Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

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Bottom line is I think the state of Florida has more important things to spend time and money on than Cindy Anthony.

And does anyone her honestly think anything the state could punish her with would be worse than what she is living already?
It's not that the court could do anything to make the situation any worse for Cindy Anthony. That is not the intent.

It is that the court needs to try a ruthless liar for perjury in support of our system of justice. If we are to value our justice system, why wouldn't we want to see her tried for perjury?

I can sympathize with the man, who years ago, turned his son into the FBI, his son having committed several murders. This man recognized his own son as a threat to society. I am grateful for someone who takes more into account than his own family, someone who recognizes we each owe something to the society we live in.

Cindy Anthony knew what she was doing when she got up on the stand, and lied about performing searches for chloroform. Her intent was to pervert justice. Her intent was to save her daughter at all costs. She lied to the judge, the jurors, the attorneys, and everyone in the courtroom, and she did so deliberately. Like her daughter, Cindy Anthony needs to be held accountable for her actions.
Bottom line is I think the state of Florida has more important things to spend time and money on than Cindy Anthony.

And does anyone her honestly think anything the state could punish her with would be worse than what she is living already?

So, no matter what offense she commits, she should get off because she's suffered enough? If she's caught speeding 45 in a 35 zone? She shouldn't get a ticket? If she runs a stop sign? Those are minor. Perjury is a major offense. Bed rock of the system. No excuse for lieing under oath is acceptable, period!
What a hard question to answer. I do have lots and lots of compassion for Cindy, George, and Lee. I also believe odds are pretty high that Cindy pondered the penalty for perjury before testifying. I have to believe she weighed that choice with the other choice to not try to save her daughter's life. What a horrible (and in her case, thankless) position to be in. I believe she made the choice that she could best live with the rest of her days. I wouldn't want to be in her shoes, and I just cannot judge her, whichever choice she might have made.

Having said that, the law is the law. Breaking rules and laws has consequences. If those consequences are NOT applied consistently, those walking the borderline will break them just because they know they can. Chaos will reign and harm will come to many innocent people as a result.

I believe Cindy made the ultimate sacrifice for her daughter and the willingness to sacrifice oneself for one's child defines a great mother. I will always respect Cindy for that, but I do believe she should be held accountable for breaking the law IF it is judged that she did so. It is an unfortunate and necessary step to insure that sociopaths at large know their misdeeds will not be tolerated in a civil society.
I have mixed feelings about this, but for the most part, I don't think it would accomplish much to charge her with perjury, and I don't think it's going to happen either. It won't add to the case or take anything away from it.
I totally agree, with the world watching she raises her hand and swears to tell the truth and then lies her a&& off. She has lied enough and should be held responsible for doing so. Not to mention the money spent to get to the truth.

I agree, and she had the audacity to say "So help me God" when she took the oath! She has no shame!
So if you go into the court room and flip the bird and possibly interrupt the trial you go to jail
If you go into court and scream out "She killed someone" and cause one juror to be rejected, you go to jail.
But if you get up on the stand and lie and possibly cause a hung jury, you get a pass because you want to protect your daughter. No she should be prosecuted and given an appropriate punishment for contempt of court. Send a message to every witness, you're gonna tell the truth or face jail time
Yes, I know Cindy is grieving grandparent and is also grieving the inevitable loss of her daughter which she tried to prevent by lying on the witness stand. However, Cindy's behavior, in my opinion, is indicative of why Caylee is deceased, people are camping outside the courtroom, George was near suicide and all of here at WS can't tear ourselves away from this trial along with many others across the nation. Cindy has never allowed Casey to suffer any consequences for her behavior and actions for she has been forever coddled. Cindy was well aware that Casey killed the baby--the unthinkable--and yet Cindy still protects her as she risks her own freedom. Is that love? Is that truly a demonstration of a mother's love? No. That is the ultimate demonstration of co-dependency. I don't say that Cindy should turn her back on her. Allowing your child to take responsibility and deal with consequences is in now way turning your back but instead it builds positive character. Casey's character sucks and so does Cindy's and she needs to suffer the consequences for her behavior and actions in this matter as well. She knew she was lying to the court and breaking the law and it did not matter to her. She was willing to take a chance and face prosecution so that's what should happen--and I think she should get the maximum sentence too.

