Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

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She enjoys being combative - and trying to outwit anyone she considers an adversary. It's hard to imagine,but the grieving grandmother thought it was amusing to play games with investigators..

Nova, i totally agree with ZsaZsa. CA has like a "screw u" attitude when it comes to LE because how DARE they accuse HER family of such a thing!!
Wow !That really puts it in perspective!

ok based on that I think CA helped ICA cover the murder up
and GA was clueless.
I gave you 30 days
not reporting Caylee missing sooner
Trying to blame Jesse early on
the fake sightings
ICA named ZFG but CA spewed her name all over the media
insisting Caylee wasn't dead.
look for the other ZFG
white dog exsists so Zanny does too
the slip about Caylee not being in the woods
Tim Miller not being given items to look for a dead Caylee
and several more
I think she and ICA teamed up to sink GA
IMO she knew all along and her emotions are an act.

GA is still haunted with grief and I am worried about him.
I was just in Target buying some doggie treats for our dogs. I nearly fell over when I came across these: Nylabones with CHLOROPHYLL....turns out it's actually healthy for dogs!


Thanks deelytful, I see the distinction you are making. As I've said, I'd probably shrug this one off under the circumstances, but I don't blame anyone for resenting the disrespect of our judicial system.

I know this is OT, but do you have a theory about CA giving LE the wrong brush? I just can't figure out what that was supposed to accomplish.

BBM. Because she can? It seems inbred into both CA and ICA. Like the way ICA tells lies her friends say she didn't need to. The same way ICA lied about missing an appointment and said, "I'm such a good liar!". CA stated early on she had no issue with half truths and mistruths. Also both CA and ICA exact revenge and retaliate long after any event. Don't cross either of them.

They choose to game the system, sometimes it works, sometimes it backfires ... Other times it made no difference. They get a kick out of it though.
Kind of funny CA was there taking notes during Gentiva's rebuttal. She will never get to use them. She can shake head as much as she wants...

Jeez I hate ICA and CA! This trial brings out the worst in me sometimes.
What I say to that and have been all night after seeing his interview is that CA is just as sick as her daughter. She will lie even in the face of being caught (Universal Studios ring a bell?) Unfortunately, no one is in her face accusing her of the lies and this is why I wish beyond wishing that she could be brought up on perjury charges!!!

perjury may be the least of her worries. I think the state could go after her for accessory after the fact. they heve a boatload of evidence to prove it.
She enjoys being combative - and trying to outwit anyone she considers an adversary. It's hard to imagine,but the grieving grandmother thought it was amusing to play games with investigators..

Yes - and if anyone needs to refresh their memory about this, they just need to watch the depositions with Morgan and Morgan again. She was loving it when she thought she had her 'aha' moment with John Morgan.
She enjoys being combative - and trying to outwit anyone she considers an adversary. It's hard to imagine,but the grieving grandmother thought it was amusing to play games with investigators..

Bingo! Exactly!

But read this thread. Cindy Anthony has been denounced as a liar not just here, but on every talk show devoted to this trial. I don't think it's accurate to say there have been no consequences.

You got that right! As far as I know, she is on LT disability, which is provided by her employer. I would think that if she is terminated by Gentiva, that's the end of that! And she can kiss her nursing career goodbye forever. NOBODY will hire her after she accused an employer of violating federal labor laws in a trial that is being televised nationally. And I doubt very seriously that too many people will be buying her book. She will get her just desserts, IMO.:twocents:
Figure out how much extra was spent on this trial because of her lies and send her a bill.......I know, I know they can barely make their house payments.

She probably should be brought up on charges but I doubt she will. So many people that lie under oath should be but never are....
Yes - and if anyone needs to refresh their memory about this, they just need to watch the depositions with Morgan and Morgan again. She was loving it when she thought she had her 'aha' moment with John Morgan.

or these... very telling!!!!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P40IMgkONXk"]YouTube - ‪Cindy Anthony Hammers the Media about Casey and Caylee‬‏[/ame]
IMHO, if Cindy Anthony lied on the stand to save her daughter from the death penalty, that is in itself a miscarriage of justice. Cindy should have let the facts play out for themselves and not tried to intertwine her tale of searches into her under-oath testimony.

