Who is Matthew Bartlett and why the middle finger sign?

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Lindsay got away with having the actual verbiage painted on her fingernail when she did it... this kid just forgot he wasn't a celeb. :loser: moo
He might be a celeb by now. I read he already has a fan page.
While I respect the various views on this event, I have to say I sharply disagree with some of them. I believe this man received a just punishment. Just because Judge Perry, who is entrusted with making just decisions, implemented this and though I see he can be on the heavy-handed side, I don't see him as vindictive or "unfair" (I despise the word "fair).

This man did the equivalent of coming into your home, sitting at your dinner table and flipping the bird while you and your family gave thanks (in your own way, prayers, to each other, etc). The court room is supposed to be a place of respect, a place where people show respect and he absolutely did not. His stunt wasn't funny nor was it amusing and I agree that 28 is far too old for such a stunt. Perhaps he will think more of the respect the courts demand. He doesn't have to agree with those demands, but if he chooses not to while in court, he should expect to reap the consequences.

I don't see this at all as a measure of silencing freedoms we once had. If we allow one form of disrespect and/or tom foolery, where do we draw the line? It then becomes a slippery slope. Someone flips the bird, someone throws a shoe (in no general direction, hitting no one, for my arguments' sake), yells what to some may be offensive, etc etc and an attorney for each of these individuals argues it's no less or more offensive than bird guy and since (had this happened) bird guy got off scott-free, so should their client.

Bottom line, don't agree with our courts? Fine. Don't go and disrupt.
I agree with you 100%, on the first part, disagree on the second. Baez has a lot more on his mind than trying for a mistrial by placing a plant in the courtroom.

I agree JB's got a lot of other things on his mind, but it could have been at the behest of "agents of" JB, and JB surely wouldn't have minded if it had caused a mistrial!

For the record, I believe this kid received a just punishment. Contempt of court is contempt of court. Hello?? He's learning the hard way, though apparently he's committed other foolish acts that have gotten him in trouble so with all of that plus the incident today, he seems rather like a grandstanding narcissist. JMO.
He works at TGI Friday's, so he's probably a friend of Raquel Farrell sending a message from Zanny. You guys know Raquel, right? Zanny's roommate? Who worked at TGIF? Except for some reason the TGIF people couldn't find any record of her employment, but that's probably just because they asked her not to ever clock in so they didn't have to pay her overtime.... :)
A 28 yr old is no kid. This is blatant BS! Period! He got caught! Saying "I'm sorry", is sooo old. Too bad soo sad. Suffer the consequence! I have ZERO sympathy!
He works at TGI Friday's, so he's probably a friend of Raquel Farrell sending a message from Zanny. You guys know Raquel, right? Zanny's roommate? Who worked at TGIF? Except for some reason the TGIF people couldn't find any record of her employment, but that's probably just because they asked her not to ever clock in so they didn't have to pay her overtime.... :)
^^ OK, that was funny as hell.
He works at TGI Friday's, so he's probably a friend of Raquel Farrell sending a message from Zanny. You guys know Raquel, right? Zanny's roommate? Who worked at TGIF? Except for some reason the TGIF people couldn't find any record of her employment, but that's probably just because they asked her not to ever clock in so they didn't have to pay her overtime.... :)

LOL, thanks AZ, I needed that!:floorlaugh:
He works at TGI Friday's, so he's probably a friend of Raquel Farrell sending a message from Zanny. You guys know Raquel, right? Zanny's roommate? Who worked at TGIF? Except for some reason the TGIF people couldn't find any record of her employment, but that's probably just because they asked her not to ever clock in so they didn't have to pay her overtime.... :)

Do you think he had enough "flair"? :giggle:
I don't know if this was posted elsewhere, but he made a hand signal earlier in the day, too, and IIRC the jury WAS in the room at that time.
LOL!!!! I don't think it was intended for anyone per se...more of look what I just did in the camera....kind of like when a naked person runs across a live major league baseball field nude...JMHO

For what it's worth, that's exactly what I thought when I saw the replay of the video. He was looking right at the camera. It wasn't directed at JA, in my view. Still contempt, mind you.

When he was asked by HHJP who was it's intended recipient, he specifically answered Jeff Ashton. It did appear he was right in line with the camera, and I think that was his intent. He reminds me of the <unusual> people who stand behind news broadcasters as they are being filmed and wave toward the camera or otherwise make foolish faces. His maturity level is on a par with ICA's, IMO. She seemed very pleased with his performance, and I think that was his intention, to get her and the camera's attention. I don't think he'd intended for it to come to the attention of the court. Ooopsie! Hope he's pleased with himself as he sits in his jail cell and ponders what he's done, how much it's cost him, and his public humiliation. I got the feeling he wasn't ashamed at all. JMO.
Could he see ICA from where he was sitting??? Since I saw him looking her way alot before the flick, IMO he could. I think it was an act of devotion to her, mimicking what she herself had once done. The only difference was it was brought to JP's Attention. There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of disrespectfull behavior in our justice system.
Thanks, but you'd laugh if you knew how close I came to getting arrested for contempt while standing behind a dumpster with a dead homeless man and an ME... all because I informed the ME he couldn't have a Pt. Report without a subpoena. Major mistake on my part... he merely filled in the blanks, signed it, and shoved it in my shirt pocket as he held out his hand for the report. Didn't make that mistake ever again. :doh:

Thanks for sharing. I guess you, along with other, live and learn ;) Glad you're with us to share today!

28 certainly isn't what it used to be.

Is it me or do kids stay kids years longer these days.

My God at 28 I was married, pregnant and hubby was in the process of opening up his own company.

I'm not even middle aged yet and this guy makes me feel old.
Based on what I saw of him during the hearing, I would guess that he has a slightly below average to below average intellect, and poor impulse control. If what I've guessed is true, then that, combined with the fact that he works a low wage job, that he has no savings, and that he almost certainly has no health insurance, means that he is in a really difficult spot in life. But his situation is similar to that of many, many people. I think JP applied the law in this case. I'm glad that this country has a system that appoints public defenders. I wish things were better for most of us, and I think Matthew Bartlett's hearing, and Elizabeth Rodger's (sp?) hearing, highlight that things are really tough for a lot of people, and that trials like this attract a lot of troubled people.
Do we really need 5000 threads about this dude? :waitasec:

We recently had a riot in our city and people are posting pics and videos all over the internet shaming these people because they basically know nothing legal will happen to them. I think its good to publicize these <modsnip>. Lots of them are coming forward now too.

In fact this fellow today will likely do more jail time than these people in my town for the horrible looting and violence.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4svnh0TWkQ"]YouTube - &#x202a;Stanley Cup Riot - Vancouver 2011&#x202c;&rlm;[/ame]
It happened quick, I just watched this guy and could tell he probably could hardly even hear the judge. I could be pretty positive that even when he was in cuffs it wasn't registering. Which is why we heard yes, it was dumb I did it. Yes I want to 'fight it" or whatever the legal word is (Its outta my head due to overload).

I agree with those who think he thought he was being funny, giving a "shout out" to his friends.

Now everywhere you look there are warning signs as do what is not allowed in court. People being kicked out for chewing gum, sleeping and whispering. It had to be done if you ask me. He was being disrespectful. If he was younger, maybe he would have got a little break. He's 28 years old.

In my opinion, if everything was that serious when it comes to rules and laws, Our jails would be less full because people on the outside just-might-get-it. Okay so it would take a while but eventually the word would be known. We have way too many second, third and fourth chances. They might take a look and say Oh heck no, not me. Its time that we start letting people know don't break the rules. Harsh? maybe, but good , I personally am glad.

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