What do you think?

I think George and Cindy have been punished enough with the loss of their granddaughter and most likely, eventually, their marriage, for any blame they bear for the way Casey turned out and their understandable efforts to save her from the death sentence.
So, no matter what offense she commits, she should get off because she's suffered enough? If she's caught speeding 45 in a 35 zone? She shouldn't get a ticket? If she runs a stop sign? Those are minor. Perjury is a major offense. Bed rock of the system. No excuse for lieing under oath is acceptable, period!

We're not talking about her committing murder here. Scads of mothers have lied on the stand when their children are on trial. It serves to purpose to further torment these people. Walk a mile in her shoes before you clang the bars shut on her.
So if you go into the court room and flip the bird and possibly interrupt the trial you go to jail
If you go into court and scream out "She killed someone" and cause one juror to be rejected, you go to jail.
But if you get up on the stand and lie and possibly cause a hung jury, you get a pass because you want to protect your daughter. No she should be prosecuted and given an appropriate punishment for contempt of court. Send a message to every witness, you're gonna tell the truth or face jail time

Cindy knew her lies wouldn't get Casey off, but would possibly spare her death. I hope you are never in a position like this family.
We're not talking about her committing murder here. Scads of mothers have lied on the stand when their children are on trial. It serves to purpose to further torment these people. Walk a mile in her shoes before you clang the bars shut on her.

Her daughter murdered a helpless little child. It is never OK to try and sway a Jury against a just verdict by lying deliberately. CA bears a huge responsibility for what eventually happened to Caylee because of the culture of lies and avoidance of responsibility in her house. She needs to be stopped.
Cindy knew her lies wouldn't get Casey off, but would possibly spare her death. I hope you are never in a position like this family.

Cindy didn't know any such thing.
I will never be in her position, I would not lie for a cold blooded murderer, regardless of who it was, particularly if the victim was a helpless little child.
If she wants to lie in court,under oath, she should be prepared for consequences.
I feel sorry for George, Cindy and Lee because their lives will never be the same. I'm sure they never saw this coming.

I do not really believe in the death penalty. I think LWOP is sufficient. It is not our place to make the ultimate judgement, only Gods. However the law in Florida currently supports the death penalty therefore, the law should be followed.

I understand Cindy's motivation to lie to protect her daughter from the death penalty. However, I STRONGLY believe Cindy should be punished for it. The justice system depends on the truth and nothing but the truth. How can we give a pass to every criminal's mother to blatantly lie to protect their offspring? I would think in most cases, the close family members are often witnesses. Are we just to expect that they are lying to protect their loved ones and look past it because they've already been punished enough by being related to a criminal? Of course not!

I feel like Cindy, Lee and George all lied and obstructed justice at one point or another trying to give answers they thought would NOT incriminate Casey. They did not interrogate her in the jailhouse the way someone who wants answers would. They did not want the truth then, and they do not want the truth now, because the truth is painful. They wasted resources, money and peoples good will. I think Cindy finally crossed the line on the stand and perjury is something that she can be convicted of. (The other stuff she did early on was annoying, frustrating, but not punishable).

If she had been nothing but helpful, and then just couldn't help herself on the stand and lied at the last minute, I might give her a pass. But, she lied, cleaned the crime scene, and accused everyone but her daughter from day one. Perjury was just another day in her life. Except this time it can be proven. I say they should do it.

I can still feel sorry for the Anthony's and the lives that they are left with. But choices we make in life have consequences.

