Who cares if there is a snitch?

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Who is pops?

I heard GGMS say TN said that pop's said.....there is a snitch...who is pop's? TIA
I'd say Jack Cummings, aka, Rooster. Take a look at his record. If anyone knows about jail, it's him.
I am so glad that someone made this thread(because I have no idea how to start one) When I was listening to this my hinky meter immediately went to the red when GGS said theres a snitch and Ron said I Know...
1. If you have done nothing wrong as you claim what does it matter that there is a snitch?
2. If TN and GGS beleive Ron is so innocent and a "victim" of Misty's, then why would they care if there is a snitch after all Ron is a "victim"
3. TN was a dispatcher she knows ALL this stuff is recorded why would she give this message to GGS to give to Ron?

You know if Hollywood came up with something like this it would be a flop at the theaters because it is just so unbelievable. Besides you couldn't find anyone ignorant enough to play the roles of these characters.
Every jail has a snitch. But I think it's so cute of Ron to be so self-assured and answer "I know."
Just as I thought, Ggm Sykes and TN are feeling a bit nervous about what might be uncovered. I've always figured they have been in the know since the night poor Haleigh disappeared. jmo

ITA, Az! But my concern is, if they are nervous about what might come out, IMO, they had something to do with it or helped to hide her body. It's just hard to believe that GMS and TN, if they truly cared about Haleigh, would assist in anyway but they have been lying from day one. Now they're telling Ron to watch what he says?

From me to TN: When you were on NG you said you wanted to find out what happened to Haleigh and you DIDN'T CARE who it implicated. Now you're concerned about pretty Ricky (Ron) talking? It just doesn't add up. YOU DO CARE....You are such a Liar and I hope LE comes for you next....and when they do come for you, BRING YO MOMA WITH YOU.
Isn't that ironic? They've taken a beating in the press, while Teresa has been allowed lots of air time to glow on Ron. Personally, I think this family is overwhelmed with these problems & don't know where to turn. There are people like them in every town in this country. The live on the fringes, committing crimes, doing their drugs, but pretty much staying under the radar. There is no way they could've been prepared for such a disection of their lives, & to constantly have the spotlight on them & their every criminal move. They can thank Ronald Cummings for that. I'd like for some charges to be filed against Ron for statutory rape & leaving his kids in such incompetent care & anything else that can be thought up, so, if this winds up being Misty's fault, he'll have to pay his own price. Because in my eyes, even if Misty brutally beat Haleigh to death, it's still on Ron's shoulders. That girl should have never been in that house.

BBM This is what gets me. TN has the #@!!* to go on NG and say what a great babysitter/girlfriend MC is to Ronald and that they believe her 100% about what happened that night Haleigh went missing. She even stated several times that she believed Misty never left the trailer that night because she was so tired from the 3 day binge Misty had been on the weekend prior.

Later on TN tells NG that MC has a dysfunctional family, but its her son, Ronald, that has 3 kids with 2 different women neither of which he married and both were very young. It's her son who doesn't pay support for the baby he has with Amber. It's her son who brought home the 16 yo MC to babysit and then proceeded to hook up with her, even allowing her back in his home after he knew of her escapades with WBG and NayNay insisting that she watch his kids. And its her son who marries the girl who is reluctantly watching his kids when his daughter goes missing and gives conflicting statements to LE. Now I ask you, who's calling who dysfunctional?

That's not even addressing TN, GGS telling RC to watch out for snitches in the jail! :banghead::banghead:
Mistys family seems to encourage her to tell the truth..so she can get out of trouble

Rons family warns him of a snitch..hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

When you put it like that, Pferrin, that makes me think that Ron is the reason Haleigh is no longer here with us. Ron and only Ron. Misty knows what he did to Haleigh and I think she was thrown in the mix to take the heat off of Ron. That's why he married her, Misty was taken the fall for him, and that was his way of saying "thank you". Things seem so much clearer now.
I am so glad that someone made this thread(because I have no idea how to start one) When I was listening to this my hinky meter immediately went to the red when GGS said theres a snitch and Ron said I Know...
1. If you have done nothing wrong as you claim what does it matter that there is a snitch?
2. If TN and GGS beleive Ron is so innocent and a "victim" of Misty's, then why would they care if there is a snitch after all Ron is a "victim"
3. TN was a dispatcher she knows ALL this stuff is recorded why would she give this message to GGS to give to Ron?

You know if Hollywood came up with something like this it would be a flop at the theaters because it is just so unbelievable. Besides you couldn't find anyone ignorant enough to play the roles of these characters.

Why didn't he say "It don't matter GGM, I don't have anything to hide." That would have been telling.

You know I still have part of my mind left vacant to accept that Ron had nothing to do with Haleigh's disappearance, and that he got dragged into the drugs by someone else, he didn't do the rat, he didn't road rage. I really am willing to accept all those things if I see evidence and behavior that shows it. Since the 911 call, I have only seen the opposite.

