Whitney Houston passed away on 2/11/12 - Part 2

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I guarandamntee you Ray J was her "supplier" this go around. Not blaming him as WH is ultimately responsible for her actions.

As a major supplier or *facts* here, you need to contact authorities?
The surprise factor for me is the extent of her coronary-arterial disease.
That is a lot of HARD LIVING! Drugs drugs drugs. Especially at her young
age. Its tatamount to fractionated suicide.

Where did you see the "extent" of her coronary artery disease? It may surprise you, but these days even young people who have never used drugs have extensive coronary artery disease because of the way Americans eat. I talked to an ER doctor about this one time and said I am always shocked to hear of someone in their 30s or 40s having a heart attack, and the said unfortunately, it happens all the time because of our diets and sedentary lifestyles.
If Whitney's heart stopped, she wouldn't be breathing either. .[/quote]

more conjecture on your part.

nobody has said her heart "stopped".

the autopsy says her lungs were fullof water - cause of death DROWNING.

debate it with them?
Where did you see the "extent" of her coronary artery disease? It may surprise you, but these days even young people who have never used drugs have extensive coronary artery disease because of the way Americans eat. I talked to an ER doctor about this one time and said I am always shocked to hear of someone in their 30s or 40s having a heart attack, and the said unfortunately, it happens all the time because of our diets and sedentary lifestyles.

where did I "see" it? I havent "seen it". Have you?

I heard it .... on every major news network on the planet.

Are you now claiming "WH ate herself to death. Her food diet killed her" ?

Im outta here. Good luck.
If Whitney's heart stopped, she wouldn't be breathing either. .

more conjecture on your part.

nobody has said her heart "stopped".

the autopsy says her lungs were fullof water - cause of death DROWNING.

debate it with them?[/QUOTE]

You said in a post to me earlier that her death was due to extensive coronary artery disease from using drugs. That is what I was responding to. It was very well explained on more than one TV program tonight that what probably happened is either she had a blood clot in her heart restricting blood flow or she developed an arrhythmia, probably from cocaine use immediately prior, and this caused her to lose consciousness, fall into the tub, and drown. They said if someone had been there at the time she most likely would have been revived because her death was from the drowning, not from a cardiac event.

Also, you said you were shocked at the extent of her heart disease. Nowhere did I see anything that said the extent of her heart disease. It's not uncommon for people of that age to have atherosclerosis. What we heard today was a coroner's report of the cause of death. The autopsy has not been released.
where did I "see" it? I havent "seen it". Have you?

I heard it .... on every major news network on the planet.

Are you now claiming "WH ate herself to death. Her food diet killed her" ?

Im outta here. Good luck.

I didn't hear ANYONE say the extent of her heart disease. No one has said. You said you were SHOCKED at the extent of her heart disease. What extent?

FYI, all of us are killing ourselves with our diets. I didn't say Whitney's diet killed her. But I'm sure it contributed to her heart disease, just like you and I have some degree of heart disease. You want to attribute it all to drugs, and that's just not true. The coroner did say that her heart showed evidence of drug use, yes. But nowhere did they say the extent of her heart disease, so I don't see how you can be shocked by the extent of it when they never said the extent of it.
The surprise factor for me is the extent of her coronary-arterial disease.
That is a lot of HARD LIVING! Drugs drugs drugs. Especially at her young
age. Its tatamount to fractionated suicide.

Please show me a link that says what the extent of her coronary artery disease (not coronary-arterial disease) was. And that it was caused by HARD LIVING! Drugs drugs drugs.

They said that coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis) and cocaine use contributed to her death. They didn't say cocaine use caused her heart disease. Cocaine use is NOT good for your heart; it places an extra burden on it and makes it work harder. Which is why right after using the cocaine is when a cardiac event occurred. She had hardening of the arteries and probably also some plaque buildup in her arteries. Her heart may or may not have been enlarged; until the autopsy is released we won't know that. But when you have those conditions and on top of that you use cocaine, that can cause big problems. It increases blood pressure and heart rate and causes increased demand on the heart. So it is heart disease in conjunction with cocaine use that they are saying contributed to her death, not heart disease because of drug use - although her heart could very well have been weakened by drug use.

But it was reported tonight that the coroner's office said that Whitney used cocaine immediately prior to her death. Common sense tells you that the acute cocaine use triggered a cardiac event, causing her to lose consciousness and fall into the water and drown.
If Whitney's heart stopped, she wouldn't be breathing either. .

more conjecture on your part.

nobody has said her heart "stopped".

the autopsy says her lungs were fullof water - cause of death DROWNING.
debate it with them?[/QUOTE]

And nowhere did they say her lungs were "full of water" either. It sounds to me like you take what you want to believe and weave a story out of it - "lungs full of water, heart disease caused by hard living and drugs drugs drugs!" (none of which was said/reported today). Then when someone calls you on it, you're "outta here" - lol.
She was a grown woman with a long history of drug abuse. I am not willing to blame anyone but her for her death OR her drug use. So sad.. I hope she has found the peace she seems to have been searching for so long. RIP Whitney
I am not willing to lay the blame on RayJ. He may have been doing drugs with her. But she had this addiction for decades. She went through 100 million dollars and died in debt. Surely Ray J got very little of that 100 million that she herself spent on drugs and nonsense over the years. imo
As a major supplier or *facts* here, you need to contact authorities?

