Who Has Heard Burke's Voice on The 911 Tape?

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Have You Heard Burke's Voice on 911 Tape??

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KoldKase and I both agree that it seems that alot of people are trying to convince those of us that actually heard the enhanced 911 tape, that we really didn't. Just because it is stated that the enhanced 911 tape was never played...doesn't mean that it wasn't. I know what I heard....and the subject was the 911 call ....not a mock trial. This was way before I had even started getting on the internet...and way before I knew what Websleuths was.

I heard the original playing on Geraldo as well...I was a stay at home mom at the time and Geraldo was a big deal back then .
I am wondering why john, when/if talking to Burke during the 911 call did not say "your mother is not speaking to you" or "she is not speaking to you"? It seems strange to me that he said "we are not speaking to you" as it was only PR who was having the conversation with the operator. Maybe it's just me though!
Ya' know.... it occurred to me that maybe John meant something completely different that hadn't even dawned on me until yesterday when "Mrs. otg" got a little PO'd at me about something (didn't even realize it at the time). Later in the day when I said something to her and waited for a response she said, "I'm not speaking to you."

Maybe it was because of the context of discussions about the extra conversation at the end of the 911 call that it struck me. I don't know... just throwing it out there. Anyone else think John could have been expressing his and Patsy's anger at Burke when he said, "We're not speaking to you?"
Anyone else think John could have been expressing his and Patsy's anger at Burke when he said, "We're not speaking to you?"

Seems to me John is conveying his cold indifference to Burke. I hate to think what it may have been like in that household.
Ya' know.... it occurred to me that maybe John meant something completely different that hadn't even dawned on me until yesterday when "Mrs. otg" got a little PO'd at me about something (didn't even realize it at the time). Later in the day when I said something to her and waited for a response she said, "I'm not speaking to you."

Maybe it was because of the context of discussions about the extra conversation at the end of the 911 call that it struck me. I don't know... just throwing it out there. Anyone else think John could have been expressing his and Patsy's anger at Burke when he said, "We're not speaking to you?"

Interesting. I'm not sure I can buy this. If someone says this after an argument, they are usually saying this just to let you know that they have been wronged and is somewhat "childish" in my opinion. Would he be saying "I'm not speaking to you" in this context if he new BR harmed JBR? I don't know... But I guess anything could be possible with these odd ducks.
One thing that bothers me about the 911 call is that it is difficult to determine exactly how many times the 911 Operator says the word "Patsy" at the end of the call.

In Kolar's book, the transcript has the word "Patsy" five times. Peter Hyatt, Statement Analysis, has it said as five times. Wendy Murphy claims it was spoken five times. Many other transcriptions only have four times. How did one of the words spoken by the 911 Operator become missing or removed from the original recording?

This is what I always thought was the context. They were not happy with Burke right then...
Ya' know.... it occurred to me that maybe John meant something completely different that hadn't even dawned on me until yesterday when "Mrs. otg" got a little PO'd at me about something (didn't even realize it at the time). Later in the day when I said something to her and waited for a response she said, "I'm not speaking to you."

Maybe it was because of the context of discussions about the extra conversation at the end of the 911 call that it struck me. I don't know... just throwing it out there. Anyone else think John could have been expressing his and Patsy's anger at Burke when he said, "We're not speaking to you?"
Being probably one of the younger members on this board, the phrase "i'm not speaking to you" clearly reminds me of when I would keep pestering my mother when she was angry/disappointed in something I had done. So i can definitely see it being used in that sort of tone. It's a moment where the child typically realizes oh **** i've done wrong, and the parents want nothing more than to be apart from their child for a moment to regroup.
I've only listened to it in full properly once, can't remember which words jumped out at me clearly now. But I definitely, 100%, heard four different voices on that recording.
Unfortunately I know that if I listen again now I'll hear what I'm 'told' is there ��
But I stand by hearing four voices. The 911 op, PR, JR and a child's voice.
Ya' know.... it occurred to me that maybe John meant something completely different that hadn't even dawned on me until yesterday when "Mrs. otg" got a little PO'd at me about something (didn't even realize it at the time). Later in the day when I said something to her and waited for a response she said, "I'm not speaking to you."

Maybe it was because of the context of discussions about the extra conversation at the end of the 911 call that it struck me. I don't know... just throwing it out there. Anyone else think John could have been expressing his and Patsy's anger at Burke when he said, "We're not speaking to you?"

So they were giving Burke the silent treatment at that point? How very mature of them when dealing with a murderous child....Seriously, I have used the silent treatment as a passive-aggressive technique for a lot of my life. It's highly dysfunctional and manipulative. And in this case, pathetic as a way to "punish" your child. Burke should have had the best help they could get him, and that would mean acknowledgement of his problems and working *with* the authorities to make sure he didn't end up hurting anyone else. But no, they chose to commit yet another series of crimes while trying to protect their own image. Despicable.
I heard the original playing on Geraldo as well...I was a stay at home mom at the time and Geraldo was a big deal back then .

