Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? Poll

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Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? POLL

  • John

    Votes: 124 8.4%
  • Patsy

    Votes: 547 37.2%
  • Burke

    Votes: 340 23.1%
  • An Intruder, (anyone including someone known to them)

    Votes: 459 31.2%

  • Total voters
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In this scenario, what sort of object is the struck ball?
Perhaps that was a confusing comparison, ozazure. The only point was about the energy of the impact being transferred between the surface of her scalp, through the scalp, and to the skull. Without having to go into a longer explanation than necessary, the other factors I referenced would include the thinner undeveloped bone of a child's skull, the documented resilience of a child's scalp, and the size and shape of the object used for the head blow.
Hi, B. I didn’t mean to suggest there is only one way to look at this, and I certainly hope no one (especially you) took offence. I probably let my own frustration influence my words. I understand that there is still a great deal that contradicts my thoughts on it, and for the most part, those who speak about it publicly (newscasters, pundits, lawyers, "experts," etc.) don’t seem to see what I think is obvious -- or they aren’t willing to acknowledge the idea.

No offense taken otg. I certainly do understand your frustration though.

The disagreement have with this is that if either Patsy or John were responsible for actually doing something that would (or could) have caused her death, then that person should have been charged with M-1 (first degree murder). There are at least a few ways that the “first degree” part could be applied depending on the exact circumstances. For instance: if it was premeditated or intentional, if the death occurred during the commission of another crime (felony murder), or if the cause of her death was done by a person in a “position of trust” (certainly a parent qualifies for that). So if either one of the parents directly caused her death and the other parent acted with the other or participated in the act (IOW, accomplice before the fact), they are still equally responsible under the laws of CO, and there is no SoL. If OTOH one parent only helped the other cover it up (IOW, accessory after the fact), the GJ or the DA doesn’t have to tell a jury which one did what. As co-conspirators it doesn’t matter who is the principal and who is the accessory. They can still both be charged with murder and let the jury decide who to find guilty or not guilty, or guilty of a lesser charge. This is all according to CO statutes and it is the reason I’ve said there is no such thing as a “cross finger pointing defense.” (I challenge anyone to find another case where that term is even used.)

I see it most likely that Patsy was doing something that knowingly endangered JonBenet (such as Steve Thomas saying she used corporal punishment), or Patsy put JonBenet in a position to endanger herself, yet Patsy proceeded with reckless regard for JonBenet's life and limb. I see John as knowing the type punishments Patsy had meted out to JonBenet in the past yet he never stepped in and put a stop to it.

I think the Grand Jury had trouble distinguishing who did what exactly.

I can not see John or Patsy sitting around letting a third party do harm to JonBenet and not trying to stop it. If they did, then the DA's office was more than neglectful in not charging them and letting the trial take the verdict wherever it went.

Yes, in such a case they would indeed both be indicted, but not as accessories. They would both be indicted for M-1 as accomplices. The RGJ instead only indicted them as “accessories (after the fact)” stating in the true bill that each of them “unlawfully, knowingly and feloniously render(ed) assistance to a person (unnamed), with intent to hinder, delay and prevent the discovery, detention, apprehension, prosecution, conviction and punishment of such person (unnamed) for the commission of a crime, knowing the person being assisted (unnamed) has committed and was suspected of the crime of Murder in the First Degree and Child Abuse Resulting in Death.”

It is possible that Burke did something to inflict the head wound or he may have participated in some other act that infuriated Patsy and JonBenet took the brunt of that anger.

I still think the nature of the wound indicates a high pressure/low velocity injury which your example of croquet balls fits as, relatively, an example of high pressure and low velocity energy exchange.

Why did the RGJ in John’s indictment not name the other person as Patsy, and vice versa? That's what they did when they indicted Aaron Thompson naming Shely Lowe (his common-law wife) as the person to whom he rendered assistance. In that case, even thought the GJ didn't know what happened to his daughter (her body has never been found), they named her in his indictment as the person he assisted. Shely Lowe would most likely have also been indicted the same as Aaron but for the fact that she died while the GJ was convened. Again, remember the indictment doesn’t have to name who is the principal.

I have no way of knowing, just as you have said Linda Pugh had no way of knowing what the Grand Jury thought. However, imo, I think the DA's office went into this event knowing the DA would not sign a true bill should one be issued. I think, based on seeing Alex Hunter on film months afterwards, that he believed it would not serve public good to indict Patsy because her punishment of loosing JonBenet plus cancer would take care of the problem without cost to the public or undo embarrassment to the Ramsey family or Hunter's prosecutorial skills.

