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I have no idea when the video is from. It's funny you mention that the hair looks like a wig to you because the only pictures I have seen of Dina looks to me as if she wears a wig.
What if Nina sent that text to RZ in hopes of really just talking to her. RZ is expecting her so there is no forced entry. While talking to RZ, Nina loses her temper and attacks RZ which makes RZ scream for help (could explain the scream heard by the neighbor). AS also hears the scream though...

He comes in to find Nina has stangled RZ. Now what? Nina begs AS to help her.

AS and Nina come up with the elaborate plan to make it look like a suicide. AS uses his nautical experience to tie the knots. 2 knifes, tiny foot print and boot print - man and woman.

They both had plenty of time to clean-up...

Where was Nina through all of this? Does she have a firm alibi?

Thanks for this. The house is Dina's on E. Caballo in Paradise Valley, owned by Jonah Shacknai Trust. My take is that is not a mystery woman in the newscast, getting into the black car. It's Dina.

I truly do not have any idea, as this was on the 14th. Wasn't that the date that Max was taken off life support? I know the only place I would even think of being that day, would have been with my baby.

Now for my disclaimer, as this is imo only....I am not sure as anyone in the family was worried about the amount of time spent at Max's bedside. Maybe they had made peace with the fact, that being brain dead, Maxie was not really there any more anyway? If that was the case, I would agree, that it looked like Dina's build and the hair did look like a wig.

Dina used to work at medicis. There was a phone number on Rebecca's cell, from a person who also worked at medicis. Wish we knew what she looked like, as she worked with Dina and they were reported to be friends.

I disagree because of the hair. I would say that maybe it is Nina, depending on what her hair looks like. Does Dr. Howard have a wife?

Nina is 'larger', though busty. Dina posted her phone number on a cousins facebook page. She has relatives and it could have been a niece, cousin or another relative, imo.

What if Nina sent that text to RZ in hopes of really just talking to her. RZ is expecting her so there is no forced entry. While talking to RZ, Nina loses her temper and attacks RZ which makes RZ scream for help (could explain the scream heard by the neighbor). AS also hears the scream though...

He comes in to find Nina has stangled RZ. Now what? Nina begs AS to help her.

AS and Nina come up with the elaborate plan to make it look like a suicide. AS uses his nautical experience to tie the knots. 2 knifes, tiny foot print and boot print - man and woman.

They both had plenty of time to clean-up...

Where was Nina through all of this? Does she have a firm alibi?


Interesting possibility! I also think someone with a lot of knowledge about nautical rope may have been involved, or was asked to come out as a scapegoat.
I disagree because of the hair. I would say that maybe it is Nina, depending on what her hair looks like. Does Dr. Howard have a wife?

What about the hair? Because it's longer? I would guess extensions. The build seems the same as photos of Dina Shacknai from PVPD. Wide shoulders and waist, busty, slim hips, fair complexion, dark hair.


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What about the hair? Because it's longer? I would guess extensions. The build seems the same as photos of Dina Shacknai from PVPD. Wide shoulders and waist, busty, slim hips, fair complexion, dark hair.

Wow! She sure has wide shoulders.... wonder if she lifts weights?? Rebecca must have been very tiny beside her..

I still think it was Dina in the black car....
Wow! She sure has wide shoulders.... wonder if she lifts weights?? Rebecca must have been very tiny beside her..

I still think it was Dina in the black car....

I do too. What I find interesting about the video image is that she's very fashionably dressed, well put-together, for a mom with a brain-dead or dead child (not sure of video date). I would picture someone in her shoes to look more like she did in Paradise Valley police dept photos.
A neighbor, who was reading in their front den, heard a woman scream for help at 11:30 p.m., the night Rebecca was murdered. She called the police and they did nothing, then called again and Lt. Nesbitt came out. she told him of the scream again and he said "it wasn't important"! What kind of LE acts like this? Why even have them! LOL.
A neighbor, who was reading in their front den, heard a woman scream for help at 11:30 p.m., the night Rebecca was murdered. She called the police and they did nothing, then called again and Lt. Nesbitt came out. she told him of the scream again and he said "it wasn't important"! What kind of LE acts like this? Why even have them! LOL.
Welcome to Websleuths, goody2shoes! You make a very good point!
A neighbor, who was reading in their front den, heard a woman scream for help at 11:30 p.m., the night Rebecca was murdered. She called the police and they did nothing, then called again and Lt. Nesbitt came out. she told him of the scream again and he said "it wasn't important"! What kind of LE acts like this? Why even have them! LOL.

