Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

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Thanks to deelytful, Zsa Zsa, LinusK and others for answering my question about CA and the brush.
At the very least, perjury should result in a termination of position, career and reputation. Baez should have checked her testimony before putting her on the stand ... particularly in light of the implications of the testimony (premeditated or accidental; death or life).

Actually, the last thing Baez wanted to do was "check." As officers of the court, lawyers are not allowed to ask questions they KNOW will produce false testimony. But if Baez doesn't check, then he doesn't KNOW and can ask what he likes.
CA was given a break when she lied to OCSO, given a break with FBI lies, lied in depo, lied with ZGF, threw so many innocent people in this mess, KNOWINGLY cleaned car to clean fingerprints and get rid of any trace evidence.Lied to misssing kids orgs. Lied to God, wearing her cross and carrying her Bible to court, and yet people want to give her another break. I don't get it. Lets face it had the family members not lied over and over, this case would have cost tax payers a lot less, wouldn't need experts to talk about her time records, computer searches,...Now if you want to commit perjury and you get caught you know there is a price to pay. The A's are not above the law even if they think they are, and it is time to show them.


It's not just about this one incident, it is the pattern of chronic deceit, false accusations, tampering and lies. If this isn't enough for some sort of consequences, then nothing will ever be for anyone. What exactly is the standard? Three lies? Twenty lies? You get a free pass if you're a family member or grieving? There may as well not be any obstruction/tampering/perjury laws at all.
Thanks to all who have participated in offering stimulating dialogue in this thread. I think what is important is that we must not stand by children of any age when they are wrong. There is nothing wrong with allowing your children, especially when they are young, to suffer consequences for their actions and behaviors. All children are precious but they should never be so precious that we coddle them when they are 100% wrong; it is at this point that we are creating a demon. They will grow up thinking that everybody in the entire world will feed their narcissism and allow them to get away with everything. It becomes somewhat of a rude awakening when somebody outside of the immediate family knocks the crap out of them--immediately. We assist in creating a world for them that is unrealistic and they become socially inept. Nobody wants to play with them as children and nobody wants to work with them as adults. We handicap them when we think they are too cute, too precious, and too damn royal to chastise them in love when if the truth should be told, they need to be chastised with tough love.

I'd like to leave you with what I know my late mother would have done should I have murdered her grandbaby:

For one, she wouldn't show up to court unless she was subpeon...(yeah that word) to testify. The only other time that I would see her in court would be the day of sentencing and here is what she would say:

"Your Honour Judge Perry:

Whatever fate the jury and/or you decides for SistahSleuth, please do not spare the death penalty on the account of sympathy for me. This isn't about me, this is about the grandbaby. I only request that should you sentence her to life without parole, I beg the court to allow me to whoop her *advertiser censored* on any given visitation day until death do us part. Amen."

My mom's presence was so strong just like Judge Perry and they would immediately know that they were cut from the same cloth, therefore, he would grant her wish. Okay, so we know he wouldn't be able to grant said wish but please believe me when I tell you that she would find some kind of way to do just as she requested. I can just imagine the correction officers just turing a blind eye when she shows up at the prison like clockwork.

Frankly, I would have been on my knees, sobbing and begging the judge and jury to just give me death!

*Shakin in my shoes as I exit thread*
I think that your are absolutely on point...life boils down to choices and consequences. Caylee will never get the justice that she deserves unless Cindy takes full legal responsibility for her part in illegal conduct. It is imperative that Cindy be charged with a minimum of pergury and obstruction of justice.
I don't care if she has been through enough already. Her granddaughter was murdered and she could have influenced the Jury and the outcome of the trial of her murderer. Caylee deserves justice more than ICA deserves yet another person to make excuses for her actions..

What I don't understand is why Cindy would give the wrong hair brush and consider giving the dogs toothbrush to LE when she wanted them to help find Caylee? Doesn't make sense to me. :waitasec:

If, between the time she called 911 and when LE asked for these items she learned Casey killed (it hurts to type that word) Caylee, then it does make sense. The cover-up had already begun. If that's the case, then Cindy makes Katherine Hepburn look like she was a D-list actress.

I know it's been said that Cindy was PO'ed at LE for looking for a dead Caylee, but why be mad at them? I can understand "sad" but not mad, unless she knew the truth.
She has lost a granddaughter she loved dearly.
She has lost a daughter she loved dearly.
Her daughter will be convicted of murder.
Her once quiet, life will be forever a media circus.
The world will never desist judging her.
She has been proven to be a liar in front of the world.
She may have to watch the State kill her daughter.
She has and will continue to be vilified in the media and on chat boards everywhere.
She will probably never be able to work as a nurse again.

Punishment enough for the sin of trying to protect her family. Cindy is no angel, but she isn't the devil incarnate either. She's a MOTHER.


All true, good points. What boggles my mind is how nothing seems to break Cindy's controlling narcissistic ways! Nothing! Not even the above.

She's mainly thinking about the book and the sales proceeds and a movie deal and the money from that.

I do believe she's truly grieved (as seen on the witness stand) but she rebounds quickly. Because of her psychological makeup, she'll always hold her head high - defiant, making plans and issuing orders.
Excellent post and this is an awesome thread, IMO. This trial has really been an eye opener for me, particularly the last few days with the testimony about the dead pets. That has filled in a lot of the blanks for me!

