Who is Matthew Bartlett and why the middle finger sign?

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I'm sure Fridays is none too pleased with the announcement he was a server there.
Well, this 28 year old man has already gotten way more than his 15 min of fame.....but can I ask....Why the heck wear a tie to court if you're gonna flip off the Prosecutor???:banghead:
Lindsay got away with having the actual verbiage painted on her fingernail when she did it... this kid just forgot he wasn't a celeb. :loser: moo

Oh yah, I forgot about the infamous F-U on her fingernails. Matthew should have painted his nails don't ya think :)

It's amazing how the courts treat celebrities vs. the general public. Lindsey could have (probably) gotten away with screaming at the judge with no harm - no foul.

I do understand the bias - I do. But this is a murder case and not a drunk driving case (or whatever Lindsey was on trial for). I forgot now ;)

Your Honour is not gonna let any young dude mess up this court case. It's no wonder the guy didn't get life - LOL. This is JP's courtroom, and no one is gonna mess about - period. I would think folks like Matthew would understand that by now. Hmmmm...maybe he hasn't been following it as closely as we have.

I now wonder if he'll get out without serving 6 days. JP seemed very upset!

MOO - thanks!

Too harsh? yes but good , I personally am glad.


NO! Too harsh? Really? :waitasec:

I disagree! Parents need to teach their children respect. Period.

If one cannot show respect in a court of law, where can they?

I am so sick of parents who raise their children to think they are "entitled", and never suffer the consequences.

CASEY - Prime example!



NO! Too harsh? Really? :waitasec:

I disagree! Parents need to teach their children respect. Period.

If one cannot show respect in a court of law, where can they?

I am so sick of parents who raise their children to think they are "entitled", and never suffer the consequences.

CASEY - Prime example!


Wait, did I write it wrong? I need to go back. Because I DON'T think it was too harsh. I agree parents-- step up, but if you can't do it the courts will help.
Kudos! My thoughts exactly.. I believe it was a young kid STUNT and I don't think he cared at all.. his apologies were all half hearted and he didn't care at all.. He didn't show any true remorse... it's all "cool" for his friends and the days in jail and the fines are "but a thing" in his mind... I imagine he will have the video saved to DVD and show it to everyone he meets... His 15 minutes of fame..:floorlaugh:

He's a post-adolescent red-blooded American male who is a server at TGIFriday's. He knew the camera was on him, and he thought it would be cool to flash his friends who might be watching. I don't think it had anything to do with JA.

He could have been a "plant" to try and cause a mistrial but that is not as likely, though I wouldn't put it past Baez to try it.
Just think of poor Matthew....sitting alone in a cold jail cell ruminating over his future unemployment and empty bank account. (Whistling happily, Cherry Ames turns in for the night.)
I agree JB's got a lot of other things on his mind, but it could have been at the behest of "agents of" JB, and JB surely wouldn't have minded if it had caused a mistrial!

For the record, I believe this kid received a just punishment. Contempt of court is contempt of court. Hello?? He's learning the hard way, though apparently he's committed other foolish acts that have gotten him in trouble so with all of that plus the incident today, he seems rather like a grandstanding narcissist. JMO.

I don't understand all the talk about a possible mistrial. Hadn't the defense already rested? How would this affect the jury? The only way that I could see this happening is if the SA said that the finger wagging would predjudice the jury because they may see this as a representation of how the public in general feels about the SA case and we may know something they don't. Wouldn't it be in the SA's court to ask for a mistrial in this case because it happened when the ball was in the SA "court" so to speak?

If JB planted him for a mistrial, and I doubt it, then it is kinda silly that he would do it AFTER he rested. Then again, well, when it comes to JB, there is always a then again..:floorlaugh:

TC, Robin
Well here's an odd twist, if he gets a lawyer from the Public Defender's office he's going to end up with better counsel than the defendant in the trial he tried to disrupt.
Of course it's legal, I am not doubting that. But my point is if mark geragos had flipped the bird, I bet he wouldn't be locked up right now. Or some rich person with access to a fancy lawyer. maybe I am wrong.

Let's ask Lilo!!!!!!

He's a (28 yo) little <modsnip>, trying to sneak that in on national tv. This trial video will be played an analyzed for eternity. I bet he just wanted to put it on youtube and Facebook. Thought he was being funny, and it totally backfired.
Haha.. that part had me WONDERING too... he apparently showed up prepared to go in front of the judge? Really? I'm hoping that he just has SOME sense and knows how to dress for a trial BUT wanted to get his claim to fame in as well..

It really was such a quick movement that it's possible he didn't realize it would be on camera..but I have my doubts....

Well, this 28 year old man has already gotten way more than his 15 min of fame.....but can I ask....Why the heck wear a tie to court if you're gonna flip off the Prosecutor???:banghead:
It is interesting that during the "31 days of ICA's freedom" she and one of her boyfriends (TL?) were at Millenia Mall on one or more occasions. I wonder if this young man knows ICA?

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