Was that where it was?? I remember hearing it, and the voices were much more clear than on the CBS show last month. You could clearly hear what was being said.
"I'm not speaking to you" doesn't have to mean anything ulterior. If BR is nearby and hears talking, he only needs to reply to get that response.
So they were giving Burke the silent treatment at that point? How very mature of them when dealing with a murderous child....Seriously, I have used the silent treatment as a passive-aggressive technique for a lot of my life. It's highly dysfunctional and manipulative. And in this case, pathetic as a way to "punish" your child. Burke should have had the best help they could get him, and that would mean acknowledgement of his problems and working *with* the authorities to make sure he didn't end up hurting anyone else. But no, they chose to commit yet another series of crimes while trying to protect their own image. Despicable.
It was just a thought because of my hearing someone else (Mrs. otg) use the very same words. I still think though it was simply John's way of brushing off Burke -- in effect, saying "we're busy, shut your mouth, don't speak unless spoken to, we're not speaking to you," etc. (IOW, everything I used to hear from my parents when I was pestering them while they were too busy to be bothered by me.)
It was just a thought because of my hearing someone else (Mrs. otg) use the very same words. I still think though it was simply John's way of brushing off Burke -- in effect, saying "we're busy, shut your mouth, don't speak unless spoken to, we're not speaking to you," etc. (IOW, everything I used to hear from my parents when I was pestering them while they were too busy to be bothered by me.)

Agreed it was John's way of shutting up Burke completely. He was trying to keep Burke from bothering BOTH of them. For example Burke initially was gearing his question towards his daddy, knowing that Burke would just turn to his mother and ask the same thing, he used the word "We" to speak for both of them. In other words "Neither of us have time to talk to you" Either out of anger or disgust or being in a rush.
Before I even knew what FFJ was...and barely knew that the internet was...I heard the 911 tape, being played on a TV show. Pretty sure it was Giraldo's morning show. Anyway, there was a young sounding male voice...saying..."What did you find?", and an older male voice saying.."We are not speaking to you". It was clear as a bell. IMO...Burke overheard the 911 call, and Patsy saying that she had found something..(the RN), and so he walked into the room saying.."What did you find?" Then John says, "We are not speaking to you". He sounds somewhat upset at Burke. Kind of like...mind your own business. Anyway...I would like to know who else has heard this tape for themselves. I know of at LEAST 3 other posters.

That is exactly what I heard. I remember it clear as day even all these years later.
I have been trying to catch up with this case. I read one thing and then something else that contradicts what I have just read.......drives me crazy.........I listened to the 911 call and do believe I hear a young voice saying, "What did you find?" If Burke is responsible, he is playing coy. But at that point the ransom note had already been written. If Patsy wrote it, had she found JBs body and assumed Burke did it? I apologize if I sound like an idiot. My heart has never wanted to believe the family had anything to do with it, but lots if disconcerting evidence that points to them.
I have been trying to catch up with this case. I read one thing and then something else that contradicts what I have just read.......drives me crazy.........I listened to the 911 call and do believe I hear a young voice saying, "What did you find?" If Burke is responsible, he is playing coy. But at that point the ransom note had already been written. If Patsy wrote it, had she found JBs body and assumed Burke did it? I apologize if I sound like an idiot. My heart has never wanted to believe the family had anything to do with it, but lots if disconcerting evidence that points to them.

They may have already told him to stay up in his room and out of their way while they took care of staging and calling the police, and he came back down out of boredom or curiosity. He didn't know about the ransom note and maybe didn't know about the staging. I wonder at times if JR & PR found her body after Burke had gone back to his room, and never really told him what they did, so that they could pretend that what HE did was not as serious or didn't cause her death. So he wouldn't think he'd actually killed her....which is even more criminal than a simple cover-up to keep him out of custody...But the more I think of all the facts, the more I think that is likely to have happened. So Burke really may not understand the full truth, perhaps even today.
Thanks for your reply! That does make sense. Didn't they send him off with a friend or relative after it happened. I would think the parents would have been scared to death he would say something to incriminate them or himself.
Thanks for your reply! That does make sense. Didn't they send him off with a friend or relative after it happened. I would think the parents would have been scared to death he would say something to incriminate them or himself.
They sent him to Fleet's house that morning which immediately exposed him to possible interrogation not just from BPD....but the FBI. If Burke knew anything, this was a huge risk for them to take. Their world could have come crashing down even before her body was discovered.

Not long after the murder, Burke went back to school.
They sent him to Fleet's house that morning which immediately exposed him to possible interrogation not just from BPD....but the FBI. If Burke knew anything, this was a huge risk for them to take. Their world could have come crashing down even before her body was discovered.

Not long after the murder, Burke went back to school.
I don't think they even considered him being questioned. I think they made a lot of mistakes that morning during the coverup and after the 911 call. I wonder if BR said some things at the Fleet's that made them even more wary. Didn't he say somewhere that he discussed her being strangled to another kid and when asked by an adult to repeat it he refused to repeat it again? Not sure when this occurred or if it occurred. I just remember reading somewhere this being referenced in one of the threads. Any one else remember when and if this occurred?
The return to school is something I personally need to research more to become more familiar with. There's so much to go through in this case! :scared: About the time I think I have researched a part well, I learn more about it that I had no clue about. No wonder so many people get confused about this case. There is just so much to it! Strangely though... nothing truly points outside of the house... yet many believe this. I think it is due to the fact that every time someone tries to truly investigate this case (expert wise) the Ramsey's stop them and file lawsuits. I guess people automatically assume sometimes that if a lawsuit is in place it means everything in the documentary or statement is false. It's the Ramsey's way of shutting down and controlling what is and what is not viewed or heard. They hedge their bets I believe, in the fact that people will assume that the person being sued is automatically in the wrong and never follow up. This is why I hope and pray Spitz does not back down or settle. Experts need to start standing up and standing their ground if they believe the Ramsey's are guilty. They do victims a disservice by not standing their ground. Even if we don't agree fully in what these experts say, the fact that they are trying their hardest to get this case heard and investigated properly should mean something. It's important. I think the only expert who felt an intruder did it was Smit right? Not sure about this but he is the one who at least stands out to me. Although, I think he was at some points questioning the Ramsey's point of view but was too smitten with them to admit it. JMOO

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