Who is Hannah Graham?

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More from the Washington Post article...

During a ski trip to Wintergreen last year, Graham took part in a costume race outfitted in a black-beaded flapper dress with a Union Jack tied around her shoulders as a cape.
Do we know if Hannah's remains have been released to her family for a service? So heartbreaking.
From this article, it is obvious that Hannah Graham's teachers adored her:


As a teacher myself, I can say that students like Hannah are an absolute joy.

It sounded like a touching memorial service.
This link also adds that Hannah's mother read the poem "Remember Me" by David Harkins. http://www.wtop.com/41/3743289/Friends-teachers-remember-Hannah-Graham

I found the complete poem and am posting it here. It is beautiful, moving, and seems so fitting for a daughter who was so full of life.

Remember Me - by David Harkins
Do not shed tears when I have gone but smile instead because I have lived.
Do not shut your eyes and pray to God that I'll come back but open your eyes and see all that I have left behind.
I know your heart will be empty because you cannot see me but still I want you to be full of the love we shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live only for yesterday or you can be happy for tomorrow because of what happened between us yesterday.
You can remember me and grieve that I have gone or you can cherish my memory and let it live on.
You can cry and lose yourself, become distraught and turn your back on the world or you can do what I want - smile, wipe away the tears, learn to love again and go on.
Screenshot 2014-11-16 at 12.33.15 AM.jpg

Nov. 15, 2014 At left, Hannah Graham's parents, John and Sue Graham, greet friends after the memorial service.
Bill O'Leary/The Washington Post [More photos]

Family, friends and teachers pay tribute to Hannah Graham at memorial service
By T. Rees Shapiro November 15 at 4:37 PM
It was appropriate for the service to take place where “Hannah made music,” teacher Steve Rice said.

In Graham’s memory, Rice led West Potomac students through two hits by Elvis Presley, her favorite rock star: “Can’t Help Falling in Love” and “Love Me Tender.”

“Hannah was always able to steal the show,” John Graham said Saturday.


For sweet Hannah Graham
Hannah Graham celebrated as "bright, witty, selfless" during memorial
Nov 15, 2014 11:41 PM EST
Kelly Avellino reports
"A seemingly endless crowd isn't mourning a bright soul, but cherishing her legacy."

"John Graham spoke of his daughter's effervescence, always seeming to steal the show. Her friends and teachers described her as incredibly bright, motivated and talented at whatever she did- lead saxophone player in the band, skilled skier, and captain of her softball team."

Celebration of Life held for Hannah Graham
Stephanie Ramirez reports 12:59 a.m. Nov 16, '14

"She touched a lot of people's lives just being around them. When I looked at Hannah after I knew her for a couple of years, I looked at her and I said, 'She's going to change the world. She's going to do something and that's probably the hardest thing about it that she was so smart, intelligent," said Jamie Barr, another former teammate.


"Celebration of life" held for Hannah Graham
Shomari Stone reports Nov 16, '14 12:26am

Hundreds Gather to Honor Memory of "smart and sassy Hannah Graham"
Nov 15, '14 4:14 pm
Hundreds share tears, laughs at memorial for Hannah Graham
Chelsea Rarrick reports 12:05 am Nov 16, '14

“Hannah was in center field and I was in left field, and there was a pop up that went straight over Hannah’s head and she was just running backwards and slipped under the fence and she just started cracking up,” said friend, Jamie Barr.

Friends and Family Remember the Life of Hannah Graham at Memorial Service
Nov 15, 2014 8:13 PM EST

Mother Kari Warren said, “For me, it means closure for Hannah's friends, for her parents to feel the support and love of the community.”
Hannah Graham honored at memorial service at West Potomac High in Alexandria
Kristen Holmes, The Associated Press, November 15, 2014 - 02:19 pm

Kevin Lewis reports

During a nearly two hour memorial service, Hannah's parents, teachers and friends remembered the British national as caring, determined, intelligent, at times opinionated, and, yes, very witty."

Today, her former softball coach said "When I think of Hannah Graham, I think of a great slide and an amazing ability to make you laugh."
Bringing my response to Charlie Chan, Cool J and 4 Free Speech @ the Fairfax Rape Thread about what was written on the wall behind the Ski Chair at the Hannah Graham memorial.

Either message is (or would be) strange and inappropriate on a memorial for a student who was abducted, raped and murdered. More appropriate messages are about the victim, that they will be missed and were a positive presence in the lives of others. Which Hannah Graham evidently was.

