Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? Poll

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Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? POLL

  • John

    Votes: 124 8.4%
  • Patsy

    Votes: 547 37.2%
  • Burke

    Votes: 340 23.1%
  • An Intruder, (anyone including someone known to them)

    Votes: 459 31.2%

  • Total voters
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The handwriting has never been identified by any credible expert.

I guess that depends on your definition of "credible." If, indeed, ANY of them can be called that at this point.

There are unidentified fibers, hairs and DNA all found in incriminating locations.

None of which figures up against the vast majority of the evidence, I'm afraid.
As you are well aware, it is not possible for anyone – RDI included – to provide a step-by-step. And, I know that you know this, too. No one – RDI or IDI – can say when the head blow occurred, or in what room, etc – so, obviously, I’m not going to describe that, either. Some people have opinions on this, but I don’t.

Impossible?! The hell you say! I've done it! Here ya go:

The Ramseys get home from the party at the Whites'. Burke asks for a bedtime snack. Patsy sees a bowl of pineapple on the kitchen counter and gives him some, telling him not to paw at it. Both children have some.
JOHN: "Come on, honey. Let's get you to bed. Be with you in a minute, son."
BURKE: "I'll wait for you there, Dad."
PATSY: "Just a quick check to see if I missed anything."
Patsy is now alone. She's doing her thing. John puts JonBenet in bed. They speak for a minute. Maybe something else. Maybe he gives her privates a "quick check." He goes down to the basement.
Patsy's catching her breath in the living room. John and Burke come up.
JOHN: Head on up to bed, son.
BURKE: "Okay, Dad."
The parents are alone.
JOHN: "Come on up to bed."
PATSY: "No, I'm not done yet."
JOHN: "You shouldn't take so much on yourself."
PATSY (irritated at him): "I have to. I do everything around here."
JOHN: "Sorry I mentioned it."
John goes upstairs. Soon, JonBenet is back down.
PATSY: "What do you want now, honey," with a little irritation in her voice.
JONBENET: "I did it again."
PATSY: "Oh, God. Come on."
Up to JonBenet's room.
PATSY: "I don't see anything."
JONBENET: "I didn't go to bed yet."
PATSY: "Can't you do anything I ask?"
JONBENET: "I'm sorry."
PATSY: "Get in there."
Into the bathroom. Patsy cleans her up.
PATSY: "Here, don't tell you're father."
JONBENET: "You and Daddy tell me secrets."
PATSY: "Secrets?"
JONBENET: "Yeah, Daddy tells me to keep secrets."
PATSY: "Like what?"
JONBENET (suddenly sullen): "It wouldn't be a secret then."
PATSY (now more irritated): "Fine."
Patsy becomes rough.
JONBENET: "OW! Mommy, that hurts! Daddy's nicer."
PATSY: "I didn't think your father cleaned you up."
JONBENET: "He doesn't. He calls it our special game."
PATSY's head snaps up. Their eyes meet.
JONBENET (whispering): "I told the secret."
JONBENET (almost in a panic): "I'm sorry, Mommy!"
PATSY: "I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget!"
JonBenet tries to run away, but her pants are still around her knees. She tries to pull them up, but trips. As she gets up, Patsy grabs her collar and begins to struggle with her. She MEANS to toss JonBenet onto the bed face-first and spank the daylights out of her. But during the fight, JonBenet takes a hard blow that cracks her skull.
Patsy sees JonBenet crumpled on the floor.
PATSY: "That won't work, you little faker. You're in big trouble."
She picks JonBenet up and lays her on the bed. But she's so limp.
PATSY: "I said, cut it out."
Nothing. JonBenet is in shock and doesn't seem to be breathing.
PATSY (anger replaced by worry): "JonBenet Patricia Ramsey, you cut that out right now. Baby? (Now panicked): BABY?! PLEASE say something! Oh, GOD, I didn't mean to! No, oh, God, no! Not my baby!"
John comes in.
JOHN: "What the h*** is going on in here?!"
Patsy turns. Her eyes are full of tears and hate. She blitzes him.
PATSY: "YOU *******!"
He grabs her wrists. "Are you crazy?!" He sees JonBenet. "What did you do?!"
PATSY: "Me?! You couldn't get it from me, so you took her! And I believed YOU!"
JOHN: "You stupid, crazy *****! I have to save her!"
PATSY: "It's too late now! She's dead!"
JOHN: "NO! That's impossible!" (Keep in mind, John's lost Beth.)
PATSY: "I'll see you rot for this!"
JOHN: "How?! You killed her."
Patsy fights until she's fought-out. She collapses to the floor, sobbing.
JOHN: "Honey..."
PATSY: "We can't leave her like this. She's so beautiful. like an angel. She deserves better."
JOHN: "I can't believe this. Burke...what will happen to him?"
PATSY: "He can't ever know about this. He can't think we killed JonBenet."
JOHN: "How do we make this right?"
PATSY: "I thought you were the big expert!"
JOHN: "Shut up! I'm trying to think."
PATSY: "What kind of person would do this?"
JOHN: "The kind we saw in the Navy. Damn, I wish I could remember who they were."
And it just spirals from there. Putting anything they can think of into a possible scenario, they stage a scene. But Patsy's dramatic flair puts it over the top. John, wracked with guilt, knows she hangs by a hair, so he says nothing. He also knows that the truth will put them in prison where the inmates will do horrible things to them...
PATSY: "What kind of knot do we use?"
JOHN: "Do it yourself."
Patsy ties a sloppy noose and sloppier wrist ties.
JOHN: "I can't even look at her like that."
They think about bundling her up to dump, but it's too risky. In the basement.
PATSY: "Wouldn't she have been messed with down there?"
JOHN: "Don't ask me to--"
PATSY: "You already DID! That's how we got into this mess."
JOHN: "I can't touch her like this." He uses the brush to avoid touching her privates. His fibers end up on her, having scuffed off his sleeve on her clothing when he pulls his arm back. "Can you write left-handed?"
PATSY: "Yeah, but--"
JOHN: "Come on."
John dictates part of the note, she writes. At this point, she's caught up in this. Her greatest pageant, her greatest adventure. It's exhilarating. Just what he's counting on.
1) Why is it ridiculous to portray him as a criminal mastermind? Do you not believe that such persons exist?

