Which Specific Aspect of this ENTIRE Case Keeps You Drawn IN???

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I think my curiosity came from the way Casey lies - so incredibly blatant and obvious and it seems she doesnt even care.
There isn't one single aspect that keeps me drawn in. This is a very complicated case. Mostly, I keep trying to understand the family dynamics and the cause / effect relationship. I see many similarities between my parents and Cindy / George and that frightens me. (This could be me). Although I never had child like beautiful Caylee, I wonder what kept me from turning out like Casey.
What inititially drew me in was the 31 days. I thought that was so incredible that a mother wouldn't report a child missing after that long. What keeps me coming back is the daily events that get more bizarre with each passing day. I want to see what happens next-what will happen next and who will do what and to whom?

This has been a fascinating case. I hate to say it, but I'm fascinated by Casey and her ability to just out and out lie. It's amazing. I am not a fast thinker so the way she keeps coming up with her lies and how fast she does it is just incredible to me. Listening to her on the tapes never gets old to me. I love hearing LE confront her and the changes in her tone and inflection in her voice compared to the ease with which she told them all the lies. I can't get over it.

I am looking forward to the trial and am really hoping they have cameras in the courtroom. I doubt she'll take the stand, but there is something very compelling about her demeanor to me. I guess maybe it's because she personifies a monster, but doesn't look anything like one. An odd dichotomy.
I'm absolutely fascinated by the constant parade of lies coming from Casey. She lied before Caylee disappeared, too, so it was her way of life. People who do that think they are taking the easy road, when really it's the hardest choice to live with.

And then there's the dysfunctional family in denial. Human nature is always mysterious and compelling.

And now we have the bizarro world evidence that gets stranger by the day. That's when the puzzle starts coming together, and the most interesting part of the case.
It was the 31 days that got my attention and now it is trying to find out what really happen.
I want anyone who was involved in this crime exposed for whatever part they played in it. From day one. I do not want anyone in the future to think that they can wait 31 days to report a child missing, lie to LE and then have family members use the media as their bully pulpit.
Yep, the 31 days and no telling ANYBODY, much less the Police... This is virtually unheard of, in my books! :confused:


This was it for me too. I can not get by the 31 days and no phone call and if her mother didn't call no one would have ever called.
The 31 days is initially what drew me in. One of my daughters wandered away from me twice when she was younger. Both times for about 2-3 minutes. They were the longest minutes of my life. I coudn't/can't imagine not reporting it or telling anybody for 31 days.

Then it was the twists and turns. Every time I don't think it can get any worse, something else come out or happens.
For me it's all about the lies and trying to figure out how I would go about getting the truth out of a pathological liar.
I read posts where some say they would strangle, beat, or bully her into telling the truth but would they seriously advocate that and would it work? Would coaxing work? Flattery? Bribery? Sympathy? Fear?
I imagine one would have be pretty non-judgmental and work long and patiently in order to gain her trust and have her speak the truth.
There is someone in my life who lies like that and at first I tried to understand. Now I don't bother trying.But I see the manipulation nevertheless.
I think KC's parents "walk on eggshells" so as not to antagonize and alienate her because they have learned that it just lessens their chances of getting true facts. KC's brother seems to use a different "tactic" whereby he pretends to believe her and lets the small lies slide hoping to eventually gather enough information to put things together himself.
I don't envy them and hope that someday, for their own sanity, they will have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Then maybe they can heal.
I think I was originally drawn in because I have a daughter who is now the exact same age as Caylee was when she disappeared. Hearing on the news that a child was missing and not reported for thirty-one days just struck me in a way that I had never felt before. I looked at my own daughter and thought "My goodness, who could not report their child missing?"

I continue to read up on this case everyday with a small glimmer of hope that that day is the day we will finally see justice for Caylee.
I have written and erased my reply five times so far because I can't seem to keep to just one thing. :crazy: Then I decided the one thing IS the combination, because any one on its own would not probably have sucked me in like this has.

One is that I know someone who had a lot of KC's behaviors. For a long time she had a fake job she went off to every day. She had lots of "friends" that she mooched off of, using their cars, gasoline, money, phones, etc. These friends, as they would inevitably realize how she was taking advantage of them, would drift away, leaving her with lots of people who knew her name but had no idea of who she was. And her parents walked on eggshells around her so she wouldn't freak out. Because when you ticked her off, she did just what KC did: disappeared. Luckily there were no kids involved and she grew up to be a responsible adult. But this dynamic is like watching what could have happened. Sort of a nightmare version of "It's a Wonderful Life".