The mention of the perpetrator on the memorial to Hannah Graham is not at all appropriate.
The reference to Allah (and Islam in which rape is a centuries-old traditional part of jihad when the women of 'infidels' are abducted, taken captive, for example, with ISIS in Syria and Iraq and Boko Haram in Nigeria, and other Islamic groups throughout the Middle East.) was in fact, vandalizing and the product of a very sick mind.

I initially took it the same way. It appears to be asking forgiveness for JM. But after a little Googling it appears to be a funeral prayer asking for Allah's mercy on the living and the dead, so the deceased may enter Heaven. I agree, it doesn't translate well though. But I think and hope the intention didn't have anything to do with JM. MOO

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) offered the funeral prayer and said: “O Allah, forgive our living and our dead, our young ones and our old ones, our males and our females, those of us who are present and those who are absent. O Allah, whomever You keep alive, keep him alive with faith and whomever you cause to die, cause him to die in Islam. Do not deprive us of the reward and do not cause us to go astray after this.”

In memory of Hannah Graham

On The Death of a Young Lady
by George Gordon, Lord Byron

Hush’d are the winds, and still the evening gloom,
Not e’en a zephyr wanders through the grove,
Whilst I return, to view my Margaret’s tomb,
And scatter flowers on the dust I love.

Within this narrow cell reclines her clay,
That clay, where once such animation beam’d;
The King of Terrors seized her as his prey,
Not worth nor beauty have her life redeem’d.

Oh! could that King of Terrors pity feel,
Or heaven reverse the dread decree of fate,
Not here the mourner would his grief reveal,
Not here the muse her virtues would relate.

But wherefore weep? Her matchless spirit soars
Beyond where splendid shines the orb of day;
And weeping angels lead her to those bowers
Where endless pleasures virtuous deeds repay.

And shall presumptuous mortals Heaven arraign,
And, madly, godlike Providence accuse?
Ah! no, far fly from me attempts so vain;—
I’ll ne’er submission to my God refuse.

Yet is remembrance of those virtues dear,
Yet fresh the memory of that beauteous face;
Still they call forth my warm affection’s tear,
Still in my heart retain their wonted place.
LATE THIS AFTERNOON as a tired sun was preparing to set itself against the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains, I drove south out of Charlottesville down Old Lynchburg Road. This narrow country road winds back and forth through the woods, and up and down the hills. It is a beautiful drive, and has always been one of my favorites. I was scheduled to do a live hit for CNN at about 545p. The crew had gotten permission from a nearby property owner to set up our shot along Ammonette Branch, which is where Hannah was found. We were in the woods, down the hill, right behind the empty little house that you've seen in the news. Our live hit got bumped due to some other breaking reports, and I was unable to join them in the second hour, nor was I able to accept the request to join Anderson Cooper tonight, because I had an evening already scheduled with my kids— and I was not going to miss that. While we were down there in the woods tonight, I walked off by myself and up to the edge of the creek and took this picture. I don't have to explain it to you. It doesn't need any kind of a caption. You know why I pointed the camera in that direction. I did not see the footprint of a monster. I did not sense the echo of horror, even though I know on a dark night not too long ago this very spot was the scene of a nightmare. I stood there along the creek in those Virginia woods, and I listened to the wind ripple through the trees. In the distance a dog barked, once and then once again. I watched the autumn leaves let go, falling around me, dancing their way into the arms of the earth. I was so overcome by the most amazing sense of peace and rest, I cannot fully express it. At my feet the water whispered as it coursed along the ground finding its way out of the shadows to the Hardware River, and through the mountains to the James, which will run laughing across Virginia to the Chesapeake Bay and then leap into the Atlantic— where with outstretched hands it will hold the sky. I want each one of you to know how peaceful and how beautiful those woods are, and how lovely is the silent song at the water's edge. Good night Hannah.

Coy Barefoot - https://www.facebook.com/coybarefoot?fref=ts
Maybe already been noted, but it appears she was a Kappa Delta from a picture in that video. Would have meant she pledged Spring semester of this past year.
I took a break from this forum to take a breather from the HG case and am not caught up on this thread but I watched the video... it's odd it wasn't mentioned that she was in a sorority, even on her social media. I have a feeling this picture is from some sort of orientation to the school and/or greek life. I know when I enrolled in college, our orientation included a tour of a typical sorority house. Just a thought.
I took a break from this forum to take a breather from the HG case and am not caught up on this thread but I watched the video... it's odd it wasn't mentioned that she was in a sorority, even on her social media. I have a feeling this picture is from some sort of orientation to the school and/or greek life. I know when I enrolled in college, our orientation included a tour of a typical sorority house. Just a thought.

