Who molested/abused Jonbenet? #2

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Sep 28, 2008
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this issue always kept me from being sure that BDI.I always thought that the parents behaviour fits the BDI theory,her wounds as well,the garrote,the strangulation and some other things.
But JB being previously molested/abused makes me rethink all this.
PLUS all the trouble the killer/killers went through with redressing /whiping her off,the most important part of the staging IMO.This is what needed to be covered for.

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I've had so many theories regarding this case, but I do think there may be merit to JR or even PR being part of a CSAM cult or ring. On the Duggar thread, much of the film material is produced in the Philippines, which JR is intimately connected with. His "work" with kids/youth in Thailand also sends up red flags.
And while reading an article about Matt Gaetz on Politico, it mentioned that one of his underage "associates" who took the stage with him in 2017 had competed in beauty pageants as a child with none other than JBR herself.
These connections seem too connect-y to overlook without consideration, IMOO.

Jonbenet didn't have any fear of adults seeing her private parts. Fleet White reported she'd call for an adult to wipe her bottom when she was sitting on the toilet. If she couldn't get someone to do it (based on all of her underwear being stained), she'd go unclean. I have no answers or assumptions here. If a child was abused, wouldn't she have a fear of having an adult see her like that? I don't know. I have not read about child sexual abuse and have no experience with abused children. This is a question I'd like to post to a child sexual abuse expert.
What I can guess is a girl of her size didn't have direct access to toilet paper in her bathroom. There was no dispenser next to the toilet. [Inconsiderate for the parents to do to a child her size.] That means the toilet paper roll was either on the floor, the bathroom counter, or on the back of the toilet. Being that small, I can't imagine it was an easy reach.
She also allegedly had urinary tract infections supposedly from wiping in the wrong direction. This is only based on what I read reported from her pediatrician. So if Patsy did douche her, it could have been to try to control infections or corporal punishment. Maybe there was a little bit of both. I don't know.
What I do know about Patsy is that she went through stage 4 chemo. Along with that comes chemo brain (a brain fog). It would have also changed how she would view life. She also wanted the appearance of perfection in her appearance, the house she lived in, and her daughter, especially during pageants.
I can't determine if she was sexually abused and neither could the investigators. The questioning they were allowed was limited. They couldn't get too deep into the sexual abuse questions. They were blocked at even the most basic questions. Even the holding of the body for 1 more day after the autopsy was cut short due to Ramsey's rush to burial. Then again, the Boulder investigators didn't call for a sexual abuse expert during the autopsy and that was a mistake.
Was she abused? That can go to motive. It can also have nothing to do with her murder. I have never seen a good answer to the question. That question may never be answered.

Jonbenet didn't have any fear of adults seeing her private parts. Fleet White reported she'd call for an adult to wipe her bottom when she was sitting on the toilet. If she couldn't get someone to do it (based on all of her underwear being stained), she'd go unclean. I have no answers or assumptions here. If a child was abused, wouldn't she have a fear of having an adult see her like that? I don't know. I have not read about child sexual abuse and have no experience with abused children. This is a question I'd like to post to a child sexual abuse expert.
What I can guess is a girl of her size didn't have direct access to toilet paper in her bathroom. There was no dispenser next to the toilet. [Inconsiderate for the parents to do to a child her size.] That means the toilet paper roll was either on the floor, the bathroom counter, or on the back of the toilet. Being that small, I can't imagine it was an easy reach.
She also allegedly had urinary tract infections supposedly from wiping in the wrong direction. This is only based on what I read reported from her pediatrician. So if Patsy did douche her, it could have been to try to control infections or corporal punishment. Maybe there was a little bit of both. I don't know.
What I do know about Patsy is that she went through stage 4 chemo. Along with that comes chemo brain (a brain fog). It would have also changed how she would view life. She also wanted the appearance of perfection in her appearance, the house she lived in, and her daughter, especially during pageants.
I can't determine if she was sexually abused and neither could the investigators. The questioning they were allowed was limited. They couldn't get too deep into the sexual abuse questions. They were blocked at even the most basic questions. Even the holding of the body for 1 more day after the autopsy was cut short due to Ramsey's rush to burial. Then again, the Boulder investigators didn't call for a sexual abuse expert during the autopsy and that was a mistake.
Was she abused? That can go to motive. It can also have nothing to do with her murder. I have never seen a good answer to the question. That question may never be answered.

