One truth KC spoke is when she said "Caylee will be home for her 3rd birthday".

I think the dogs decided that Caylee had been in the yard, briefly,and was moved.
I'm thinking "acid" in the bath tub....scoop the scum off the top and just keep flushing

Yep, that's what I was thinking. That's what Dahmer did to some of the bodies. He had a huge vat of acid and he would put the body in it and within days it would be liquid. He would then poor it down the drain. :eek::eek:
In a chipper truck then off to the compost...my husband works for the street department BTW
When we made the decision to let our cat be an outdoor cat, I had this passing thought about what I would do if my husband were away and something horrible happened to my cat. I decided I would have to call a relative to help me because I couldnt handle it myself. There is not way I would emotionally be able to dispose of a body, human or animal all by myself.

I would never murder somone, because I have a conscience. If it ever did happen, I would turn myself into law enforcement voluntarily. The guilt alone over something like this would kill me. I feel bad about tiny little mundane problems, never mind something as horrifying as murder.

If I put myself in the shoes of a sociopath or someone like KC, I would definitely dump the body somewhere familiar to me, but unfamiliar to people in my close circle. I dont think Caylee is in the backyard anymore. I sense that in murdering Caylee, KC was taking the baby away from Cindy. I dont think she would have left the body at Cindy's house.

My sense is that KC dumped Caylee's body somewhere within 50 miles of her home. I dont think KC had the resources or worldliness to venture much further than that.

I definitely dont peg KC as being an "outdoor girl" so I am of the mindset that the body was definitely NOT dumped in a remote location. I suppose in such an extreme situation its possible KC would do something like that, but in reality it seems unlikely.

I've been to various parts of Florida over the years. There are many main roads that run alongside gator swamps and bodies of water (pardon the pun). I think KC initially wrapped Caylee's body in plastic and sealed it off. She initially buried her in the backyard, but then dug her up. I suspect a few days later she decided to move the body, dug it up and put the body in a large backpack or shoulder bag, something that she could easily carry without attracting too much attention.

I think KC ended up on a walking trail near a body of water. I suspect that once alone, KC tossed the bag into the water. Probably not very far given the weight of the body...but far enough for the gators to find it.

While I genuinely hope my theory is wrong, and Caylee is alive and well, my heart tells me differently.

How sad we are all speculating on such a subject. I pray LE finds Miss Caylee.
Something mentioned a few posts ago about a empty house with a freezer got me to thinking. Could Casey have put Caylee in the freezer at the apartment where she claimed to have dropped her off with the nanny? If she retrieved the body before CA called 911, she may have thought LE would blame Zanny for any residue in the freezer if they searched the place. Then, when LE went to the apartment and found out it had been empty for so long they didn't even look in the appliances. I know it is a stretch but maybe that is why she was able to move the body after so many days (delayed decomp due to freezing).
Something mentioned a few posts ago about a empty house with a freezer got me to thinking. Could Casey have put Caylee in the freezer at the apartment where she claimed to have dropped her off with the nanny? If she retrieved the body before CA called 911, she may have thought LE would blame Zanny for any residue in the freezer if they searched the place. Then, when LE went to the apartment and found out it had been empty for so long they didn't even look in the appliances. I know it is a stretch but maybe that is why she was able to move the body after so many days (delayed decomp due to freezing).

I agree this is a stretch, but you touch a point that has really bothered me all along. Maybe this was covered somewhere else, as I haven't been following this but for so long...

But, alive or dead, where was she stashing Caylee?

If we take the premise that Zanny is a figment of Casey's warped imagination and/or just Xanax-- and I see no reason to think otherwise--even if Caylee were drugged, well ... she'd have to be somewhere, and somewhere air conditioned.

I live in Florida, and there's no way a child could survive for any length of time in a car, trunk or otherwise without air conditioning in June and July in Orlando. The daytime temps are typically in the 90s. Same for a decomposing body-- I'm thinking the smell would start being unbearable in a matter of a day or two.