Thanks for this info; it explains some things on Twitter. Part of her profile description is "Wahoo-wa" (something like that ), and there is more than one #girlsinpearls reference.

I don't think it too odd that the media did not mention a sorority; most everything we know has been tightly controlled by LE IMO. Early on in the investigation, reporters had to use the euphemism "out celebrating" with friends in place of "drinking". That; however, changed. It seems to me they did not want her ties to Greek social orgs known. I wonder why that is?
I took a break from this forum to take a breather from the HG case and am not caught up on this thread but I watched the video... it's odd it wasn't mentioned that she was in a sorority, even on her social media. I have a feeling this picture is from some sort of orientation to the school and/or greek life. I know when I enrolled in college, our orientation included a tour of a typical sorority house. Just a thought.

I agree- I found it SUPER odd that her sorority is essentially MIA in her twitter, Facebook, etc. And never mentioned in the articles about her friends that she was in one. I actually spent a lot of time a couple of weeks ago scouring the web and doing what we sleuthers do trying to find confirmation that she was a sister at KD. I can't find one thing conclusive. Other than that photo in this video. And a few of her friends that have been mentioned by name are Kappa Delta. And the girlsinpearls reference connotes sorority.

I don't think this picture is because of a tour of a sorority house. We never toured Sororities when I was student there- except for Rush. And there were never group photos like that during Rush. So, I believe this is a legitimate pledge class photo. I'm wondering if maybe she deactivated. That's my hypothesis all things considered. But all JMO and I'm honestly still a bit perplexed.

Conductor- I personally don't think the desire to disassociate HG from the Greek system by LE (or anyone for that matter) has anything to do with the RS article and the attention right now on rape. Greek or not, undergrads go out drinking with friends and I think LE would have used a euphemism like "celebrating" for any underage missing college student IMO
I took a break from this forum to take a breather from the HG case and am not caught up on this thread but I watched the video... it's odd it wasn't mentioned that she was in a sorority, even on her social media. I have a feeling this picture is from some sort of orientation to the school and/or greek life. I know when I enrolled in college, our orientation included a tour of a typical sorority house. Just a thought.

Maybe HG skipped sorority participation during her first year, and was going through an informal recruitment with the/a sorority--that could be why she made no mention of a sorority in her posts, and could be why she was not hanging out with potential sorority sisters that night.

Here's some information on sorority informal recruiting, which was in progress when she disappeared:

Virginia's Inter-Sorority Council

Who can participate in Informal Recruitment? Second, third, and fourth years, and transfer non-affiliated women may participate in Informal Recruitment.

Recruitment Regulations

Sec. 15 No men or alcohol are allowed proceeding or during any Informal Recruitment contacts.
Potential new members may not be guests at sorority sponsored social events until the Informal Recruitment period is over. Alcohol and men, excluding performances by acapella groups, may not be present at any Informal Recruitment contact until the Friday following Bid Day. Illegal substances may not be present at any time.

Sec. 16 Informal Recruitment shall consist of a minimum of three contacts between the sorority and the potential new member, and a maximum of five contacts before extending a bid. A contact is defined as any interaction between the potential new member and two or more women of the sorority, excluding inevitable contacts such as living situations and academic classes. Any exceptions are left to the discretion of the Assistant Recruitment Chair.


Informal recruitment was held during the period 09/07/14 through 09/21/14.
I took a break from this forum to take a breather from the HG case and am not caught up on this thread but I watched the video... it's odd it wasn't mentioned that she was in a sorority, even on her social media. I have a feeling this picture is from some sort of orientation to the school and/or greek life. I know when I enrolled in college, our orientation included a tour of a typical sorority house. Just a thought.

There is a pic of what appears to be some sort of Greek related event on Twitter. #girlsinpearls in a chiffon, cobalt blue dress with face immersed in a cooler full of ice water. Don't think it was an ALS bucket challenge. I'll leave it at that but was surprised. The pic is during the day and obviously other girls in pic. Anyway, as of September 7, 2014, I would say she had an active part in Sorority life.

Not sure of linking protocol on Twitter but there are many keywords.
Is "girls in pearls" a reference to sorority life? I thought it was just a "Classy girl" hashtag. She posted on the same day about being at a Ski team birthday party....

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