Who Killed Janet Abaroa?

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Who Killed Janet Abaroa?

  • Her husband, Raven

    Votes: 90 76.3%
  • A family member

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • A co-worker (past or present)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A jealous female

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • An infatuated male or an ex boyfriend

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Someone who was hired for a contract

    Votes: 5 4.2%
  • None of the above / Unsure

    Votes: 18 15.3%

  • Total voters


Help Find Maura Murray
Aug 14, 2003
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Who Killed Janet Abaroa?

Note: This poll is not for scientific purposes. It is for sheer websleuthing and is based on opinions of sleuthers based on what they've deducted from this case. The outcome of this poll is not meant to defame anyone's character.
you can post on this thread if you have feedback or thoughts to share :)
Hi there... the results so far are interesting. Someone chose "family member". I am wondering if who might have chosen that option has any ideas of who?? A family member on her side or Raven's side?
If you feel like commenting, please do. I am curious!!
I voted the hubby did it, only because he couldn't afford to pay a hitman to do it.

I also think he could receive Social Security benefits for their baby because his mother was employed, and she may have been able to shed some light on his illegal activities. Also, lots of sympathy because he was a single dad/widower with a baby to raise.
WhiteWolf said:
I voted the hubby did it, only because he couldn't afford to pay a hitman to do it.

I also think he could receive Social Security benefits for their baby because his mother was employed, and she may have been able to shed some light on his illegal activities. Also, lots of sympathy because he was a single dad/widower with a baby to raise.
I voted for Raven, too ... I am leaning toward's the Scott Peterson profile. I am thinking there's another woman out there and that he just is too consumed with himself.
PrayersForMaura said:
I voted for Raven, too ... I am leaning toward's the Scott Peterson profile. I am thinking there's another woman out there and that he just is too consumed with himself.

SP is definately a classic case of everything that can go wrong. How many times do we see a couple in financial, personal, job, and/or illegal activity where a spouse ends up dead?

ETA: As far as another woman, he was obviously looking when he listed himself on the blog as a single man a few days before his wife's murder.
WhiteWolf said:
ETA: As far as another woman, he was obviously looking when he listed himself on the blog as a single man a few days before his wife's murder.
One day before. However, it is in dispute as to whether or not he intentionally listed himself as single since it is the default setting.
JerseyGirl said:
One day before. However, it is in dispute as to whether or not he intentionally listed himself as single since it is the default setting.

HA, that's what a good defense attorney would say! I saw a picture of him with Kaiden posted on one of the threads, was this picture posted on the blog close to the time of Janet's murder?
WhiteWolf said:
HA, that's what a good defense attorney would say! I saw a picture of him with Kaiden posted on one of the threads, was this picture posted on the blog close to the time of Janet's murder?
There is a picture of him & Kaiden on their front porch that's posted on his MySpace profile.
WhiteWolf said:
I voted the hubby did it, only because he couldn't afford to pay a hitman to do it.

I also think he could receive Social Security benefits for their baby because his mother was employed, and she may have been able to shed some light on his illegal activities. Also, lots of sympathy because he was a single dad/widower with a baby to raise.
Oh yah, the social security benefits! That is correct, Kaiden (Raven) would receive a monthly payment until he is 18. Good point WW.
a personal life long friend of janet's tonight ( MissYouJanet ) posted that even she couldn't believe it could be raven............she thought perhaps a stalker...

...a stalker.......now that's not out of the realm of possibility.....janet was very shy...( perhaps the 'stalker felt snubbed when she wouldn't even acknowledge him ...)

...they did live in a rather secluded area...and the stalker watched as raven left in soccer gear...........knew he'd be gone awhile.........approached janet .....she told him to get lost.....he lost it...........

...or a friend of theirs who had feelings for janet.............she DID NOT return those feelings.....he became enraged...

...or even a strange nut case ( ted bundy type ) in the area....................sees a beautiful women in the yard..............and kills her just for the score card....

...or a woman raven has been seeing.....he tells her it's over/was nothing............he,janet and kaiden are making it work.....SHE knows he's at the game.............goes by the house to confront janet....( except in this scenario, i really think janet would have inflicted SOME damage on the 'other woman' and someone would have noticed...............)

...it was mentioned in "chat" this a.m....by someone who had been at the funeral that raven was seriously grief-stricken.....i just don't see faking that for hours on end.....

...maybe i'm just holding out hope that raven ( for kaiden's sake) didn't do i t... and therefore i refuse to see the obvious ?
lauriej said:
...it was mentioned in "chat" this a.m....by someone who had been at the funeral that raven was seriously grief-stricken.....i just don't see faking that for hours on end.....

