Who Knows What Happened to Haleigh? Vote Now. No Need to be a Member

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Who is Involved in the Abduction of Haleigh Cummings

  • Her Biological Father Ron

    Votes: 10 2.3%
  • Her Biological Mother Crystal

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Her Step Mother Misty

    Votes: 149 33.6%
  • Her Biological Father Ron and Step Mother Misty

    Votes: 113 25.5%
  • Her Biological Mother Crystal along with an accomplice

    Votes: 14 3.2%
  • Strangers to the family

    Votes: 12 2.7%
  • Other Persons not mentioned in this poll

    Votes: 41 9.2%
  • maternal side Granny Marie with accomplices

    Votes: 10 2.3%
  • Don't know? could have been any one of them

    Votes: 16 3.6%
  • Donald Sapp & Misty

    Votes: 10 2.3%
  • Johnny Sheffield , Crystals father

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • The Cummings Family, and the Croslin Family

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • Killed by Ron, coverup by Ron's family & GF

    Votes: 13 2.9%
  • Death resulting from actions of babysitter

    Votes: 18 4.1%
  • Misty Croslyn's brother (?)

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • Someone the family knew after Misty left the kids alone

    Votes: 27 6.1%
  • Sister Crystal isn't on the list

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I think she walked out open back door and a gator got her.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have no idea and don't want to accuse an innocent party.

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • It is a male around the same age as the parents. Either an Uncle or a very close family friend. Ta

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Wow! I came here to see how the poll was going and to read when I saw so many pages of posts were here.

I cast my vote very early on in the poll and do not need to change it. Nor do I need to vote more than once. I have only one voice here and respect that.

I voted that Ron and Misty know what happened to Haleigh. I really suspect that they do know. I had not even heard of Ronalds' record when I decided that he and Misty knew what happened to Haleigh. I was, and still am, going by my gut feelings of the very first video of Ronald and the 911 tape. That is my feeling and my opinion.

I have as a part of my signature that if I do not respond to your post, it is because I have you on ignore. I placed that in my signature because of a poster who was downright insulting to LE. I was not going to continue to go back and forth with that poster and did report her. I have since taken that poster off of my ignore list because we no longer have posts addressed to each other. In fact, there is no one on my ignore list at the moment.

As for anyone voting several times in this poll - shame on you. To thine self be true?

BBM, I agree with you, I don't know why anyone would jack the votes like that. I didn't do it.
It's something else, isn't it?

I've never worried about other people sharing my opinion, just if I was sure my thinking is right. Heck, if someone is the only person that thinks a certain way and they turn out to be right, what a feather in their cap - but if they went and made it look like lots of people agree with them, they've gone and reduced themselves to just a voice in the crowd. Pretty lousy thinking there.

Had to come out of lurking mode and say Thank You:blowkiss: your words are sad but so true....some will do whatever for that feather in their cap.
I voted other and didn't change my vote after it was allowed. I don't know who did commit this crime, but I am not seeing the proof that Ronald and Misty did anything to Haleigh. There are a number of other workable theories, motives, and possible suspects. I have presented several to investigate including the other side of Haleigh's family, Misty's family, and RSOs.

I didn't mess with the poll either. I wouldn't have a clue how to do that anyway nor do I see the point. Couldn't it have been someone completely outside of WS who has no connections to our posters?

I am confused about the way those grafts are laid out. It looks like the line for the 4th choice spikes up all at once at several points with sharp, straight up increased blocks of votes while the the line for the 8th choice gradually climbs altho at a steady rate. , could you explain that further? Thanks.
Thanks and exactly i see where i was here that day and sure enough i see about 100 votes at 12 and then at midnite for the green the one i saw and thought there was a auto vote. Thanks I must of missed it,

The thing is Kittylyn, if I understand correctly, can "see" who is voting and can separate out member vs non members and he can also detect repeat/flakey votes. So if the votes that you saw were "bad" he will make the graphs reflect that. If they were all from non members then I am not counting them anyway in my head because they are suspect. Member votes, though, are pretty reliable to the extent that anything is.

I am only interested right now in what members here think.
I voted other and didn't change my vote after it was allowed. I don't know who did commit this crime, but I am not seeing the proof that Ronald and Misty did anything to Haleigh. There are a number of other workable theories, motives, and possible suspects. I have presented several to investigate including the other side of Haleigh's family, Misty's family, and RSOs.

I didn't mess with the poll either. I wouldn't have a clue how to do that anyway nor do I see the point. Couldn't it have been someone completely outside of WS who has no connections to our posters?