You know, everyone says family members are terrible alibis, of course family members may lie to save a loved one from death. So why even put a parent up on the stand like this at all? If they are an alibi, no one believes them, but if they testify against them, everyone believes them. Go figure. Neither is a good thing because what if a family member has a grudge against someone on trial? They can lie them into jail as well as out. George and Cindy should never have been asked to testify at all except to confirm things already known publicly, like the calls to the cops.
Cindy lied from the start! Even about her own hair. Remember how she went on about how her hair was longer back in 2008? I am talking about the key hair found in the truck of the car here. Now look at the evidence in pictures. There is Cindy in even shorter hair then now all through 2008. 2007 and 2006. The pool pictures, Caylee and Cindy pictures, media pictures after July 16TH, etc..... The reason it matters is she lied to cover up who's hair was found in the trunk. And how much extra tax players money did it take to prove it was her hair? Lots of unneeded money. And it left an "if" to the procession's court case. I still remember clearly, lying Cindy going on in depth about her long hair at the critical time frame. She even showed the jury how far it came down over her shoulders with her hands.
Yet Nancy Grace and the other talking heads chose to completely not mention Cindy's lying testimony that day or any other. Well Cindy should be charged at least. But not prosecuted. Just let it hang over her head for years to come. It is cheaper that way.
If it's okay for me to lie to save my child's life, then would it be worse to lie to save either of my parent's lives? And, talk about being close ~ my brother and sister are every bit as much a part of my family as my children are. Oh, and I can't forget my bff; she is almost closer to me than my real sister. My entire life would go right down the tubes forever if any of these people had a meltdown and did something as horrible as what Casey has done. So, it would be okay for me to lie for them?

What? Am I getting carried away? Are you sure it's me?

If it was okay for Cindy to lie in court then she shouldn't have had to take the oath.

Not directed at you, EU, but I take exception to the term "saving her daughter's life " that I keep reading.
Cindy lied and was hateful long before the DP was on the table. IIRC after her first recorded LE interview she was asked to raise her right hand and swear that the info was the truth. She replied "I didn't know I would have to do that" BIG HONKIN' RED FLAG !
There was no DP on the table then.
I'm not buying that Cindy was just trying to save her daughter's life ,not since she's been doing it since day 32 :maddening:
We're not talking about her committing murder here. Scads of mothers have lied on the stand when their children are on trial. It serves to purpose to further torment these people. Walk a mile in her shoes before you clang the bars shut on her.

It's not like Casey was charged with jaywalking :banghead:

If Casey is acquitted because Cindy lied ,Casey will hurt,if not kill,again. Then Cindy becomes responsible ,IMO for helping a killer walk.
Perjury,especially when a heinous crime has been committed ,should be prosecuted. JMO
I will add more food for thought .
LDB appeared very angry and shocked after Cindy gave the computer search testimony as a Defense witness.Even though Cindy had given similar testimony (she went much further at the trial) LDB looked unprepared .Since that's not like the SA's I believe LDB had a reason to think Cindy would not be testifying to the searches. The State was sand bagged by Cindy IMO.
I will not be surprised if perjury charges are filed at a later date .I suspect after Cindy's depo she was alerted that they could prove it was not the truth. She went for it anyway,hoping the SA's wouldn't have time to get their proof.
Just My Opinion.
I will add more food for thought .
LDB appeared very angry and shocked after Cindy gave the computer search testimony as a Defense witness.Even though Cindy had given similar testimony (she went much further at the trial) LDB looked unprepared .Since that's not like the SA's I believe LDB had a reason to think Cindy would not be testifying to the searches. The State was sand bagged by Cindy IMO.
I will not be surprised if perjury charges are filed at a later date .I suspect after Cindy's depo she was alerted that they could prove it was not the truth. She went for it anyway,hoping the SA's wouldn't have time to get their proof.
Just My Opinion.

We can't forget Cindy's evil ,cocky smirk to DDB during that prejury! Cindy has always shown arrograncy and thought she was a bove the law. She obstructed or tried to several times during the investigation. IT wasn't a one time mistake. Would all been good if Casey got off with it because of the perjury. No justyice for Caylee !!!!!
Look how she treated Morgan , Zeinada's lawyer. It was awful. Cindy needs a consequence too !!!!

Cindy was in protective mode, she was trying to cover for Casey. IMO Cindy will and is suffering, I don't think charges against her would matter. She has lost Caylee, Casey, and apparently Lee along time ago. As far as her marriage I think it was destroyed along time ago and George always went along to keep peace. To Cindy she has nothing left, so she was trying to save her only daughter her baby.
I think Cindy and ANYONE who lies in a court of law should be charged with perjury. What's the use of swearing in if you don't intend on telling the truth. Why tell the truth if you know you won't be held accountable?

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