Would like to read further re above. Link?
What about the hair? Because it's longer? I would guess extensions. The build seems the same as photos of Dina Shacknai from PVPD. Wide shoulders and waist, busty, slim hips, fair complexion, dark hair.


And she would do this shortly after her son died?????
A neighbor, who was reading in their front den, heard a woman scream for help at 11:30 p.m., the night Rebecca was murdered. She called the police and they did nothing, then called again and Lt. Nesbitt came out. she told him of the scream again and he said "it wasn't important"! What kind of LE acts like this? Why even have them! LOL.

Where did you hear that a woman was reading in her den, and that Lt. Nesbitt responded to her phone call to police?

Lt. Nesbitt is with the SDCSD. If a Coronado neighbor heard screams, and called the police, I think the Coronado PD would have responded.

ETA: If this *info* is based on a news article, please link the article.
Hi CalElliot, Goody got that info from a comment by "writeaboutit" under this article: http://www.forbes.com/sites/shenegotiates/2011/09/25/money-mystery-murder-in-spreckels-mansion-case/

I just read the comment myself. Lots of stuff in there, but mostly hearsay, unfortunately, not MSM, but shoot, even the MSM is getting stuff wrong.

Comment must have been by K McKenna or someone posing as her. Copy/paste the link at the bottom of the post and you get an account activated page with an email addy for her.
Comment must have been by K McKenna or someone posing as her. Copy/paste the link at the bottom of the post and you get an account activated page with an email addy for her.

More from the link from McKenna:


The Sheriff says there is a video of Mr. Shacknai at Ronald McDonald House. What I can say first hand is this, none of the many volunteers I talked to ever saw him there, and they told me they have all been talking about it and he wasn’t there when reported.

I spoke to a security guard who said Mr. Shacknai was in and out of Rady a lot, there was a parents bed in Max’s room in every room but he didn’t sleep there. Apparently Mrs. Shacknai didn’t sleep there either its right in the Newsweek article that Dina went home to sleep.
Hmmm... what does everyone think of this?

Author: writeaboutit

The times and movements of the family that day do not match Rebecca’s blackberry. Which shows Mr. Shacknai’s children leaving at noon and little Max going to his mother.

Someone stole Rebecca’s credit card, the charges are to the Apple Ipod store and a dating site called Zoomsk. Miss Zahau and Mr. Shacknai’s daughter had a very contentious relationship, terrible is a better word, her family has spoken about this at some length.

The comments are interesting on several points but of course internet is anonymous so who knows. Now if that poster came to post here and was verified as an insider...
The comments are interesting on several points but of course internet is anonymous so who knows. Now if that poster came to post here and was verified as an insider...

I think it's the woman doing research and writing a book on the case.
I think it's the woman doing research and writing a book on the case.

IF it's her, she's also been posting at Coronado Patch and says she is giving pertinent info to Anne Bremner.
I do too. What I find interesting about the video image is that she's very fashionably dressed, well put-together, for a mom with a brain-dead or dead child (not sure of video date). I would picture someone in her shoes to look more like she did in Paradise Valley police dept photos.

Hence my wanting to believe that it wasn't her. I need to get out of my own head and how I would act in the same situation. Would this mean she may have been packing to go stay at Jonah's? Interesting possibilities if it truly was Dina.

Where did you hear that a woman was reading in her den, and that Lt. Nesbitt responded to her phone call to police?

Lt. Nesbitt is with the SDCSD. If a Coronado neighbor heard screams, and called the police, I think the Coronado PD would have responded.

ETA: If this *info* is based on a news article, please link the article.

Sorrell, I know that Bremner reported this also and stated it either on tv or in an article. There are so many threads, I am lost on where to find it now?:banghead:
IF it's her, she's also been posting at Coronado Patch and says she is giving pertinent info to Anne Bremner.

Isn't Kathleen McKenna the one who says she's writing a book about RZ's death?

I certainly hope Anne Bremner isn't getting her info from this woman. I don't like the idea at all that someone is already drafting a book about RZ's death when there are so many unanswered questions - and I like even less the idea that this woman may be a source of *information* to the family's attorney.

I'm not an expert on Ann Rule (true crime author), but did she ever do this sort of thing? Has Ann Rule ever gotten mixed up in an investigation in this manner in order to write a book? I suspect she hasn't.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear that some of the rumors that have been circulating can be traced back to this Kathleen McKenna. If she wants to write a book - fine. But she needs to stay out of the investigation, IMO.

I thought Anne Bremner hired a PI to investigate? If so - why is Kathleen McKenna seemingly doing the PI's work? This doesn't feel right at all to me.

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