I am confused about the way those grafs are laid out. It looks like the line for the 4th choice spikes up all at once at several points with sharp, straight up increased blocks of votes while the the line for the 8th choice gradually climbs altho at a steady rate. could you explain that further? Thanks.

I noticed that, too, but my vision is so lousy I can't tell the colors apart anyway. :( I wonder what day the message was posted, because I was thinking it might have driven a lot of traffic to the poll the first day.

Be interesting to hear our statistician's explanation.
Wow-this poll is all over the map! IMO Misty has been the key from the beginning, but that does not require much insight, lol.

I agree Misty is the key but not necessarily the culprit.

I voted 'someone the family knew after Misty left the kid's alone'. Someone knew she was leaving the kid's alone there at night while Ron was at work.
She left the kid's in the home with one or more persons (family/friend/new aquaintance) who then took advantage of the situation and she knows full well who he/they are. She may or may not have known if he/they are SO's.

In any case, she needs to get herself to LE with a name(s) or they need to get onto her with some real prssure to get at the TRUTH now. This is a little girl that needs to be FOUND NOW and hopefully SAFE!!!! (I know what the odds are but I can't help having HOPE for this child!)
It's something else, isn't it?

I've never worried about other people sharing my opinion, just if I was sure my thinking is right. Heck, if someone is the only person that thinks a certain way and they turn out to be right, what a feather in their cap - but if they went and made it look like lots of people agree with them, they've gone and reduced themselves to just a voice in the crowd. Pretty lousy thinking there.

, I don't know if others did this or not but I created a problem for myself when I voted without signing on to the forum, even tho I'm a member. Just did it without thinking the first day of the poll.

Is there a way that I can revote as a member without changing my vote? I voted for Misty. No big problem but just wondered. I wasn't aware at the time there would be the manipulation or that members/non-members would be separated for reporting.

Also, a suggestion: as someone else mentioned, it is hard for some of us with eyesight problems to distinguish all the colors on the grafts as some are similar. I finally increased the zoom level and could make them out fairly well. I wonder if in the future the choices on the poll and on the grafts could be numbered, along with the colors, so they would be easier to follow in comments and on the grafts.

Thanks for all your work on this poll, very interesting outcomes. I'm looking forward to more and will be sure to sign in before voting!
I'm curious if anyone has changed their vote now that the news about Misty came out in the open.
I'm curious if anyone has changed their vote now that the news about Misty came out in the open.

I voted other person but I think the question on the poll was different wen I voted...something like who was responsible or something like that.
Anyway, I've always thought Misty had something to do with Haleigh's disappearance, at the very least she knows what happened, but I think someone other than Misty took her...does that make sense?:waitasec:
Theres still an option to "change your vote".....but its sad to see such a high percentage still think CS mother Marie & co. had anything to do with this, since the latest news about Misty. Thats sad to me. Maybe we need a new pole in a week or two to see if some have rethought their choice. But I tell ya, this poll wont influence the "truth", nope, not one bit. May God shed light on the truth and give Haleigh Justice and her family peace.
I notice that in the poll, maternal Granny Marie (with accomplices) is second only to Ron and Misty having something to do with the crime. Would this be Haleigh's mother's mother? And for those Sluethers who voted that way, is it because they believe that Granny Marie would have taken Haleigh to protect her? If so, where might Haleigh be being held?

I'm sorry - this is the first time I've been back to the board in a long time, and actually the first time that I've heard that there are suspicions about Haleigh's Grandmother.

Can't wait to hear what our different Sluethers might intuit about this crime.
I have always believed that HaLeigh was caught in a battle between RC and MC. I voted killed by RC (accidental, imo) and cover up by family and gf. The alligator pond remark has always bothered me, as has the embellished emotions, then stony looks.

all jmooc
I'm curious if anyone has changed their vote now that the news about Misty came out in the open.

I just changed my vote to "someone they knew because Misty had left the kids alone", but it's because I now have a different theory. I used to think the senior Sheffields took Haleigh (unknown at the time to Crystal), both to keep her from Ron who they didn't care for, and so Crystal wouldn't owe any more child support, and could possibly get back custody, since Haleigh going missing would make Ron look bad.