It just seems a miracle that Casey wasn't found out sooner than this, and that Caylee survived as long as she did. This isn't enough to make me start chugging the Anthony Kool-Aid, but it sure makes me wonder.
I agree this is a stretch, but you touch a point that has really bothered me all along. Maybe this was covered somewhere else, as I haven't been following this but for so long...

But, alive or dead, where was she stashing Caylee?

If we take the premise that Zanny is a figment of Casey's warped imagination and/or just Xanax-- and I see no reason to think otherwise--even if Caylee were drugged, well ... she'd have to be somewhere, and somewhere air conditioned.

I live in Florida, and there's no way a child could survive for any length of time in a car, trunk or otherwise without air conditioning in June and July in Orlando. The daytime temps are typically in the 90s. Same for a decomposing body-- I'm thinking the smell would start being unbearable in a matter of a day or two.

It just seems a miracle that Casey wasn't found out sooner than this, and that Caylee survived as long as she did. This isn't enough to make me start chugging the Anthony Kool-Aid, but it sure makes me wonder.

LOL! I know what you are saying....I think she just moved her one time. Maybe two...Which seems crazy. I could never imagine transporting any dead body, let alone my own daughter's! When my cat died, I had to sit ALL day with his body in our basement and wait for my hubby to come home and dig the 3 foot hole to bury him in. There would be no way that I could have dug that hole. Anyways, I think a good place to put a dead body is one where it would be next to impossible to ever recover it again, such as a swamp with gators or a dumpster.
First, no way can I handle 'anything dead'...........when a fish died in my fish tank, I had
the neighbor man take it out..yes i had a net........IJUST GET SICK!
BUT in my mind if I lived in Fla.........I would use the water...........gators, decomp, fish.........I'm getting sick..........thinking of it.
First, no way can I handle 'anything dead'...........when a fish died in my fish tank, I had
the neighbor man take it out..yes i had a net........IJUST GET SICK!
BUT in my mind if I lived in Fla.........I would use the water...........gators, decomp, fish.........I'm getting sick..........thinking of it.

Eeew. I know it's horrible but it makes the most sense. A good way to get rid of all the evidence pretty much. :mad:
I agree this is a stretch, but you touch a point that has really bothered me all along. Maybe this was covered somewhere else, as I haven't been following this but for so long...

But, alive or dead, where was she stashing Caylee?

If we take the premise that Zanny is a figment of Casey's warped imagination and/or just Xanax-- and I see no reason to think otherwise--even if Caylee were drugged, well ... she'd have to be somewhere, and somewhere air conditioned.

I live in Florida, and there's no way a child could survive for any length of time in a car, trunk or otherwise without air conditioning in June and July in Orlando. The daytime temps are typically in the 90s. Same for a decomposing body-- I'm thinking the smell would start being unbearable in a matter of a day or two.

It just seems a miracle that Casey wasn't found out sooner than this, and that Caylee survived as long as she did. This isn't enough to make me start chugging the Anthony Kool-Aid, but it sure makes me wonder.

Not necessarily consider this case.
(Child was left in the trunk for four hours while parents partied)

Checked temperature Archive: 74F 78% Humidity His parents locked him in a trunk at least 3 times and the child said this was common. . (Luckily he was ok). Considering also that he was found with a sleeping bag etc they intended on having him sleep for a while in the car.

Orlando (At Night)
: 73F 75% Humidity (June 16th) Orlando Airport.

So not improbable because of the temperature/humidity at night.... If one cannot live under 70f-75f I wonder how they did it 100 years ago without AC?
When we made the decision to let our cat be an outdoor cat, I had this passing thought about what I would do if my husband were away and something horrible happened to my cat. I decided I would have to call a relative to help me because I couldnt handle it myself. There is not way I would emotionally be able to dispose of a body, human or animal all by myself.

