Who Is Caylee's Biological Father?

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Sorry if this was already posted, but I didn't see it anywhere. I found an inconsistency in the stories told by the Anthony family members about the biological father of Caylee.

Cindy Anthony said Caylee's father was just a friend of Casey's that "lives" out of state, and he started another family by the time Caylee was born, and "he passed away" earlier in the year in a car crash and his family never had knowledge of Caylee and that was a mutual thing that he and Casey had agreed upon, that he would never be in Caylee's life. I found a TV interview with brother Lee, Lee says they will not say who the father was because they didn't want the biological father's family to go through what they are going through media wise. When asked did the biological father's family knew about Caylee he answered no, the father didn't even know.

Yes I caught that too. Not to mention Cindy said in court she thought Jesse was the father. Oh what a tangled web we weave......
search Zenaida Ortiz and grandparent visitation...

So what does this mean exactly?



Courts Gets Case Of Grandparental Visitation Rights
in response to reader comment: Victim of New York Grandparent Visitation Law DRL 72Submitted by zenaida ortiz, May 7, 2007 16:18
I respect the wishes of those parents who don't wish their children to have any contact with their grandparents. In some cases it is good. But for others like me, who only wants to see her grandchild but is constantly impeded by the other grandparent who has custody--it is not fair. And laws are to protect all grandparents. We cannot pick and chose who will benefit from grandparents rights or not. My situation is unique. The mother of my grandchild is mentally incapacited and her mother (the other grandmother) is a Jehova Witness and for some reason does not particularly want me to see my grandchild on a regular basis. There have been issues relating to the safety of the child because of the parent's emotional state and she has been violent and is under a doctor's care. I had the occasion of speaking with Child Welfare Bureau agency staff and so has my son who currently resides in Florida. I want to be a part of this child's life. She does know me and tells me she loves me. This relationship should not be taken away. My religion is different and I do not hold it against them. I feel I should be in her life so I can keep track of her and see for myself that she is being provided for in a loving, healthy manner. My grandchild needs to know she is also loved by the family of her father even though he cannot physically live in the area.
I don't care if this sounds judgmental (tisk-tisk for me), but I think if she KNEW who Caylee's father is, she would have pushed for child support payments....she didn't work...wouldn't Cindy and George also have asked Casey why the father wasn't helping? She prob. doesn't even know.
I think Casey Anthony is one of those people that lived for the moment. I don't think she had the mental capability to plan for the future. One of those people that just lives on impulses. It could be quite possible that she had a one night stand and that Caylee's father was some random guy and that it was much easier for her to lie and pin the father title on Jesus, who passed away. I'm not being judgemental here, just being real, based off of the apparent "clubbing" and "hookup" scene she seemed to be quite involved in.......

I just think if Jesus is not the father of this little girl, the real father deserves to know.... regardless of the behavior of the mother.
I'm right with you, Dee. I think that's the most logical explanation, but this is a case without logic, so we shall see! =)
There are more photos of Caylee on GM Cindy's myspace page, if you click on 'PICS'.
This baby definitely looks like JP Chatt. I'd be very surprised to learn he's not the baby daddy.
I see the photos were removed from the first post. Are we not supposed to post photos? Or is it that we can't post photos of JP because he's not involved in the case?
Don't have the link, but --- Cindy stated that Casey and the father agreed he would not be part of Caylee's life. If that's true, he already knows. And if he cared, he'd have come forward by now.
I don't care if this sounds judgmental (tisk-tisk for me), but I think if she KNEW who Caylee's father is, she would have pushed for child support payments....she didn't work...wouldn't Cindy and George also have asked Casey why the father wasn't helping? She prob. doesn't even know.
sometimes its better when the father isnt involved .. there could be reasons she did that . most mothers need the help with child support .but if the father is dangerous or ect mabey its best to keep him out of the kids life ?.
Don't have the link, but --- Cindy stated that Casey and the father agreed he would not be part of Caylee's life. If that's true, he already knows. And if he cared, he'd have come forward by now.

I really don't believe that. I think that was another lie by both of them to cover up the fact that Casey really doesn't know who Caylee's father actually is.

I wouldn't put it past either of them.... it's already known that Casey is a habitual liar. Casey probably told her mother the father wanted nothing to do with Caylee for sympathy and Cindy totally bought it...
sometimes its better when the father isnt involved .. there could be reasons she did that . most mothers need the help with child support .but if the father is dangerous or ect mabey its best to keep him out of the kids life ?.