Not like this! Your guy would have to come straight out of a comic book.

Do you think there is something special about the Ramseys that would prevent such a person from targeting them?

In a way, there might have been. I may not be ready for the FBI Academy quite yet, but I've studied enough of crime to know one basic, important fact for certain: the vast majority of criminals--child molesters especially--are like predatory animals (ie, lions, wolves, etc.) in that they tend to go after who they judge to be the weakest members of the herd. If their intended prey is too difficult to catch, they'll give up and chase something easier. Why risk breaking into a house when you can just grab a girl off the sidewalk? JonBenet was never alone. From outside her inner circle, she was just about invincible.
It’s pretty simple, actually, the evidence, the facts and reason does not support RDI. I think the case against them is extraordinarily weak, heavily flawed and to some large extent built on fantasy (see Kolar for an example of this).

That's odd; I was going to say the same thing about IDI.

It may be a surprise to you, but there are many people, including amongst those associated with the investigation, who agree with IDI.

Nobody trustworthy.

However, when you spend all your time on one side of the fence, you tend to lose sight of these things and a process of communal reinforcement takes hold and before you know it, you think everyone agrees with you (and, worse, that there is something wrong with those who don’t).

Leaving aside the obvious shot about "thinking" something versus "knowing" it, you just described Mary Lacy's tenure as DA to a T. To say nothing of Lou Smit.

But, I know what you mean about it being annoying when someone ignores the facts. IMO, this is a defining feature of RDI (see Kolar for endless examples of this).

You're really pushing it, AK.
The reason that IDI makes the most sense is because IDI does not assume evidence or make up things to bridge the gaps. We take the evidence for what it is and recognize the reality and facts.

I can't think of a gentlemanly response to that.

The fact is there is DNA that is Not from a Ramsey on her in more than one place.

Like millions of others.

Fact is the Ramseys have all been cleared.

Whether they should have been or not.

Fact is that no one who has any credibility in the Law enforcement community believes it was the Ramseys.

I guess that's a matter of opinion.

It just gets crazier and crazier.

My feelings EXACTLY!

It's time to give you some REAL facts.

FACT: Mark Beckner's Reddit AMA made it clear he thought they were guilty.

FACT: Michael Kane thought they were guilty.

FACT: Alex Hunter and several of his band were business partners with the Haddon law firm.

FACT: Hunter handed over evidence to the Ramseys, shut down possible avenues of investigation and interrupted interviews which might (and admittedly, that's stretching it) have led to a confession.

FACT: Hunter resisted calling a Grand Jury and only did so to get media heat off his back.