Notice also that count IV (a) is not for committing child abuse -- it is for “permit(ting) a child to be unreasonably placed in a situation which posed a threat of injury to the child’s life or health.” Why else would neither parent have been named as committing the child abuse?

You said above that the principal did not have to be named. So, I think the totality of the evidence suggests that John did nothing to curb Patsy's corporal punishment and that Patsy *had* to know in advance that what she was doing for punishment potentially could harm JonBenet.

LHP had no way of knowing what the RGJ was thinking or trying to decide. Her thoughts might well be prejudiced because of her own feelings. As for the grand juror who made that statement, I agree with it. Neither can I figure out who did exactly each part of the cover-up (except that we know Patsy wrote the RN). Did John tie the cord to the broken paint brush, or did Patsy do that because her sweater fibers were found in the knots? Who put the oversized panties on her, since neither parent’s t-DNA was found on them? Who wiped or cleaned up the blood that was found on her thighs? Again, these individual things don’t have to be proven to a jury for them to find guilt if both parents were involved -- and they WERE BOTH involved.

I think John was involved in the cover-up and also had advance knowledge of how Patsy might likely punish or react to JonBenet.

Agreed. And I think if it is ever challenged in court, it will have to be. The statutes say the entire indictment is an “official action” of the GJ and therefore it is information the public is entitled to. But someone with “standing” will have to challenge/appeal Judge Lowenbach’s ruling. (A question about that: Why would Lowenbach not release the indictment in full considering the CO Supreme Court’s ruling in People v. Thompson?)

:dunno: Narcissism? Money? :dunno:

I know, and I understand why you and so many others continue to think so. Please forgive my frustrated post.
No, you’re not. Your card was revoked long ago. :giggle:

Other discussions, same subject:

CO Supreme Court’s ruling that the entire indictment is an “official action” of the GJ and therefore must be release in its entirety with only the names of victims redacted:

Thank you for the thoughtful post. I do see that someone besides Patsy or John could have killed JonBenet but without access to all information no intelligent opinion can be given.

What is known to the public suggests Patsy to me. But more than anything, justice should be done for JonBenet and so far she has never been given that opportunity.
I always think not enough is made of the fact that although we do not know where the events of that night began, we know the exact spot JonBenet died -- on the carpet just outside the wine cellar. Her bladder gave out after the strangulation and urine was found on this carpet as a result. There were also abrasions on her body consistent with being dragged. The only person in the house that night who would have needed to drag JonBenet instead of carrying her would have been Burke.
Regardless of what anyone else thinks, I'd like to extend my annual birthday wishes to JonBenet:

Hey, girl. 26 today, how about that. From all of us whose lives you've made brighter;
From all of us who have fought and prayed and hope and continue to fight and pray and hope for you;
From all who love you both personally and from afar:

A very happy birthday to you.
zero evidence a 9 year old killed this poor little girl. Tons of evidence her mother wrote that note and attempted to cover up her murder. sad to see so many people blame a child out of pure fantasy. mommy did it. that is clear.
a video tribute:

Heyya mrseeker

That would mean that at minimum 9 of the 12 Gandy Jury members were fantasists?

Not at all. They could not decide if John killed her and Patsy allowed it, or Patsy killed her and John allowed it. Nowhere does it say they knew Burke was abusing her and the parents allowed it. respectfully, you are jumping to that conclusion on your own. A 9 year old did not fasten a garote, nor write a note. And the note is clearly trying to convince John to leave the house so that Mommy can move the body to some side of the road. The note never mentions mommy and that is because she wrote that ridiculous note. Most likely she was under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Why she struck out at the child one only knows. Burke was just a little boy and he did not kill his sister.
Not at all. They could not decide if John killed her and Patsy allowed it, or Patsy killed her and John allowed it. Nowhere does it say they knew Burke was abusing her and the parents allowed it. respectfully, you are jumping to that conclusion on your own. A 9 year old did not fasten a garote, nor write a note. And the note is clearly trying to convince John to leave the house so that Mommy can move the body to some side of the road. The note never mentions mommy and that is because she wrote that ridiculous note. Most likely she was under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Why she struck out at the child one only knows. Burke was just a little boy and he did not kill his sister.