One thing that CA testified to (although I don't know that it could be called a 'slip') was about the missing teddy bear. I had never heard about that before. But it really gave us a glimpse into the abject cruelty that ICA is capable of. Obviously, ICA knew that Caylee would not be coming home, ever, but felt the need to further punish her mother by taking away this object that gave her a small measure of comfort. Wow...hearing that just chilled me to the bone. She is SADISTIC. :mad:
Is this the same missing teddy bear that Cindy was sleeping with of Caylees and it went missing one day?
Cindy should be charges with perjury and obstruction of justice because of her lies the jury has reasonable doubt that ICA killed her daughter read below from the huffpost aol news

Cindy Anthony later told jurors she discovered that the pool ladder had been left out when she returned home from work on June 16.
"I thought it was strange ... I called [my husband], George, at work to see if he had left the pool ladder up because I also noticed that the side gate was open," Anthony testified.
What I don't understand is why Cindy would give the wrong hair brush and consider giving the dogs toothbrush to LE when she wanted them to help find Caylee? Doesn't make sense to me. :waitasec:

If, between the time she called 911 and when LE asked for these items she learned Casey killed (it hurts to type that word) Caylee, then it does make sense. The cover-up had already begun. If that's the case, then Cindy makes Katherine Hepburn look like she was a D-list actress.

I know it's been said that Cindy was PO'ed at LE for looking for a dead Caylee, but why be mad at them? I can understand "sad" but not mad, unless she knew the truth.

She gave them them the hair brush that casey AND Caylee used. I still think she is lying... I think she gave Casey's hairbrush and said it was CAylee's so when they found Caylee DNA in the trunk they would think it was n't her.
Silly woman didn't she know they already had ICA;'s DNA? FBI figured that out qiuick came back asked her why the wrong brush
???? She said No it's not! They both used it... pretty sure the FBI knew better!

did that make sense?
She has lost a granddaughter she loved dearly.
She has lost a daughter she loved dearly.
Her daughter will be convicted of murder.
Her once quiet, life will be forever a media circus.
The world will never desist judging her.
She has been proven to be a liar in front of the world.
She may have to watch the State kill her daughter.
She has and will continue to be vilified in the media and on chat boards everywhere.
She will probably never be able to work as a nurse again.

Punishment enough for the sin of trying to protect her family. Cindy is no angel, but she isn't the devil incarnate either. She's a MOTHER.


All true, good points. What boggles my mind is how nothing seems to break Cindy's controlling narcissistic ways! Nothing! Not even the above.

She's mainly thinking about the book and the sales proceeds and a movie deal and the money from that.

I do believe she's truly grieved (as seen on the witness stand) but she rebounds quickly. Because of her psychological makeup, she'll always hold her head high - defiant, making plans and issuing orders.

@monquie...no cindy isn't the devil incarnate... but ITA with RhythmicSun she is a very ill woman. There's was more psychological dysfuntion swirling around in that house and their gene pool that needs to be in psychiatric journals and coming from both the parents to boot. Cindy had the stronger personality so George detached himself. I think Casey took the brunt of her mother's illness and look what happened...
She has lost a granddaughter she loved dearly.
She has lost a daughter she loved dearly.
Her daughter will be convicted of murder.
Her once quiet, life will be forever a media circus.
The world will never desist judging her.
She has been proven to be a liar in front of the world.
She may have to watch the State kill her daughter.
She has and will continue to be vilified in the media and on chat boards everywhere.
She will probably never be able to work as a nurse again.

Punishment enough for the sin of trying to protect her family. Cindy is no angel, but she isn't the devil incarnate either. She's a MOTHER.


True. CA has cost the state HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars because of her lying. She needs to be held accountable some how. Probation maybe. Just because she is grieving doesn't mean she gets a pass for lying, hampering an investigation and obstructing justice. If she gets away with it then everyone else should be able to as well.
That is just my opinion. If the state and the FBI do nothing I understand that too
True. CA has cost the state HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars because of her lying. She needs to be held accountable some how. Probation maybe. Just because she is grieving doesn't mean she gets a pass for lying, hampering an investigation and obstructing justice. If she gets away with it then everyone else should be able to as well.
That is just my opinion. If the state and the FBI do nothing I understand that too

A-flipping-men! To let her off becuae she is a Mom and Grandmom? I don't think so...she enabled her child right to murder. Lied and obstructed the case for justice in her little Grandchild's murder....throw the book at her.
A-flipping-men! To let her off becuae she is a Mom and Grandmom? I don't think so...she enabled her child right to murder. Lied and obstructed the case for justice in her little Grandchild's murder....throw the book at her.
AND I believe with ALL my heart she is not sorry has learned NOTHING and would do it again If she wanted to. She thinks she is above the law! The FBI even!
No, absolutely not. Her life is destroyed. Punishing her further would be a demonstration of complete lack of compassion. She loves her daughter unconditionally. And isn't that the point of this trial? That Casey did NOT care for her daughter in the same way.
Please check this thread!

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6845238#post6845238"]Websleuths Trivia Contest While Jury Is Out - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
No, absolutely not. Her life is destroyed. Punishing her further would be a demonstration of complete lack of compassion. She loves her daughter unconditionally. And isn't that the point of this trial? That Casey did NOT care for her daughter in the same way.

Enabling your child to steal from the elderly, lie without consequence and covering for murder is not and never will be unconditional love. If anyone has failed society it is the parents of ICA.

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