There is evidence to suggest JonBenet had been chronically abused, i.e. internal scarring from prior healed injuries.

Also the two medical examinations undertaken by Dr. Andy Sirontak, Chief of Denver Children’s Hospital Child Protection Team and the Coroner Dr. Meyer both concluded that JonBenet had a foreign object inserted inside her and noted that her hymen was shriveled and retracted, probable sign of prior abuse?

These guys saw JonBenet in the flesh everyone else has only ever looked at autopsy photographs.

There is evidence to suggest JonBenet had been chronically abused, i.e. internal scarring from prior healed injuries.

Also the two medical examinations undertaken by Dr. Andy Sirontak, Chief of Denver Children’s Hospital Child Protection Team and the Coroner Dr. Meyer both concluded that JonBenet had a foreign object inserted inside her and noted that her hymen was shriveled and retracted, probable sign of prior abuse?

These guys saw JonBenet in the flesh everyone else has only ever looked at autopsy photographs.


I'm completely aware of this. So do you have evidence that proves molestation? Once physical evidence is found, then investigators need to do interviews to find out where it's coming from. They may even discover the damage is coming from the child themselves. There's the douching question, infections, and possible itching. Yes, there's evidence, but what does it say?
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I'm completely aware of this. So do you have evidence that proves molestation? Once physical evidence is found, then investigators need to do interviews to find out where it's coming from. They may even discover the damage is coming from the child themselves. There's the douching question, infections, and possible itching. Yes, there's evidence, but what does it say?

The foregoing medical examination results are prima facie evidence of molestation. It's that simple.

Outwith a homicide case you could argue this or that, e.g. douching, self-insertion, infection, etc.

JonBenet was molested then an attempt was made to stage it away but not 100% as the medical examinations reported.

The internal scarring and claims about a foreign object represent both chronic and acute molestation.

This forms the basis for a felony sexual assault charge.

All the other things folks can think up regarding how JonBenet might have been assaulted are on the table, but not yet confirmed by any current medical procedure.

So for the injuries discovered and itemized by the medical examiners means one or more of the residents of the Ramsey household are likely responsible?

For a 100% cast-iron opinion you would need to have been present at the grand-jury when Coroner Meyer presented his evidence, as he would have outlined precisely why he thought JonBenet had been digitally penetrated and subject to sexual contact.

12-29-1996 Search Warrant for 755 15th Street, Excerpt
Detective Arndt told Your Affiant that she witnessed the autopsy of JonBenet Ramsey which was conducted by Dr. John Meyer on December 27, 1996. Detective Arndt told Your Affiant that she observed Dr. Meyer examine the vaginal area of the victim and heard him state that the victim had received an injury constant with digital penetration of her vagina. Detective Arndt told Your Affiant that Dr. Meyer told her that it was his opinion that the victim had been subjected to sexual contact. For further details on the autopsy see the attached document entitled Addendum To Search Warrant.

According to Dr. Wecht, JB had been abused 2 or 3 days before the murder. This would put it in sync with the 911 call on the 23rd. SA provides the most likely motive. However, that does not make it certain. Still, it is hard to believe that JB's killer wasn't aware of what had been done to her.
I've had so many theories regarding this case, but I do think there may be merit to JR or even PR being part of a CSAM cult or ring. On the Duggar thread, much of the film material is produced in the Philippines, which JR is intimately connected with. His "work" with kids/youth in Thailand also sends up red flags.
And while reading an article about Matt Gaetz on Politico, it mentioned that one of his underage "associates" who took the stage with him in 2017 had competed in beauty pageants as a child with none other than JBR herself.
These connections seem too connect-y to overlook without consideration, IMOO.