Then for a while I thought some drug dealer PO'd at Ron had taken Haleigh. IMO, I was making it too complex. Here's my latest theory (and I'm open to critiques - LOL) - because this might explain how Misty "knows something" but she's not clear on what she knows:

It started with a simple *itch fight. I think Amber took Haleigh with Nay Nay's help. Nay Nay possibly got Misty out of the trailer by herself (or one of their guy friends) with a promise of good drugs, a fun time, whatever. Misty figured why not, the kids were inside, what could it hurt. Not sure how exactly, maybe Misty was given stronger drugs than usual - but she blacked out. Meanwhile Amber - who was still angry over Misty getting Ron, and the "i got ur man and i will have ur baby to" comment from Misty on her myspace, took Haleigh away - possibly walking with her where the dogs tracked Haleigh's scent. (Not sure if Amber would have had help from some guy or not.) IIRC, Amber's mom left town for another state shortly after all this took place, and she could have taken Haleigh with her.

I think at the time Misty was afraid Ron would beat her to death if she admitted she was gone from the trailer all night getting high and left his kids alone, (As shown by his "why'd you let my kid get stolen, _itch?" during the 911 call.) and that's when her lies started. Plus, she may have been really confused if she had blacked out during part of the night and when they came back home Haleigh was already gone. But part of her maybe suspects Amber and Nay Nay had something to do with it. Oh geez, this has holes in it, doesn't it?? ;-) Cuz why would Misty lie to protect Amber? She has to be not telling everything to protect herself somehow. sigh. (Please be gentle tearing this apart - it's the first time I've ever offered a theory.)
I just changed my vote to "someone they knew because Misty had left the kids alone", but it's because I now have a different theory. I used to think the senior Sheffields took Haleigh (unknown at the time to Crystal), both to keep her from Ron who they didn't care for, and so Crystal wouldn't owe any more child support, and could possibly get back custody, since Haleigh going missing would make Ron look bad.

Then for a while I thought some drug dealer PO'd at Ron had taken Haleigh. IMO, I was making it too complex. Here's my latest theory (and I'm open to critiques - LOL) - because this might explain how Misty "knows something" but she's not clear on what she knows:

It started with a simple *itch fight. I think Amber took Haleigh with Nay Nay's help. Nay Nay possibly got Misty out of the trailer by herself (or one of their guy friends) with a promise of good drugs, a fun time, whatever. Misty figured why not, the kids were inside, what could it hurt. Not sure how exactly, maybe Misty was given stronger drugs than usual - but she blacked out. Meanwhile Amber - who was still angry over Misty getting Ron, and the "i got ur man and i will have ur baby to" comment from Misty on her myspace, took Haleigh away - possibly walking with her where the dogs tracked Haleigh's scent. (Not sure if Amber would have had help from some guy or not.) IIRC, Amber's mom left town for another state shortly after all this took place, and she could have taken Haleigh with her.

I think at the time Misty was afraid Ron would beat her to death if she admitted she was gone from the trailer all night getting high and left his kids alone, (As shown by his "why'd you let my kid get stolen, _itch?" during the 911 call.) and that's when her lies started. Plus, she may have been really confused if she had blacked out during part of the night and when they came back home Haleigh was already gone. But part of her maybe suspects Amber and Nay Nay had something to do with it. Oh geez, this has holes in it, doesn't it?? ;-) Cuz why would Misty lie to protect Amber? She has to be not telling everything to protect herself somehow. sigh. (Please be gentle tearing this apart - it's the first time I've ever offered a theory.)

Good theory...at least it is a theory, that is more than I have at this point. I watched NG tonight and just wondered why she hates Haleigh's mom, Crystal Sheffield. Does anyone know. NG treated her like a convicted murderer because she did not know what time Haleigh's school let out or who was the last person to see Haleigh other than Ron or Misty. NG sure cozys up to Ron in a heart beat...why. What does she find so virturious about him? After all he did pick out the baby sitter who let the child be taken!
I think Misty was high the night it happened and truly doesn't remember what actually went on - but probably has strong suspicions about who it was. Perhaps it was a drug dealer that SHE owes, rather than the husband?
Good theory...at least it is a theory, that is more than I have at this point. I watched NG tonight and just wondered why she hates Haleigh's mom, Crystal Sheffield. Does anyone know. NG treated her like a convicted murderer because she did not know what time Haleigh's school let out or who was the last person to see Haleigh other than Ron or Misty. NG sure cozys up to Ron in a heart beat...why. What does she find so virturious about him? After all he did pick out the baby sitter who let the child be taken!

I was wondering that too. NG has been so friendly with Ron and was downright sarcastic and nasty to Crystal. NG seems to believe Misty is totally at fault, so I'm not sure why she'd be rude to Crystal and nice to Ron. (Maybe it's cuz he called her Miss Nancy? LOL)
I think Misty was high the night it happened and truly doesn't remember what actually went on - but probably has strong suspicions about who it was. Perhaps it was a drug dealer that SHE owes, rather than the husband?

That could be. I feel for any kids those 2 have in the future.
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