I'm not saying it as "fact" that's why I put it in quotation marks. I guess I said "supplier" for lack of a better word. I'm saying this because at the time of her death she was "hanging out" with Ray J & he has been known to use drugs in the past.
Whoa, Bobby Brown's sister and alleged former WH assistant is on Dr Drew right now with some serious claims vs Ray J.

Program just started so I don't know where it is going from here, but this is explosive!


Good grief! Other members of Bobby Brown's family are also on the show and dishing major dirt!

MAN, I'm sorry I missed this! Had to respond but I'll continue down the thread hoping for some details! Thanks...:)
Whitney Was Doing Coke

The rep says Ray J is especially upset at claims made by Bobby Brown's sister, Leolah Brown, who went on TV Thursday night and suggested Ray J was to blame for Whitney's demise. Ray J says the claim is absolute B.S.

We're told Ray J wasn't even around Whitney the day she died. He was in San Diego.
Well hopefully now that Bobby Brown's sister has pointed the finger at Ray J on national TV, he will be investigated!

And I agree with you. I think he was there when she died, knew she was dead, and knew he had to get out of there and get the drugs out of there. They said cocaine only lasts for MINUTES in the bloodstream. So I think he was doing cocaine with her, she had a heart attack or arrhythmia and lost consciousness, fell in the tub and drowned, and he knew she was dead (or soon would be) and knew he had to cover his butt to avoid it looking like his fault. He left her there to be found by someone else. IMO.

I BELIEVE this same scenario happened to a friend of mine. She had been clean...for 10 yrs and relapsed, was dating this loser and she was found OD'ed in the apartment by someone else. HE said he was across the street in a restaurant. We never believed it. We learned he was using with another girl previously and when she passed out, he left her, too....she was kneeling ON her lower legs when she passed out, cutting of circulation; luckily, someone found her but she lost her legs...lack of circulation. But...my friend was an 'addict', so no one investigated further: OD, heart attack...she was 34 with 1 son.
Many die on relapse...I think the body cannot take the shock of the drugs and hard lifestyle, again. JMO
I just have a hate on for those who use with known addicts...thinking drinking is okay; the ignorance out there when it comes to addiction is frightening. I got clean in '89. I've seen many die...Ive seen many go on to become successful members of the community: Lawyers, Social Workers, Business owners, etc. I came in young....my Dad was in a 12 step program and steered me early, lol...;)

I do think there needs to be penalties for those who partake together in illegal activities and then a person dies...maybe not manslaughter....but something. It needs to be discouraged. I know if a law like that existed then I might have behaved differently...many wouldn't have, though... but even if it saves 1 life, it's worth it in my eyes.

But I'm biased.

Whitney Was Doing Coke

The rep says Ray J is especially upset at claims made by Bobby Brown's sister, Leolah Brown, who went on TV Thursday night and suggested Ray J was to blame for Whitney's demise. Ray J says the claim is absolute B.S.

We're told Ray J wasn't even around Whitney the day she died. He was in San Diego.

There are pictures of him at the hotel with Clive Davis. Not sure if they were from that same day. But from what I understand he was at the hotel with Whitney for those four days and it was reported initially that he found her body, then his publicist immediately issued a statement that he wasn't even at the hotel. I'm thinking he's covering his butt. Hotel surveillance cameras should be able to prove, though, whether he was there or not.
Many die on relapse...I think the body cannot take the shock of the drugs and hard lifestyle, again. JMO

They talked about this on one of the shows last night (Jane VM or Nancy Grace or Dr. Drew) - that addicts kind of keep themselves under control when they are at home and even use rehab has a way to not let themselves overdose and using it as a way to slow down, not stop, because they want to keep using. They said, though, that when an addict gets away from home like Whitney was, suddenly they are surrounded by other people who use and a supply they don't have at home and they lose control and use more than they normally would. Also, Whitney had said she was going back to rehab the following Tuesday, and it was said that addicts will party before going into rehab because they know they are getting ready to stop. So she may have been not doing that level of drugs and when she did, her body couldn't take it.

People keep saying they only hold Whitney responsible. Yes, Whitney is ultimately responsible for her own choices. But it is also true that an addict can't help themselves and when they have other people around enabling them, it can end in disaster. And criminal charges can be filed if someone did supply her drugs that ended up contributing to her death, even if she took them willingly.
I would like to be able to feign surprise at the COD but unfortunately I am not an actress. It is as I suspected. :(
bobby's sister and nephews definitely made some bold claims on dr. drew, but despite the obvious reasons to take their words with caution, i found them believable.

for unknown reasons, i've just not gotten a good vibe from wh's manager pat. it's almost like, looking at the situation from the day of the death until now, patricia is the one who stepped from the shadows to the spotlight. there is more beneath the surface with that woman. i just feel it in my gut.

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