who is this unidentified young girl? jumped/thrown from vehicle in AZ, 1999

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Agreed, amazing-sea-monkey. I asked before but i don't think I got a response: Has anyone contacted LE with the Alice lead?
I wonder if any of the first responders would rembember what she had on when they first found her. Maybe the clothes were thrown away because at the time she was brought in she was not dead and they wouldnt have know that she wouldnt be identified still 10 yrs later, they probably thought her family would come looking for her in a day or two. But with a situation like this you would think the sight of this young girl on the side of the road would stick out in someones memory. Ambulance people emergency room people. Maybe somebody could put an ad in the personals for that area, saying wanted someone that treated or saw this girl do you remember what she was wearing. I wish we knew who picked her up surely they remember what she was wearing. Shoes always tell alot about a person. If we can find out the High Schools in the area that she was found somebody could add yourselfs to the school on myspace, BUT then you have to wait 7 days before you can post on the schools message boards. But we could post a message asking who remembers this girl being found and does anyone know who picked her up. Locals might know who picked her up just by word of mouth.
I wonder if any of the first responders would rembember what she had on when they first found her. Maybe the clothes were thrown away because at the time she was brought in she was not dead and they wouldnt have know that she wouldnt be identified still 10 yrs later, they probably thought her family would come looking for her in a day or two. But with a situation like this you would think the sight of this young girl on the side of the road would stick out in someones memory. Ambulance people emergency room people. Maybe somebody could put an ad in the personals for that area, saying wanted someone that treated or saw this girl do you remember what she was wearing. I wish we knew who picked her up surely they remember what she was wearing. Shoes always tell alot about a person. If we can find out the High Schools in the area that she was found somebody could add yourselfs to the school on myspace, BUT then you have to wait 7 days before you can post on the schools message boards. But we could post a message asking who remembers this girl being found and does anyone know who picked her up. Locals might know who picked her up just by word of mouth.

All of these ideas and concerns are so valid-my understanding of the story is that the people driving the vehicle stopped and "assisted" when she jumped/was pushed/was thrown. They have made statements to the police. The police were/are not satisfied with their answers, but have no proof that they were responsible. The male of the couple has a criminal record. I am sure the couple could describe the clothing if they chose too-I would like to know if it was discarded or it is in possession. It is a simple question that should not compromise the investigation. I would think there is a whole lot of evidence to be gained from it-I would also like to know her COD. That should not compromise the investigation either.

For what it is worth, my take on this case is that there was not a whole lot of interest in her at the time of the crime. That she was just another runaway who died as a result of her lifestyle. I would think that even now with a little more information it could easily be decided if she jumped or was thrown. How fast was the car going? She had road rash that obscured potential identification marks like tattoos, birthmarks or scars. Did she land on her head? Did she roll? Did she land on her feet? Why did the couple stop-were there cars behind them or on the highway that saw her "fall" out of the moving vehicle?

We need to find someone who is interested in this as a cold case...even if they were just interested in the "Alice" Russian-trafficking of children angle.
There's a guy in my circle of friends that's a paramedic. I've only spoken with him a few times, but from what I gathered from our conversations, paramedics have to stand by the same oath that doctors and others in the medical field do. The whole patient-doctor confidentiality thing. They might not be able to tell you much. I imagine medical/psychological stuff related to a patient is the only thing they'd be restricted from discussing with someone else, so maybe they'll be able to tell about identifying scars, tattoos, clothing, and jewelry. I think it's a great idea to try to find one of the people that treated her. Perhaps someone could be found through MySpace if there's a network for people that work at the hospital she was treated at or a network for paramedics in the general area of where she was found.

Personally, I think there's a few possible scenarios for why this young lady hasn't been identified... 1. She was never reported missing 2. She was reported missing, but is believed to be a runaway, so not much effort has been made to find her (like putting details of her disappearance online) 3. She could have been in foster care, turned 18, and sent out on her own because the foster parents weren't recieving any more benefits... Knowing she has a tattoo and her navel is pierced, it leads me to believe that perhaps the 3rd scenario could be true. I'm no expert, but I think foster kids are more likely to act out or be more of a rebel. If she wasn't a foster child, maybe her parents found out about the tattoo or piercing or something else they didn't approve of, maybe multiple things they didn't approve of, and kicked her out. Maybe she was under 18, and the parents knew they would be in trouble for kicking her out, so they never reported her missing. I think the more likely scenario is that she was at least 18 (if she's over 18 she wouldn't be in the NCMEC database), reported missing from another county or state, isn't listed online or in a newspaper, believed to be just another angst filled or rebellious teenager that ranaway and now, after all this time, is just a name on a file gathering dust filed away because of so many other cases that seem more important.