...maybe i'm just holding out hope that raven ( for kaiden's sake) didn't do i t... and therefore i refuse to see the obvious ?
There are quite a few possibilities yet none of them seem very likely. But I do agree that if Raven was so grief-stricken, that's something to be considered. (It was also mentioned that guilt could cause that same kind of grief.) At the same time, let's all try to remember that we don't have any idea who's on the other end of these posts. The only things that we know to be of some degree of certainty are the facts that have been released. I want to believe that Janet didn't have any enemies. I want to believe that Raven couldn't have done this. And I am definitely on the fence about what actually happened and who did it, (in spite of all of the weird stuff about money, etc., that we've been discussing). But I don't want to get too far into an opinion based on things that are being stated by people that "knew Janet & Raven" because I just don't know that they really did. So far, the actual facts that have been released are simply not enough to show me who did this.

I don't mean disrespect to any of you, please know that. I truly value your input, and appreciate being able to learn more about this couple. I'm only saying that I'm not allowing it to figure into my opinion just yet.

I do want to offer my condolences to anyone that's reading here that truly was a friend or family member of Janet's. As I'm sure you've noticed, our hearts are with you. We all hope that your dear Janet will get the justice that she deserves.
This is probably a strange "inaugural" post for me because the point of this site (which I enjoy immensely, btw) is proposing possibilities...but, I think we should all be careful to jump to conclusions too soon.

While I agree Raven's postings seem to make him appear obsessed with possessions and image and that it is crazy watching him brandish a knife in the Christmas video-- it would be interesting to see what opinions the general public would have of many of us if one day our computers were confiscated and our lives were put under a microscope. Think for a moment about how some of your habits or personality flaws could be interpretted...

The world is made up of quirky folks, full of vices and things that taken in the context of a murder mystery could be interpretted many, many different ways.
JenMom said:
This is probably a strange "inaugural" post for me because the point of this site (which I enjoy immensely, btw) is proposing possibilities...but, I think we should all be careful to jump to conclusions too soon.

While I agree Raven's postings seem to make him appear obsessed with possessions and image and that it is crazy watching him brandish a knife in the Christmas video-- it would be interesting to see what opinions the general public would have of many of us if one day our computers were confiscated and our lives were put under a microscope. Think for a moment about how some of your habits or personality flaws could be interpretted...

The world is made up of quirky folks, full of vices and things that taken in the context of a murder mystery could be interpretted many, many different ways.

Jenmom, welcome to the boards. I believe that there is a lot of wisdom in what you say.

I might be a little embarassed if someone peeked and checked out all my internet activity :blushing:
lauriej said:
a personal life long friend of janet's tonight ( MissYouJanet ) posted that even she couldn't believe it could be raven............she thought perhaps a stalker...

...a stalker.......now that's not out of the realm of possibility.....janet was very shy...( perhaps the 'stalker felt snubbed when she wouldn't even acknowledge him ...)

...they did live in a rather secluded area...and the stalker watched as raven left in soccer gear...........knew he'd be gone awhile.........approached janet .....she told him to get lost.....he lost it...........

...or a friend of theirs who had feelings for janet.............she DID NOT return those feelings.....he became enraged...

...or even a strange nut case ( ted bundy type ) in the area....................sees a beautiful women in the yard..............and kills her just for the score card....

...or a woman raven has been seeing.....he tells her it's over/was nothing............he,janet and kaiden are making it work.....SHE knows he's at the game.............goes by the house to confront janet....( except in this scenario, i really think janet would have inflicted SOME damage on the 'other woman' and someone would have noticed...............)

...it was mentioned in "chat" this a.m....by someone who had been at the funeral that raven was seriously grief-stricken.....i just don't see faking that for hours on end.....

...maybe i'm just holding out hope that raven ( for kaiden's sake) didn't do i t... and therefore i refuse to see the obvious ?
I was informed that Raven was NOT grive stricken at Janet's funeral as was described in this post. I have no reason to distrust my source.

Just wanted to let everyone know that on the flip side, things could be exactly as they seem.
PrayersForMaura said:
I was informed that Raven was NOT grive stricken at Janet's funeral as was described in this post. I have no reason to distrust my source.

I also have gotten numerous pm's from people who attended the funeral giving me similar descriptions as PFM outlined above.

Most importantly the reason that they don't want to post this information directly on the board is that they would never do anything to hurt Janet's family.
golfmom said:
I also have gotten numerous pm's from people who attended the funeral giving me similar descriptions as PFM outlined above.

Most importantly the reason that they don't want to post this information directly on the board is that they would never do anything to hurt Janet's family.
Apparently P. Ness Breath can't keep his mouth shut long enough for the family to give Janet a dignified funeral and burial.
I received a PM stating that her family tried to ignore his behavior for the sake of Kaiden.