So how does Pop know there is a snitch in the jail?
Exactely Grace, if he had nothing to hid he would have said, it doesn't matter if theres a snitch because I have nothing to hid, but he didn't instead he says " yeah I know", what that tells me is yeah I know I better not say anything to anyone, which is BS!! I dont think Ron killed Haleigh but I know for a fact now that he knows what did happen to her, and that just burns my @$$!
I am so glad that someone made this thread(because I have no idea how to start one) When I was listening to this my hinky meter immediately went to the red when GGS said theres a snitch and Ron said I Know...
1. If you have done nothing wrong as you claim what does it matter that there is a snitch?
2. If TN and GGS beleive Ron is so innocent and a "victim" of Misty's, then why would they care if there is a snitch after all Ron is a "victim"
3. TN was a dispatcher she knows ALL this stuff is recorded why would she give this message to GGS to give to Ron?

You know if Hollywood came up with something like this it would be a flop at the theaters because it is just so unbelievable. Besides you couldn't find anyone ignorant enough to play the roles of these characters.
Regarding the part I bolded, something tells me TN was hoping that GGMS wouldn't say the message came from her at all. Just to be safe, though, she could say it came from Pop.

It might have. But TN always looks like she tries too hard to appear clean, and this is no exception. "I'm just passing on a message, as requested."
I was surprised to not hear more on the lines of, 'You've never left Misty's site, surely she said something or let something slip.Whatever you know, get it out now. Save yourself. Think of Jr.' But nothing.
I was surprised to not hear more on the lines of, 'You've never left Misty's site, surely she said something or let something slip.Whatever you know, get it out now. Save yourself. Think of Jr.' But nothing.

Maybe next time, Dodie, give them time... (to read WS and take advantage of our suggestions, that is.)

Perhaps they thought that there was no need to play for the crowds because NG will never play anything that doesn't show Ron in the best of lights.
GGMS tells RC that his mom, TN, wants him to be careful of what he says in jail because they know there is a "snitch" in there with him. RC says "I know".


I have a few questions about that!

1) WHY does it matter if RC has nothing to hide???

2) WHY does TN want him to watch what he says?

For months we have been discussing GGMS and TN being involved in Haleigh's disappearance, but is that what they are talking about? Or are they involved in drug dealing too and they are trying to hide that?

Well gosh, you know, it's not that he has anything to hide personally, it's just that Ronald does not want to compromise the Haleigh investigation and the drug case against the devious Croslin clan by letting slip any insider information about Misty and company. LE has certainly asked him to keep certain aspects of it all confidential and he just respects their wishes. :angel:

Grandma didn't have to worry about watching what she says, Ron didn't give her a chance to say anything.
Very interesting isn't it? Up until now, I was thoroughly convinced that it was Misty and only Misty responsible for Haleigh's disappearance. Now I'm thinking she knows what Ron did to her and kept her mouth shut because she was afraid of him.:twocents:
...I think that's what Misty's family is suspecting as well,that's why her mom told her about Ron's girlfriend and her dad tells her to tell the truth....
I'd say Jack Cummings, aka, Rooster. Take a look at his record. If anyone knows about jail, it's him.

WOW! Snitch in a jail??? Who'd of ever thunk that?

Sounds like they didn't think Ronnie could figure that one out on his own.
WOW! Snitch in a jail??? Who'd of ever thunk that?

Sounds like they didn't think Ronnie could figure that one out on his own.

They should start teaching it in kindergarten. The ABCs of surviving in the prison system. Remember the snitch, don't incriminate yourself when you're taped, don't talk without your lawyer, start saving for phone money and the canteen before you get arrested...
Why didn't he say "It don't matter GGM, I don't have anything to hide." That would have been telling.

You know I still have part of my mind left vacant to accept that Ron had nothing to do with Haleigh's disappearance, and that he got dragged into the drugs by someone else, he didn't do the rat, he didn't road rage. I really am willing to accept all those things if I see evidence and behavior that shows it. Since the 911 call, I have only seen the opposite.

So how does Pop know there is a snitch in the jail?

Because it does matter - He does have something to hide, along with GGS & TN. IMHO -
THEY ARE MAKING ME SICK TO MY STOMACH. My gosh, a snitch, surely GGM is smarter than that. WHY would she say something like that on a jailhouse phone call? Ron, GGM and TN, along with Misty are in it up to their ears..... all at the expense of a beautiful little girl, that they all CLAIM to love....

Does jail offer some type of class about love? how to love 101? anything?

They all could use it IMO.
Probably a dumb question, but WHO is Pop?

It's been speculated on another thread to be Ron's dad-Jack Lester.
What came to my mind was TN's bf, Jeff. In an interview done around the holidays I believe GGMS referred to "Papa Jeff" (referring to what Haleigh called him) cooking a big meal.
Also, TN's brother D. Squires?

I don't know-just throwing ideas out.

ETA-There is no such thing as a dumb question!!
Somebody tell me please, who was the snitch mentioned on NG the other night? JW?
I am boycotting her show-the "soft-spot" was way too much for me.


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