I wish there was a way that volunteers could take over a case, or even just collaborate with the investigating officer, and ask questions, try to find answers... just help in anyway possible. Nobody, no matter if they're involved in drugs, prostitution, or simply thought to be a runaway, deserves to be just another name on a case file tucked away and forgotten. I have no doubt that everything possible would be done, regardless of circumstances, if it was a police officer's daughter or loved one that was missing. Every missing or unidentified person should be given a chance, not considered unimportant. If police officers were to work towards finding the identities of the unidentified, and work on finding the missing, then maybe there'd be a few less murderers walking amongst us and, in the future, a few less victims of child predators, serial killers, or other violent people.

Okay, done now... sorry for the ranting. :blushing:
The people she was supposedly in the car with never came forward. She sustained severe head injuries. I doubt if you jumped out of a car you would land on your feet unless the car was barely moving. IMO I would really like to see a copy of the police report That could give us a lot of information. I am sure she has a mother that has missed her and has been sick about her being gone. I don't believe foster kids are any more rebellious than kids raised by their own parents. I realize there are some bad kids in foster care but there is also bad kids still living at home with their parents.
The people she was supposedly in the car with never came forward. She sustained severe head injuries. I doubt if you jumped out of a car you would land on your feet unless the car was barely moving. IMO I would really like to see a copy of the police report That could give us a lot of information. I am sure she has a mother that has missed her and has been sick about her being gone. I don't believe foster kids are any more rebellious than kids raised by their own parents. I realize there are some bad kids in foster care but there is also bad kids still living at home with their parents.

Yes the Police DO KNOW the people she was in the car with, You must be reading old information, I know they orginally indicated they didnt know but based on the following information THEY IN FACT KNOW WHO THEY WERE ( red is mine) Just to make it STAND OUT

According to a source at the Maricopa County Medical Examiner’s office, the investigating agency, officials know the identities of the two people in the car with Jane Doe when she fell, jumped or was pushed. They are a young man and woman. According to them, they met Jane Doe in a convenience store parking lot. Though she didn't say so, she seemed like a runaway, and they agreed to give her a ride. A short time later, according to the couple, the girl threw herself from the moving car for no apparent reason. They never got her name. Do investigators believe the story? “We don’t have enough information right now not to,” the source said. “Whether or not the guy tried to rape her, or something bad went down, we just don’t know."
A call to the Pinal County Sheriff's Office reveals that the male subject in the car has a criminal history, though exactly what for is not currently known.
However suspicious they are of what transpired, investigators are relatively certain the couple is telling the truth about not knowing the girl's identity.
I was browsing some profiles on MySpace, and came across one that was created for the Huntsville AL Jane Doe.
The page has pics/info about other cases as well, including the Pinal County Jane Doe. I don't know if this has been posted or not, but here is another composite (possibly "unofficial" because I haven't seen it anywhere else):

IMO, whoever produced this photo did a great job. The original sketch looks out-dated, and the morgue photo is likely too graphic for many people to look at.​
I was browsing some profiles on MySpace, and came across one that was created for the Huntsville AL Jane Doe.
The page has pics/info about other cases as well, including the Pinal County Jane Doe. I don't know if this has been posted or not, but here is another composite (possibly "unofficial" because I haven't seen it anywhere else):

]IMO, whoever produced this photo did a great job. The original sketch looks out-dated, and the morgue photo is likely too graphic for many people to look at. [/LEFT]

Thank you Sable. I like the photo you printed although it looks quite different to me than the morgue photo. I am sure that that is the case normally anyway-absence of life makes someone so...flat?
does anyone know what the names are of the man and woman who were with her?
I was browsing some profiles on MySpace, and came across one that was created for the Huntsville AL Jane Doe.
The page has pics/info about other cases as well, including the Pinal County Jane Doe. I don't know if this has been posted or not, but here is another composite (possibly "unofficial" because I haven't seen it anywhere else):
IMO, whoever produced this photo did a great job. The original sketch looks out-dated, and the morgue photo is likely too graphic for many people to look at. [/LEFT]

This composite use to be on the Forensic Examiner's page but when the site was updated it was removed.
does anyone know what the names are of the man and woman who were with her?

I have been trying to find out for months. This case is maddening in that the investigators continue to throw roadblocks (IMO) by not releasing information such as the name of the individuals, whether canvassing was done of the convenience store, whether video tapes were pulled, whether Alice the Russian girl was ruled out, whether Pinal Doe's clothing are still in evidence etc...and COD.
Yeah it certainly seems they could really care less if she is identified or not. I think it is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that the people that were driving that car were up to no good, they spooked her and she took her chances by jumping out to get away from them. They just cant prove it. Because the only witness is dead.