FACT: The Grand Jury issued an indictment and Hunter shut it down, then implied strongly that there was no indictment.

FACT: Hunter was notorious for not going to trial or wanting to do hard work.

FACT: His team had no real experience with trials or Grand Juries.

FACT: Hunter had a history of burying cases where he thought that his career or Boulder's good name might be at stake.

FACT: Mary Lacy was worse in every respect. She was friends with the Ramseys and made it clear from the word "go" that no one in her office or on her team was allowed to pursue any angle except an intruder.

FACT: Lacy knew that the tDNA was bulls**t, but she jumped at it because she knew it was the best she had.

FACT: A killer is not going to leave one cell on the victim.

FACT: Partial DNA profiles are notoriously unreliable.

And, just so we're not here all day, I'll end with this. I never noticed it until recently, but it struck me so hard I couldn't keep it quiet.

This is the Ramsey Christmas photo from 1993:


Look how close John's hands, especially his left, are to JB's crotch. Notice also that she's not exactly smiling.

The dragon is breathing fire!

Look how close John's hands, especially his left, are to JB's crotch. Notice also that she's not exactly smiling. [/QUOTE]

That's like saying Burke's right hand is on Patsy's behind. His hand is on her leg. How do you suggest parents hold their children? And no one would be stupid enough to strike a pedophilic pose in a family photo. It also looks to me like Jonbenet is eying the book Patsy is holding.

Explain the unknown male DNA, or the foreign items found in her body, or the fact that DNA HAS PROVEN THEM INNOCENT?! *smh*

This is the reason there has been no justice.
Btw, it was someone pissed off at John, as the ransom note that everyone was too blind to take seriously reveals.

Look how close John's hands, especially his left, are to JB's crotch. Notice also that she's not exactly smiling.

That's like saying Burke's right hand is on Patsy's behind. His hand is on her leg. How do you suggest parents hold their children? And no one would be stupid enough to strike a pedophilic pose in a family photo. It also looks to me like Jonbenet is eying the book Patsy is holding.

Explain the unknown male DNA, or the foreign items found in her body, or the fact that DNA HAS PROVEN THEM INNOCENT?! *smh*

This is the reason there has been no justice.[/QUOTE]

If that was the case, then he would be leaning over more to the right.
The DNA does not prove them innocent. You must look at the totality of evidence. This is not a DNA case. The amount of DNA found is so minuscule, it is beyond me to believe that a magical intruder could brutalize this child and only leave a few stray cells.

I know some facts too SuperDave! (How much time indeed!)

For example; since you bring up the RN: It is a fact that the bad guy wrote this note on paper in the house, with the marker kept near the phone (the marker was put neatly back btw.) The ransom note is a staggering 2.5 pages long, something like 350 words. There was evidence of a "false start" ("mr. & mrs.l" and then 7 pages missing in addition to the pages making up the RN. So this bad guy had to have spent a great deal of time crafting this perfect note.

In addition to the time spent crafting the note the rest of the timeline does not fit; he has to feed her pineapple, wait long enough for it to pass through to the small intestine, hit her, wait another 45min-2hours, strangle her with the crude cord. Additionally this bad guy would then have to clean her up (in brand new wednesday bloomies underpants in a ridiculously oversize 12) The R's sent the package of the other panties 5 years after the murder, so you can't say that the intruder brought those panties in. They were not found in her drawer nor in the basement.

How many hours would this have taken? What bad guy is going to risk his neck spending so much time vulnerable to discovery (in CO its legal to shoot intruders too) So he takes all these risks for....what? Not money (no attempt at collecting the strangely specific ransom).... Not revenge (if it were for revenge, why hide her? why craft an elaborate piece of evidence to explain why she was missing? why clean her up? wouldn't it hurt john so much more if she was openly displayed?) If it were sex, why is there no evidence of rape? Instead we have evidence of previous sexual contact (healed injuries, over a week old) and a single small bruise (which Beckner & Kolar both say is consistent with the end of the paintbrush, also from the house.) So i'm sorry to say this but why are her injuries relatively gentle compared to the rest of the brutality in that area, if the motive is sexual? BTW, although JR was successful & was doing well, he was not the mogul some make him out to be. He was probably not even the richest in boulder, which is a pretty ritzy town in some spots. What kind of horrible enemy could he have made that would do such a brutal thing? What could he have done, just a business deal? seems a little overkill does it not?

All of it makes so much more sense, all of these questions dissolve (though truly many remain), when you realize all the evidence points to sources within the house, connected to the house . There was no one in or or out that night.