Did you say Thailand?

Visions of John Mark Carr come to mind......
The foregoing medical examination results are prima facie evidence of molestation. It's that simple.

Outwith a homicide case you could argue this or that, e.g. douching, self-insertion, infection, etc.

JonBenet was molested then an attempt was made to stage it away but not 100% as the medical examinations reported.

The internal scarring and claims about a foreign object represent both chronic and acute molestation.

This forms the basis for a felony sexual assault charge.

All the other things folks can think up regarding how JonBenet might have been assaulted are on the table, but not yet confirmed by any current medical procedure.

So for the injuries discovered and itemized by the medical examiners means one or more of the residents of the Ramsey household are likely responsible?

For a 100% cast-iron opinion you would need to have been present at the grand-jury when Coroner Meyer presented his evidence, as he would have outlined precisely why he thought JonBenet had been digitally penetrated and subject to sexual contact.

12-29-1996 Search Warrant for 755 15th Street, Excerpt


This is amusing. I've been through this process. Yes, she was abused when she was murdered, but is it consistent with the abuse prior to her murder? Can you connect the prior abuse to the murder? Are they one in the same? Prove that to me as an absolute, and you've won your argument. Then this case is a simple child abuse murder. If so, you need to put sharp objects that would puncture, bleed and scar a little girl. Then you have a direct cause of JBR's Monday morning visits to the nurse as a direct cause. Put puncture scars into the picture and I'll withdraw. But without evidence, UKGuy, you're simply someone who attacks someone's outside theories as nonsense because you have the right library and the perfect experts--and everyone knows they can never be wrong.
No one has solved this murder in more than 20 years (neither have you). I challenge you to put the pieces on the board that night. Look at the timeline as reported by the Ramseys. Dismiss anything put into place by Lou Smit. Look into the details of the people the days before the murder occurred. JonBenet wasn't meant to be murdered. There was pressure building before this ever happened. Put the pieces on the board and dismiss the broken window in the train room. I don't believe that Linda Arndt was wrong. Yes, she was new at investigations. Yes, she was hired to handle sexual assault cases in a college town that needed that type of investigator for female sexual assault victims. But let's give her the far-fetched benefit of the doubt. Maybe when she was staring John in the face, it was either based on intuition, experience or a combination of both. (That sends chills up my back and it should do that to you too.)
When have you come forward here you declare everyone as wrong? I've read it all. I've looked over the timeline. I've come back here to see if there is anything new. I want something to declare that what I've discovered is wrong...and there isn't. It's between the parents.
Yes, it's John because they were protecting Burke. Yes, John was protecting Burke because the child he loved the most, Elizabeth (Beth), had died mysteriously [by his multimillionaire's hand had died on a public highway.] But John loved Burke and would protect him as a murderer. Okay fine, but before this had happened what had happened to make Burke the murderer? He hit his sister with a golf club? [Let's lock up every kid who has hurt their sibling now because there's evidence they're monsters.] Was he killing cats or rabbits? No, he was wanting to get away from his clingy sister when he was with his friends. He was also too terribly shy. That makes him a murderer.
Get back to what happened that night. Look it over from what John and Patsy said. Put the pieces on the board and play it through.
UKGuy, please stop discrediting everyone else and start looking at what you've said to discredit them.
I don't give anything you say any credibility because you take glee to discredit other people's points when you already understand all the counterpoints to discredit your own arguments.
This is amusing. I've been through this process. Yes, she was abused when she was murdered, but is it consistent with the abuse prior to her murder? Can you connect the prior abuse to the murder? Are they one in the same? Prove that to me as an absolute, and you've won your argument. Then this case is a simple child abuse murder. If so, you need to put sharp objects that would puncture, bleed and scar a little girl. Then you have a direct cause of JBR's Monday morning visits to the nurse as a direct cause. Put puncture scars into the picture and I'll withdraw. But without evidence, UKGuy, you're simply someone who attacks someone's outside theories as nonsense because you have the right library and the perfect experts--and everyone knows they can never be wrong.
No one has solved this murder in more than 20 years (neither have you). I challenge you to put the pieces on the board that night. Look at the timeline as reported by the Ramseys. Dismiss anything put into place by Lou Smit. Look into the details of the people the days before the murder occurred. JonBenet wasn't meant to be murdered. There was pressure building before this ever happened. Put the pieces on the board and dismiss the broken window in the train room. I don't believe that Linda Arndt was wrong. Yes, she was new at investigations. Yes, she was hired to handle sexual assault cases in a college town that needed that type of investigator for female sexual assault victims. But let's give her the far-fetched benefit of the doubt. Maybe when she was staring John in the face, it was either based on intuition, experience or a combination of both. (That sends chills up my back and it should do that to you too.)
When have you come forward here you declare everyone as wrong? I've read it all. I've looked over the timeline. I've come back here to see if there is anything new. I want something to declare that what I've discovered is wrong...and there isn't. It's between the parents.
Yes, it's John because they were protecting Burke. Yes, John was protecting Burke because the child he loved the most, Elizabeth (Beth), had died mysteriously [by his multimillionaire's hand had died on a public highway.] But John loved Burke and would protect him as a murderer. Okay fine, but before this had happened what had happened to make Burke the murderer? He hit his sister with a golf club? [Let's lock up every kid who has hurt their sibling now because there's evidence they're monsters.] Was he killing cats or rabbits? No, he was wanting to get away from his clingy sister when he was with his friends. He was also too terribly shy. That makes him a murderer.
Get back to what happened that night. Look it over from what John and Patsy said. Put the pieces on the board and play it through.
UKGuy, please stop discrediting everyone else and start looking at what you've said to discredit them.
I don't give anything you say any credibility because you take glee to discredit other people's points when you already understand all the counterpoints to discredit your own arguments.