I would never murder somone, because I have a conscience. If it ever did happen, I would turn myself into law enforcement voluntarily. The guilt alone over something like this would kill me. I feel bad about tiny little mundane problems, never mind something as horrifying as murder.

If I put myself in the shoes of a sociopath or someone like KC, I would definitely dump the body somewhere familiar to me, but unfamiliar to people in my close circle. I dont think Caylee is in the backyard anymore. I sense that in murdering Caylee, KC was taking the baby away from Cindy. I dont think she would have left the body at Cindy's house.

My sense is that KC dumped Caylee's body somewhere within 50 miles of her home. I dont think KC had the resources or worldliness to venture much further than that.

I definitely dont peg KC as being an "outdoor girl" so I am of the mindset that the body was definitely NOT dumped in a remote location. I suppose in such an extreme situation its possible KC would do something like that, but in reality it seems unlikely.

I've been to various parts of Florida over the years. There are many main roads that run alongside gator swamps and bodies of water (pardon the pun). I think KC initially wrapped Caylee's body in plastic and sealed it off. She initially buried her in the backyard, but then dug her up. I suspect a few days later she decided to move the body, dug it up and put the body in a large backpack or shoulder bag, something that she could easily carry without attracting too much attention.

I think KC ended up on a walking trail near a body of water. I suspect that once alone, KC tossed the bag into the water. Probably not very far given the weight of the body...but far enough for the gators to find it.

While I genuinely hope my theory is wrong, and Caylee is alive and well, my heart tells me differently.

How sad we are all speculating on such a subject. I pray LE finds Miss Caylee.
When our parakeet passed neither my son nor I could dig a hole.Joe had that bird over ten yrs.and was broken hearted,Dad had to dig.I wouldn't have the fogiest idea as to where I'd bury someone.We are all guessing because none of us (WS'ers) would have the need. I have been afraid that she put her with the gators but when I read where KC said "if they ever find her guess who will spend eternity in jail" I sort of figured not the water~they'd never find her after the gators so I think she is buried someplace where KC could keep an eye on the grave,near a friends place maybe? She acts quite sure of herself! IMO
P.S. I read KC's statement here on the forum somewhere~ where? senior moment but its here.
Not necessarily consider this case.
(Child was left in the trunk for four hours while parents partied)

Checked temperature Archive: 74F 78% Humidity His parents locked him in a trunk at least 3 times and the child said this was common. . (Luckily he was ok). Considering also that he was found with a sleeping bag etc they intended on having him sleep for a while in the car.

Orlando (At Night)
: 73F Humidity 75% Humidity (June 16th) Orlando Airport.

So not improbable because of the temperature/humidity at night.... If one cannot live under 70f-75f I wonder how they did it 100 years ago without AC?[/QUOTE]

Well, that is true but most people before AC were not in an enclosed area with no air circulation that gets hotter and hotter as time goes on with all the hot air trapped in there!
Not necessarily consider this case.
(Child was left in the trunk for four hours while parents partied)

Checked temperature Archive: 74F 78% Humidity His parents locked him in a trunk at least 3 times and the child said this was common. . (Luckily he was ok). Considering also that he was found with a sleeping bag etc they intended on having him sleep for a while in the car.

Orlando (At Night)
: 73F Humidity 75% Humidity (June 16th) Orlando Airport.

So not improbable because of the temperature/humidity at night.... If one cannot live under 70f-75f I wonder how they did it 100 years ago without AC?[/QUOTE]

Well, that is true but most people before AC were not in an enclosed area with no air circulation that gets hotter and hotter as time goes on with all the hot air trapped in there!

Yes, but car trunks are not air tight and as above the case where a child was kept in a trunk in similar conditions several times (temp/humidity) with no ill effects it proves that it can be done.