I guess I have a lot more (factual) questions than facts! but I would recommend you educate yourself as much as you can on this extremely complex case before making firm decisions.
That's like saying Burke's right hand is on Patsy's behind. His hand is on her leg. How do you suggest parents hold their children? And no one would be stupid enough to strike a pedophilic pose in a family photo. It also looks to me like Jonbenet is eying the book Patsy is holding.

Explain the unknown male DNA, or the foreign items found in her body, or the fact that DNA HAS PROVEN THEM INNOCENT?! *smh*

This is the reason there has been no justice.

If that was the case, then he would be leaning over more to the right.[/QUOTE]

And if John was touching Jonbenet's crotch, his hand would be further up than her knee.
There is no way Burke would be able to live with such a demon all these years and not say anything. His mother is dead, and they probably wouldn't even convict him being that he was a small child.

The idea that a 9 year old is solely responsible for this is laughable.
There is a difference between what may or may not be fact and what is or isn't known. I'll be the first person to admit that the
Ramsey's should not be charged due to lack of evidence, but I am smart enough to realize that what little evidence is there points squarely at the people in that house. I realize that the Ramsey's have been caught on numerous occasions lying through their teeth. I realize that any parent not willing to assist police in the murder of their child probably had something to do with it.

This case will never be settled in a court of law, but in the court of common sense this is an open and shut case, not to the extent that we could say which one of them did it, but in the end all three are guilty by remaining silent about it.

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I understand where you’re coming from, Andreww. I think, on the surface, you make some good points. But, I also know that RDI see lies where there are none, and do not even agree amongst themselves as to what is a lie and what is not.

I think it is important to note that this case is not exactly like others because, IMO, the Ramseys became very early on convinced that the police were not their friends. Perhaps, they even had the money (and, the arrogance that often accompanies it) to think that they didn’t need the police. They certainly did not trust them and that changes EVERYTHING.
Sadly, I think that these points you raise don’t amount to anything more than reasons for suspicion and investigation.

Investigation failed to present a reasonable case against them (your words: the Ramsey's should not be charged due to lack of evidence)

Impossible?! The hell you say! I've done it! Here ya go:

The Ramseys get home from the party at the Whites'. Burke asks for a bedtime snack. Patsy sees a bowl of pineapple on the kitchen counter and gives him some, telling him not to paw at it. Both children have some.
JOHN: "Come on, honey. Let's get you to bed. Be with you in a minute, son."
BURKE: "I'll wait for you there, Dad."
PATSY: "Just a quick check to see if I missed anything."
Patsy is now alone. She's doing her thing. John puts JonBenet in bed. They speak for a minute. Maybe something else. Maybe he gives her privates a "quick check." He goes down to the basement.
Patsy's catching her breath in the living room. John and Burke come up.
JOHN: Head on up to bed, son.
BURKE: "Okay, Dad."
The parents are alone.
JOHN: "Come on up to bed."
PATSY: "No, I'm not done yet."
JOHN: "You shouldn't take so much on yourself."
PATSY (irritated at him): "I have to. I do everything around here."
JOHN: "Sorry I mentioned it."
John goes upstairs. Soon, JonBenet is back down.
PATSY: "What do you want now, honey," with a little irritation in her voice.
JONBENET: "I did it again."
PATSY: "Oh, God. Come on."
Up to JonBenet's room.
PATSY: "I don't see anything."
JONBENET: "I didn't go to bed yet."
PATSY: "Can't you do anything I ask?"
JONBENET: "I'm sorry."
PATSY: "Get in there."
Into the bathroom. Patsy cleans her up.
PATSY: "Here, don't tell you're father."
JONBENET: "You and Daddy tell me secrets."
PATSY: "Secrets?"
JONBENET: "Yeah, Daddy tells me to keep secrets."
PATSY: "Like what?"
JONBENET (suddenly sullen): "It wouldn't be a secret then."
PATSY (now more irritated): "Fine."
Patsy becomes rough.
JONBENET: "OW! Mommy, that hurts! Daddy's nicer."
PATSY: "I didn't think your father cleaned you up."
JONBENET: "He doesn't. He calls it our special game."
PATSY's head snaps up. Their eyes meet.
JONBENET (whispering): "I told the secret."
JONBENET (almost in a panic): "I'm sorry, Mommy!"
PATSY: "I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget!"
JonBenet tries to run away, but her pants are still around her knees. She tries to pull them up, but trips. As she gets up, Patsy grabs her collar and begins to struggle with her. She MEANS to toss JonBenet onto the bed face-first and spank the daylights out of her. But during the fight, JonBenet takes a hard blow that cracks her skull.
Patsy sees JonBenet crumpled on the floor.
PATSY: "That won't work, you little faker. You're in big trouble."
She picks JonBenet up and lays her on the bed. But she's so limp.
PATSY: "I said, cut it out."
Nothing. JonBenet is in shock and doesn't seem to be breathing.
PATSY (anger replaced by worry): "JonBenet Patricia Ramsey, you cut that out right now. Baby? (Now panicked): BABY?! PLEASE say something! Oh, GOD, I didn't mean to! No, oh, God, no! Not my baby!"
John comes in.
JOHN: "What the h*** is going on in here?!"
Patsy turns. Her eyes are full of tears and hate. She blitzes him.
PATSY: "YOU *******!"
He grabs her wrists. "Are you crazy?!" He sees JonBenet. "What did you do?!"
PATSY: "Me?! You couldn't get it from me, so you took her! And I believed YOU!"
JOHN: "You stupid, crazy *****! I have to save her!"
PATSY: "It's too late now! She's dead!"
JOHN: "NO! That's impossible!" (Keep in mind, John's lost Beth.)
PATSY: "I'll see you rot for this!"
JOHN: "How?! You killed her."
Patsy fights until she's fought-out. She collapses to the floor, sobbing.
JOHN: "Honey..."
PATSY: "We can't leave her like this. She's so beautiful. like an angel. She deserves better."
JOHN: "I can't believe this. Burke...what will happen to him?"
PATSY: "He can't ever know about this. He can't think we killed JonBenet."
JOHN: "How do we make this right?"
PATSY: "I thought you were the big expert!"
JOHN: "Shut up! I'm trying to think."
PATSY: "What kind of person would do this?"
JOHN: "The kind we saw in the Navy. Damn, I wish I could remember who they were."
And it just spirals from there. Putting anything they can think of into a possible scenario, they stage a scene. But Patsy's dramatic flair puts it over the top. John, wracked with guilt, knows she hangs by a hair, so he says nothing. He also knows that the truth will put them in prison where the inmates will do horrible things to them...
PATSY: "What kind of knot do we use?"
JOHN: "Do it yourself."
Patsy ties a sloppy noose and sloppier wrist ties.
JOHN: "I can't even look at her like that."
They think about bundling her up to dump, but it's too risky. In the basement.
PATSY: "Wouldn't she have been messed with down there?"
JOHN: "Don't ask me to--"
PATSY: "You already DID! That's how we got into this mess."
JOHN: "I can't touch her like this." He uses the brush to avoid touching her privates. His fibers end up on her, having scuffed off his sleeve on her clothing when he pulls his arm back. "Can you write left-handed?"
PATSY: "Yeah, but--"
JOHN: "Come on."
John dictates part of the note, she writes. At this point, she's caught up in this. Her greatest pageant, her greatest adventure. It's exhilarating. Just what he's counting on.

Thanks for making my point. Always nice to be vindicated.

Not like this! Your guy would have to come straight out of a comic book.

In a way, there might have been. I may not be ready for the FBI Academy quite yet, but I've studied enough of crime to know one basic, important fact for certain: the vast majority of criminals--child molesters especially--are like predatory animals (ie, lions, wolves, etc.) in that they tend to go after who they judge to be the weakest members of the herd. If their intended prey is too difficult to catch, they'll give up and chase something easier. Why risk breaking into a house when you can just grab a girl off the sidewalk? JonBenet was never alone. From outside her inner circle, she was just about invincible.

If you think “my guy” would have to come straight out of a comic, than you don’t understand “my guy.” That’s crazy wrong.

The question was “is something special about the Ramseys that would prevent [a criminal mastermind] from targeting them?” You’re talking about a different kind of criminal entirely.

That's odd; I was going to say the same thing about IDI.

Nobody trustworthy.

Leaving aside the obvious shot about "thinking" something versus "knowing" it, you just described Mary Lacy's tenure as DA to a T. To say nothing of Lou Smit.

You're really pushing it, AK.

“Nobody trustworthy.” I think you mean nobody that RDI considers trustworthy. Which doesn't mean much to me.

The DNA does not prove them innocent. You must look at the totality of evidence. This is not a DNA case. The amount of DNA found is so minuscule, it is beyond me to believe that a magical intruder could brutalize this child and only leave a few stray cells.