This is amusing. I've been through this process. Yes, she was abused when she was murdered, but is it consistent with the abuse prior to her murder?
Yes, it is consistent as they are both unwarranted sexual assaults

Can you connect the prior abuse to the murder?
There might be no connection beyond the recurrence of ongoing sexual assault, i.e. periodic. JonBenet's Pediatrician, Dr. Francesco Beuf stated that he never witnessed signs of vaginal abuse being present during her visits. Dr. Beuf's medical records revealed that Patsy Ramsey had called his offices three times on the evening of December 17th. The reason for those calls was never determined. Dr. Beuf's alleged observations are at variance with those of Coroner Meyer and Dr. Sirontak, a pediatrician with Denver Children’s Hospital, both who examined JonBenet postmortem and observed signs of chronic abuse.

Ventus Publishing Foreign Faction Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet by James Kolar, Excerpt
Dr. Meyer conducted an external examination of JonBenét’s genitalia. He had observed spots of blood in the crotch of the underwear she had been wearing when her clothing had been removed, and this alerted him to the possibility that there was a cause for this evidence to be present.

He observed that there was fresh trauma located at the 7:00 o’clock position at the hymeneal opening. The area was inflamed and had been bleeding, and it appeared to Dr. Meyer that a foreign object had been inserted into JonBenét’s genitalia at or near the time of her death.

The site of the damaged tissue was excised and prepared for a pathology slide. Later examination would reveal the presence of ‘cellulose material’ in the membrane of the hymeneal opening that was consistent with the wood of the paintbrush used as a handle in the cord of the garrote.

