Whitney Houston passed away on 2/11/12 - Part 2

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she sure had a lot of abrasions.

for a quick unconscious fall and drowning...more like Kathleene Savio.
I was surprised at her ht/wt stats (irrelevant, I realize). For some reason, I had always thought she was taller.

respectfully snipped

I agree, shana. I'm 5'6" myself, and having stood face-to-face with her around 20 years ago, I can tell you she was definitely taller than I am. Many sources list her at 5'8", which I'd say jibes more with my recall of her height.
Just sad.

However, the guy that said he cleaned the hotel room of drugs is a liar. Or he didn't do a very good job of it.

At least her family knows for sure what killed her, now they can make peace with her untimely passing, hopefully.
Just sad.

However, the guy that said he cleaned the hotel room of drugs is a liar. Or he didn't do a very good job of it.

At least her family knows for sure what killed her, now they can make peace with her untimely passing, hopefully.

Hiya, tezi...ITA! It's still possible if not likely that more drugs were initially in the room, such as a stash of weed or more cocaine than the small amts found, and they were removed before LE cordoned-off the room and did its thorough investigation.

What's particularly saddening to me is that the items found were in plain view or some nearly so, which leads me to a not-so-good feeling about the ppl who surrounded Whitney's life and supposedly cared about her...NOT!

Hiya, tezi...ITA! It's still possible if not likely that more drugs were initially in the room, such as a stash of weed or more cocaine than the small amts found, and they were removed before LE cordoned-off the room and did its thorough investigation.

What's particularly saddening to me is that the items found were in plain view or some nearly so, which leads me to a not-so-good feeling about the ppl who surrounded Whitney's life and supposedly cared about her...NOT!


It could be shana, that there were more drugs than were found in the room. However, what really got my attention besides the cocaine, were the loose pills. Were those Xanax? I haven't read the autopsy report yet.

I totally understand what you are saying about the not-so-good feeling about the people who were in Whitney's life and did NOT care about her best interests. I think Ray (not the bodyguard Ray, the other Ray), is lying when he says that he didn't know Whitney was using drugs.

JMO, IMO, :moo:, and all other disclaimers.
I'd have to give the autopsy report another good look, but I don't believe the loose pills or empty blister packs were identified by drug name.

Also, I was looking for the dental info when I first opened the report; but at the start, it states ALL NATURAL TEETH. Then I read further down...

To say: There are many reports within the Autopsy Report as released, and so the entirety of them needs to be viewed or understood as a whole. I've not quite gotten there yet, need yet another read-thru at least.

I am still awaiting the final BHPD Death Investigation report, altho I do not expect too many surprises therein.

RIP Whitney...I wish you had been surrounded by good and caring friends for your last years, ones who would have confronted your disease and urged you by whatever means to seek real help, not a quick stint in an outpatient facility

The bath water temp was 93.5° five hours after the accident is it normal for water to be that hot from a faucet? I wounder if there was a problem with the hotels water heater or thermostat
The report states the water temp was 89 degrees at 12:05am a full 8 and a half hours after she was found in a 67 degree room.Not possible.
Also the report states the water was off when she was found and that her body was totally submerged in 12in. of water low end and 13in. high end.Also not possible IMO.
there have been photos that show the massive difference between her upper and lower teeth. her lower teeth were natural. they were rotting away from the drug use. not sure if it'd be ok to post a link to a pic here or not but if you google images, you'll likely find one.

her height surprised me, too. i almost wonder if it's a typo or something....not that it matters any, i realize.

not sure why this death still resonates so much with me but it does. i just keep wishing that for all the family around her who claimed to love her and have her back, even one of them really did.
not sure why this death still resonates so much with me but it does. i just keep wishing that for all the family around her who claimed to love her and have her back, even one of them really did.

(snipped for emphasis; bolding mine)

"Based on the findings of our investigation and our review of the coroner's report, we have determined that this is not a criminal matter," the Beverly Hills police department said in a statement. "The BHPD investigation has been officially closed."

she got the dental implants very early in her career ... the record co. paid for it

NEW YORK (AP) — Cissy Houston has a few words, and a few more, for Bobby Brown.

In "Remembering Whitney," the mother of the late Whitney Houston writes that from the start she had doubted whether Brown was right for her daughter. And she thinks that Whitney might not have ended up so "deep" into drugs had they not stayed together.

"I do believe her life would have turned out differently," Houston writes. "It would have been easier for her to get sober and stay sober. Instead she was with someone who, like her, wanted to party. To me, he never seemed to be a help to her in the way she needed."

"Remembering Whitney" came out Tuesday, two weeks short of the first anniversary of Houston's death. ..............

For years, Whitney's drug problems had been only a rumor to her mother, who writes that concerns expressed by record executive Clive Davis were kept from her by her daughter and others. But by 2005 she had seen the worst. Houston remembers a horrifying visit to the Atlanta home of Brown and Houston, where the walls and doors were spray-painted with "big glaring eyes and strange faces." Whitney's face had been cut out from a framed family picture, an image Cissy Houston found "beyond disturbing." The next time Houston came to the house, she was joined by two sheriff's deputies who helped her take Whitney to the hospital.............

More at link.....
I just want to bump this up since Bobbi Kristina thread and her mothers are entwined.
The report states the water temp was 89 degrees at 12:05am a full 8 and a half hours after she was found in a 67 degree room.Not possible.
Also the report states the water was off when she was found and that her body was totally submerged in 12in. of water low end and 13in. high end.Also not possible IMO.

Nancy Grace always thought it was homicide..........
A turkey sandwich, a burger, fries, a beer, and a glass of Champagne were delivered to Whitney's hotel room. Someone was there with her that night. No way would a woman who wants to wear form-fitting clothing eat that much food at one meal :eek:

Who was in the hotel room with Whitney on the day that she died???

how did I miss this................burger, fries and beer sounds like a man
first thing that crossed my mind when I read that Pat said she didn't know how W. got in there was that W. had overdosed and someone in the entourage put her in a tub of water to try and revive her

there was a food tray in the bathroom with Whitney & it was reported that she took it in there to snack on the turkey sandwich while she got ready

perhaps someone was in the bathroom with her and that person is who put her in the tub

I'm a bit confused though because I thought Pat was at the hotel with W.

BBM sounds a bit familar with BK
After I read that article referenced above I did a little research on Phyllis Hyman. She commited suicide at age 45. She reportedly suffered from depression & bi-polar disorder. Ironically, she overdosed on a night she was supposed to be performing at The Apollo Theatre. Sound familiar? For some reason I had never heard of her. From what I gather she was Clive Davis' money train until he "discovered" WH.

In hindsight it seems like he did to WH what he had done to Phyllis. I wonder who his next "victim" /gravy train" will be? Jennifer Hudson? Whom I've heard mention he was supposedly "replacing" WH with?

If Clive Davis approached me I'd run like hell!!! Nothing but evil emanating from that man. Sorry, if I offend some but JMO

Well, later we found that to be true with Jennifer Hudson...............it is strange about Phyllis Hyman.................

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