People do not just jump out of moving cars on the highway just because. She was scared for her life or being raped and she jumped. There are probably locals that know who it was that picked her up. Has anyone tried to contact local news reporters and get any info from them?
maybe someone should email all the news reporters in that area, see if they heard anything or have any more info that whats on the sites? so they are refusing to give the names? there had to have been a story on it back when this first happened about them being questioned or something.
something someone said a few posts back gave me an idea of why a lot of young girls might be unidentified & never reported missing...
possible scenario: a couple adopts a foster kid, probably for the money. the kid starts to grow up, and the husband starts sexually abusing her (not that he would necessarily wait for her to grow up to do that, unfortunately). possibly the girl (as she is an impressionable young teenager) is encouraging the abuse by acting seductive (for many young girls this is a way to get what they think is positive attention- esp if they have been abused before). the wife finds out about it and is horrified and angry-- and just wants the girl to go away. at that point the funding may be running out (which makes me think the girl may have been 18)... or maybe the wife doesn't even care about that at this point. the girl can't take the situation anymore and runs away,, the husband is relieved because the 'evil cause of his temptation' is gone (and if she was underage he may be worried about getting in trouble), and the wife is relieved that her 'competition'.. who she now utterly despises.. is gone.
i could see all this happening. so that's why they don't care about what happens to the girl-- they both just want her to go away. and therefore, no missing persons report.
something someone said a few posts back gave me an idea of why a lot of young girls might be unidentified & never reported missing...
possible scenario: a couple adopts a foster kid, probably for the money. the kid starts to grow up, and the husband starts sexually abusing her (not that he would necessarily wait for her to grow up to do that, unfortunately). possibly the girl (as she is an impressionable young teenager) is encouraging the abuse by acting seductive (for many young girls this is a way to get what they think is positive attention- esp if they have been abused before). the wife finds out about it and is horrified and angry-- and just wants the girl to go away. at that point the funding may be running out (which makes me think the girl may have been 18)... or maybe the wife doesn't even care about that at this point. the girl can't take the situation anymore and runs away,, the husband is relieved because the 'evil cause of his temptation' is gone (and if she was underage he may be worried about getting in trouble), and the wife is relieved that her 'competition'.. who she now utterly despises.. is gone.
i could see all this happening. so that's why they don't care about what happens to the girl-- they both just want her to go away. and therefore, no missing persons report.

Kids in foster homes have caseworkers that work with them - keep track of them. If the child ran away the caseworker or state would put out a missing child report. I am a foster grand mom We do not get that much money for a foster child.
also if i remember correctly, if a foster parent ADOPTS the child, they dont get paid, they need to be able to afford to actually adopt.
I've read many cases where it took 20 years for the missing report to match up with the unidentified deceased. The family was looking and did care. With technological advances, hopefully the gap between a missing person's report and the id of a UID will be narrowed. I am amazed but I know many people that don't have a computer (some never have) or the internet or the know how to use a computer. I also know family members of victims of unsolved homicides who have simply given up any hope of any resolution. Someone may have been beating their head up against a proverbial wall for years and then just gave up. I've even heard, "Maybe God doesn't want us to know."
Regarding the foster home scenario: I agree that she was probably a runaway and children run from many things. Sad but even biological parents sexually abuse their children and/or toss them to the wayside. Another possibility is that the family is ambivalent for one reason or another and they think that she "up and left" and went on with her life.

What if it is clear that she has had on going sexual abuse or other trauma for many years. It would then be clear to all those involved that she was being abused by the person identifying her and they are fearful of prosecution. Does anyone know if there is a statue of limitations on sexual abuse of a minor? (Not that there should be). The ME said she could have been working as a prostitute. What if they identified her and found out that she was living at home up until the day she died? Suddenly someone would have to answer a lot of questions.
I guess there are a lot of possibilities. I'd love for America's Most Wanted to run her story and picture to bring her face to millions. Surely, someone out there would recognize her.
I've read many cases where it took 20 years for the missing report to match up with the unidentified deceased. The family was looking and did care. With technological advances, hopefully the gap between a missing person's report and the id of a UID will be narrowed. I am amazed but I know many people that don't have a computer (some never have) or the internet or the know how to use a computer. I also know family members of victims of unsolved homicides who have simply given up any hope of any resolution. Someone may have been beating their head up against a proverbial wall for years and then just gave up. I've even heard, "Maybe God doesn't want us to know."
Regarding the foster home scenario: I agree that she was probably a runaway and children run from many things. Sad but even biological parents sexually abuse their children and/or toss them to the wayside. Another possibility is that the family is ambivalent for one reason or another and they think that she "up and left" and went on with her life.