Dr. Meyer also observed signs of chronic inflammation around the vaginal orifice and believed that these injuries had been inflicted in the days or weeks before the acute injury that was responsible for causing the bleeding at the time of her death. This irritation appeared consistent with prior sexual contact.
The consensus on the above evidence suggested that someone close to JonBenét had been responsible for abusing her in the weeks or months preceding her murder.
I don't believe that Linda Arndt was wrong. Yes, she was new at investigations. Yes, she was hired to handle sexual assault cases in a college town that needed that type of investigator for female sexual assault victims. But let's give her the far-fetched benefit of the doubt. Maybe when she was staring John in the face, it was either based on intuition, experience or a combination of both. (That sends chills up my back and it should do that to you too.)
I reckon Linda Arndt detected something on JR's face that indicated his involvement in JonBenet's homicide. Then again Smit says he looked into JR and PR's eyes and saw innocence gazing back at him.

Ventus Publishing Foreign Faction Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet by James Kolar, Excerpt
Smit took a seat in my office and we spoke briefly about the progress of the investigation. He told me that he had recently returned from Atlanta, where he had spent time visiting the Ramsey family. Patsy had been in the hospital, battling a return of cancer, and he described her as being on her “deathbed”.
I expressed my sympathy for Patsy and the family. They had been through hell.

Smit told me that he had spent some time with Patsy in the hospital, holding her hand and looking into her eyes. He told me that this experience led to him believe that she was “innocent.”

He advised me that he had also looked into the eyes of John Ramsey and didn’t feel that he had been involved in his daughter’s death either.
Patently both Linda Arndt and Lou Smit cannot be correct?

Yes, it's John because they were protecting Burke. Yes, John was protecting Burke because the child he loved the most, Elizabeth (Beth), had died mysteriously [by his multimillionaire's hand had died on a public highway.] But John loved Burke and would protect him as a murderer. Okay fine, but before this had happened what had happened to make Burke the murderer? He hit his sister with a golf club? [Let's lock up every kid who has hurt their sibling now because there's evidence they're monsters.] Was he killing cats or rabbits? No, he was wanting to get away from his clingy sister when he was with his friends. He was also too terribly shy. That makes him a murderer.
No it does not make Burke Ramsey a murderer. Speaking with Detective Arndt as Burke was being interviewed by Dr. Bernhard, Patsy stated that she would have nothing left to live for if she lost Burke. A motive for PR to protect Burke too?

If you read or view by youtube Dr. Bernhard interviewing Burke you can witness the following account:
Ventus Publishing Foreign Faction Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet by James Kolar, Excerpt
When asked again what he thought had happened, Burke advised without hesitation that he knew what had happened to JonBenét and that she had been killed. He stated that he thought someone had quietly carried her downstairs to the basement and that person had then either stabbed JonBenét or struck a blow to her head with a hammer.

A chill ran down the back of my neck as I watched Burke twice physically imitate the act of striking a blow with his right arm during his casual discussion of this matter.

I stopped and replayed that section of the video several times.

It seemed absolutely incredible, but Burke was replicating exactly the type of an over-the-arm blow that would have been responsible for the head injury sustained by JonBenét.


As I reviewed the video time and again, I found it noteworthy that Burke never once mentioned the fact that he knew that JonBenét had been strangled during this conversation with Dr. Bernhard.
Suggesting Burke knows about the head injury but not the ligture asphyxiation? There is forensic evidence to suggest Patsy ligature asphyxiated JonBenet so explaining Burke's omission.

If you compare and contrast John Ramsey's initial postmortem statements these contradict some of his later accounts, e.g. the suitcase, broken window, the chair, partially opened gifts etc. He continually backtracks and introduces novel explanations for some forensic evidence.

I reckon the explanation for this is that all three Ramsey's were operating with incomplete information, i.e. they were not all involved JonBenet's death from start to finish, so were compelled to offer ad hoc versions of events?

So it might be the case is definitely JDI, consistent with JR fronting up JonBenet documentaries at his advanced age, his continual postmortem updating of events and revision of evidence could be construed as a sign of guilt, or is this behavior just a consequence of JR also operating with incomplete information, flowing from a desire to protect Burke?

Linda Arndt had the advantage of observing JR after he carried up the body. Her reaction was to reach for her gun. Nothing could be more removed from an impression of innocence. In regard to LS's views, I am reminded of George W Bush looking into Putin's eyes.