I know some facts too SuperDave! (How much time indeed!)

For example; since you bring up the RN: It is a fact that the bad guy wrote this note on paper in the house, with the marker kept near the phone (the marker was put neatly back btw.) The ransom note is a staggering 2.5 pages long, something like 350 words. There was evidence of a "false start" ("mr. & mrs.l" and then 7 pages missing in addition to the pages making up the RN. So this bad guy had to have spent a great deal of time crafting this perfect note.

In addition to the time spent crafting the note the rest of the timeline does not fit; he has to feed her pineapple, wait long enough for it to pass through to the small intestine, hit her, wait another 45min-2hours, strangle her with the crude cord. Additionally this bad guy would then have to clean her up (in brand new wednesday bloomies underpants in a ridiculously oversize 12) The R's sent the package of the other panties 5 years after the murder, so you can't say that the intruder brought those panties in. They were not found in her drawer nor in the basement.

How many hours would this have taken? What bad guy is going to risk his neck spending so much time vulnerable to discovery (in CO its legal to shoot intruders too) So he takes all these risks for....what? Not money (no attempt at collecting the strangely specific ransom).... Not revenge (if it were for revenge, why hide her? why craft an elaborate piece of evidence to explain why she was missing? why clean her up? wouldn't it hurt john so much more if she was openly displayed?) If it were sex, why is there no evidence of rape? Instead we have evidence of previous sexual contact (healed injuries, over a week old) and a single small bruise (which Beckner & Kolar both say is consistent with the end of the paintbrush, also from the house.) So i'm sorry to say this but why are her injuries relatively gentle compared to the rest of the brutality in that area, if the motive is sexual? BTW, although JR was successful & was doing well, he was not the mogul some make him out to be. He was probably not even the richest in boulder, which is a pretty ritzy town in some spots. What kind of horrible enemy could he have made that would do such a brutal thing? What could he have done, just a business deal? seems a little overkill does it not?

All of it makes so much more sense, all of these questions dissolve (though truly many remain), when you realize all the evidence points to sources within the house, connected to the house . There was no one in or or out that night.

I guess I have a lot more (factual) questions than facts! but I would recommend you educate yourself as much as you can on this extremely complex case before making firm decisions.

The totality of the evidence INCLUDES THE DNA!! It includes ALL the unsourced evidence. IMO, RDI (see Kolar as perfect example) who say “the totality of the evidence” really mean “the totality of evidence favorable to RDI).

Note could have taken the longest amount of time of all the acts, but it could have been written in minutes. Not all missing pages are necessarily connected to the note.

It is NOT A FACT that anyone fed pineapple to jbr and it is NOT A FACT that the pineapple is connected to the crime.
BTW, I’ve posted a timeline here that was developed through experimentation and IMO this crime could have been committed in 30 minutes.

Not knowing or being able to understand motivation does not mean motivation does not exist, this is merely argumentum ad ignorantiam (usually in the form of Personal Incredulity. I don’t think we’re ever going to know who committed this crime, but if we did then I think the question of motive would be a lot easier to understand.
What evidence? What about the DNA? Where did that come from? Bangladesh???

Um, maybe from the cloth or towel that was used to wipe her down? Maybe it was already on the packaged garments? Maybe it was contaminated by someone after the fact. For the millionth time, it is not uncommon for unidentifiable TDNA to be found at a crime scene, in fact I'm willing to bet that it happens more often than it doesn't.

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This may be the most interesting post ever.
You want a play by play of what the murderer did that day in the house?
You want his shirt size and underwear preference too?
The reason that IDI makes the most sense is because IDI does not assume evidence or make up things to bridge the gaps. We take the evidence for what it is and recognize the reality and facts.
The fact is there is DNA that is Not from a Ramsey on her in more than one place.
Fact is the Ramseys have all been cleared.
Fact is that no one who has any credibility in the Law enforcement community believes it was the Ramseys.

It just gets crazier and crazier.

Well the IDIs are crawling out of the woodwork aren't they.?

Nobody credible believes it was the Ramsey's? What about every police chief and detective that actually worked on the case, with the exception of the IDI ringer that was parachuted in to the investigation by a DA who had no intention of ever prosecuting the case?

And the Ramsey's were cleared by the same clown that went half way around the world to arrest Mark Carr, the guy it took LE about 30 minutes to clear. So don't put much stock in that.

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