I do not agree with that at all. I believe father's have a right to know about and/or see their children. It is not up to the mother to decide that. If the mother has a problem with the father, leave it up to the judge to decide whether or not the father is fit or unfit in family court.

ETA: If the father didn't want anything to do with his child, then the Anthony's should have had him sign over his paternity rights.... ;)
ETA: If the father didn't want anything to do with his child, then the Anthony's should have had him sign over his paternity rights.... ;)

According to Cindy, there's no father listed on the birth certificate and there was an agreement (bogus or not) between the father and Casey. So, unless some dude comes forward to go to court to claim his paternity, there's no legal paternity "rights" for any man. Right?
I really don't believe that. I think that was another lie by both of them to cover up the fact that Casey really doesn't know who Caylee's father actually is.

I wouldn't put it past either of them.... it's already known that Casey is a habitual liar. Casey probably told her mother the father wanted nothing to do with Caylee for sympathy and Cindy totally bought it...

I respect this opinion and you could be right!

The other thing is, even if it wasn't a lie, Casey didn't need a man to make child support payments because she's always had mommy and daddy to take care of all her sheeeeit and pay her bills.
sometimes its better when the father isn't involved .. there could be reasons she did that . most mothers need the help with child support .but if the father is dangerous or ect maybe its best to keep him out of the kids life ?.

I do believe that the man who died in the car crash is most likely the father of Caycee.

I cant see Casey ever having one rational thought when it came to what was in the best interest of her child. There is nothing showing, as far as I have read, that any of these potential fathers were dangerous and they certainly couldn't have been more dangerous than Casey Anthony has turned out to be for Caylee.

I think Casey lied just like she lies when she opens her mouth. I don't think the father every knew that he was the father of Caylee. She either doesn't have a clue who the father really is or she lied to her parents that the father did not want to help raise Caylee.

What she has done is unforgivable to me. No matter if she did not want the father in Caylee's life she took away the rights of Caylee's other grandparents to even know they had a beautiful little granddaughter. If it is the man who died in the vehicle accident, that family has not only lost their son but may have been robbed from having a relationship with his child, their grandchild.

I hope they do find out who the father then maybe the other grandparents can go to court to get rights to see Caylee if by some miracle she is still alive, which I do not believe she is.
I do not agree with that at all. I believe father's have a right to know about and/or see their children. It is not up to the mother to decide that. If the mother has a problem with the father, leave it up to the judge to decide whether or not the father is fit or unfit in family court.

ETA: If the father didn't want anything to do with his child, then the Anthony's should have had him sign over his paternity rights.... ;)

I must agree with you.

I have seen so many segments about this issue discussed on the major news channels lately and all the experts seem to agree. We need more fathers in the lives of their children not fewer.

You are correct. Those issues can be resolved in court where it is handled day in and day out.

This may already have been discovered but the Jesus Ortiz that may be Caylee's father is Jesus E Ortiz born 9/8/1986.
Maybe with this info, we can find if there is any relation in the family to a Zenaida.
on this link, you can see all of the case records for Jesus.
on this link, you can see a Jesus A Ortiz and Olga Marquez were petitioning for Administration in May 2007 after the death of Jesus E Ortiz.
Not sure if this will help us at all, but I thought I'd post in case someone could find something based on more specific data on Jesus.
I don't know or care who Caylee's father is. It's not my business.

I would think that he should have the right to know first of all if this is his child, and secondly what happened to his daughter, even if they didn't have a relationship for whatever reason.

Obviously, Casey is a liar and probably told every guy she slept with that the baby wasn't theirs... possibly another sympathy ploy...
This may already have been discovered but the Jesus Ortiz that may be Caylee's father is Jesus E Ortiz born 9/8/1986.
Maybe with this info, we can find if there is any relation in the family to a Zenaida.
on this link, you can see all of the case records for Jesus.
on this link, you can see a Jesus A Ortiz and Olga Marquez were petitioning for Administration in May 2007 after the death of Jesus E Ortiz.
Not sure if this will help us at all, but I thought I'd post in case someone could find something based on more specific data on Jesus.

I too have researched these people. They are born-again Christians. I think if they thought there was anything to this they would do the right thing. I also do not believe they would EVER do something like kidnapping. I have a close, close friend that attended church with these people in Florida when she lived there. She knows them well and I am convinced they have nothing to do with this. AT ALL
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