Here's what I keep fearing: That Raven started "trading on" his so-called Indian heritage on April 25th. That his plan is to flee to a very closed sector which he has befriended, maybe even has claimed kinship with. It could be unorthodox Mormon, or more likely, Native American with Mormon ties as well.
If he leaves NC and heads west, this case can be stamped " Cold Case".
NC should have learned from the Eric Rudolph case that a young healthy man can go underground and stay there for as long as he wants to.
We know that Raven is superficially charming. I can so easily see him leaving the NC area and going west to his roots.. I suspect he was researching Native American reservations on the day he added the Menomowee ( Sorry, I don't know the spelling) website information which he plagerized from them.

The intent was most likely NOT just to add a bird name to his site, or info about an Indian tribe, but to do intense research, make at least several good solid contacts with the tribe, and have a foolproof escape plan when the time was right.
Remember please that Mormons have their family tree all mapped out for many generations. He probably has the documentation he needs in hand. They will accept him as The Bird, etc..
What I am very unsure of is Kaiden. I don't see him taking Kaiden with him as Kaiden makes Raven stand out so. Also, taking the baby means that he will depend upon the goodness of strangers for 2 mouths to feed, and one to diaper, etc.
He might leave the baby with Janet's family or he might do whatever is necessary for self- preservation..

I would like to read some of your comments on Raven's future. He has hung around in NC for a month and nothing has happened. I think he will run, possibly as soon as the holiday weekened is over ( more police on the roads during the holiday).
I certainly hope not, but what is there for him in NC other than criminal charges?
I would say that he vacated his Durham house when he left to be where he is now, with no plans to go back.
He has little to no money for long term survival. He is going to have to rely on a support network to make it long term.
Do any of you see this? It is so clear to me that he was testing the waters when he moved to another town, possibly outside NC.. He was testing the waters. Nothing happened, so it's time for the real run.

I feel this in my soul, just like I felt that his name was NOT originally Raven Abaroa before there was any info to back this up.
I would really like to know if he's letting his hair go dark again...
If he goes west, I see no hope for justice. They will never find him among the renegade cults or very closed reservations.
Thinkoflaura said:
Apparently P. Ness Breath can't keep his mouth shut long enough for the family to give Janet a dignified funeral and burial.
I received a PM stating that her family tried to ignore his behavior for the sake of Kaiden.

Here's what I keep fearing: That Raven started "trading on" his so-called Indian heritage on April 25th. That his plan is to flee to a very closed sector which he has befriended, maybe even has claimed kinship with. It could be unorthodox Mormon, or more likely, Native American with Mormon ties as well.
If he leaves NC and heads west, this case can be stamped " Cold Case".
NC should have learned from the Eric Rudolph case that a young healthy man can go underground and stay there for as long as he wants to.
We know that Raven is superficially charming. I can so easily see him leaving the NC area and going west to his roots.. I suspect he was researching Native American reservations on the day he added the Menomowee ( Sorry, I don't know the spelling) website information which he plagerized from them.

The intent was most likely NOT just to add a bird name to his site, or info about an Indian tribe, but to do intense research, make at least several good solid contacts with the tribe, and have a foolproof escape plan when the time was right.
Remember please that Mormons have their family tree all mapped out for many generations. He probably has the documentation he needs in hand. They will accept him as The Bird, etc..
What I am very unsure of is Kaiden. I don't see him taking Kaiden with him as Kaiden makes Raven stand out so. Also, taking the baby means that he will depend upon the goodness of strangers for 2 mouths to feed, and one to diaper, etc.
He might leave the baby with Janet's family or he might do whatever is necessary for self- preservation..

I would like to read some of your comments on Raven's future. He has hung around in NC for a month and nothing has happened. I think he will run, possibly as soon as the holiday weekened is over ( more police on the roads during the holiday).
I certainly hope not, but what is there for him in NC other than criminal charges?
I would say that he vacated his Durham house when he left to be where he is now, with no plans to go back.
He has little to no money for long term survival. He is going to have to rely on a support network to make it long term.
Do any of you see this? It is so clear to me that he was testing the waters when he moved to another town, possibly outside NC.. He was testing the waters. Nothing happened, so it's time for the real run.

I feel this in my soul, just like I felt that his name was NOT originally Raven Abaroa before there was any info to back this up.
I would really like to know if he's letting his hair go dark again...
If he goes west, I see no hope for justice. They will never find him among the renegade cults or very closed reservations.
Good Mormon families would not protect him. Please remember Mark Hacking's own brothers turned him in to authorities.
juliagoulia said:
Good Mormon families would not protect him. Please remember Mark Hacking's own brothers turned him in to authorities.
That was a completely different situation. Good Mormon families do what is right. Hacking's brothers were doing the right thing by alerting authorties to the information that they knew. They wouldn't have been protecting him by not going to the authorities, they would have hindered justice--the wrong thing to do. I believe the Christiansens are doing what is right and good for their grandson. And if that means keeping Raven close to keep Kaiden safe, that's what's important. They are protecting Kaiden, not Raven. I'm sure that they would immediately turn Raven over to the police if something ever broke in this case. They wouldn't try to hide him in any way.

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