I don't care if she wants to save her daughter - she doesn't have the right to lie in a court of law. No matter how many scenarious people want to throw at me, a lie is a lie is a lie.

I sincerely wish she hadn't lied on the stand. Once again she showed ICA that she had control of her mommy and mommy would do anything for her.

Nope - it's not right. Let the jury decide without trying to mess with their heads.


How do we know if there were any other witnesses in this trial who committed perjury besides CA? I "feel" there was at least one more (George who lied about his affair), and maybe others that the State didn't try to rebut. Do we put them all in jail or just single out one? I can truthfully say that I do not know what I would have done if I had been in CA's shoes and I hope to never find out. Death for KC would be the easy way out...she goes to sleep, painlessly. George, Cindy, and Lee suffer for the rest of their lives for something KC did, just like always. That doesn't seem fair. KC should be locked away FOREVER where she cannot hurt anyone else.
Wow !That really puts it in perspective!

I think that's what bothers me the most.

Cindy blatantly lied on the stand - throwing away all her previous testimonies and going with this new version 2.0

The State used a majority of its time and resources on the rebuttal to show how much Cindy lied. Just how much did that cost the Floridians?

Witnesses had to be supbeonead and many dollars and resources were spent by Gentiva (thanks, Cindy).

More lives disrupted, the juries heads to mess with, and much more time and money wasted.

Why? To try to save ICA from the DP? If anything, I think this may have the opposite effect.


This is her testimony re the searches-
Watch CA right at the start of this video when she thinks she has outsmarted LDB with her lies. She almost laughs on the stand when she quickly thinks of another excuse (lie) that LDB cannot immediately cancel out. You would be excused for thinking this is sick behavior for a grieving granny at the murder trial of her grandchild..
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyPmS4s-vLk&NR=1"]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony Wow moment on 6/23/11‬‏[/ame]
If she lied about being at home and she was at work, then yes she should be charged with something. Maybe her former employer can get her for fraud as well.
Yet again, changing one's mind or remembering events differently over a period of years isn't proof of lying.

Aside from the remembering differently over a period of time - the deliberate lies regarding Gentiva record keeping of time worked has not one thing to do with faulty memory.

Appears to me: she flat out lied under oath regarding (1) Gentiva's policy on recording OT on their time sheets; (2) the manner in which time is recorded on the time sheets; (3) supervisors complete their time sheets in their absence; (4) freedom to work at home; (5) freedom to come at go at will but not have it accurately reflected on the time sheets. Have I missed anything? Every single one of the items listed above were proven false by rebuttal testimony. It's already proven in the court transcript records that she lied under oath. I can't see a perjury investigation would take all that long. Cindy would have to claim she knew nothing of the above and I honestly don't think she would stand a chance proving anything of the sort.

Now, after having said all of that above - the clear reason (to me at least) is that the reason she did all of the above was to give foundation for her supposed search for the chloroform computer searches. This was, again IMO, specifically to try to give reasonable doubt to the jury in her daughter's murder trial. That is very serious and should not be taken lightly. She is messing with a very important aspect of the premeditation part of the SAO part of the case in a blatant and willful manner.

To me, this is precisely why the state of Florida does not have a statue of limitations on perjury when it is done in a case where the death penalty or LWOP is on the line. Perjury: Capital Offense Cases

There is no statute of limitations for prosecuting a person for perjury in a capital offense (i.e., death penalty) case in Florida (FSA Section 775.15). The same rule applies to felony homicide cases and cases carrying a potential life sentence.

Read more: Florida Perjury Statute of Limitations | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_7592826_florida-perjury-statute-limitations.html#ixzz1R0JqEw22

Having said all of that, my opinion is that I definitely think she should be up on perjury charges. There is no excuse for her doing what she did, even if the state is going for the DP. Casey knew the ultimate penalty for murder before she killed Caylee. She didn't just find it out after the act. Cindy knew or should have known lying under oath is perjury with a possible ultimate penalty of not a small amount of time in jail.

Whether I think the SAO will do it or not is another matter. That remains to be seen. I do not think they will do it, if they are going to, until this trial is over.

Cindy lied on the Stand and she should pay the consequences for her deception. No Mercy from the Court for her. For a first offence she should have to pay a hefty fine and serve at minimum 5 yrs behind bars.

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