The links were expired from when I copied them...some of that case can be found here:
The 2nd link says the child claimed to have been locked in the trunk at least 10 times.
Yes, but car trunks are not air tight and as above the case where a child was kept in a trunk in similar conditions several times (temp/humidity) with no ill effects it proves that it can be done.

Sure I suppose it can be done but that is not taking anything else that we DO NOT know about into consideration such as any drugs, etc...But I guess it for sure can be done.
Sure I suppose it can be done but that is not taking anything else that we DO NOT know about into consideration such as any drugs, etc...But I guess it for sure can be done.

I agree to that. Chloroform, Xanex etc makes a difference as well as a lot of other things like intent, accidentally leaving her there till daylight where she would expire very quickly, shaking death etc...we just do not know yet.

I just wanted to clear up that she could have been putting her in the trunk at night time when the temperatures where lower. This whole trunk business sounded off because because I know of one adult that slept overnight in a trunk during her party years because the car had an internal latch to open from the inside. That's why I looked up trunk cases.

WS makes one research interesting things...

Dispose of body...Eh Chipper/Shredder then run a few loads of chips through it afterward and sprinkle in Broad River.
Because there is evidence of the Cholorform, this leads me to believe that Casey thought this out in great detail. Therefore since she borrowed a shovel, that leads me to believe she did in fact bury Caylee. otherwise why risk or go to the trouble of borrowing it? Although are we sure Casey thinks things out clearly? She certainly did not need the gasoline as she had stollen money and was charging up credit cards. The cans were found empty however in the trunk of her car. I wonder then if the trunk did in fact smell at that time? I once thought the gas might have been used to destroy the car or cover the smell, but she used the gas and then dumped the car. The gas could have been poured ontop of the body or grave to keep animals away and help disguise the smell of decay.
Also my opinion is, that Cindy upon finding that car, smelled the overwhelming smell of death, and knowingly washed Caylee's clothes in order to protect her daughter. At this point she already knew Caylee was missing, because she herself said she hadn't seen her. I think there may also be more evidence that Cindy destroyed or covered or simply failed to report to police that will come out soon. This is just my opinion however.
Not necessarily consider this case.
(Child was left in the trunk for four hours while parents partied)

Neither of these links work for me, 404's etc. But given that the source seems to be San Diego, and I lived 6 years in San Diego-- I'm skeptical that this is a fair comparison, as the weather is so completely and utterly different. Unless this was far inland in what we used to call "H-El(l) Cajon" in the summer time. Anectdotally, many houses in San Diego don't have air conditioning, but in Florida it's a pretty much a must. Wonder why?

Not necessarily consider this case.
Checked temperature Archive: 74F 78% Humidity His parents locked him in a trunk at least 3 times and the child said this was common. . (Luckily he was ok). Considering also that he was found with a sleeping bag etc they intended on having him sleep for a while in the car.

Orlando (At Night)
: 73F 75% Humidity (June 16th) Orlando Airport.

Orlando weather might dip to 73F for about an hour at about 4 AM in the morning, but it's still often near or above 80 until about 11 or midnight. The Orlando local news that I watch does these hourly temperature graphs every night-- BTW.

So not improbable because of the temperature/humidity at night.... If one cannot live under 70f-75f I wonder how they did it 100 years ago without AC?

Fans, open windows, ventilation-- all manner of evaporative cooling. In locked car or a sealed trunk, maybe not quite as much. During the daytime, probably not at all. A two year old child with very little mass would be even more vulnerable.

I'm not saying this isn't possible as a once and a while, as a go to the club for three or four hours kind of a thing. I'm just skeptical that it would be workable in the long run, it just seems improbable. And it seems that many of the "oh she's at Disney, or she's at Coco Beach with Zanny" were during daytime hours. I could be wrong, but wasn't this Zanny farce first mentioned in 2006?

Also, it also doesn't seem too feasible to bring her dead little corse inside during daytime hours, just so it won't smell quite so much. I'm just saying this seems a bit of a miracle-- not that it didn't happen.

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