What if it is clear that she has had on going sexual abuse or other trauma for many years. It would then be clear to all those involved that she was being abused by the person identifying her and they are fearful of prosecution. Does anyone know if there is a statue of limitations on sexual abuse of a minor? (Not that there should be). The ME said she could have been working as a prostitute. What if they identified her and found out that she was living at home up until the day she died? Suddenly someone would have to answer a lot of questions.
I guess there are a lot of possibilities. I'd love for America's Most Wanted to run her story and picture to bring her face to millions. Surely, someone out there would recognize her.

How can we get them interested?? I would be happy to write call, whatever. This case seems solvable...it is SO FRUSTRATING!
How can we get them interested?? I would be happy to write call, whatever. This case seems solvable...it is SO FRUSTRATING!

This is a quote from America's Most Wanted:
Submitting Cases

How do I submit a case to AMW?

Cases to be profiled on AMW are carefully chosen from the hundreds of requests we receive every week. Due to the high volume of requests we often need to make tough decisions when it comes to choosing which cases to profile. We make every attempt to cover cases from all parts of the country and all type of crimes. Our ultimate goal is to give a voice to the maximum number of victims possible and help find missing children and bring fugitives to justice. If you would like to have a case considered for the show, please send all facts to:

America's Most Wanted
PO Box Crime TV
Washington DC 20016

Please make sure to note whether there is a known fugitive charged with the crime, or whether the perpetrator is yet to be identified. If charges have been filed, please note the police agency that filed the charges. It is also helpful to let us know what photos and/or video are available of the victim and the fugitive. NOTE: We are not able to return materials, so do not send original or irreplaceable photos, documents, etc.

The only thing that I can think of, to have them highlight her case, is to have as many people that read this and can, send in requests to the address above asking that she be given a segment on the show. Maybe if they receive requests from all over the nation, they will give her some air time?
For those who don't have a lot of time, here's something you can paste and clip or copy all or part for a letter:

In 1999, on January 26th a young girl (13 to 18 years old) jumped, fell, or was pushed from a moving vehicle in Arizona. She lived for only one day. Nearly 9 years have passed and no one has given this young girl a name. I am asking that America's Most Wanted puts her picture and story on the show. Having her picture and story on America's Most Wanted would put her face out there for millions of viewers to see and I believe would give her a name and tell her story. I believe that knowing WHO she is would determine why she died all those years ago and why no one has come forward to claim her. Anything you can do would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to the Medical Examiner's page for Maricopa Arizona. http://www.maricopa.gov/Medex/Unidentified/search.aspx?caseNum=99-0305
Thank you for your time and consideration.
This is a quote from America's Most Wanted:
Submitting Cases

How do I submit a case to AMW?

Cases to be profiled on AMW are carefully chosen from the hundreds of requests we receive every week. Due to the high volume of requests we often need to make tough decisions when it comes to choosing which cases to profile. We make every attempt to cover cases from all parts of the country and all type of crimes. Our ultimate goal is to give a voice to the maximum number of victims possible and help find missing children and bring fugitives to justice. If you would like to have a case considered for the show, please send all facts to:

America's Most Wanted
PO Box Crime TV
Washington DC 20016

Please make sure to note whether there is a known fugitive charged with the crime, or whether the perpetrator is yet to be identified. If charges have been filed, please note the police agency that filed the charges. It is also helpful to let us know what photos and/or video are available of the victim and the fugitive. NOTE: We are not able to return materials, so do not send original or irreplaceable photos, documents, etc.

The only thing that I can think of, to have them highlight her case, is to have as many people that read this and can, send in requests to the address above asking that she be given a segment on the show. Maybe if they receive requests from all over the nation, they will give her some air time?
For those who don't have a lot of time, here's something you can paste and clip or copy all or part for a letter:

In 1999, on January 26th a young girl (13 to 18 years old) jumped, fell, or was pushed from a moving vehicle in Arizona. She lived for only one day. Nearly 9 years have passed and no one has given this young girl a name. I am asking that America's Most Wanted puts her picture and story on the show. Having her picture and story on America's Most Wanted would put her face out there for millions of viewers to see and I believe would give her a name and tell her story. I believe that knowing WHO she is would determine why she died all those years ago and why no one has come forward to claim her. Anything you can do would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to the Medical Examiner's page for Maricopa Arizona. http://www.maricopa.gov/Medex/Unidentified/search.aspx?caseNum=99-0305
Thank you for your time and consideration.

You Rock, Zanko-consider it done here!
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