No one is saying he wrote the note or fastened the garrote. It's suspected that BR killed her accidentally and then JR and PR did the note and other staging to protect him.
No one is saying he wrote the note or fastened the garrote. It's suspected that BR killed her accidentally and then JR and PR did the note and other staging to protect him.
Suspected is not evidence. And suspected by whom? not by me. Patsy did it and then tried to cover it up. She wrote the note. That is a fact. Burke was asleep. He was a kid. he did not kill his sister. That is fantasy. No evidence. none. zippo. nada. the big goose egg. Zero. Mommy did it.
mrseeker, I agree with your general idea. And you've seized on one of the big problems this case has: how to tell which one did what. By the time the Grand Jury was called, they were equally culpable.
When was it proven that Patsy wrote the note? Yes, there is evidence that points at Patsy, but I'm not convinced that it is fact.
When was it proven that Patsy wrote the note? Yes, there is evidence that points at Patsy, but I'm not convinced that it is fact.
There were three people in the house who could have written it. One is 9 years old and clearly did not. One is a man and the writer is a woman. It is clearly female. That is the first clue it was Patsy. The writer sat at a table with no fear of detection and wrote out the note, even throwing away false starts. The note is silly. The writer most likely was drunk and or on pills. She rambled on threatening and begging John to leave the house the next morning and not tell anyone. Never once mentions Patsy. She wants John to leave the house so she can move the body without detection. If there was some accident between the kids, why would a parent first reaction be just let her die and then I will cover it up? It wouldn't be. They would have called 9-11 and told the doctors the kids were rough housing...and that would have been the end of it. How many injuries do kids get fighting or wrestling each other in play or in real aggression? This was an adult who lashed out in a drunken fit of anger, then had tremendous regret and fear of detection. It was a stupid plan, but Patsy seems like an addicted person. Probably due to her cancer, but maybe it predates that. John got up and reacted like a dad. He ran through the house and told her to call the Police. She finally did, but she had hoped all that rambling about if he talks to a dog or something she dies would make John just go get the money. If John had been in on it, the body would have been taken from the house, the note would be much shorter and not so silly, and then the police would be called. I think John got a better look at that note after the 911 call, then realized Patsy did this. Perhaps she confessed, perhaps she lied about how it happened, perhaps she even blamed Burke, who knows? But John decided for the good of his living family he would go along with it. It is also possible she never even admitted it to him, so he can go through life with deniability. She wrote the note. That is a fact.
why would a parent first reaction be just let her die and then I will cover it up? It wouldn't be. They would have called 9-11 and told the doctors the kids were rough housing...and that would have been the end of it.

No it wouldn't have. The reason she was not provided medical attention was the knowledge of prior sexual abuse being discovered.

She wrote the note. That is a fact.

You can't state something like that.
No it wouldn't have. The reason she was not provided medical attention was the knowledge of prior sexual abuse being discovered.
That has not been determined. She had been treated by a physician over her life, so why stop when she has a traumatic injury? There is no evidence a 9 year old boy molested his sister and killed her. Nothing but the imagination of internet posters over the years. The second crime here is the libel and slander of another innocent child.
She had been treated by a physician over her life, so why stop when she has a traumatic injury?

Ah yes, the same physician who denied access to her files and threatened to "burn them" before handing them over. The same physician who could not remember why Patsy made frantic phone calls to him within a 10 minute time lapse.
Ah yes, the same physician who denied access to her files and threatened to "burn them" before handing them over. The same physician who could not remember why Patsy made frantic phone calls to him within a 10 minute time lapse.

Can't find a story online about Dr. Francis Beuf refusing to cooperate only that he was interviewed. Sounds more tabloid. If he had been served with a search warrant and refused, he would be in jail. https://books.google.com/books?id=q...v=onepage&q=Dr. Francis Beuf jonbenet&f=false
We know the exact location of her death: the carpet outside the wine cellar. The strangulation caused her bladder to give out and urine was found on this carpet. The knot was made using Patsy's paintbrush and fibers from the clothing she wore that evening were found on the brush, cord, and paint tote. The paintbrush was located in a room near the carpet where JonBenet was strangled. She was strangled with her face in a prone position, suggesting that whoever killed her didn't want to look at her face while the deed was being done. The curious part about all of this is that the 'garrote', which is really a makeshift Boy Scout commando rope (pic here: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NDgwWDY0MA==/z/M4wAAOSwMmBVl-lj/$_1.JPG), would be something that either John or Burke would know how to fashion given that they were both Boy Scouts. Like so many things in this case, nothing quite fits one particular theory.
No it wouldn't have. The reason she was not provided medical attention was the knowledge of prior sexual abuse being discovered.

That also applies if one or both parents had killed her, IMO.

You can't state something like that.

Would "I strongly believe it" meet muster?
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