Second is an interest in how crimes are solved. As a passionate Forensic Files/FBI Files/now Investigation Discovery Channel watcher, I have had friends say, "How can you watch this stuff? It gives me the creeps!" :) But it never scares me, because it seems to me that the better LE/FBI gets at catching perps, the harder it will be to get away with stuff and the safer world we will have. Maybe overly optimistic, but it gives me a great feeling of confidence reading those reports from ORNL about the air samples from the trunk. Criminals 10 years ago might not have had their crime detected and their victim identified by a smell and a hair, but today it is possible, and happening. I love this aspect.

Third is the puzzle aspect. The pieces of the story move, change shape, rotate and shift. And because we are getting so MUCH information, it requires a lot of brain power to try to draw connections between the parts. Sometimes it takes a lot of brain power just to read the posts. :D There is a logic puzzle here, one that the rules keep changing. I don't think I would have the emotional stamina to be a real detective, but I am very interested in the process of putting the pieces together.

Fourth, it's that other people are talking about it. There have been a few cases that I have been intrigued about that few people wanted to talk about, and the threads died. It's a lot more interesting sleuthing when you have people to talk to and get their views. :blowkiss:

Finally, I have a little girl who could be Caylee's big sister. I wish I could have saved Caylee. She could have had the best Christmas ever and that breaks my heart. :( I follow this case because it makes me appreciate what I have. My prayers are for George tonight, and all the people Caylee loved.
First it was thirty one day that mother did not report her daughter missing!
Casey lying and stories that she created. The twist and turns. I have never seem a case like ever this. The docs dumps ( I did not think LE could even release all that been release.). I now know more about Flordia laws than Illinois laws.
The aspect of this case that keeps me drawn in is the fact that it might be an early look into a person with a mental illness that went untreated and somewhat nurtured and when that happens the ultimate results. You usually only get to hear what doctors may think about someone based on their crimes, but to actually get to see tapes of Casey and get background information about her before Caylee, is an interesting study. I'm just wondering when and if Casey will ever 'break'.
ITA...What will Nancy Grace do when this is over???? IMO she doesn't need to worry for quite a while.

unfortunately there will be many more,how very sad there have been many since Caylee. To darn many IMO
Initially I kept up with this case because of Caylee. I wanted to know where she was. Then as time went on I knew in my heart that she was more than likely dead.

I watch now because I believe that her Mother is the one that killed her and I will watch until the end of the trial.

To me it is almost like bearing witness for Caylee. Following this until the end of the trial so that justice is served.
I have seen some of your other posts. Would you either point me to your background or share. I am sure you have lots to add to this case. Have you ever seen anything like this?? Sadly, you probably have.

Yeah, I'm afraid so. I have seen worse, actually.

I'm a psych nurse. I have a BA in Psych, and an MA in a counseling discipline.

I had a patient who was a serial rapist at age 13. A young girl who became psychotic when her mom arranged for her to be raped, for the amusement of her friends. A little boy who was raped by his "natural" father and tied to a chair and beaten with a lamp by his step-father... That's just a few.
For me it would be the constant dribble of new information. The evidence is mounting against Casey...it is like a brick layer laying bricks...I know that the defense would hope for a wrecking ball of some sort to knock this wall of evidence (circumstantial and forensic) but what they have is waded up tissue paper to throw at it. This is more evidence than most defendents will ever see against them:
A mother who does not report her own child missing.
A child who has been missing a month.
A mother who lies steals and *advertiser censored* bops around clubs the entire time the child is missing.
GP's who love their child/grandchild...and who smelled the death car...but yet continue to cling to utter denial.
Bounty hunters, shovels, chloroform, dead squirrels, pizza boxes, cell phone pings.
Lying about jobs, whereabouts, living arrangements by Casey.
A live arrest on Nancy Grace.
The body is found. With links to the home and what are clearly Casey.
Strange and compelling people...bounty hunters, meter readers, attorneys gallore.\
Phone calls and videos clearly showing a self absorbed mother and what we might visualize a sociopath acting and thinking like.
Oh...and did I already mention a steady stream of new and daily it appears information on the case. And we haven't even hit the trial YET...
The unending lies and arrogance of KC
The HOPE that little Caylee was still alive
The twists in the case and family dynamics that enabled the crime
and hinder prosecution or resolution to this case.
The fear that justice might somehow be missing
when all the Dream Team slant their evidence testimony
to favor their client.
The increasing sadness that we may never know how it happened and that KC
will somehow walk free with a slap on the hand.
A belief that all of us need to be there for Caylee, when none of her family were.
I think my curiosity came from the way Casey lies - so incredibly blatant and obvious and it seems she doesnt even care.

you are right, She doesn't care. She's a taxtbook sociopath. No empathy, no heart. Nothing in there. Only self-obsesssion.
To me, there is not one thing that keeps me here. It is like a sorid novel that has so many twists and turns that just when I want to put it down, I cannot. And to think this is not a novel, but true life, makes it even more unbelieveable..........I have tried so many times to not read, but everyday a new story, chapter that I am drawn back.........

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