JB was already a crime victim before Christmas. The simplest explanation is that the abuser is also the killer. But perhaps, the simple is out of character for the Rs.
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Linda Arndt had the advantage of observing JR after he carried up the body. Her reaction was to reach for her gun. Nothing could be more removed from an impression of innocence. In regard to LS's views, I am reminded of George W Bush looking into Putin's eyes.

JB was already a crime victim before Christmas. The simplest explanation is that the abuser is also the killer. But perhaps, the simple is out of character for the Rs.

I agree, it is what it looks like: a sexual homicide.

My take is that it was Patsy who murdered JonBenet and denied her medical attention.

Does this make the case PDI?

Could be, then again was she covering for Burke or John both candidates where sexual motivation predominates?

Looks like the case is either JDI or BDI, take your pick.

Lou Smit was brought into the case to specifically introduce the Intruder Theory.

Sure, and it paid off with all the media coverage suggesting the case was IDI.

Curiously Lou Smit did ask the Ramsey's some penetrating questions in their interviews, e.g. he caught JR out over the opened gifts.

His family are looking for donations to do dna matching, best of luck with that.

A new testing method on the block is protein matching, not as variable as dna but is another tool in the locker.

PR wrote the RN to shield herself and/or family. The RN indicates that its author knew that JB was dead. However, IMO there are no such signs in it that the writer (PR) was aware of the SA. So, it's possible that PR wasn't aware of what had been done to JB? On the other hand, there are all the visits and calls to Dr. Beuf.

The thrust of the RN places the responsibility of following the instructions to rescue JB on to JR -"from your account"-"It's up to you John". The significance of this is underscored by the false start RN, which included PR as an addressee.
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PR wrote the RN to shield herself and/or family. The RN indicates that its author knew that JB was dead. However, IMO there are no such signs in it that the writer (PR) was aware of the SA. So, it's possible that PR wasn't aware of what had been done to JB? On the other hand, there are all the visits and calls to Dr. Beuf.

The thrust of the RN places the responsibility of following the instructions to rescue JB on to JR -"from your account"-"It's up to you John". The significance of this is underscored by the false start RN, which included PR as an addressee.

"the false start RN, which included PR as an addressee"

Somehow, I was unaware of this.

So, the author could not, initially, decide who to address in the RN. Such a fascinating case w/ lots of tiny pieces that all do not seem to fit; making it more difficult to know what's truly relevant to the event.

Do you have a link or remember where you read that?

The s0-called practice RN is generally available. IDK where off hand; but, it shouldn't be hard to source. It was found in the notepad which was used for the RN and which JR handed to LE.
"the false start RN, which included PR as an addressee"

Somehow, I was unaware of this.

So, the author could not, initially, decide who to address in the RN. Such a fascinating case w/ lots of tiny pieces that all do not seem to fit; making it more difficult to know what's truly relevant to the event.

Do you have a link or remember where you read that?


04-18-2000 Steve Thomas, "JonBenet, Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation,"

Page 73:

"Chet Ubowski at the CBI had pulled startling information from the tablet belonging to PR. By comparing tear patterns, Ubowski had determined that the first twelve pages were missing and the next four - pages 13 through 16 - contained doodles and lists and some miscellaneous writing."

"But the next group of pages, 17 through 25, were also missing from the tablet. The following page, 26, was the practice ransom note (Mr. and Mrs. I), and that page showed evidence of ink bleedthrough from the missing page 25."

Comparisons of the ragged tops of the ransom note pages with the remnants left in the tablet proved that it had come from pages 27, 28, and 29."

To me, being able to prove that the ransom note came from her table was an incredible piece of evidence.

"Furthermore, the ink bleedthrough discovered on page 26 indicated that perhaps still another practice note could have been written on page 25 and been discarded. Two possible practice notes and one real one covering three pages led me to believe that the killer had spend more time in the house composing the ransom note than we originally thought.

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